『香港友FOLK 2015』馬拉松式民歌匯演大會場刊

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Rod哥 & Johnathan Pete & Iris The Lapis Cyrus Chow & Friends Jim Yeung AKOSTIKA Folk Jam Tony Lee Whyphy Asterie D’Spectacles Young Strings Ching Wan 青韻民歌組 Hong Kong Country Road Band Jelai & Raph Simon Kwan & Friends Ming’s Brothers Sapphire Treasure SLS Acoustic Canton The Horizon The Beginners The Pier 大 AL & Friends


11:00 11:22


12:06 12:28

12:50 13:12

13:34 13:56 14:18





16:08 16:30 17:00 17:22






19:34 19:56

致敬。共享。傳承 還記得「Where have all the flowers gone?」、「We shall overcome」、「If I had a hammer」、 「Country road」、「Leaving on a jet plane」、「Puff, the Magic Dragon」、「I’ll have to say I love in a song」、「Time in a bottle」、「All I have to do is dream」、「Let it be me」等動人

心弦的歌曲所帶給您的感動嗎?想要再次感受那些經典民歌為您帶來的往日情懷嗎? 希望和一大班同樣喜歡這些民歌的朋友一起同場唱和? 自 2005 年起,本地民間團體「香港友 FOLK」每年都堅持舉辦最少一個以民歌為命題之 免費音樂活動,踏入今年第 11 屆之「香港友 FOLK 2015 民歌音樂會」將嘗試向「民歌傳 奇」致敬 (Tribute to Folk Legends), 大會今年邀請到 25 隊音樂勁旅,和大家共享超過 8 小時無間斷簡樸清新的音樂和民歌,希望將民歌這塊音樂瑰寶傳承給年輕一代!

每個喜歡民歌的朋友都有他的「民歌傳奇」,今年一班籌委不約而同想藉著是次音樂會 向他們心目中的「民歌傳奇」致敬,當中包括 Jim Croce、John Denver、Mary Travers、 Pete Seeger 和 Phil Everly 等等巨擘,他們的經典歌曲都傳頌一時,曾經深深地打動我們

的心弦,為了學唱他們的歌曲,我們都曾花盡心血努力鍛鍊好英語和結他技巧,為的 就是要和朋友共享那種一起同場唱和的快樂,也就是我們唱民歌的最大樂趣!有人定 義民歌就是那些口耳相傳、簡單易學的民間歌謠;隨著上述一個一個巨擘先後離我們 而去,我們衷心希望他們的音樂瑰寶可以一直傳承下去,使優美的民歌在本地口耳相 傳,繼續廣泛傳頌開去。在此我們誠意邀請您和我們站在同一陣線,繼續支持本地民 歌音樂的推廣,同時感謝一大班樂友的無私贊助和義工服務! 藉著「致敬。共享。傳承」這個主題安排,加上不同的卡司陣容,大會希望帶給歌迷最 豐富、最有層次的視覺與聽覺饗宴,與您和其他現場歌迷一起回味民歌的美好時光。

「香港友 Folk」簡介


「香港友 Folk 」由一群熱愛民歌的朋友,偶然在互聯網 上一個民歌網頁「重逢相認」後成立。自此從不間斷地 在不同地方推廣民歌,並在過去數年自資籌辦了多個以 民歌為主題的音樂會及活動,凝聚了本地的民歌力量。 2015 年度「香港友 Folk 」的籌委會成員包括 Michael 叔叔、 Frankie Cheong、 Timothy Cho、 Daniel Chan、 阿 Sum、 Emma Kwok、Edward Pao、Robin Ma 和 Alan Chan。

民歌與我形影不離 民歌的本質就是清純、簡樸,聽得令人舒服的歌曲。 從沒有和民歌分開過的我,很高興知道在今天繁華的香港,仍有一班 熱誠的朋友們為香港的民歌出力推動。 本人非常的支持這次‘香港友 Folk 2015’及祝大家演出成功! ○ Albert Au 區瑞強 — 著名民歌手、DJ、音樂製作人

Folk music is my root My root with folk music has a deep impact in how I play my guitars today and one can never replace the acoustic guitars with any other musical instruments. The Hong Kong Folk 2015 is an event that gathers the best of Hong Kong’s folk singers and folk group. It is truly an amazing accomplishment by the organizer and it is one of the event that folk songs lovers not to be missed!!! ○ Barry Chung 鍾慶鴻 — 著名作曲家及音樂人

民歌音樂薪火相傳 在這幾年間,我們昔日一群熱愛民歌的朋友,在互聯網上再次聚合起 來,一齊再踏上‘民歌之路’。 在毫無商業資源下,今年已是連續第 11 年舉辦這個‘香港友 Folk ’馬拉 松音樂會。但願我們這個音樂會能一年一年的辦下去,也衷心多謝大 家的支持! ○M ichael 叔叔 — 徐達昌 — 香港友 Folk 音樂會籌委主席,一個喜歡音樂、喜歡民歌的叔叔

有 Folk 同享 Folk Song(民歌)與我有一份深厚長遠的情誼,影嚮我對音樂的探求, 尤其深遠。民歌獨特的風格在 60 年代初巳深深吸引了我的追隨,寫 實不浮跨的曲詞,純樸而動聽的曲韻,正面而積極的訊息,道盡人生 的喜、怒、哀、樂、悲、歡、離、合,配以簡易結他和弦,便可凝聚 三五知音樂聚半天。

時至今天,仍有不少老、中、青、少年人鍾情於民歌的情懷,Folk Song 能夠在不斷演變的音樂潮流中屹立不倒,是有賴一班崇尚自然純 真品味的‘Folk 友’不捨、不離、不棄的擁戴! 祝願‘香港友 Folk 2015’盛况空前,並在大家的支持下,讓民歌得以延續傳奇,發揚光大!有 Folk 同享!齊齊享 Folk ! ○ Sunny Wong(辛尼哥哥)— 資深民歌手、音樂製作人

Folk Rock 一直是我非常喜歡的音樂類型 我受過不少偶像如:The Eagles, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Simon & Garfunkel 等等的影響深遠。知道一眾有心人舉辦這每年一度的音樂 盛事‘香港友 Folk ’,感到非常欣慰。在這兒衷心祝願一切順利!演出 成功!年年有 Folk!! ○ Teddy Robin 關維鵬 — 著名電影人、香港搖滾先驅

那一段唱民歌的日子 成長的 80 年代,我們 WORK HARD,PLAY HARD;對自己、對做事 都有要求,那是青葱的歲月,夾雜著踩單車,燒烤露營和彈結他的日 子。一本 BQ 又或者 SING ALONG,廣結志同道合的民歌好友。 時光流逝,時空易轉,不變的是一顆赤子之心。今日,就讓我們回到 昔日的回憶中,唱個聽個痛快… ○ Brenda Lo 盧業瑂 — 著名 DJ 及民歌手

民歌就是陪著我長大的 若果沒有了民歌這多年來給我的衝擊,可就沒有今天的我。 民歌可說是帶給我的生命,就像魚和水的關係一樣,也帶給我這個燦 爛人生。每次和好友們在台上表演,那份喜悅是金錢也換不到了的。 祝‘香港友 Folk 2015’成功! ○ Boris Cheng 鄭鳴 — 著名音樂製作人及唱片監製

民謠音樂始終是我的至愛 從事流行歌創作十多年,遊走過不同音樂類別,來到今天,民謠音樂 始終是我的至愛。不竟 FolkRock 影響了我的音樂創作至深至遠,它散 發的真誠,真接及原始感覺為我帶來無窮靈感和感動!相信那段與民 謠一起踏步的日子會永留在我的記憶當中! ○ Kenneth Fong 方樹樑 — 著名作曲 / 編曲人及唱片監製

民歌,原來在我生命中一直陪著我成長 從小學年代姐姐教我唱 Scaborough Fair 開始,便與民歌結下不解緣。 到大學年代認識 the Bread, Simon and Garfunkel, Jim Croce... 等等, 跟一大群豬朋狗友日日走堂彈結他唱歌表演。直到現在創作音樂,旋 律始終抹不掉濃濃的民謠色彩。民歌,原來在我生命中一直陪著我成 長!如果你也選了他陪你一起走,恭喜你,你選對了! ○ Jone Chui 徐繼宗 — 著名作曲音樂人

賓/ 嘉 表演 組合 樂隊簡介

Rod 哥 And Jonathan

11:00 > 11:20

60 年代末期,Rod 哥遊學英國時開始自學彈結他,自始鍾

情於 fingerstyle 的勾指技法 , 數 十 年 來 , 始 終 如 一。80 年 代初,他回香港後加入由外籍人士組成的團體 “Hong Kong Folk Society”,至今已是該團體的資深會員。近年許多本地民歌友亦通過他的引介,經常參與 “Hong Kong Folk Society” 每個月定期舉行的音樂聚會,互為交流。 Jonathan Fewwtrell, 來自英國,是一位資深的 Keyboard 手。雖然多年停止了玩,但近兩三年 又找回興趣,熱心參與和不同風格樂友 Jam 歌。機緣巧合,和 Rod 哥成為好朋友,今次就被邀 請來一起合作。

Pete & Iris

11:22 > 11:40

Pete 及 Iris Benzie 是來自蘇格蘭的民歌二重唱組合,現在仍活

躍於 Hong Kong Folk Society。如果問佢地係從那年開始一起 合唱呢。他們多數會想不到。因為他們從初相識開始已經很 自然地一起合唱了。 不要小看 Iris 人細細,但聲音非常夠勁及獨特。加上 Pete 的 Guitar 伴奏及和音,組織成一隊非常突出的夫妻民歌隊。 他兩個的音樂非常廣泛,從清唱自己家鄉 ( 蘇格蘭 ) 的民歌,現代的 Country 及 60 年代的舊金 曲,都有表演。他們曾經表演過的地方,亦非常多,在英倫三島無數的民歌會及民歌節啦;在 歐洲就去過荷蘭及法國。 在 1982 年到香港後,都一直在香港的外國民歌圈子當中佔一席地位;在亞洲亦曾經到過廣州, 菲律賓及泰國表演。

The Lapis

11:44 > 12:04

The Lapis were formed five years age. When they were students in a secondary school, they joined the folk song group and learnt guitar, Ukulele, Harmonica, enjoyed singing together with the practising of team co-operation. After a certain period of time, they were awarded for the champions of three consecutive years in the Hong Kong Folk Song Competition held by Shatin District Council and became a well known folk band in Tuen Mun, Shatin etc. They had attended many concerts, carnivals and other function held by the Government and private sectors in many different districts in Hong Kong and even in mainland China. The Lapis is famous for their American folk performance. Up to the present, some of the team members has left because of their further studies, and job nature. Replacement occurs immediately. The standard of their performance can still be maintained, but the style has a little bit changed according to the market needs. They try to perform modern music with the folk elements, the products are also appraised by the audience.

Cyrus Chow & Friends

12:06 > 12:26

An acoustic singer-songwriter who has experienced the highs and lows of life, transformed them into songs by moving his fingers around the guitar and his pen on paper to find the music and lyrics. Inspired by the themes of Faith, Hope, and Love, as well as the students he has taught English and Literature to, his release of his debut EP ‘Rise’ has dovetailed with his inspirational sharing at coffee houses, schools, churches and even busking on the streets of Cambridge! Cyrus has performed at weddings, street concerts, music festivals, some of which have taken him not only around Hong Kong but also Thailand, Singapore and the aptly-named ‘Spice of Life’ in Soho, London. He is currently working on new material which he hopes to release in 2016.

Jim Yeung

12:28 > 12:48

I simply love music, either performing or watching other talents’ performance. When I go vacation my first thing to do is to look for live gig bars. I love all kinds of music especially the good oldies. Which is why I play different kind of music. One thing is for sure that I’ll never stop performing. Hope you enjoy my playing today.


12:50 > 13:10

AKOSTIKA (acoustic) a 4 male band has been around in HK for some time. The band covered folk, rock, country, blues, pop and the golden oldies but goodies stuff utilizing their acoustic instruments. Herby, Manny, Romy and Bobby teamed-up to play songs that some people almost forgot to listen to it again and to bring back our memory lane. They try to stay away from programmed music which is popular nowadays. The good things about watching live band are you can listen to the music, see them move and feel the passion! The band HERBY– vocal, guitar, banjo, harmonica MANNY–vocal, guitar, fiddle ROMY– vocal, bass guitar BOBBY–drums, percussion

賓/ 嘉 表演 組合 樂隊簡介

Folk Jam

13:12 > 13:32

Folk JAM is a group of music friends of Tony Wong, whom had been participating in Hong Kong Folk with different groups over the last 5 years. After playing 2 years with Posh 5, he assembled a group of musicians from 4 different music groups whom had never played together before – hence the name Folk JAM. The members of the team worth some mention, as they really span across many generations and genres of the Hong Kong music scene. Brenda Chow - Vocal and any instrument handy. She is a seasoned folk singer previously with Mercury. Tony Wong - Vocal and Guitar. Previously with Zeodo. Although he is playing almost all kinds of music now (1 barbershop, 2 choirs and three bands), he is deep in the heart a folk singer. Michael Luk - Drums, woops, sorry no drums is provided, so only cajon this time. Michael is a very seasoned and versatile drummer and can play any types of music with his drum sticks. Kylex Ho - Guitars and harmony, Kylex started off as a heavy metal rocker, eventually mellowed into jazz, and is making a rare attempt with folk this time. Hilda Poon, bass, our young gem whom plays also drums and other instruments. She is a band leader of several bands and music groups. Our music will be characterized by simple harmony, light hearted music, with a good and easy flow. We hope the diverse combination will spark off new dimension to our music and bring good entertainment to you all.

Tony Lee

13:34 > 13:54

Tony Lee first started singing and playing guitar with school friends when he first heard the Beatles in the 60’s. But when he had to go to England for further studies, he couldn’t find other musicians there to play with; so he ended up playing acoustic guitar alone at home. But this was the 60’s and popular music and culture was undergoing a revolution and, among many other things, the age of the singer-songwriter was born. So he soaked up all the influences of this creative new wave like Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell etc. And then, like his idols, he started writing his own songs. When he got back to Hongkong, he played in bands for about a year and then he had to focus on his career and playing music took a backseat. He would pick up his guitar not more than once a month. But in 1990, he started playing again and found some friends to jam with and play the occasional gig. He has been back to playing regularly since that time. And he never forgot about the songwriting. It is still his greatest love and in his performances he always focuses on the song, playing mainly material from other singer-songwriters or his own songs.


13:56 > 14:16

Whyphy is an acoustic duet featuring Hin on vocal and guitar; and Vivian on vocal, guitar, saxophone and melodica. Whyphy, pronounced as WIFI, comes with a meaning of “work hard YES play hard YES”. In their early teens they already developed a passion for singing with guitar accompaniment. Despite influenced by folk and country music, they have developed their diverse musical style ranging from traditional pop song of the 60s to contemporary acoustic pop. Harmony singing has always played a key role in their song arrangements. Since their formation in 2015, they have performed in gigs and as buskers on the streets of Hong Kong.


14:18 > 14:38

ASTERIE 是由數位本地熱愛音樂的朋友所組成的樂隊,他們喜歡探索及嘗試不同作風格。除

了民謠,亦混合爵士、流行、鄉村音樂及 bluegrass 的元素於歌曲中。樂隊的另一特式,是表 演時選用很多不同的伴奏樂器,包括木結他、 Mandolin ( 曼 陀 林 )、Banjo ( 班 卓 琴 )、Fiddle ( 小 提 琴 )、Saxophone ( 色 士 風 )、Clarinet ( 單 簧管 )、Melodica ( 口風琴 ) 及低音結他等。樂隊 的成員,都是音樂老師或主修音樂的學生,每位 個別已經有多年的演出經驗,整體合作了超過五 年,部分更合作了超過二十年,建立了很好的默 契。希望藉著參與今次表演,把我們的音樂風格 介紹給觀眾。


14:40 > 15:00

D’Spectacles 於 80 年初由三個同系中學的“四眼仔”所

組成,成員包括黄學緯 (Kenny),方壯年 (Johnny) 及麥 峻強 (Mak)。樂隊的風格植根於外國組合 Crosby, Stills and Nash ( 簡稱 CSN),以他們清新的結他及清晰雄厚 的多部和聲,演譯所擅長的搖滾民謠,成為 80 至 90 年代一隊風格獨特的組合。 1981 年 ,D’Spectacles 以 一 首 CSN 的 “Helplessly Hoping”,於香港電台舉辦的全港業餘歌唱大賽中奪

冠,繼而於當時的多項大型民歌比賽中,屢奪獎項。1984 年,樂隊更以一首自己的原創作品 “Desperate For Time” 勇奪第一屆全港十八區歌唱大賽合唱組冠軍。此後,D’Spectacles 便一直 活躍於各類型的音樂會,電台、電視台的訪問及表演等。

賓/ 嘉 表演 組合 樂隊簡介

Young Strings

15:02 > 15:22

藉音樂建構平台  讓心弦譜頌友愛 弦青民歌音樂協會札根於元朗的民歌發展及推廣機 構。是推廣民歌音樂的非牟利組織。已邁向四十年歷 史,藉民歌音樂能凝聚一班音樂愛好者,讓我們透過 民歌音樂帶出一些關懷、共融、愛的訊息滲透每一個 角落。

Ching Wan 青韻民歌組

15:24 > 15:44

青韻民歌組乃香港青年協會賽馬會筲箕灣青年空間屬下 的活動小組,早於 1981 年成立,相信是香港現時最長 青和最活躍的民歌組之一,其宗旨為「推廣民歌,服務 社群,鍛鍊自我」。 早期青韻的成員主要是來自區內的年青人,透過每週的 小組聚會和不定期的表演活動,以體驗群體生活、發揮 個人所長和增強自信心。自 2001 年 10 月起,青韻開始 舉辦每月音樂派對 (House Party),旨在提供社區人士一 個開放和開心的音樂表演平台,至今已經舉辦了 164 次之多,廣受各區的民歌和其他音樂愛好 者歡迎。此外,青韻近年亦夥拍「香港友 Folk」舉辦了多項大型的民歌推廣活動,深受各界好 評。除了推廣民歌,青韻亦積極參與了多項以音樂為主題的義工活動,以音樂來服務社群,回 饋社會! 互 聯 網 於 上 世 紀 末 興 起 , 青 韻 也 於 2000 年 6 月 設 立 了 他 們 的 網 站「 青 韻 民 歌 網 」 (http://cwfolknet.com),這是香港少數有關民歌的網站,協助推廣民歌。Are you ready to folk?

Hong Kong Country Road Band

15:46 > 16:06

Member of HKCRB: 1. Edie Chu (Key board) 2. Joseph Poon (Base vocal) 3. Keith Liu (Ukulele vocal) 4. Eric Jone (Guitar vocal) 5. Johnny S.P (Drum, vocal) 6. Willie Fung (Guitar, vocal) It is Music; that made us joining together; The music we play; are mainly South-western Country; as well as those Latin America; where those songs we are playing are so popular around Era of Baby boom!

Jelai & Raph

16:08 > 16:28

Jelai & Raph met in november 2014 through a singing meet up.com group. While Ralph is mainly a guitarist Jelai is the singer. Their music is ecclectic but they mainly play acoustic covers of pop, rock and disco tunes. Their duo performs in bars or restaurant but they usually like to busk on the streets, trying to entertain and catch the attention of the busy crowds!

Simon Kwan and Friends

16:30 > 16:50

忘 記 年 份 參 加 商 台 與 辦 音 樂 比 賽 以 MARS 名 唱 Wind Flower 取了該介民歌組冠軍,後來與好友 2 人以 Simon & Ming 參加了星島及山葉兩個比賽亦取過冠軍。

Ming’s Brothers

17:00 > 17:20

亞 Ming 和亞 Fai 是親兄弟,由於從小一起玩,很多方面相互影響,聼歌聼音樂的路向都很接 近。亞 Ming 玩結他已玩了很多年,從中學開始,到民歌組合 “MARS”,到餐廳酒廊夜場,到 現在熱誠仍在。亞 Fai 就 10 多年前才重新拿起結他。Ming’s Brothers 大致上是二人組合,亦有 跟不同的朋友 crossover 演出,只要喜歡,用 acoustic guitar unplugged 可以玩的都嘗試玩。 歌 曲 類 型 除 了 rap 之 外 , 中 文 英 文 folks, country, pop, rock 什麼都有,其中玩得比較多的有 Jackson Browne, Simon and Garfunkel, The Eagles, CSN,

Scorpions…… 另外亦有一些自己的原創作品,不經

不覺參加“香港友 Folk ”已七、八年了,今年將會和 多年老朋友,資深音樂人 Alex Kong 和 Bill Lo 一起 玩啊 !!!

賓/ 嘉 表演 組合 樂隊簡介


17:22 > 17:42

「Sapphire」正式成立於二零零四年。成員由屯門 釋慧文中學民歌組師生組成;在學期間曾多次參 加區內、外民歌比賽均獲摘冠成績。 首次公開演出是二零零五年七月三十一日參加由 香港小童群益會。美孚青少年綜合服務中心主辦 之『仲夏黃昏民歌欣賞會』。 中學畢業後,同學希望繼續延續民歌的精神,利 用工餘時間一起練習,並經常參與『香港友 FOLK 舉辦之民歌馬拉松音樂會及籌款音樂會』、『康 文署舉辦之戶外演出』、『老人中心探訪』等社區演出,籍此增加演出經驗,並可以回饋社會。

Treasure - SLS

17:44 > 18:04

時 間 並 不 能 阻 隔 音 樂 的 凝 聚 力 ,Treasure 自 09 年 組合以來,在這數年間不斷重遇以往合作過的音樂 愛好者,發現他們對音樂仍具熱誠,所以不其然地 再度走在一起,燃續以往夾歌的愉快、開心的甜美 事。 “We treasure our friendship, we treasure the Folks and be remembered Smile, Laugh & Sweet.”


Acoustic Canton

18:06 > 18:26

The Acoustic Canton – 粤韻 主要成員來自廣州的謝

志明(老菲)、深圳的何立東(Uncle 東)及澳門的關明 德(德哥),還有香港的鼓手陳樂汶 (Amme) 及在澳門 任教音樂並會偶爾擔當樂隊歌手的王曉蕾 (Shally)。 三位主要樂手自 1990 年開始合作;他們對 60 年代的 歐西音樂特別喜愛,尤其鍾情於 The Ventures 和 The Shadows 兩隊樂隊。 內地六丶七十年代物資貧乏,沒有真正的貝絲 (Bass) 可用,只利用一枝木結他做出類似效果。 經歷長時間的鍛練,他們都操得一手純熟的指法技巧,到今天,他們對演繹即興的樂曲尤其擅 長。 三位主要樂手間中會專程來香港參與 Hong Kong Folk Society 的民歌活動,亦由此而認識了一 位很有音樂熱誠的鼓手 Amme。於是組成了這隊粤韻 – The Acoustic Canton。

The Horizons

18:28 > 18:48

The Horizons 一共有 9 位成員,包括兩位

結他手及一位低音大提琴手。大部分成 員來自本地不同合唱團,但我們是民歌 初哥! 2012 年成立,2013 年 11月 17 日在 大會堂劇院舉辦首埸音樂會。我們不時 到不同機構及學校介紹及推廣民歌,亦 曾應邀上香港電台區瑞強節目 2000 靚歌 再重聚中演出。 我們很期待在民歌馬拉松中以歌會各位 folk 友!

The Beginners

18:50 > 19:10

We are the Beginners! We explore the fun world of music, being excited and inspired by the beautiful melody and touching lyrics; No matter how many times we have played a same song, the wonderful moment is always the same as we have heard and sang for the first time. We participate in each song with passion and enthusiasm, Always have the heart of a Beginner.

The Pier

19:12 > 19:32

Started up busking at Pier 3, we play 60-80’s English songs on Friday nights. If you love our music, come and have fun.

賓/ 嘉 表演 組合 樂隊簡介     大 AL & Friends

19:34 > 19:54

張武孝 ( 大 AL) 資深樂迷也許會記得:早年在中環希爾頓酒店 ( 現址長江中心 ) 的鷹巢酒吧,有一隊作長駐表演的玉石 (Jade) 樂隊,每晚演奏 歐美各地的英文金曲,大 AL 就是擔演樂隊的主音歌手。 幾年後玉石樂隊簽約佳藝電視,佳視倒閉後,大 AL 離隊作私 人發展,憑藉他一把沙啞而淳厚的聲腔,獨樹於本地樂壇,主 唱過多首粵語流行曲及灌制了多張唱片,於是大 AL 亦成為本地 極具代表性的其中一位歌手。 大 AL 及後離港北上發展,近幾年始回歸本地娛樂界並有好幾次的公開演出。多年來,大 AL一 直遊走於東、西方兩種現代音樂曲風,從和煦的晨曦接唱到斑爛的晚霞;風裏回顧,微茫歇 盡,對此他或會有更深體悟,唱腔比以前更添幾分厚實、更是穩練了。


19:56 > 20:20

MAD 是一隊於 2005 年初成立的 Acoustic Rock 樂隊,主要是以 Acoustic 風格演繹不同年代的 Folk-Rock, Pop 及 Oldies 等不同音樂。六位成員不同的音樂背景,可說是 Acoustic 與 Rock 的結 合,產生出來的風格自然就是民謠式音樂中帶點搖滾味道的 Acoustic Rock。 成員簡介:

Michael 叔叔 (Vocal, Guitar, Harmonica): 於民歌界有『民歌字典』美譽。多年來積極推動民歌 及 Live Music。

Derek Li (LeadVocal, Guitar): 80 年代曾組 BAND 公開演出,音樂風格包括搖滾、流行及新浪漫。 Lanno Luk (Bass Guitar, Vocal): 70 年 代 開 始 組 不 同 Rock Bands, 風 格 包 括 充 滿 拉 丁 風 情 的 Salsa 音樂、重型搖滾音樂,Latin Rock 及 Blues。 Victor Yang (Vocal, Piano, Guitar): 資深琴鍵手及 結他手,2011 年加入 MAD,負責琴鍵及歌唱部份。

Samuel Ng (Lead Guitar): 豐 富 組 Band 經 驗 的 主 音結他手,擅長 Folk Rock, Pop, Hard Rock 等等音 樂。

Ken Ho (Drums, Percussion): 從少熱愛音樂,曾參 予多隊不同風格的樂隊演出,經驗豐富。在 2015 年中加入 MAD,負責打鼓及敲擊部份。

TRIBUTE MEDLEY 1. All I have to do is dream

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam dream dream dream Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam dream dream dream When I want you in my arms When I want you and all your charms Whenever I want you all I have to do is Drea-ea-ea-eam I can make you mine taste your lips of wine Anytime night or day Only trouble is gee whiz I’m dreaming my life away

2. Take me home, Country Road

Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home, country roads. Almost Heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old here, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowin like a breeze. Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home, country roads.

3. Alabama Rain

Lazy days in mid July Country Sunday mornin’ Dusty haze on summer highways Sweet magnolia callin’ But, now and then I find myself Thinkin’ of the days When we were walkin’ in the Alabama Rain

4. This Land is Your Land

This land is your land, this land is my land, From California to the New York Island, From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters, This land was made for you and me. As I went walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway. I saw below me that golden valley. This land was made for you and me. This land was made for you and me.

贊 助(排名不分先後)

嗚 謝(排名不分先後)

○ Mr. John Lun

○ 領展資產管理有限公司

○ Michaelsolve

○ Mr. Lam Ka Ho

○ Asia Clinic Limited ○ Talentone Development Limited ○ Inducon Industries ○ Mr. Tony Wong ○ 貝鈞奇先生 ○ Mr. Thomas Ho ○ Miss Alice Law ○ Miss Dorinda Ma ○ Mr. Lau Kwok Chu ○ Asterie ○ Treasure ○ Young Strings ○ Hong Kong Country Road Band ○ Mr. Frankie Cheong ○ Mr. Timothy Cho ○ Mr. Alan Chan ○ Mr. Robin Ma ○ Mr. DD Chan ○ Mr. Edward Pao ○ Dr Simon Wan ○ Mr. Vincent Yan ○ Miss Kathleen Lam ○ Mr. Frankie Yip ○ 簡日燊先生 ○ Miss Kay Tsang

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