1 minute read

Abrupt | James Lilly ’24

How can my world change so fast? One day we’re giving presents and the next I’m in your past. One day the girl who I thought was mine Changed her heart on a dime. Sunday was filled with “I miss u.” And staying up on FaceTime till 2. Monday was a peak to smile on, Tuesday, I wanted a shoulder to cry on. Waves of emotions fill my mind, While waves of tears filled my eyes. For the past four months, whenever times were hard, I would dream of you in my arms, And now when I thought I had you closest You told me it was not so. It was the distance, you claim, the difficulty of time away, But in my mind, I can’t help but say That it’s my fault she walked away. And at the time I need you most, you disappear like a ghost. “Be a man,” I tell myself. Crying is for the weak – stand tall and well. Hide the emotions you want to let out, or find a bottle to drown them out.” I cared about you more than I did myself. I poured out my heart, but now I don’t know if I will ever be well. But I do my best to be a man, Respect her decision, no matter how unplanned. Emotions change and you will rise to another peak in life to smile at big and wide.



Learn from the past and try not to change, Wipe off your frown and tears and brighten other people’s days. Know that the importance doesn’t lie in what happened, But instead the importance is in your reaction. Be kind and gentle but strong and willing –Let this be the reason for your new beginnings. I miss you and I hope we get back together But if not, thank you for the good times we had together.

serenity, digital photography william david ’21

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