November Photo Issue

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Civic Couch

November Collection

The Photography of Brad Jacobson





COVER: Los Angeles has never looked so good!


Got Questions or comments? Email them to: BRAD@CIVICCOUCH.COM GET WEEKLY PHOTO UPDATES ON OUR FACEBOOK This isssue is a collection of shots that I took throughout the month of November, 2012

SURFING Shooting in the water allows me to become emerced in the shot and closer to the action. Surfer : Chris Frohoff

Surf Check

When not shooting in the water I generally shoot “pulled back�. It gives the viewer a look at the surroundings as well as the action. Here, Chio Baldocchi pulls into a Hermosa Beach barrel while Eric Fleury looks on.

So Much Going On

Marcelo Malinco getting shacked, waves blasting off the rocks, fisherman, birds and countless other things flying around in this one. The lighting was horrible the afternoon that I shot this but I can’t be picky when the swell peaks CIVIC



he Face

Sometimes getting clipped in the head by the wave is part of getting the shot. Noah Collins came flying up the face on this El Porto wave and manged to bank off the top just before I was engulfed by the lip of the wave.


in from

Most barrel shots are taken from a low position on the wave, looking directly at the surfer. I noticed Chad Elliott lining up the barrel on this one and I was a bit too far outside to sit low so I layed my housing in the barrel as I swam through the lip and score this unique perspective. P.S: Don’t try this as it is very dangerous and you could get pulled over landing directly on the surfer.



Smooth Style Some surfers are very easy to work with because of their smooth style. Tyler (seen here) reeks of style. I told him what I wanted to get and he lined up the next wave, stalled right where I needed him and held his position.

Young Talent You will notice that I have included a couple shots of Noah Collins in this issue. Noah is charging and isn’t afraid to take a beating. This Mira Costa High School student has a bright future both in and out of the water.

Moving Water

One of the great aspects of photography is having the ability to capture a moment and give the viewer a feeling of what is going on. Here, Matt Meistrell carves up the face while a few others are in for a suprise with what’s behind that wave.

Making It Look Easy Marcelo Malinco is a true waterman. When healthy, he is in the water everyday. It’s that passion which helps him get in the right spot almost everytime we go out.

Side note: A lifeguard came up to him when we got out and said that he saw this wave from the beach and it was one of the best barrels he had seen in a while. You should have seen the grin on Marcelo


Not His First Steve Howe knows barrels. Years ago he graced the cover of Surfer Magazine standing tall in one. Here, he grabs a rail and holds tight in an all too familar scenario

Ice Curtain

Jon Steel (pictured here) is usually on the other side of the lens. We had just met earlier this morning and I was excited to shoot a fellow photographer. Why, because photogs always know how to line up a shot. Jon does his best “Silver Surfer� impression on this one.




I’ve said it a million times... if there is a barrel breaking in the South Bay Chris Wells will be in it. The guy lives for that moment of being completely enclosed in a wall of water. While Wells enjoys being enclosed, I like to bring out the surroundings.



Not Coming Out The wave moves fast. The surfer moves fast. Me, I sit and wait for both of them to come to me and try to capture that moment when both surfer and the wave catch each other. This is Noah Collins, caught with no where to go.

Marcelo Malinco racing to get through this Hermosa Beach section

Marcelo disrupting the smooth surface with style.

Jon Steele, racing the ice curtain

Steve Howe at Home

PEOPLE-EVENTS I shot a holiday party hosted by MotoArt and Jeff Murrel. It took place at the Motoart warehouse which is an incredible place to shoot even whithout it being packed with party goers.


New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick is known for always wearing a hoddie on the sidelines. I worked in colaboration with Alpinestars on this shoot. Here, model Amy Frena demonstrates the sexier side of the hoddie.


I enjoy shooting dark, weird locations. They give the shot a different edge. Eli Shephard has an incredible look for this location. You get caught up reading his tatoos as much as the graffiti.

Above and Below: On a shoot for Drop Zone magazine with Mark Evans

TORN: Amy Frena modeling the Alpinestars tank top

Kids are incredible hard to shoot, but when you finally catch up with themyou can score magic

Kelly Zaun


Early morning surf checks are often accompanied by a cup of coffee. Ed Factor enjoying a warm car and a warmer drink before suiting up for a cold water surf session.

Drumming Blur

The drummer for “Spaceship� flying through this song at the MotoArt party.


Another shot from the party. I love the way the light hits directly on this group of ladies

Dark Surroundings

Unlike my “pullback “ shots from surfing, this picture of Eli Shepphard draws a plain, dark background leading the viewer directly to the subject. I love the way this comes together..

Look Through

Slow shutter speeds can be very fun to play with.


When I first saw this on my computer I thought he looks like a lion stalking his prey. I mentioned this to the surfer, Chris Brown, and he replied “Thanks Brad-but I think I was actually doing some deep breathing and preparing for the beatings I was about to take while paddling out.�


I found this little barrel while shooting the South Bay Boardriders Surf Event at the Hermosa Beach Pier

Hermosa Pier

The curtain on the inside of the barrel

A moment before impact

Go towards the light

Beautiful Impact

Getting in the right spot while shooting with a wide angle lens can be tricky. You have to me inside the impact zone and hope that a bigger wave isn’t coming next. The lip of this wave is literally inches from my camera.

Looking Out

I’ve always loved these shots. I loved them before I started shooting. They give the viewer an idea of what it looks like when you are engulfed inside the pocket of mother nature.


This wave looks beautiful and graceful but don’t let it mislead you, it is a beast and will try it’s best to trap and hold you down against the shallow sand

Drawing Lines

I like the symmetry here. The shadows drawl your eyes to the direction that the water is flowing.


This section includes some random shots. Here, Shawn O’Briens surf wagon fits in with the El Por parking lot surf scene.


Tiny Shells

I got out of the water and noticed millions of tiny shells enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun.

Back To The Future Marty McFly [being chased by terrorists] “Let’s see if you bastards can do 90”. No, It’s not a DeLorean. It’s an MTA bus driving through Redondo.



Dark, robust colors fill the Los Angeles night sky while a soft blue tower keeps a look out.

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