Franchising USA - March 2013

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a dessert buffet line, when Melanie was six months pregnant with her twin boys. They hit it off immediately, and DwyerOwens took Melanie under her wing, providing not only support, but an example of the importance of family, service, and leadership. Melanie was especially influenced by Dwyer-Owens’ humble personality, and her passion for helping others. That passion for giving back is one of the key features of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®, and has been since the very beginning. After putting everything back into the business, Mary Ellen Sheets ended her first year with $1000 profit. She wasn’t sure how to deal with the tax paperwork. So she wrote ten cheques for $100 each and gave them to ten different charitable organizations. Her mother’s generous spirit and sense of humour have had a profound positive effect, not only on Melanie, but on the company as it has grown through the years. Although tax paperwork is no longer an issue, that spirit of giving back has carried over and become part of the corporate culture at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®. To date, the company and its franchisees and employees have contributed over $26 million to various causes, and it is something that Melanie is intensely passionate about. She says that giving back “is what really drives me and feeds my passion.”

Franchising: The Cycle of Success Melanie’s role with TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® has evolved over the years as her title has shifted from President, to COO, to CEO, to her current role of Board Chair. Her current role gives her the opportunity to mentor and inspire others in the franchise community. She sees franchising as a way that “anyone can live the American Dream,” and refers to franchising as a “really fun ride.” One of

“When Melanie is working, she is 100 percent present and immersed in that work. When she is with family, the same holds true.” the greatest rewards of her career has been witnessing what she refers to as “the cycle of success.” Movers that are employed by TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® franchisees achieve personal success, and become franchisees. In turn, they train and influence new movers, helping them achieve success. And the cycle continues. Having learned so much along the way, Melanie is keen to share her experiences with others. Her best advice for someone new to franchising is to check lots of references. And when you talk to current franchisees within a system, ask them if they would do it again. Make sure

the concept is profitable, and that it has the potential for longevity. For more established franchisees, Melanie stresses the importance of hiring the right people, people who can cover the areas where you are not as strong. From mother to daughter, from franchisee to Board Chair, Melanie Bergeron exemplifies the cycle of success that is possible in franchising. As she continues to inspire and share with others, the cycle continues. For more information: Web:


Franchising USA

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