The Jewish Link #247

Page 10

Ezra Friedlander with US Senator Michael Bennet

Senate to Honor Shimon Peres Senate unanimously passes Ayotte-Bennet bill to honor Israeli President Shimon Peres with Congressional Gold Medal


March 19, 2014 •


he Senate passed bipartisan legislation introduced by Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) to award Israeli President Shimon Peres with a Congressional Gold Medal. The bill passed the Senate unanimously and now awaits passage by the House of Representatives. If the bill is enacted, President Peres would be the first sitting President of Israel to receive this prestigious award. The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian award in the United States and is awarded to individuals, organizations, or events that have made a tremendous contribution to the history and culture of our country. Before the actual vote Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made these remarks on the Senate floor “ I have had the good fortune to travel the world meeting Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and many people, but I have never met anyone more impressive than [Shimon Peres]. He is a visionary. What he

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has done for the small country of Israel, which is so important to us, is something the history books will report for generations to come.” “I spoke with [President Peres] earlier this week about another matter. I haven’t been to Israel a lot of times, but I have been there a few times. Every time I go, I make sure to take my delegation to visit him... I think so much of this man. It is the least we can do for someone who has done so much for world peace and so much for our country.” “I’m pleased to honor President Peres’ extraordinary record of service that has strengthened the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel, our closest and most reliable ally in the Middle East,” said Senator Ayotte. “This legislation demonstrates that the United States stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel in these uncertain times.” “In a world that is more complicated than ever, President Peres’ leadership has helped strengthen a U.S.-Israel relation-

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