What's Happening at CCDP? Fall 2010

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What’s Happening Fall 2010

Join us this Fall at Christ Church Deer Park ~ Toronto

Welcome to

Christ Church Deer Park Welcome! We think we have lots to offer you: a variety of worship experiences, opportunities for learning and socializing, an open and affirming community, a place for everyone: single, partnered, children, young people and seniors. Christ Church Deer Park is an energetic affirming faith community in North Toronto. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you inside our doors! Based on our baptismal vows that “we respect the dignity of every human being,” here at Christ Church, we affirm diversity and embrace inclusiveness.

Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge St, Toronto NW corner of Yonge and Heath 416-920-5211 www.thereslifehere.org

Who we are The Rev Canon Dr Judy Rois Rector, extension 26 jrois@thereslifehere.org The Rev Canon Douglas Graydon Associate Priest, extension dgraydon@thereslifehere.org The Rev Samantha Caravan Assistant Curate, extension 31 scaravan@thereslifehere.org Eric Robertson Organist and Director of Music, extension 25 erobertson@thereslifehere.org Hilary Keachie Director of Children’s Ministry, extension 27 hkeachie@thereslifehere.org

The Rev Dr Peter Slater Honorary Assistant

The Rev Canon Dr David Neelands Dean of Divinity, Trinity College Honorary Assistant The Rev Dr Karen Hamilton Executive Director of the Canadian Council of Churches Ecumenical Partner

Jean King Parish Administrator, extension 22 jking@thereslifehere.org

Denise Gomes Financial Secretary, extension 32 dgomes@thereslifehere.org 2

There’s Worship Here Sunday Service Times 8am Traditional Holy Communion in the language of the Book of Common Prayer 10am


A uniquely diverse worship service for all to enjoy. Services of Holy Communion or Morning Prayer are supported by the choir and combine traditional and contemporary language. Our Church School called PromiseLand meets at this time in the Chapel of St Nicholas. Jazz Vespers (twice per month). Great music with some of Canada’s finest jazz musicians. This service includes music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city and the world, and a jazzy congregational hymn.

Wednesday Worship 7am This is a contemporary service of Holy Communion in our Chapel that last about ½ hour. Drop by on your way to work. A delicious continental breakfast is served from 7:45 – 8:30 am – on the house! Fall Schedule Sep12 Holy Cross Day Sep 19 Pentecost 17 Sep 26 Feast of St Michael and All Angels Oct 3 Blessing of Animals – bring your four footed family members Oct 10 Harvest Thanksgiving Oct 17 St Luke’s Day Oct 24 Pentecost 22 Oct 31 All Saints Day Nov 7 Remembrance Day Observance Nov 14 Holocaust Remembrance Nov 21 Anniversary Sunday ~ Christ Church Deer Park celebrates140 years Nov 28 Advent 1 ~ Lessons and Carols Dec 5 Feast of St Nicholas Dec 12 Advent 3 Dec 19 Advent 4 ~ Christmas Lessons and Carols Dec 24 Christmas Eve ~ 4:30 pm – Family Service with Christmas Pageant 8:15 pm ~ Christmas Carol Singing 9 pm ~ Christmas Eve Holy Communion Dec 25 Christmas Day Dec 26 1st Sunday of Christmas 3

There’s Questions Here Learning Ministry Christ Church values questions and encourages inquiry and dialogue. We offer many opportunities for people to think critically and live faithfully. Challenging Christianity Challenging Christianity is an adult forum for sharing genuine questions, doubts, perplexities and contrasting perspectives on contemporary issues and traditional teaching. You can drop in with any issues you like and find a receptive audience where easy pat answers just don't make the grade. In addition to the historical contexts of ideas, we consider how they connect with current issues. Challenging Christianity normally meets on the third Friday of each month from noon to 1:30 pm in the Arthur Smith Room. For further information please call Dr. Peter Slater through the Parish Office. Faith in Film 7 – 9pm Come and enjoy ~ Great Films ~ Great People ~ Great Conversation Popcorn and Pop are on the house! Oct 19 Nov 16 Jan 18 Feb 15

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace Voices to Remember Precious

Themed Learning Events Sep 21 Dec 7

Myth, Meaning and Religious Practice The Holy Family in Medieval & Renaissance Art

Canon Douglas Graydon Dr Sarah McKinnon

Book Club Like to read? Then the book club meetings may be just what you are looking for. Join other reading enthusiasts in the Arthur Smith Room at 7:30pm for lively conversation.


There’s Compassion Here Let’s Reach Out Together! Parishioners at Christ Church Deer Park have a long and proud heritage in reaching out to those in need through an active and caring Outreach ministry. As Anglicans and members of the wider Christian family, we continue to be committed to the goal of helping others in our own community and beyond. This is an exciting time for our parish to be actively engaged together. Having defined Outreach as a number one priority, we now welcome you to participate, and to make a difference. From our seniors to our very youngest members, there's an opportunity for everyone to be involved. Community Breakfast The Christ Church Deer Park community breakfast program is a branch of the Local Community Outreach Team. Working in cooperation with Calvin Presbyterian Church, we provide a delicious breakfast to those who could benefit from the extra nutrition. The program runs from 8 to 9:30am on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Guests enjoy a substantial meal of cereal, juice, sausages, scrambled eggs and hot toast, and take away with them a lunch bag containing fruit and granola bars. Serving our guests is a dedicated team of volunteers, who work from 7 to 10:30am setting up tables, bagging lunches, cooking sausages, eggs and toast, and clean up (including the dishes.) This ministry opportunity is always looking for new life- new volunteers. Help us to be part of the future vision the Community Breakfast offers. If you are interested in making a difference in peoples lives, we warmly welcome you. For more information, please contact Ross Morrow at 416-972-0707. For other outreach opportunities including Feeding Program in Malawi, and the Advent Giving Tree please contact the parish office. We would be happy to welcome your participation.

There’s Music Here Christ Church Sings! Our 10 o’clock choir present music to please all tastes from the Renaissance right up to the present day! Interested adults are invited to join the 10am choir. For more information, or to drop in and participate in a choir practice contact Eric Robertson, Director of Music: 416-9205211 ext 25 or email at erobertson@thereslifehere.org


Jazz Vespers Sundays at 4:30 pm Sep 26 A Love Supreme - Music of John Coltrane: Kirk MacDonald, Pat LaBarbera – saxopohone Brian Dickenson – piano Neil Swainson – bass Bob McLaren – drums Oct 17

Mike Murley, saxophone & David Occhipinti, guitar

Nov 14

Joe Sealy, piano & Paul Novotny, bass

Nov 28

Bob Brough Quarter ~ A Tribute to Stan Getz

Dec 19

Christmas Vespers ~ Brian Barlow Brass & Drums Chase Sanborn & Brian O’Kane, trumpets Russ Little & Terry Promane, trombones Doug Burrell, tuba Brian Barlow, drums

Thursday Lunch-time Chamber Music This series offers recitals every Thursday lunchtime beginning at 12:10pm with some of Toronto’s most talented musicians. Bring your bag lunch and enjoy the music. Fall season begins Thursday October 14th. Blow the Trumpet! Are you an instrumentalist? Are you looking for an opportunity to share your musical talents with a dynamic community? Look no further – our Music Director, Eric Robertson, wants to hear from you! He can be reached at or 416-920-5211 x 25. Don’t be shy – there’s life here!

There’s Kids Here PromiseLand ~ Kids Faith Club meets every Sunday morning at 10am. Through worship, song, drama, baking and social action projects, kids explore ways to live out their emerging faith. PromiseLand is lots of fun, but it’s also serious business. We take to heart our responsibility and privilege of nurturing children through their faith journey. We strive to lead by example in worship, teaching and learning, prayer, love, peace and justice. We want every child who spends time with us in PromiseLand to know that they are divinely created and intimately loved by God. We begin most Sunday by worshipping together in our Chapel. Then, children go off to their respective classes where they are given age appropriate activities and have the opportunity to 6

engage in conversations about the week’s theme with their peers. Children come together again, and join with the rest of the Christ Church Deer Park community, towards the end of the morning to celebrate the Eucharist. Once a month, children join the congregation for the entire worship and participate in the service through prayer, song or drama. We also have professional child care available for kids up to 3 years of age in The Nest. Throughout the year, we have lots of special events. We bring our pets to church for the Blessing of Animals and we learn that God cares for animals and values the relationship between animals and people. We mark significant days like Remembrance Day by having guest speakers come in and share their experiences with us. We celebrate the beginning of Advent by setting up the Giving Tree and collecting gifts for children and families suffering from homelessness in our community. Join us every Sunday morning for stories, laughter and learning. All are welcome! For more information and regular updates on what we’re doing, check out our website at www.thereslifehere.org

There’s Community Here Community is one of the hallmarks of who we are and there are many and varied opportunities for you to consider. Anglican Church Workers This is a varied group of women who work diligently behind the scenes preparing for community events like the annual rummage sale, book sale and Christmas fair. Everyone is welcome to come out Tuesday mornings after 10am to join in activities or just chat. There is a brown bag lunch at noon and, occasionally, a speaker. Dates to keep in mind: Oct 23 Fall Rummage Sale Nov 27 Christmas Fair Chancel Guild The Chancel Guild is a group of people who meet to care for the sacramental vessels and linens. Members take turns on a rotation basis with a team. Their work is silent but important as they ready the church for all worship service in the church. If you enjoying working in a quiet environment behind the scenes, for more information please contact the Rev Samantha Caravan. 7

Special Event Dates for your Calendar! September 2010 Tuesday ~ 14th Tuesday ~ 21


Faith in Film ~ 7pm, showing Milk, starring Sean Penn Learning Ministry Event ~ Myth, Meaning and Religious Practice Guest Speaker ~ The Rev Canon Douglas Graydon

Sunday ~ 26th

Liturgy Team lunch and learn ~ 11:30 am Jazz Vespers ~ 4:30 pm

Monday ~ 27th

Screening in Faith Workshop 1 – 3 pm

October 2010 Thursday ~ 14th

Weekly Lunchtime Chamber Music Series Resumes ~ 12:10 pm Art Gallery Opening ~ “Colours of the Soul”

Sunday ~ 17th

Screening in Faith Workshop ~ 12 noon Jazz Vespers ~ 4:30 pm

Tuesday ~ 19th

Faith in Film, 7pm, showing Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Starring Harrison Ford

Saturday ~ 23rd

Rummage Sale ~ 9am – 12:30 pm

Sunday ~ 31st

All Souls ~ 4:30 pm Art Gallery Opening ~ “Colours of the Soul”

November 2010 Friday ~ 5th

Remembrance Day Concert ~ 7pm

Sunday ~ 14th

Jazz vespers ~ 4:30 pm

Tuesday ~ 16th

Faith in Film – Bonhoeffer Agent of Grace ~ 7pm Guest host, the movies music composer Eric Robertson

Saturday ~ 27th

Christmas Fair ~ 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

Sunday ~ 28th

Jazz Vespers ~ 4:30 pm

December 2010 Tuesday ~ 7th Sunday 19th

Holy Family in Medieval and Renaissance Art ~ 7 pm Guest Lecturer ~ Sarah McKinnon, Ontario College of Art & Design Christmas Jazz Vespers ~ 4:30 pm


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