Dec. 17, 2010 The Triangle

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thetrian le The News Source for Columbus North High School

Have you been caught texting and driving? Find out about its dangers. see page 12

1400 25th Street, Columbus, Ind. 47201 | Volume 90 | Issue 04 | 12/17/10

Project Pride • Columbus North’s Men’s cross country team placed 3rd at Nationals • Columbus North has the top can drive in the state, last year raising 19,800 cans for Love Chapel • Columbus North gymnastics teams had undefeated seasons in 2008 and 2009 • Columbus North’s journalism department won Pacemakers for both yearbook and newspaper • We are above state averages with SAT Math, ACT composite and AP testing • We have a graduation rate of 86.4%, which is above state average • Project Pride • Columbus North’s Men’s Cross country placed 3rd at Nationals • Columbus North has the top can drive in the state, last year raising 19,800 cans for Love Chapel • Columbus North gymnastics teams had undefeated seasons in 2008 and 2009 • Columbus North’s journalism department won Pacemakers for both yearbook and newspaper • We are above state averages with SAT Math, ACT composite and AP testing • We have a graduation rate of 86.4%, which is above state average • Project Pride • Columbus North’s Men’s Cross country placed 3rd at Nationals • Columbus North has the top can drive in the state, last year raising 19,800 cans for Love Chapel • Columbus North gymnastics teams had undefeated seasons in 2008 and 2009 • Columbus North’s journalism department won Pacemakers for both yearbook and newspaper • We are above state averages with SAT Math, ACT composite and AP testing • We have a graduation rate of 86.4%, which is above state average • Project Pride • Columbus North’s Men’s Cross country placed 3rd at Nationals • Columbus North has the top can drive in the state, last year raising 19,800 cans for Love Chapel • Columbus North gymnastics teams had undefeated seasons in 2008 and 2009 • Columbus North’s journalism department won Pacemakers for both yearbook and newspaper • We are above state averages with SAT Math, ACT composite and AP testing sing 19,800 cans for Love According to the state, Columbus North is a failing Chapel • Columbus North gymnastics teams undefeated • it. school. Turnhad to page 6 to findseasons out about


we failed

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thetrian le inside issue 4

staff Editor-in-chief Emma Smith

Content Editors Jason Latimer Courtney Smith

Design Editor Katie Kutsko

Copy Editor Evan Trotta

Head Photographer “Working on the academic probation story was an interesting experience for me. I usually work on individual stories by myself, so it was nice to work with others and change my routine up a bit.”

“This issue I switched it up from my usual page design and wrote a column. I was able to tell my story and give my opinion. Hope you read and enjoy!”

Keonna Durham

Business Managers Chelsie Cooper Sara Smith

Editorial Board Becca Brougher Jenny Dieckmann Connor LeClerc Whitney Olibo Vanessa Staublin Caitlin Wilson


Kyla Ball Sarah Barriger Keely Collier Geordie Denholm Nick Edwards Erika Espinoza Grace Fischvogt Dean Anthony Gray Emili Hefler Lindsay Hladik Cade Mead Roth Lovins Hillary McCloskey Mariel Padilla Morgan Proffitt Kaylyn Rideway Molly Rinehart Sam Schreiner Grace Snider Tricia Souza Kayleigh Steigerwalt Ramya Vijayagopal


“This issue was really fun. My pages are very festive and fun. I am really excited to see how everyone likes it.” “This issue, a large group in first period worked to explain all sides of the academic probation. It was great to have all of us working together to make one of the best issues this year. I got to interview state representative Milo Smith. This was a great opportunity. Overall, this issue was really fun.”



think for yourself… Grace Snider’s column


find out about… texting and driving


check this out...

We are a failing school

get to know…

Kathryn Notestine

check us out on Facebook!

Kim Green

read The Triangle’s editorial policy at


go dogs… the Lane sisters


chill out…

with peanut butter blossoms


12/17/10 | thetriangle


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

From Our Angle Can we look a men’s cross country runner in the

eyes and tell him he is a failure? (They just placed third at Nationals.) Can we look a Thespian in the eyes and tell him he is a failure? They performed “White Christmas” this month, one of the only high schools in the country to perform this musical. Can we look a fellow member of a publications staff in the eyes and tell him he is a failure? (Both Log and The Triangle have won Pacemakers, the equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize in high school journalism.) Can we look a member of the women’s swim team in the eyes and tell her she is a failure? (They have won Sectional every year since 1982, a state record.) Can we look the student in the eyes who will be the first member of his family to graduate high school and go to college and tell him he is a failure? Can we look the student in the eyes who gets up and comes to school every single day, despite the fact that he has no one at home who really cares if he succeeds or not, and tell him he is failure? Can we look any student in the eyes who did not pass the Math or English portion of the ECA test the first time he took it but has worked day in and day out until he passed and tell him he is failure? Can we look an English as a Second Language student in the eyes who has the same requirements as every other student in the school and tell him he is a failure? Can we look a student in the eyes who is self-reliant and tell him he is a failure? (He depends on New Hope or for food and shelter.) Can we look any of the 88% of kids in the eyes who graduate from North and go on to a post secondary education and tell him he is a failure? Can we look any of the 470 seniors in the eyes who are out doing great things with their Senior Projects to better our community and tell him he is a failure?

We may be failing in terms of “test scores,” but the things we have achieved beyond them are what really counts

Can we look the advanced Spanish students in the eyes who spend a week of their summer helping children in Calnali, Mexico and tell them they are failures? Can we look the North and East students on the Dance Marathon Committee in the eyes who come together to raise money every year for Turning Point and tell them they are failures? Can we look members of our Student Assembly in the eyes who collect over 22,000 cans every year to help make sure families in our community are not left without food over the holidays and tell them they are failures? Last year our students’ ACT and SAT scores were way above state average, so can we look one of those students in the eyes and tell him he is a failure? Can we look any student at Columbus North in the eyes and really call him a failure? Because essentially, this is exactly what state legislature is doing. The many different accomplishments with which our diverse range of students, in all aspects, can claim doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t match an acceptable test score, then there is no way it can measure our achievements. Forget the fact that we all have a civic responsibility to our community because apparently we are still failures. What can we do? The first thing we can do is show our support. As of November, the state placed North, along with East and CSA Lincoln, on academic probation. Within the first year of receiving this label, the principal proposes an improvement plan to the local school board. Mr. Clark will present this improvement plan along side Mr. Newell and Mr. Phillips, the principals of East and CSA Lincoln, at the next school board meeting. As a staff, The Triangle challenges you to join us for this meeting January 10 at 7 p.m. at Lincoln to show support for our school. School board meetings are considered public hearings, so everyone is welcome--including us. We have a say too, and it matters. Our school matters. Come show support and give back to your school.

photo by Keonna Durham

Junior Molly Rinehart and junior Sydney Jackson cheer at the North verses East football game on Aug., 27. This year was the year that both high schools were tied with wins, North won 42-21, which broke the tie.

thetriangle | 12/17/10

05 think for yourself...

Distracted Drivers What can happen when a driver texts behind the wheel of a car Imagine this: You start your car on a clear summer day. Your dad lets you borrow his car so you can drive yourself to have fun with your Grace Snider friends. Running a bit late, you set out to conquer the drive you travel every day. Of course, though, you’re running behind. You must tell your friends you’re on your way. You resort to the cell phone in your pocket. You got this. You can text them. You press the buttons on the phone, looking up after every word. “Ah, done,” you think, slamming your phone shut. You look up. Now, you’ve drifted to the center of the road. You panic a little and try to correct. Being a new driver, you overcorrect. The car goes one way, then a completely opposite way. Your surroundings are blurring. Everything is happening so fast. The ditch that was so far away is now coming through the window. This can’t be happening, you think. But somehow it is. Suddenly, the madness stops with one big jerk. The car quits moving when it hits the telephone pole. You look around, stunned. No, I can’t be the kid to wreck my dad’s car. You sit in your wrecked car, shocked. Tears come with a horrified scream. Trembling, you pick up your cell phone - the phone that caused it all. You dial home. “Hello,” you hear your dad say.

“Dad,” you say through sobs, “I wrecked the car.” This unfortunate situation was me. I totaled my father’s car on July 10, 2010, and yes, I was texting and driving. It was probably the worst day of my life. I felt like a failure, a horrible person and an idiot. The days that followed the avoidable wreck were hard. I couldn’t get the images of the accident out of my head. I wanted so badly to rewind time and have a do-over. If the wreck ever escaped my mind, the whiplash and bruise on my arm only served as a reminder. It took me a while to accept that it happened. I wrecked a car; it was my fault. I believe that life is about making mistakes. It’s okay to have several mistakes in life, but the key is that you must learn from them. Now when I sit in the driver’s seat, my phone stays in my pocket and my attention stays on the road. I understand texting and driving has become a common everyday thing. It easily falls under the cliche of “everyone is doing it.” I notice that both my peers and adults have developed the habit. I get it. I’ve done it too. But I caution you to learn from my mistake. Keep a wreck off your conscience, and if my situation wasn’t enough to convince you, think about this: I was fortunate to have the outcome I had. To total a car and walk away healthy is lucky. There are so many other things that could’ve happened. What if there was another car on the road? That too was easily possible. I could have damaged an innocent persons car, or even life. So if you believe I’m just incapable of multi-tasking, remember that when you get on the road, you must trust your fellow drivers. If everyone is distracted in their cars, no one is safe.

Check out to read Connor LeClerc’s column about dodgeball.

IN TSA WE SHOULD TRUST You just can not have your cake and eat it too. As citizens of the United States of America, we expect the government to provide for our safety. Safety from natural disasters, criminals, terrorist threats, etc. Part of having extra Cade Mead security is having less privacy, and it seems as though that aspect is not being taken into consideration. An increase in airport security took place after 9/11. Complaints about pat downs and random searches immediately arose. TSA introduced advanced imaging technology, including millimeter wave machines and backscatter x-rays, commonly referred to as “body scanners”. The machines produce images that can detect anything from prosthetic limbs to liquid explosives. All images are then reviewed by security members.

Many travelers are taking issue with total strangers looking at their personal images. Others worry about possible safety risks that could result from the radiation used by the machines. Both fears have been addressed by TSA. Those who fear that a stranger is seeing them nude should realize that the images have blank faces and all genitalia areas are represented as blank lumps. On top of that, the employee reviews the images in a separate room and does not see who is going through the scanner. As for those who fear health concerns, they should know that both the FDA and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health have concluded that the scanners are safe. Still, baseless complaints and fears continue to receive attention in the news. No good deed goes unpunished; the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Either side could be argued when it comes to the perceived invasions of privacy that come with security measures. Isn’t it more important that one can fall asleep without the fear of waking up to disaster?

You know what really

Grinds My Gears?

Some things just really annoy us. Senior Geordie Denholm takes a look at pesky problems around Humbugs North. I understand those who don’t celebrate Christmas, but for those Grinches who are intentionally trying to be Scrooges, Santa knows who you are.

SHOWS that don’t end There are some great TV shows, but honestly, after 32 seasons, episodes tend to get a little repetitive.

facebook and twitter statuses I’m sorry, but when I start hearing about your bodily functions, it has gone too far. Making my bed It is just going to get messy again tonight, and really, who is going to see it? Me? I thought I told you. I don’t care.

Open mouth chewers Please, I saw what you’re eating before you put it in your mouth, and believe me, it looked a lot better beforehand. It’s acceptable

cut it out!


12/17/10 | thetriangle


Bull Dogs are under Academic Probation - and we have limitations on what we can do on the internet at school. With all these restrictions happening, one might question what is going on. The Triangle goes in depth on what our school is experiencing during our time being on probation and what you need to know about going online.

Public law 221

To measure progress, P.L. 221 places Indiana schools into one of five categories based upon student performance and improvement data from the Istep + and the End of Course Assessments (ECAs)

•Exemplary Progress •Commendable Progress •Academic Progress •Academic Watch (priority) •Academic Probation (high priority)

North failed yearly academic progress, but we wouldn’t have if... ...19 more students would have passed Algebra 1 or English 10. ...we were less diverse. ...we had fewer than 30 ESL students. ...we focused more on testing. Is this right?

compiled by Emma Smith, Vanessa Staublin, Emili Hefler, Hillary McCloskey, Kaylyn Rideway, Sam Schreiner

Progressively worse According to the Indiana Department of Education, a 39% increase in the number of schools that are on Academic Probation in 2010. That represents a 154 school increase and Columbus North is one of those schools.

Exemplary Progress Commendable Progress Academic Progress Academic Watch Academic Probation % of Indiana Schools that fell in that category

the state 4%





8% 13%






“I think North is pretty good at teaching concepts. We have pretty good teachers and all the college students I’ve talked to say they were prepared for college.” junior Katie Barth

4.67% 4.67%

“B” “B” “C” “C”



“D” “D”

29.44% 29.44%


14.95% 6.54% 6.54%


7.94% 7.94% 23.83%

teacher/ TEACHER/ STUDENT student INTERACTION interaction


4.21% 4.21%







PREPARATION Preparation FOR COLLEGE for college

“F” “F” 46.73% 46.73%

Yo Yo Bull Dogs... It isn’t very often that I’ve been asked to write an “open letter” to the students of CNHS... as a matter of fact, this would be a first for me. But I appreciate the invitation and only hope that I can convey my thoughts in a manner that will have some meaning for you. If those who make these mandates and laws don’t ever figure out that you are young men and young women, each with a personality, value system, family, friends, activities, jobs, and goals, then I am afraid that the results of our high stakes exams will never please them.

1) Doing your best every day is a key. Each of us will have challenges. You are great young women and great young men and when you do your best you can overcome those hurdles, obstacles, and make them opportunities in your lives. If your best is a C then I expect you to get a C. If your best is a B then I expect you to get a B. Do your best!

214 students surveyed were asked to assess North in four different categories. A majority of the students consistently rated North as a “B” in each category. Of 214 students 55.14 percent believe that Columbus North is a “B” school overall.

“A” “A”

To the young women and young men of CNHS,

So what do I think is important? May I suggest three things for you?

students assess North

3.27% 3.27%

From the principal

43.46% 43.46%

44.39% 44.39%

2) We, the faculty, deans, counselors and administrators of CNHS, will never force you to learn. We will help and guide you. But YOU must exercise your agency to learn. Knowledge is power and the knowledge you gain while at CNHS will aide and guide you for the rest of your lives. And when you do you will find that GPA’s and class rankings will become secondary to knowledge. 3) Scoring well on standardize test is a good thing, but I’m just as interested in the student who is persistent, is a creative thinker, can make good decisions, can communicate properly and effectively, knows how to control their impulsivity, shows respect to themselves and others, can work collaboratively with others, and has a strong work ethic. Anyone can do these things and these are the things that really matter.


18.22% 55.14% 20.56%

To read Mr. Clark’s entire letter check out

2.8% 3.27%

The difference one student makes

Students’ Views

“I would say that North has given us some tools to succeed out of high school, but not enough information on how to use them. They treat us more as high schoolers, than people preparing to go out in the world.” junior Sarah Waskom

Students share their opinions on how North has prepared them for college

“The counselors help me to achieve and be a successful adult. We have check-ins and I know how to get to where I want to be after I graduate.” junior Taylor Greenlee

“They give us hard tests and make us take notes. They also prep us with what they did in college” sophomore Katasha Skinner

For Columbus North to have been put into the Academic Watch category, a “D” school, only 19 more students would have had to pass Algebra 1 or English 10 For Columbus North to have been put into the Academic Progress category, a “c” school, only 20 more students would have had to pass Algebra 1 or English 10

“I have no way to judge that (North is not a failing school) besides the numbers the state has given me.” Indiana State Representative Milo Smith


12/17/10 | thetriangle


Public Law 221, Indiana’s accountability system for K-12 education, and the federal No Child Left Behind act recently placed Columbus North under Academic Probation, the equivalent to an F in school. Over 50 percent of all Indiana schools have been placed on Academic Probation, which has led the state superintendent of Indiana schools Tony Bennett and Indiana governor Mitch Daniels to re-evaluate the way public education is run.

Under the Standard Principals share their emotions about being on Academic Probation, thoughts about future One of Indiana’s education laws, Public Law 221, has shaken Columbus North by placing it under “Academic Probation.” The state labels schools under one of five categories, ranging from Exemplary Progress (the best) to Academic Probation (the worst), according to improvement data from ISTEP and End of Course Assessment results. Because the Class of 2012 had no data to compare last spring’s End of Course Assessment results, the state judged it against the results of the 2007 ISTEP, a separate test created by a different vendor. In comparison with the 2007 ISTEP results, the 2010 English End of Course Assessment rate of improvement was not as high as the ISTEP results. As a result of this comparison, North was put on Academic Probation by the state. Principal David Clark, who strongly disagrees with the test comparison process and the state’s projection for each student to have the same test scores, believes personal attention to the student should be top priority. “It’s very insulting to [be put on Academic Probation] as a principal. At Columbus North we focus on the child,” Mr. Clark During the 2-day boil water ban on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 , Principal David Clark helped pass out water to students in Senior Circle. He radioed in to others at the school to tell when they needed more water for students.

said. “We don’t believe one size fits all. We want to help meet kids at their level and help them move forward.” Assistant Principal Susan Scott has similar thoughts concerning North’s current standing. “We need to stress that we are not a failing school,” Mrs. Scott said. “Students [at North] are getting more dual credits than other schools, breaking records for scholarship money and have excellent test scores in other standardized tests [like SAT, ACT, and AP Exams].” As a consequence of being on probation, the local School Board will conduct a hearing Jan. 10, where a school improvement committee revises a school improvement plan, which may include changing personnel and shifting resources. Although Academic Probation is for this school year, it could last up to a maximum of six years if test scores do not improve. During the sixth year, the state would be in complete control of North. Looking ahead a few years, Mr. Clark is optimistic about where we will stand. “We feel confident that we will move up,” he said. “There is always room for improvement.”

“[The Academic Probation] is very insulting to me as a principal. Everyone can talk about making standards higher. At CNHS we focus on the child. We don’t believe one size fits all. We want to help meet kids at their level and help them move forward.” Principal David Clark

more than grades An overview of a few of the areas Columbus North students focus on besides grades All 482 seniors are participating in Project Pride, raising money and benefiting people across the whole community. The men’s cross country team placed 3rd at Nationals. Last Year Student Assembly raised over 19,800 cans for Love Chapel to benefit families in need.

North vs the state According to the statistics from the 2008-2009 school year, Columbus North out preformed the state in most categories

CNHS State 22.5 22.2






The women’s gymnastics team went undefeated in the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Students, alumni and teachers have put on American Pie, a musical history tour that raised money to benefit the Social Studies department, for over 25 years. Recently the journalism department has won pacemakers for both yearbook and newspaper. The theatre departments is one of the first high schools to perform White Christmas.


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The Columbus North Concert band and choir preformed at the Pearl Harbor memorial in the 2009-2010 school year. (7°;LZ[°7HZZPUN° .YHK\H[PVU°9H[L 9H[L

Side of the State

Indiana State Representative from district 59 Milo Smith shares the positives of Academic Probation North, along with 190 other schools in Indiana, was put on Academic Probation. The word probation should be a warning for administration and students, but for Indiana State Representative Milo Smith, a Columbus native, sees this as a turning point for North.

rate was not up to state standards outlined in this this law, which could result in repercussions.

“Being on probation does not have to be a bad thing,” he said. “Probation gives North and other high schools around the state to improve.”

This could result in a massive overhaul of the administration.

The scores from the End of Course Assessment from the Class of 2012 were not recognized as “passing” scores. The ECA taken last year was compared to the ISTEP test from the 2012’s eighth grade year to see if there was any improvement. “The ECA is being compared to the test from three years ago, but superintendent of public instruction Dr. Tony Bennett has assured me that accommodations have been done so the two tests are comparable,” Mr. Smith said.

“There will be consequences if there is no change,” Mr. Smith said. “Dr. Bennett plans to hire someone to run the school if there are no results.”

“The state is looking for schools to change and make improvements. Teachers and administration are going to be upset. They are in fear of losing their jobs,” Mr. Smith said. “The public school’s traditional path has to be gotten rid of. Some schools will lose teachers because they aren’t going to make the change.”

“Being on probation does not have to be a bad thing”

According to an advocate for public education Dr. Vic Smith, the ECA created the test so that 35 percent of students fail. Yet Mr. smith believes this debatable. “I think this is just an allegation. Why would someone make a test that shows that our schools are failing?” he said. “However, I don’t think there should ever be a test that is so easy that everyone passes. We need tests that are designed to get actual results.” Public Law 221 states that schools must meet a certain percentage of improvement each year based on test scores and that schools that fall under Academic Probation must improve after a certain number of years. North’s testing improvement

Although that might be the case for faculty, Mr. Smith wants to keep the focus of the situation on students.

“We need students to be best prepared for life. I feel like the schools are shortchanging students and society,” he said. “Students won’t be prepared to take care of themselves.” Part of that preparation is a college education, which creates fuel for the economy, according to Mr. Smith. The state legislature’s main concern is to assure that all students perform well enough to reach a secondary education. Programs in BCSC like book buddies, tutoring and Mcdowell aim to help those students excel. “In my experience, schools need to improve lack of discipline and each kids progression. We have great programs besides school to help at-risk kids. Mcdowell is one of those programs,” Mr. Smith said. “200 students graduated from Mcdowell last year, but I want to know ‘why did those students need to go to Mcdowell?’”



12/17/10 | thetriangle

check this out...

We don’t always understand why school Internet policies are the way they are. BCSC Director of Technology Mike Jamerson explains why and who decides what sites students can visit.

photo illustration by Jason Latimer

WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? Property taxes ultimately decide how much money is provided for the school, which determines how much money the school can spend on technology. “Property taxes are established by the local community, but they’re also set and capped by state and constitutional law,” Mr. Jamerson said. “Property tax caps that are in place severely limit schools.”

photo by Keonna Durham


“We’ve been having a lot of conversations about how can we implement Second Life so that its a valuable instructional tool at BCSC. How do we use it, and how do we construct instruction and learning around that? When we have those types of solutions, wow, we can open them up and make them valuable.” Director of Technology Mike Jamerson

Additionally, BCSC receives a 68 percent discount on telecommunications services from the Universal Services Fund, a fund that all telephone users across the country pay into. Schools and libraries then apply for money from that fund to pay, as an example, for computers and Internet. However, the main reason why North filters many sites is because of bandwidth. To allow access to more sites, the district must pay for more bandwidth. Today, BCSC spends about $3,000 on bandwidth, and adding more bandwidth costs more money.

WHY CAN’T I GET ON THIS SITE? Bandwidth is the transfer capacity of a computer network; in other words, how much online information our computers can handle. Visiting Web sites takes up bandwidth, and allowing access to too many sites results in a shortage of bandwidth. In other words, we need to block Pandora to allow bandwidth for research databases. BCSC currently provides 65 Megabits of bandwidth for the whole district. To put that in perspective, students have about 3 Mb at home on their DSL line. “Some studies would argue that our district should have 40 Kb per student. That would translate to about 400 Mb by 2011,” Mr. Jamerson said. And that is certainly a goal. Five years ago, BCSC provided 5 Mb. Next year it plans to increase the current bandwidth limit by 50 percent up to 90 Mb. That number will probably double as individual students start to receive their own laptops, according to Mr. Jamerson. “As we open more and more of these digital resources, as we use more of the internet based resources... we’ll see a larger and larger increase and capacity,” he said.

WHY CAN’T I USE FACEBOOK? “Frankly, we don’t see a way or a value to use facebook in the instructional environment today,” Mr. Jamerson said “And, to this point, I’ve yet to see a compelling reason to open Facebook up. However, The Triangle hopes to reverse that ruling. Social media has become a huge component of the journalism realm. Any publication that wishes to survive in the digital age must provide news for its readers not just in the newspaper, but in the news feed. “Facebook is the number one social media source for our country and for Columbus North. Because of this, The Triangle utilizes Facebook to convey information to the students,” The Triangle editor-in-chief Emma Smith said. “It is very helpful to use to send information to our readers, as well as to send posts to our staff members about meetings.”


“I am new to Moodle. I’m hoping that it will provide a way for me to test students or interact with them in a different format” science teacher Jamie Champlin

In an effort to utilize the advantages of social media, BCSC has begun using Moodle, a program that allows students to connect with their class through online coursework. Science teacher Jamie Champlin uses the application to educate her students out of the classroom. This January, BCSC plans to expand Moodle by breaking it off into elementary, middle and high school parts. According to Mr. Jamerson, elementary and middle school students may not be able to use some features as effectively as high schoolers, like chatting and blogs. The district hopes to avoid any complications this might cause.

“I would just assume not have a content filter,” Jamerson said. “It’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of money and it’s something forced on us by the federal government.” Schools must filter obvious Internet content, like pornography and violence, but the filter system also “helps funnel what we do with the resource into instructional needs.” “Anytime someone has come to me with a positive, instructional value to a tool, we have opened it up,” Jamerson said.

Did you know that Carmel High School had Facebook unblocked for its student publications? Go to to hear the interview with CHS publications advisor Jim Streisel.

“Those things” include e-mails. If North didn’t filter out e-mail services like Gmail, the school would have to ask Google for the e-mails, which could get expensive. To provide students with e-mail, BCSC has set up Groupwise. However, the district must still archive all content.

WHY DO THEY ARCHIVE EVERYTHING? North is required to document all Web-based activity for legal reasons. If a person is accused of inappropriate activity or a crime on a computer, the school must be able to present them. A single web click can create 20 to 30 records, and can add up to about a gigabyte of information a day across the whole district. “We could be forced to disclose those kinds of things in legal cases,” Mr. Jamerson said. “If somebody sued us and said such-and-such a thing happened over the Internet at x-time… we have to produce those things.”

WHAT DECIDES WHERE I CAN VISIT? One role of the technology division is deciding which Web sites to open up and which ones to filter out, not only to allow bandwidth for sites the school needs, but also to follow federal regulations.


photo by Keonna Durham

WHAT ABOUT CSA? And that’s just what CSA did. CSA students conducted a multi-week study and presented instructional reasons for opening up Twitter, Skype and GoogleDocs for their school. So why not Facebook? “At this point we have not tried to get Facebook to be unblocked because although we think there could be some educational benefits, we aren’t sure how we would keep everyone using it appropriately. Maybe in the future if we find strong enough benefits of it and brainstorm ways to make sure it is used appropriately we will be able to get it unblocked. Since our students use laptops all day, everyday, it is a pretty big risk, even in a small school setting.” junior Amanda Knox

talkin’ ‘bout our generation 6 in 10 Americans younger than 30 get most national and international news online.

photo by Keonna Durham

Juniors Amanda Knox, Chris Settle and sophomore Patrick discuss the educational benefits for unblocking certain web sites at their 25th Street campus.

“We do not have Facebook. We are not trying to get it unblocked, and no one is trying. I don’t think we could use it effectively.” junior Chris Settle

“Facebook was never, to my knowledge, unblocked. The big two that are unblocked are Skype and Twitter.” sophomore Patrick (requested his last name not be used)

40% use the internet most in 2010 compared to 24% in 2007. 35% prefer newspapers 70% prefer television Source: report/479/internet-overtakesnewspapers-as-news-source

compiled by Jason Latimer, Kyla Ball, Jenny Dieckmann, Grace Snider, Erika Espinoza, Dean Gray, Morgan Proffitt and Katie Kutsko

"The lights were in the car behind me," Phillips said. "I had a cold sweat, and I pulled over to the side of the road."

Once Phillips regained the car and his tracking, he noticed the flashing lights of the police car.

"The same thing happened again," Phillips said. "This time when I corrected, I swerved and crossed the center line."

Despite stopping, Phillips picked up his phone again.

"My tires were in the grass," Phillips said. "I corrected myself and got back on the road. I stopped texting for a while after that happened."

Phillips began to loose his ability to track the lines on the road.

"I was on my way home from a party at a friend's house. It was about 11 o'clock [p.m.], and I was texting while I was driving," Phillips said. "I was holding the phone up by the wheel."

BNN Producer and senior Lucas Phillips learned his lesson about texting and driving.

"I wouldn't recommend it," Phillips said. "You aren't completely in control. You can't think independently and focus on driving for your safety."

Phillips now knows texting while driving is a bad idea.

“ I still have the warning as a momento," Phillips said. " I haven't told my parents what really happened, I just told them I was tired."

Phillips got off with a warning, but he learned his lesson.

"She asked me what I was doing, just simple questions," Phillips said. "She told me that I had been crossing the center line. I assume that she thought I was drunk, but I had only had sprite and water at the party. She didn't perform any tests."

The officer approached Phillips' vehicle.

"I didn't know what to do with my phone," Phillips said. " I thought about the glove box, but I couldn't put it there, so I just put it in my pocket."

Police teach senior Lucas Phillips valuable lesson about texting and driving

n Drv?


do u

12 find out about...

Upon completion of the course, four points can be taken off any participant’s driver’s license. If no points are on it, the driver receives negative four credits.

If a driver receives two tickets in less than a year, he or she may be ordered by court to take the course.

James gives the one time, four-hour course once a month at $55.

Geared towards the 15-25 age group, the highest car accident related fatality rate.

AA Driving School instructor Vince James recently launched a program to increase safe driving. Alive at 25 is a hands on course to teach the dangers of distracted driving habits.

Alive at 25

Phillips stows his phone away in the glove box before driving to restrain himself from answering a text on the road. “I just don’t text. I keep my phone in my pocket, and I wouldn’t recommend texting to anyone” Phillips said.

12/17/10 | thetriangle

senior Derek Kikendall



Adjusting the radio requires manual and visual focus.

Checking your reflection requires visual and cognitive focus

“I never text while I drive except for when I am at stoplights. I’m too scared to do it while I’m actually driving.”

Common distractions include changing the radio station, mp3 or iPod, using a cell phone, updating GPS, eating and drinking. Putting on makeup and grooming also distract drivers.

Taking your mind off of what you are doing.


Taking your hands off of the wheel.


Taking your eyes off of the road.


Distracted driving encompasses three categories:

In 2008, 20% of all crashes in Indiana involved some type of distracted driving. Distracted driving is any activity that prevents the driver from driving safely and increases their chances of crashing.

Being a safe driver requires a focused mind

Fully focused?

“If you drink and drive, you make the wrong decision before getting into the car, but when you text while you drive, you keep making the wrong decisions while in the car, so they are equally as dangerous.”

senior Sarah Criswell

junior Jordan Jewett





Students give their opinions on distractions behind the wheel

“I don’t ever text while I drive. I may look at my phone at a stop light, but not while I am actually driving. It’s a very bad idea to use your phone and steer.”

Safe driving requires visual, manual, and cognitive focus.

Texting takes away all three types of focus.

“I don’t typically text while I drive, but I am notorious for messing with my iPod while I drive.”

senior Andy Cox



Deadly Distractions

Phillips still had his phone.


12/17/10 | thetriangle

check this out...



Auditions for courage to climb in the cafeteria 1 - 5 pm


north vs east women’s basketball game 6 pm at East

first day of winter north vs east men’s varsity game 6 pm here

december 23

22 can drive and first semester end “I kind of wished I finished my first semester better. I was kind of lazy.” senior Chris Shillings



Christmas “Christmas is my favorite because I get to spend time with people I don’t normally get to spend time with.” junior Conner Conroy

winter break begins

new year’s eve

“I usually go to a friend’s house and stay up until the ball drops. It’s really not a big deal” senior Allison Grana

wonderful white weekend First-ever winter musical debuts Last weekend, “White Christmas” sold 2,000 total tickets. Drama coach John Johnson said that is pretty average with a big show, like “Cinderella” or “Seussical.” He said they would have had a bigger turnout if the weather would have been better. The show broke the record in pre-sales, selling 1,160 tickets before the first show Friday night. Also, for the first time, Johnson offered pre-sale tickets on the North drama Web site. The show sold 434 tickets, a positive outcome. Patrons contributed $30 worth of donations online. This is the breakdown of ticket sales: 750 on Friday, 750 on Saturday and 550 on Sunday.

$5,800 pre sale +$6,720 at the door Seniors Derek Kikendall and Rachel Ozols look onto the dancing duo sophomore Rory Willats and senior Kara Katzenmeyer. The musical that ran last weekend made more money in pre sale tickets than any other North production. To find out more about Katzenmeyer, turn to page 24.

$12,520 total

photo by Mackenzie Goens

01 new year’s day (don’t forget to eat your cabbage!) “My husband’s mother is Irish. It is a tradition in his family that we’ve carried out every year.” librarian Toni Held



Late archery season ends for deer hunting


american pie auditions begin

public hearing for schools on academic probation to present improvment plans for their respected plans 7 pm at CSA Lincoln

january isit

dates, v

kly up For wee


media s h n c . www

Show up and support your fellow Bull Dogs! compiled by The Triangle staff

thetriangle | 12/17/10

15 get to know...


How are Bull Dogs spending their time during the school day? Read on to learn about a young senior who is looking forward to an early graduation and a resilient freshman who was diagnosed with Type One diabetes early in her life.

Jump-StART TO LEARNING While most juniors celebrate becoming an upper classman, former junior Ravi Narsinghani took on the roll of being a senior. Narsinghani decided two weeks into his junior year that he wanted to graduate a year early from high school. “I sat down with my mom and told her it was either sooner or later,” Narsinghani said. “I saw no benefits of staying in high school.” With most of his credits completed, Narsinghani had to change his schedule to fit in the senior required classes: economics and government. This switch caused him to lose his resource and brought on the stress of senior year in addition to the stress he was already having from junior year. “I’m applying to all of the major business schools such as University of North Carolina, DePaul University and Indiana University,” Narsinghani said. “I’m stressed all of the time because of college applications and the senior project.” Along with the senior requirements, Narsinghani is also a member of the men’s tennis team. This year was his first year as a varsity member. “I was excited to make varsity this year, but it sucks because I will only get to be on varsity one year since I am now a senior,” Narsinghani said. Because he will have only been on varsity one year, Narsinghani has not yet purchased a lettermen jacket. “I was planning on getting a lettermen jacket this year since I will letter in tennis,” Narsinghani said. “Since I am graduating this year, I won’t be able to get one because I would not want to wear it at college.”

Senior Ravi Narsinghani plans to move ahead to college

Along with the stress, Narsinghani’s friends were sure to point out some aspects of high school he will not be able to experience. “My friends think that I am an idiot because I will miss out on a lot of experiences,” Narsinghani said. While Narsinghani’s friends are supportive of his decision, they are not completely sure it was the right choice. “Sure it looks good on college applications, but he seems like he’s under a lot of stress,” senior Adam Davis said. “(Narsinghani) only gets to experience things like prom once, and that sucks.” However, Narsinghani’s family stands behind his decision. “I think (he’s) smart, and I’m supportive of him,” Narsinghani’s cousin, freshman Krishan Narsinghani said. “It bugs me that people keep asking him why he chose to graduate early. It’s his decision.” Krishan believes Narsinghani has the ability to succeed with his choice and remains supportive of him. With a short amount of time to accomplish multiple tasks, Narsinghani’s free time and family time have become limited. “We have Indian family things on Sundays, and [Ravi] doesn’t come much anymore, and he just seems overall more stressed,” Krishan said. With Narsinghani’s final year of high school filling up with stress and running out of time, Davis gives him some advice. “Try your hardest to enjoy everything you do,” Davis said. “You only get one high school experience, so make it a good one.”

photo by Keonna Durham

Even though understanding the consequences changes nothing to Narsinghani, he believes he is not missing out. “I hung out with the seniors last year (when they were juniors) because of my math, physics and accounting classes,” Narsinghani said. “Because of that , I do not think I will miss out on any opportunities.” by Becca Brougher

Senior Ravi Narsighani studies hard before his jam-packed school day of eight classes. Not only does Narsighani have to fulfill his junior year requirements, he also has to take senior classes. “The stress of high school sucks,” Narsinghani said.

12/17/10 | thetriangle


conquering conditions

Diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in fourth grade, freshman overcomes and lives a normal teenage lifestyle AUGUST 12, 2004, freshman Kathryn Notestine went to the doctor for a regular check-up before the first day of school. “During the summer, my head hurt all the time, I was thirsty and I didn’t feel well. I had to go to the bathroom all the time too,” Notestine said. “It was a regular check-up before school started.” Notestine’s mother, Sarah Notestine, wanted to get her checked out just in case. “She was experiencing stomach pain. We couldn’t figure out was wrong. She had excessive thirst,” Mrs. Notestine said. “We scheduled to see the doctor for her stomach pain, and she was also losing weight.” The phone call came after the doctor’s visit later that day. “We were in Keystone shopping for school,” Notestine said. “My mom got the call from Dr. Guse. She was talking on the phone. We went straight to Riley. I didn’t have any extra clothes.” Notestine only felt one thing. “I was scared,” Notestine said. “I had no idea what it was. It was new to me.” Her mother felt the same. “I wish it could have been me,” Mrs. Notestine said. “We knew she had a new changed life

ahead of her and that it would be a life struggle. I don’t want diabetes to ever identify her or hold her back.” The doctor diagnosed Notestine with Type One Diabetes, a condition where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin for the body and does not break down sugar. “At first, I had a strict diet,” Notestine said. “I had to have three shots a day and only eat 75 carbs at lunch. Every other time I ate, I had to do calculations of the carbs. I could only eat 30 carb snacks.” Things got easier, however, the summer going in to her 7th grade year. “I got the pump two summers ago. It calculates the amount of carbs I eat. I can eat basicaly whatever now,” Notestine said. “When I had shots, I could take them in the legs, arms, stomach or butt. With the pump, I can put it on my leg or stomach.” Mrs. Notestine agrees that the pump lightens the load on her daughter. “She manages her diabetes completely. If she sees a pattern in her blood that’s high or low, she’ll tell me, and we’ll make the adjustment of given insulin,” Mrs. Notestine said. “With the pump, she doesn’t have diet limitations now.”

senior Elizabeth Notestine, has helped her through the years. “My family is really supportive. My parents do everything,” Notestine said. “They come to every Riley check-up. My sister and brothers learned how to give me shots too before I had the pump.” Along with family, Notestine’s friends support her as well. “I think Kathryn does her little calculations and needle pricks before she eats so she knows how much she should take,” freshman Salem Williams said. “I’m not entirely sure though, I’ve gotten so used to it that I sometimes forget she’s diabetic.” Hanging out with friends was difficult at times for Notestine. “Before she got her pump she couldn’t stay up late and eat junk food all night like the rest of us girls, but she always had a good attitude about it and had a good time,” Williams said. “Now that she has her pump though, she can do basically anything.” Kathryn’s mother thinks about her youngest daughter’s health every day. “When I go to bed, I have her on my mind,” Mrs. Notestine said, “and when I wake up, her health is the first and foremost thing on my mind.” by Vanessa Staublin

Notestine’s family, including

photo by Keonna Durham

Freshman Kathryn Notestine was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes the day before the first day of school. Before her pump, Notestine recieved shots everyday for her insulin. She now uses a pump that does the job. “The pump calculates the amount of insulin I need and then pumps it through,” Notestine said.

17 go dogs...

thetriangle | 12/17/10


Bull Dogs with a variety of interests are making an impact. Like sports? Check out the Lane sisters on page 18. Music your thing? Read about American Pie and its future. How about languages/cultures? See what Joe Bridgeman is doing as the president of the German club.

Everyone gets a piece of pie Ed Niespodziani and his American Pie team are working together to spread the value of American Pie across the nation The crowd was cheering. The lights were flashing. The band started its song when senior Allie Halstead and the other singers began to sing. Halstead, who is a frequent American Pie participant, was one of the many background singers to perform in last year’s production. “I got started with [American Pie] when I was a freshman and have been doing it ever since,” Halstead said. American Pie, a concert series featuring music through the ages, has been around since 1985. The program was first started by history teacher Ed Niespodziani as a part of a Social History class once offered here at North. The class taught the ways music has been interwoven into society, as well as the influence it has had on the public. The class was in high demand; every student wanted to take it, which was why it later became a burden. Shortly after the class was put into effect, the class was cut from the curriculum for reasons even the teacher found hard to understand. “The class was cut because too many students were taking it,” Mr Niespodziani said. “It doesn’t make much sense to me.” Even though the class was cut, Mr. Niespodziani made sure that the concert series would continue on. “The concept itself was too important to get rid of,” Mr. Niespodziani said. “Music is inseparable from society.” With this attitude, Mr. Niespodziani and students were able to keep American Pie up and running for 25 years. In 2008, Mr. Niespodziani started collecting film, pictures and funding for a program he would call the Rockumentary, a documentary compiled from 100 hours of 2008 video- taped footage. The goal of the Rockumentary is to encourage other schools to take on the idea of American Pie for themselves. “We want to show the whole idea of American Pie,” Mr. Niespodziani said, “through filming auditions, rehearsals and the performance.” However, the project does not come cheap. Mr. Niespodziani has been making monthly payments for the Rockumentary to be made. For the first monthly

payment, Mr. Niespodziani bartered a table with a man in exchange for his time and work on the project. For two months after that, Mr. Niespodziani had to make the payments himself. The ideal amount to be collected for the Rockumentary is $40,000, and that is just to make one disk. Mr. Niespodziani is working with a man in town on the Rockumentary at a better rate. He is offering to do the Rockumentary for $3,000. Fortunately one slice of American Pie has been started in Hilton Head, South Carolina by previous Columbus North English teacher Cindy Sturgis. When American Pie first started, Sturgis was a stage manager and speaker at American Pie. When she was at North, she thought that American Pie was a great teaching tool for all students. “[American Pie] is a fabulous way of getting the community involved and teaching them in a way they aren’t used to,” Mrs. Sturgis said. When Mrs. Sturgis moved to a different school, she took the idea of American Pie with her. “We started it as a part of our creative writing class and it has grown exponentially since then,” Mrs. Sturgis said. American Pie has also been wildly popular. In fact, for the past six years, American Pie has sold out all of its tickets. However, the proceeds from American Pie do not help the Rockumentary; most of the proceeds themselves go back to North. “$3,000 went to the PA system, $2,000 went to the band that played, $6,000 to the school, and somewhere from $500 to $700 went to the Choir, Band, and Art departments,” Mr. Niespodziani said. “We were also able to grant money to a photography program.” Sturgis was one of the first people to introduce the idea to a different school. The Rockumentary, which will be sent out by American Pie this year, should encourage the same thing from others as well. “American Pie is my favorite time of the [school] year,” Halstead said. “It would be cool if other schools did their own version of it.” by Roth Lovins

above: Singing “Hand In My Pocket” by Alanis Morisette, senior Allie Halstead performs in the 2010 American Pie show. “Being in American Pie is a cool opportunity,” Halstead said. “Singing up on that stage in front of all those people is just like being in an alternate universe.” below: History teacher Ed Niespodziani is one of the original founders of American Pie; a concert series that has been around for over 25 years.

12/17/10 | thetriangle

18 go dogs...

State Championships

he g m s open


As schools continue to make tough decisions with budgets and program cuts, athletic director Jeff Hester has no decision to make regaurding our gymnastics program Across the state schools are dropping high school gymnastics. Conference Indiana, which previously consisted of eight teams, has six competitive teams left, including Columbus North. Southport and Lawrence Central dropped their programs shrinking the competition of the gymnastics conference. If the epidemic continues, IHSAA will be forced to discontinue the program completely. “The gymnastics program will not be dropped (at North). As long as IHSAA offers (gymnastics), Columbus North will have a gymnastics program,” Mr. Hester said. “We see the value in having the program.” The sport is switching to club status throughout the state because of current budget cuts that have harmed the ability to support gymnastics at high schools.

“The space is used by our cheer program, dance program, winter guard program and track program,” Lawrence Central athletic director Sandra Walters said. “So the space is still being used it was just a matter of making some decisions as far as programs and staffing.” Gymnastics is a strong and competitive sport throughout the state. The decision revolving around discontinuing the program is a challenge. “Tough times call for decisions that have to be made. We were very competitive, so it is a loss,” Mrs. Walters said. “When you see Center Grove, Warren Central and those guys dropping (gymnastics), it’s just not good.”

“If the program is dropped there would probably be a competitive club team at Jody’s (Gymnastic Zone),” Mr. Hester said.

IHSAA currently does not plan on removing the program from supported athletics, but if IHSAA does drop the program, a new women’s sport will be added to keep men’s and women’s sports even.

Conference Indiana competitor, Lawrence Central recently spent 2.5 million dollars on a complex for gymnastics prior to dropping the program this school year.

“The speculation from IHSAA is that either competitive cheerleading or bowling would be added in the place of gymnastics,” Mr. Hester said. “Most likely though, IHSAA will add bowling.”

1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1980 1981

“I like the pressure (of gymnastics). I also like that gymnastics is different from every other sport. Everyday its a challenge.”

Senior Tessa Lane

1972 1973

State Runner-up Men


1979 1982

1985 1986 2007

Final Four Women Men 1977 1986 1987 1988 1996

1971 1974 1980 1983

1998 2008 2009 2010

compiled by Becca Brougher

Tumbling duo “I think school (gymnastics) is a lot more laid back but you compete a lot more. Club is more difficult and there are levels so everyone is near the same difficulty in skills. High school doesn’t have levels so the skill range is huge. Also high school is more of a team feeling than club when we go to meets.”


“I think club is more of a challenge because you are in a level with people who are doing the same skills as you and in high school you just compete against everyone no matter the skill level.”

“I like the feeling of flipping through the air and that I keep learning more challenging skills. Also my very best friends are at the gym which makes it a lot more fun.”

Freshman Morgan Lane photo by Mackenzie Goins

thetriangle | 12/17/10

19 go dogs...

A brave Beginning

President of the German club uses his leadership experience in hopes to join military Junior Joe Bridgeman is an active member of our school. He plays chess and soccer and he marches in the Sound of North marching band. Recently, there was an addition to this list: presidency of the German Club. Since childhood, his father's fluency in German has influenced Bridgeman to take German in school. "Growing up in our house my dad taught us basic German, and it generated an interest in me to take the language," Bridgeman said. He took up the presidency in order to make sure things went smoothly. "I wanted to make sure it was a success," Bridgeman said. Another reason Bridgeman wanted to be president was so that he could build his resume for West Point. "I want to serve America, and I want to get the highest possible education and training for the future," Bridgeman said. "I want to continue to be involved and hopefully a leader in various circumstances." Being a part of German club has had little effect on Bridgeman's school work; however, it has contributed to his social life. "It doesn't take up that much time, but I definitely put time into it. A lot of my friends are in the club, so we get together and plan things, and it's a lot of fun," Bridgeman said.

"We haven't done a whole lot yet, so right now its just a good experience learning how to coordinate things, learning how to organize things and learning how to manage resources really well." Bridgeman made it very clear regarding specifications to join.

"I want to serve America, and I want to get the highest possible education and training for the future."

junior Joe Bridgeman

"Anyone is welcome to join; you don't have to be taking German or know any German at all to be in German Club." Bridgeman said. "We have regular meetings in the mornings, Friday mornings from 7 to 7:40, and to join, talk to either one of the German teachers, and they will direct you to us, and we will get you involved."

and also participates in the German Club. Will said that his relationship with his brother is a good one. Joe's decision to take German influenced Will to study the language as well. "We don't get into a lot of fights. It (the relationship) is shaky sometimes, but it's pretty solid in general," Will said. "German is an example of that. Him being in German and getting an exchange student influenced me to take German so I could get an exchange student too." Will is very supportive of Joe's plans for the future. "I think he has taken many leadership roles in the past so this should be just another good experience to help him be a leader," Will said. "He's wanted to be in the military all his life, and if he could accomplish that and be able to go... that would be awesome." by Ramya Vijayagopal

The German club recently took a field trip to Cafe Heidelberg, a German restaurant in Indianapolis. They are also planning a German Christmas event. Bridgeman's younger brother freshman Will Bridgeman said that he supports Joe's decisions and leadership. Will plays soccer for The Columbus North Men's Soccer Team

photo illustration by Nick Edwards

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BOOSTERS Jeff Loveland Katie Marlowe Laura McCracken Marilyn Moeller Lucy Neal Neil & Ann Pence Ruth A. Pizyborowski Joe & Lisa Shafran

Charles & Naomi Snider Sandra K. Stanley Janet Tucker North Park DentistryJeffrey Vandeventer, DDS Julie & Nick Woolls Augustine Jung & Eunmee Yi


thetriangle | 12/17/10


Check out some classic must-see Christmas movies. Get a sneak peek at the last five 25 days of Christmas movies on ABC Family. Learn how to make your own holiday treats. Check out how your fellow Bull Dogs celebrate or don’t celebrate Christmas. Check out the latest movies coming out in theatres and some surprising Santa numbers.

Holiday Classics

Christmas is a day when family and friends come together and celebrate, in my opinion, the happiest time of the year. One of the perks of Christmas is the movies: so many classics can come to my mind. My personal Jenny Dieckmann favorites, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “A Christmas Carol,” “A Christmas Story,” “White Christmas” and “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” brighten up the spirit even more. It’s a Wonderful Life: George Bailey, played by James Stewart, has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. On Christmas Eve, George’s Uncle Billy loses his business’s money while trying to deposit it into the bank. When the banker finds out about the money shortage, George realizes he will be sent to jail. The prayers of his loved ones result in an angel named Clarence coming to help George, who shows George what things would have been like if he had never been born. He realizes that he has touched many people in a positive way. A Christmas Carol: Adapted from a Charles Dickens’s classic, “A Christmas Carol” is about a grumpy old man, Ebenezer Scrooge, played by George C. Scott, who hates Christmas. Throughout

the movie, three ghosts visit and show him the true meaning of Christmas. A Christmas Story: Starring Ralphie Parker, played by Peter Billingsley, “A Christmas Story” emphasizes Ralphie’s need for a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas. While trying to convince everyone that this is a great present for him, he runs into a few obstacles such as his parents, teachers and... Santa Claus. White Christmas: Returning from World War Two, Bob Wallace, played by Bing Crosby, and Phil Davis, played by Danny Kaye, create a song and dance group. At one point, they meet a sister duo act, Betty Haynes, played by Rosemary Clooney, and Judy Haynes, played by Vera Ellen. When the two women travel to a Vermont inn to perform, the men follow, and they all end up trying to save the inn. How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Based on the Dr. Seuss book, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is about a childhood abandoned Grinch, played by Jim Carrey, who tries to steal Christmas from all of Whoville. Throughout his journey, little Cindy Lou Who attempts to help him believe in Christmas again. Everyone should bring their families into the living room and watch these wonderful classics on Christmas Break. They are all great movies and I guarantee all will love them. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from The Triangle!

How to make hershey’s peanut butter blossoms What you will need:

48 Milk Chocolate Hershey’s Kisses 1/2 cup shortening 3/4 cup of peanut butter 1/3 cup of granulated sugar 1/3 cup of light brown sugar 1 egg 2 tbs. of milk 1 tsp. of vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 tsp. of baking soda 1/2 tsp. of salt

photo by Emma Smith

Directions: 1. Heat oven to 375⁰ F. Remove wrappers from chocolates. 2. Beat shortening and peanut butter in large bowl until well blended. Add

1/3 cup of granulated sugar and brown sugar; beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; gradually beat into peanut butter mixture. 3. Shape dough into one inch balls. Roll in granulated sugar; place on ungreased cookie sheet. 4. Bake eight to ten minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into the center of each cookie; cookie will crack around edges. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.

ABC Family’s 25 days of christmas Still need to get into the Christmas spirit? Check out these movies the week before Christmas.

t w TH F S

Miracle on 34th Sreet


6pm/5c A lawyer fights for the release of a man who deliberately fails a mental examination and claims to be Santa Claus.

The Santa Clause






A divorced father transforms into the new Santa Clause after the old one falls off his roof.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 8:30pm/7:30c A missing boy fends off two criminals from breaking into a toy shop in New York City.

All-day holiday classics marathon All of the classic Christmas movies jam-packed into one magical day.

Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas 7pm/6c A grouchy green hermit steals all the Christmas presents from Whoville.

Visit for the latest news at Columbus North

compiled by Jenny Dieckmann and Dean Gray

12/17/10 | thetriangle

22 chill out...



17 - Rabbit Hole (PG-13) 22 - Little Fockers (PG-13) 25 - Gulliver’s Travels (PG)

myplans Four students give examples of how they spend Christmas

- The Illusionist (PG) - Gorillaz “Yule Tidings”

28 - Michael Jackson “Hold My Hand” 31 -Beastie Boys “Hot Sauce Committee”


“I get up, open presents with my family, then I mindlessly play with my new Christmas goodies until I pass out from sleep deprivation.”

07 - Season of the Witch (PG-13) 11 - Cage the Elephant “Thank You Happy Birthday”

senior Olivia Sipes

- Cane “Showroom of Compassion”

“My whole family rents out ball rooms to eat on Christmas.” freshman Kelsey Smith

santa’s bag o’ facts The numbers and history behind the magical holiday In

compiled by Jenny Dieckmann

1931 Coca-Cola invented the image of Santa we see today.

There are


five million

reindeer in the world.

Department store Montgomery Ward created the character Rollo and then Reginald, in a Christmas promotion in 1939.

“Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer” is the second



In order to make it around the world in one night, Santa would have to travel at

times Santa Claus

, originally named

carol after White Christmas.


the speed of sound.

The name

Electric Christmas

The “X” from Christmas.



came from the Dutch version called Sinter Nikolaas, or Sinterklaas

“I don’t celebrate Christmas, due to the fact that everyone acts fake. Ask yourself this: what is the real meaning of Christmas? Christmas is not about decorations, presents or made up people. I will never understand why people are blind to see that Christmas and other holidays are an excuse for the rich to get even more rich.”

junior Jordan Neal “We usually visit three different families on Christmas. We have three different Christmases on Christmas Eve.” sophomore Payton Nowling

were first used in 1895. They proved safer than the traditional candles.

is the Greek letter for “CH,” which is the first letter of the spelling of

Visit for more holiday trivia.

Phone: 379-9278

Flowers By Lois 3633 25th St.

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24 chill out...

12/17/10 | thetriangle

CHARACTerIZING KARA How senior Kara Katzenmeyer compares to her White Christmas character Judy Haynes Are you and your character similar? “I played Judy as if I was in that situation. We are very similar in a lot of ways.”

Do you have the same hobbies? “Our hobbies are similar. We both love to sing and dance. I like to act, draw and hang out with my friends. I’m guessing Judy would probably go out dancing at clubs. If I was in that time period, I would totally do that.”

How do your personalities compare? “I am not as flirty, and she is super bubbly.”

Do you like to dance as much as your character did? “Judy is the dancer of the two sisters, and I would say between Rachel and I, I was the dancer of the two of us.”

Are you as close to your sibling as your character is? “I have a younger brother, Jacob, and Judy has an older sister, Betty. In the show, Betty looked after me which was weird because I’m used to being in control. In the show Betty and I got along very well and my brother and I get along very well.”

What are your life goals? Kara: “I’m planning on going to school to be an English teacher with a minor in theatre. I would also like to live in Chicago for a year and audition for some shows to see if I can go somewhere.” Judy: “She is a performer who wants to make it big time with singing.”

compiled by Kayleigh Steigerwalt and Emma Smith

photo illustration by Nick Edwards and Emili Hefler

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