3rd ROASS Conference

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FRIDAY, November 5 15.00-16.45 SEMIOTIC METALANGUAGE ROOM: B 251 Chairperson: Petru Bejan “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania For an aesthetics of communication Petru Bejan, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania Suggestion as a semiotic phenomenon Maria Cojocaru, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu-Jiu, Romania Redefining the essences (signs) of disciplines, recreating integrated sets of (inter)disciplines and rebuilding the transdisciplinary unity of knowledge Liviu Drugus, “George Bacovia” University, Bacău, Romania Constructionist approaches of globalization Antonio Sandu, “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University, Iasi, Romania Semiotics’ redundancy and communicational efficiency Gheorghe Vlasie, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania Epitaph for Ducks and Rabbits: Undercoding as a Basic Principle of Communication Vít Gvoždiak, Palacký University of Olomouc, Czeck Republik Communication and Culture: Reflections on the Perspectives of Influence Zafar Iqbal, Centre for Media and Communication Studies International Islamic, University of Islamabad, Pakistan

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