1 minute read

Dream Killers | Coker Ford ’21

Imagination is a place with limitless possibilities, but your imagination deteriorates with responsibility. Everyone has an imagination of who they want to be. As a kid you grow up completely carefree –When you grow up that disappears. But have you ever wondered why it disappears? Is it because you grow up and start being realistic? No, imagination is too complex to find an answer so simplistic. Come on, just use your imagination – there is a better answer, Or is it too late, you already have the imagination cancer? Who did you think you would become as a kid? Did you lose it because no one gave you a bid? I could be wrong, but maybe someone was just mad –you reached for something they couldn’t achieve and it makes them sad. “Don’t go for that. At some point you need to grow up and be realistic!” Maybe they were right – I guess at some point you do need to grow up, Or is it too late for me? Were my dreams killed when they were just a pup? Is being realistic just another way of saying “give up and settle”? I have a dream so because of that you shoot it down with bullets made of metal

every step she takes, 35mm photography jimmy belcher ’22

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