The Herald - April 2010

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Our Easter Garden...see story on page 10



APRIL 2010

Judy’s Journal

HERALD HERALD is published six times a year (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, June/July) by Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge Street Toronto ON M4T 1Z8 Tel: 416.920.5211 Fax: 416.920.8400 We welcome your submissions. E-mail: or the editor (e-mail below). PARISH CLERGY

Rector The Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois Associate Priest The Rev. Greg Carpenter Honorary Assistants The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater The Rev Canon Dr. David Neelands The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Ecumenical Partner

The Rev. Michael Marshall,

Hospital for Sick Children

Director of Children’s Education Samantha Caravan WARDENS

Rector’s Warden (Human Resources) Innes van Nostrand People’s Warden (Finance) Genevieve Chornenki Deputy Warden (Property) Walter P. Blackwell

Dear Friends, Excerpt from this year’s message to the 24th Annual InterFaith Dinner: “RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY ARE NOT ABOUT POSSESSING TRUTH. No religion can do that. I believe they are rather, an invitation into a journey that can lead us toward the mystery of God. And that is a journey we take as friends searching for truth rather than establishing truth; upholding justice and tolerance above creedal beliefs. Perhaps how we treat other people is more important than the specifics of what we believe about God, humanity and the rest of the universe. The Golden Rule remains at the heart of all religious traditions.” Just before Jesus faced death, he met with the disciples for a meal that became the central act of worship for the early Christians. During that meal, Jesus also gave the disciples one commandment to remember for all time: Love one another as I have loved you. For at least 300 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the only creedal statement that Christians had was this: Jesus is Lord. Gather together, share bread and wine – and remember me. Love one another, as I have loved you. Jesus is Lord. Since the early days of Christianity, the Church has added and embellished this simple meal with eucharistic prayers, and we now have much longer and more elaborate creedal statements of faith. The commandment to love one another remains at the heart of how Christians are invited to treat others.


Editor Joyce Hamilton ( Members Henry Zaluski, Brian Buckingham Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski, Peter Curzon Webmaster Brian Dench PARISH STAFF

Organist &Director of Music Eric Robertson Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant Jean King Parish & Financial Secretary Denise Gomes Sexton Denis Delisle

When I was invited to prepare a message to this year’s InterFaith Dinner, I was asked to articulate the essence of the Christian faith in the context of people of many faith traditions. While the eucharist and the creeds would not extend to faith traditions beyond our own, what remained was The Golden Rule. Perhaps when we distill the message to one statement, “love one another” is still the bedrock of Christianity. St. Paul the Apostle said you can have faith that moves mountains, but if you lack love, it’s worth nothing. That was the message of Jesus again and again. Love may be the litmus test for any true theology. Perhaps it’s time for all religious traditions to concentrate more on compassion and love and less time arguing over words and creeds and doctrinal statements. Love cannot be encapsulated in a canon or a doctrine. You’ve got to do it. The Buddha once said: “Love means you’ve got to live in a certain way. “ Recognizing the sacredness in other human beings is a part of the deal for people of all faith traditions. I hope this will characterize our faith community in this new century. Yours faithfully, Judy Rois, Rector 2 / HERALD


APRIL 2010 upper room wasn’t stagnant – it propelled those it affected into next steps, into action.

Associate’s Angle

THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS GOING THROUGH MY HEAD as I sit down to write my last submission to the Herald. The last three-plus years have been invigorating, challenging and truly life-giving. Christ Church has helped me learn more about how this vocation of ordained life can and does mesh with, not only where the Church is today, but where is looks to be in the future. And in case you are wondering, I believe there is a future in the Church! Here are two recent news items that have provoked me. First: A group of disaffected Canadian Anglicans have accepted the offer of the Bishop of Rome to join the Roman Catholic fold. Of course, we need to respect their decision; however, I think it needs to be emphasized that their decision to leave was first made the better part of 20 years ago – before any of the 50 or so kids in PromiseLand were born. Their departure was sparked by the liturgical renewal that produced the Book of Alternative Services and the ordination of women to serve as priests. Second: Majority consent was given by the governing committees and bishops confirming the election of The Rev Mary Glasspool, Bishop-elect of Los Angeles. She will be ordained bishop in May 2010. While this is all part of the normal way of going about things in the Episcopal Church – hardly news worthy across the Anglican Communion – Bishop-elect Glasspool is lesbian and in an open relationship. This news has been received with elation by some and with deep regret by others. These two pieces of news have got me to thinking about how the Holy Spirit is provoking us to be Anglican Christians today and beyond – how we need to shake the sleep out of our eyes and get to work at being in the thick of society, not on the periphery. There was a time when I would have shied away from speaking about this type of thing – but I am not sure we can afford such luxuries anymore. While the notion of change is often greeted with uncertainty, the work of the Holy Spirit from the very beginning of time has been one of motion and provocation, sometimes into discomfort and hopefully always into renewed life. The wind that skirted over the waters in Genesis was active; and the rushing wind that brought tongues of fire to the disciples into the closed

From the start of my time at Christ Church, I have been amazed at the openness this community has shown to be part of its wider community in so many ways. We haven’t allowed the stone walls of our present building from 1922 to contain a faith that is bubbling and effervescent – we have respected their beauty, but they can’t contain us. The faith I have encountered here is one that wants to take chances, that wants to push the envelope from time to time, that wants to continue swirling around. It has been my privilege to experience this with you, to embrace that swirling Holy Spirit. It is my hope to take some of that into my next steps. Thank you all for that opportunity – Christ is Risen. Alleluia! Greg

Thank You! Thanks to Greg Carpenter, Associate Priest, for his ministry at CCDP during the past 3 years. We wish him well as he assumes the position of Incumbent of St. Jude’s, Wexford, in May. Thanks to Samantha Caravan, Director of Children’s Education for her enthusiastic ministry in PromiseLand. We welcome her contribution in her new position as Assistant Curate at CCDP. Thanks to all those who have served on parish committees for your contributions to the life and ministry at Christ Church Deer Park: Maggie Symons - Chancel Guild President Pam Fitzhardinge - Chancel Guild Treasurer MJ Rosenthall - Sidespeople Jayne Miles Simpson & Maxine Henry Community Ministry and Sunday Coffee Hours Pam Taylor - Lay Member of Synod Richard Worzel - 9:15 am Sunday Sub-Deacons Michael Butler - Rector’s Warden Thanks also to Ricardo Simbulan for serving so well as one of our Sextons. We welcome a new Sexton, Ray Villeneuva.


REMINDER NOTE Services will be at 8:00 am and 10:00 am through April 25


APRIL 2010

Canon Douglas Graydon joins CCDP as part-time Associate Priest

World Malaria Day

While Samantha Caravan is a deacon and unable to preside at the Eucharist until ordained a priest, Douglas Graydon will be joining us to assist in worship on Wednesday and Sunday mornings from July to December. He comes with many years of experience and ministry and we look forward to welcoming him in July! The Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon Born and raised in Brampton, Douglas studied Architectural Science at Ryerson before changing his career goals and completing his M. Div. at the University of Trinity College in 1982. While completing his curacy as an Associate Priest at St. James Cathedral, Douglas pursued his interest in a career as a hospital chaplain and became the first nonRoman Catholic chaplain hired by St. Michael’s Hospital. He would spend the next 20 years developing a career as a palliative care Chaplain working at Casey House Hospice where he specialized in HIV/AIDS spiritual care and then working at Princess Margaret Hospital as part of the health care team for cancer palliative care. At that time Archbishop Terence Finlay appointed Douglas as the Coordinator of Chaplaincy Services for the Diocese of Toronto.

April 25, 2010 Mosquitoes carrying this disease are most active between 10pm and 4am. Sleeping under an insecticidetreated bednet can decrease severe malaria by 45%, reduce premature births by 42% and cut child mortality by up to 63%. Pregnant women and children under 5 are at the greatest risk for malaria-related deaths.

Malaria is preventable and treatable.

Join us in the fight against malaria! One bednet costs $10. We invite you to make a $10 donation between now and May 16th. You may use your offering envelope or an envelope in the pew. Cheques may be made to Christ Church Deer Park with the notation: Malaria Prevention You may also join the movement of people of faith acting together by signing the Faiths Act Declaration which says: “I commit to working together with people of all faiths to fight against disease & poverty. Together we will demonstrate religion as a force for good in today’s world.” To sign, visit: Together as a faith community, we can make a difference!

Besides his duties as Chaplaincy Services Coordinator, for the past seven years, Douglas was the half-time priest-incharge of St. Philip the Apostle Anglican Church until its closing on May 30th.

You are invited

Douglas also functions as the Diocesan Resource Coordinator for Pandemic Planning and is chair of the Canadian Council of Churches National Advisory Group for Emergency Planning. Douglas also holds a Master’s Degree of Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. He is a respected speaker and educator on the subject of healing ministries, spiritual and religious care.


Sunday, June 13 at 4:00 pm to the service of celebration of new ministry for The Rev Greg Carpenter The Rt Rev Patrick Yu, Bishop of York-Scarborough, presiding The Rev Canon Dr Judy Rois, homilist at St Jude’s, Wexford 10 Howarth Avenue (one block south and then east of Lawrence Ave E and Victoria Park Ave)


APRIL 2010

A Farewell AS I WRITE THIS FAREWELL we are in the midst of Holy Week and I am a few short weeks away from striking out on an adventure that I have prepared for. When I was a boy, a favourite aunt used to read me stories from one of those big, illustrated, children’s Bibles. I remember how exciting the story of the young Samuel serving in the Temple seemed. That story held the beginning of a dream for me.

Greg Fiennes-Clinton has been appointed Assistant Curate at St. Stephen's, Downsview, Toronto, as of May 3rd. In his short time with us he has contributed much (of note is his work on our web blog) and made many friends...we wish him well.


You are invited Sunday, May 2

Samantha and Greg will be ordained to the diaconate for the Diocese of Toronto Sunday, May 2nd, at 4:30 pm at St. James’ Cathedral, Toronto (corner of King and Church Streets).

Years later, I have had the pleasure of learning at Christ Church, among clergy whom I regard highly and people with whom I have had the privilege of developing friendships. I have found CCDP to be a place of encouragement and energy. I would like to thank each of the clergy, staff, and you, the people, for having made me feel so welcome in your midst. Entering a new parish community is a lot like being invited over to a friend’s place for dinner. There are new sights, and smells, and - if you’re attentive - there are lots of opportunities to see things done in different ways. As I prepare to leave Christ Church, I am grateful for the new ideas and approaches I have seen. I am grateful for the welcome I have received, the friendships I have made, and the lessons that I will take with me into a new career. Please accept my thanks, again, for the welcome and all that I have learned in your midst as well as my wishes for a blessed Easter season. In Peace,

They will be hosting a reception at Christ Church Deer Park, in Elliott Hall, commencing around 7:00 pm All are invited to attend the service of ordination and the reception

ARE YOU OPEN TO A NEW, CREATIVE, SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE? Here’s your opportunity to explore the meditative art of working unspun wool fibres into fabric at a workshop led by Emily Chatten...a wet and woolly interpretation of faith. Each participant will complete a small wall hanging.

Greg Fiennes-Clinton Theological Intern

...and still here! WHEN SAMANTHA CARAVAN, Director of Children’s Education for 4 years, resigned from her position as of April 2010 in preparation for her ordination to the diaconate, there were mixed feelings at Christ Church Deer Park...sincere best wishes as she embarked on this new milestone for which she had worked so hard...and a sadness in that we would be losing a person who had given us so much and that we had grown to love. Needless to say, the announcement that Samantha will be assigned as Assistant Curate to Christ Church Deer Park was greeted with loud cheers!

Saturday, April 24 9:00am - 12:30pm Elliott Hall No experience necessary! Cost: $25 (for materials), due at registration (Donations towards the CCDP Visual Arts Program will also be gratefully accepted at the Workshop) Space is limited to 10 -12 please register early. Contact Emily at or 416-792-8108



APRIL 2010

Community Ministry

A.C.W. Annual

Spring Luncheon

Holy Grounds Cafe We need YOU! Refreshment time is valuable to us. Please sign up on the kitchen bulletin board for a shift. It is a wonderful way to meet the congregation, and feel that you are contributing to the Life of our Church. There are always people available to train you, if you haven’t done it before.

Lemonade on The Lawn

Tuesday, May 18, 12:00 noon

Soon... it will be Summer Service time... and the Holy Grounds Cafe will shut down for the Summer, to be replaced by Lemonade on The Lawn after the service. Please consider helping out on those Sunday’s that you are in town this year. I will get the calendar up on the wall during April, and would appreciate your help. “Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy”... can’t wait!


The Triolettes Tickets: $15.00 Available after Church on Sundays through the office or call: Anne Le Feuvre, 416-484-3710

Vestry has passed, but but we’re still looking for someone to head up the Community Ministry: Do you like organizing social events? Do you like helping out at social events? Would you add supplies for events to your shopping list (and be reimbursed) Would you maintain the coffee team schedule? Could you buy supplies for the coffee hour (and be reimbursed)? Would you sign up to take on a month as part of the coffee hour team? Do you have some other ideas for reaching out to our community?

PARISH REGISTER Confirmation John McIntosh Fanjoy Thomas Duke Oxtoby Graham Michael Darwin Burton Patricia Katherine Rooney Innes John Holt van Nostrand Kathleen Margaret Claire van Nostrand Siân Mairin Lathrop

Join Us!

In Memoriam

Call or email Jayne, or speak to her in church...she’d be delighted to pass on her knowledge and experience and get you started. Jayne Miles Simpson 416-489-2400


Douglas Simpson Shirley Elizabeth Crang Louise Spencer Dick Audrey Claire Bennett


APRIL 2010

Parish Forum and the 10am update After an enthusiastic response to the combined Sunday Parish Anniversary worship service in November 2009, parishioners asked The Worship Committee to give consideration to combining the 9:15 and 11 am worship services. This is an idea that has often been discussed over the past several years. After much deliberation, The Worship Committee recommended that the parish experiment with this idea for a period of 9 Sundays, beginning in February 2010. An Information Meeting was held in January to receive input and suggestions from the parish, after which the Clergy, Organist and Director of Children’s Education pooled the suggestions including: a traditional service, including Choral Mattins; a contemporary service; a service with both traditional and contemporary musical and liturgical elements; a service that included children and young people with their choice of a eucharistic prayer, a gospel drama, informal homily and choice of music; a continuation of the 9:15 tradition of gathering around the altar during the eucharistic prayer. Feedback was welcomed by hand-written submissions, a dedicated online email address, and an online survey. A Parish Forum was held in March to receive feedback to all of these services. A decision was then made by the Core Forum Group to continue the combined Sunday services until the end of April. During this time further feedback would be sought from the parents of children in PromiseLand who may not have had ample opportunity to offer feedback due to March breaks. To date, there is a significant and positive trend toward a continuation of the combined Sunday service at 10 am with the suggestion that further study be given to creating a service that meets the needs of the majority of parishioners. Once feedback has been received from the parents of children in PromiseLand, a final recommendation will be made to The Worship Committee who will then consider all feedback and recommend a future course of action. We thank everyone for their suggestions and ideas as we continue to experiment with a worship style that addresses the wishes and needs of the congregation as a whole.


Don’t miss the


Saturday, May 15 10am - 2pm There’s still time to drop off all those extra books, LPs, CDs, Videos and DVDs that are filling your shelves. ...and, volunteers to sort, set-up and help on sale day are always welcome...speak to Ben Dibben or Maggie Symons.


APRIL 2010

Outreach Community Breakfast FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS, at 7:00am every second Sunday, from September throught June, volunteers from our congregation show up in the Community Hall Kitchen to devote about 3 hours of their time to prepare, cook and serve a healthy breakfast to as many as 40 of the less fortunate and needy in our society. As important as this is, the program is about much more than providing a nourishing and hearty home-cooked meal.


It is about ensuring our guests a warm welcome...a safe environment...fellowship...friendship...and the dignity they so richly deserve.

When you think of Canada, you can’t help think of water...the Great Lakes and the thousands upon thousands of other lakes, large and small, throughout this vast land.

And our volunteers?...through giving, they are receiving back even more...not just the camaraderie, but a truly rewarding and enriching experience.

To think that we would ever run out of fresh, clean water is unimaginable...but it can happen.

Today, as the need and demands are increasing, we are urgently appealing for more volunteers. Come on your own...enlist a friend (or two)...involve the whole family. There are jobs available for everyone; from shopping, to cooking; from set-up tp serving. Whether you can participate once a month or so, or on a regular basis, every bit of help is both needed and appreciated.

Join Us! Together, we can make a difference! For further details, speak to any of the clergy or call JR Thornton, (416) 489-6740.

Ronald McDonald House Dinner Thursday, May 27th For further information, contact Elizabeth Joy

Not only do we pollute it...we are over-extracting. Did you know that it takes 2 to 4.5 barrels of pressurized water to extract one barrel of oil from the Alberta tar sands?...that since the ealy 1990’s Canada has come close to allowing exports of billions of litres of fresh water?... that Canada is the only country that has opposed the human right to water at the UN at 3 meetings (2002, 2003 and 2008)?...that Canadians are amongst the worst water wasters in the world?...that our water-thirsty neighbour to the south is turning its eye north to feed its increasing needs (and we have no legislation in place to stop them)? In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development declared March 22, World Water Day, as an international observance. Here at Christ Church Deer Park we recognized this day on Sunday, March 21st by distributing small glass vials along with a pledge slip to sign and insert...a reminder that we, each in our own way, can help conserve what might be our most precious asset. Your pledge can be as simple as not letting the tap run while brushing your teeth to replacing that old, water guzzling toilet with a new, low flush (and very efficient) new one. For further information about water conservation, go to



APRIL 2010

Get clutterfree for spring and turn that clutter into cash for the church

CCDP repair work: Church roof and interior painting

Without a doubt most people are thinking “spring cleaning” this month and so are those who run the rummage and book sales. It’s time give your home a shake up. If your new year’s resoluton was to get organized, be organized and stay organized, and you haven’t yet done so, the time is now. Why? The ever so famous annual CCDP rummage sales can always use donations of clothing, accessories, housewares, and treasures...the book sale will happily make use of your old books, LPs, CDs, videos and DVDs...your clutter could be a valuable, or much needed, item in someone else’s home where it will be worn, used or admired and live happily ever after. This could be your motivation...turn your clutter into cash for the church. Too much clutter can have a profound impact on our lives. It can impose on our physical space and, once out of hand, contribute to mental and emotional challenges leading to stress and depression...even create a safety hazard. Too much clutter can even prevent a person from having meaningful relationships with friends and family. It can have an impact on your spiritual growth and relationship with God. Clutter can be overwhelming, and letting go can be very difficult. However, if “things” in your life have reached a point where they are causing pain or shame, it’s time to let them go. Free your body, mind and spirit...get organized!

Over the next four weeks there are several major Property Repairs scheduled: - New Installation of the Lower Flat Roof above the Atrium Church Entrance and the Parish Office. - Repairs / Modifications to the Dog House Mechanical Storage Area on the Upper Flat Roof. This will address some remaining water leak problems. - Repair to the Pulpit Door Drain Pipe to fix the water leak at the window well outside the Children’s Chapel. - Interior Painting of the Arthur Smith Room, Elliott Hall, Community Hall and the Lower Basement Hallway is planned to begin Monday April 19th, 2010. The above repairs will create some minor disruption, both at the Atrium Church Entrance, and to the four major rooms / hallway scheduled for painting. All repair work should be completed by mid May 2010. For further information, contact Don Dority, Chair, CCDP Property Committee, at (416) 223-5197.

Congratulations... to those who were confirmed on April 3rd

Have a plan. Don’t be afraid. Sort your stuff into three piles one for the church, one for recycling (garbage) and keepers. Ask for some help if you can’t do it alone. Get the family together and make it a “Be Organized Family Funday”! (BOFF). You can ask me for further pointers. After you drop your stuff off at the church why not treat yourself and your helpers to dinner to celebrate the freedom of a new, clutter-free life? I also donate my wares to the church and always look forward to the CCDP sales. I shop and volunteer my time on the floor, selling and helping with clean up. There are many job opportunites to choose from. It is great way to meet other parishioners and we have lots of fun. See you in church. Maxine The Maximizer

Front, l to r: Bishop Patrick Yu, Graham Burton, Claire van Nostrand, Trish Rooney, Jack van Nostrand. Rear, l to r: John Fanjoy, Siân Lathrop, Duke Oxtoby, Samantha Caravan, Director of Children’s Education, Canon Judy Rois



APRIL 2010

We're in “Canadian Living” April issue!!

Easter Scenes at Christ Church Deer Park

“Make + Do”, the craft column, starts out..."Meet Canada's Crafters....Carol Knowlton-Dority is the creative mind behind the fun and fancy-free plastic flowers that you'll find featured in our April issue. These flowers are a harbinger of spring in my Toronto neighbourhood; when they pop up all around Christ Church Deer Park, I know that the good weather (and chocolate bunny) isn't far off! ...” Carol is a parishioner at CCDP and has been the inspiration behind our annual Easter Duragarden, amongst many other visual/craft contributions that enhance our experience here. A more serious side of her artwork has been on display at the CCDP Group Art shows and you can see more on her website; This Easter, Carol spearheaded a “Repair and Create Anew Party” to help prepare for our annual Easter Garden. “To the Great Dura Garden Volunteers: Anne, Nora, Jill, Margaret, Pam, Lynn, Tanya, Jane, Sidney, Fancesca, Charlotte, Bev, Jane, Alyson, Carolyn, and Emily... just want to thank the Party! for your efforts, creativity, and perserverance! The Easter Garden made a big splash! Great for the Church - great fun for us! Thanks again.” Carol



APRIL 2010

JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s finest jazz musicians!

Free concerts at 12:10 pm every Thursday. Bring your lunch, relax and enjoy. April 15

Jennifer Enns Modolo, mezzo-soprano; Peter Nikiforuk, organ

April 22

“The Sextet” Adam Weinman, oboe; Kaili Maimets, flute Abner Liu, clarinet; Rebecca Nicole Norman, bassoon; James Tizzard, horn; Jacqueline Leung, piano

April 29

Emma Elkinson, flute; Fiona Jane Wood, piano

May 6

Maria Shantz, voice; Stephanie Braet, French horn; Catherine Willard, organ/piano

May 13

Véronique Mathieu, violin; Jennifer Hu, piano

May 20

Earl Brubacher, flute; Eric Robertson, keyboard

May 27

Mauro Bertoli, piano

April 11

Tribute to Louis Armstrong Chase Sanborn, trumpet; Mark Eisenman, piano; Steve Wallace, bass; Brian Barlow, drums

April 25

Mark Eisenman Trio Mark Eisenman, piano; Steve Wallace, bass; John Sumner, drums

May 9

Nancy Walker Trio Nancy Walker, piano; Kieran Overs, bass; Brian Barlow. drums

May 23

Vern Dorge Quartet

June 6

Gordon Sheard Trio

Welcome to the Book Club

Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation

Canadian Amateur Musicians

We invite all those who enjoy reading books to come to the next meeting on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:30 in the Arthur Smith Room.

CAMMAC Toronto ONCE A MONTH, CAMMAC singers and instrumentalists get together at Christ Church Deer Park and “read through” a mass, cantata or opera (for choir and orchestra) under the direction of a professional choir director. The read-throughs are not intended as rehearsals and although we do not perform for any formal audience, listeners are welcome.

We’ll be discussing “Nation” by English writer, Terry Pratchett. Our final meeting of this current season is Wednesday, May 26 when we’ll be discussing “Flying Troutmans” by Canadian writer, Miriam Toews

They begin at 2:00 in Elliott Hall and upcoming dates are Sundays, April 18 and May 30.

Remember to check our website for updates on these and other events.

Join us for lively conversation, refreshments and wine, or your own choice of beverage. For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940



APRIL 2010

The Gallery in the Arthur Smith Room

Faith & Film Festival Season 4

The Art Committee has been buoyed by the reception and support that recent art shows have received at CCDP and is enthusiastically working to make the dream of regular art shows at CCDP a reality. We will soon be mounting our campaign to raise the funds necessary for the enhancement of the Arthur Smith Room in order to accomodate proper lighting and hanging of art pieces. Leading the campaign is Walter Blackwell. Our target is $8,000, including all the taxes. If you are interested in helping out in this campaign, or in contributing funds towards our goal, please contact Ramesh Kamath at 416.964.9988.

Group Art Show

Wednesday April 21 - 7:00 pm The Pool (2007), dir. Chris Smith (98 min) A boy working in a hotel becomes obsessed with a swimming pool within an opulent estate in Panjim, Goa in India. His world changes as he meets the family living in the estate - a successful father and rebellious daughter. Slowly he gains their trust to edge closer to his fascination – but ends up with so much more. This winning film from the Sundance Film Festival will leave you refreshed by the generosity and potential of the human spirit. Films are shown in the Arthur Smith Room. Movie style refreshments (popcorn and cold drinks) are served. Free admission...all are welcome.

HERALD Deadline for the next HERALD is June 8 DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or to the Editor.

Joy and Elation

Articles and announcements may be submitted at any time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Atrium or e-mail the editor at

April 18 and April 25 following Sunday services Arthur Smith Room



APRIL 2010

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