CCBC Summer Campaign

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Enrollment Campaign 2017 SUMMER OBJECTIVES Create seamless campaign that focuses on the Summer Semester for both digital and print mediums.

Created a unified look based off student personas

Created color pallet that lends itself across all channels

Increase qualified pipe line of students to admissions

Landing page that generated leads

Tracking placed on all ad space to measure success

Increase Enrollment Video

Yard Signs


Table Tents

Digital Displays

Landing Page


Newspaper Ads

Blackboard Ads

On site-Gimicks

Beach Ball IRC decorated

RESULTS Summer submissions went from 75 in 2016 to 355 in 2017 giving a 373% increase in qualified leads and enrollment was above bench marked level.

Digital Medium Efforts VIDEO Filmed, edited and produced on campus, CCBC created a short video explaining the “Top 5 Reasons to take Summers Classes @ CCBC.” The video featured actual CCBC students who volunteered to take part.

Click to See RETARGETING ADS Through a local news station in the Pittsburgh area, CCBC places retargeting ads with specific URL tracking. These ads can appear on mobile devices, web page headers and in sidebar ad space and are all specifically designed for each location.




Digital Medium Efforts LANDING PAGE Built in-house, CCBC created a landing page for all summer enrollment inquiries and was able to track with unique URL was used to discover the page, proving which outreach strategies were most effective.

Click to See

SOCIAL MEDIA CCBC has been building a very positive momentum on social media in the past year. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, all platforms have proven to be a great medium to communicate with current and potenial students.

Click to See Social Media in Action! SAMPLE SOCIAL POST

Digital Medium Efforts




On site - gimicks CCBC BEACH BALL CCBC purchased two large beach balls, wrote messages such as “Enroll Now,” and the registration webpage URL and placed them on campus for the students to enjoy.

Click to See

REGISTRATION DECORATIONS The Information Registration Center decorated their area in a luau theme for the start of summer registrations and kept the theme going.

PRINT Medium Efforts YARD SIGNS A little spash of summer color in the winter months, CCBC placed yard signs with the summer branding and a tracked URL around campus to remind students to enroll and stick around for the summer.

TABLE TENTS to learn more. Register online now or visit The benefits of summer learning: Shorter terms Online, hybrid, and in-person class options Earn credits faster and graduate sooner

Take an extra class or two to get ahead.

Soak up some college credits. Think summer at CCBC!

In the CCBC Student Lounge, in reception areas, in the Titan Cafe and on highly visited desks, CCBC placed branded table tents with not only a strong matching image, but some info about the type of classes and the benefits of summer learning.

Print Medium Efforts NEWSPAPER AD CCBC purchased a half page in the local paper, The Beaver County Times to promote to those who may not be online or see our on campus efforts.

Low tuition rates Short terms

Flexible scheduling Ease of transfer

Returning Students - Registration starts Feb. 16 New Students - Registration starts Feb. 23

Act now to view the course schedule and GET AHEAD this summer!


it's not too late! MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR SUMMER

CCBC published a series of three post cards to be sent out to various addresses in the county. This teired approach helped show people the timeline and importance of enrolling for summer classes.

On campus Digital signage Efforts DIGITAL SIGNAGE CCBC has several digital display screens located in all of the campuses buildings to display news, events and campus happenings.

BLACKBOARD CCBC uses blackboard for student course work and online lessons. Being a platform that all students will be going through at some point, we have the ability to advertise internal promotions similar in style to a retargeting ad.



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