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College Essays | Alyssa Belcher, Faculty

College University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to College University. (300 words maximum)

One of my main goals over my lifetime is to collect experiences. If an opportunity is presented to me that is safe, reasonable, and positive, generally I take it. This means I have performed hundreds of times to audiences of 2000+ as a Sugar Plum Fairy, a tutu-ed snowflake, a rat in pointe shoes, and a flying Bride of Dracula, among other roles. I have eaten donkey burgers and cow intestines in Asia. I’ve lived in Texas, North Carolina, China, and California in the last ten years. My first dorm room proudly displayed the Lone Star flag, and now I consider myself an Appalachian American. I earned my master’s from Stanford in International Education Policy Analysis. I have driven and camped from coast to coast eight times in five years. I almost immigrated to Canada (specifically Vancouver). I am a circus artist training in silks, lyra, rope, and contortion, but I also enjoy hot yoga, snowboarding, and occasionally mountain biking in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I haven’t seen my parents in 1.5 years. I eloped with my best friend in a courthouse in San Jose and ate bratwurst with our one witness for our first married meal. Since I was 18, I’ve worked two jobs more often than not. I’ve spent the last 7+ years working in education.


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College Essays | Alyssa Belcher, FacultyWhat I bring to every community I enter is my collection of experiences. I can share my stories and inspire others. I can bond and empathize with those that have also had similar experiences. Every opportunity is a chance to grow and develop, learn more about humanity, the world, and myself. Now, I spend my days helping high school students figure out what experiences they want to have as they embark on their next chapters, their burgeoning collection.

What brings you joy? (30 words) I am tickled by the challenge of choreographing aerial silks routines to classic 2000s pop and current electro swing. Upcoming: … One More Time by Britney Spears.

We’re in your hometown. Where should we eat and what should we order? (30 words) Buxton Hall BBQ – fried catfish, green beans, and hushpuppies. White Duck Taco – molé roasted duck and Thai peanut chicken. Moe’s BBQ – squash casserole and pulled pork sandwich.

Name three songs from your perfect playlist. (30 words) Booty Swing. Lazy Place. Dance Monkey.

tide pool, digital photography aidan galpin ’21 09

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