Evolving Business Magazine - 3rd Edition

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(Read “A timeline about the life and career of Abraham Lincoln”, http://www.historynet.com/ abraham-lincoln-timeline.)

Lincoln, was born in a one-room log cabin in Kentucky, he endured losses of loved ones, tragedies too many for a lifetime, setbacks, hardships and betrayals, but yet still became president of the United States of America! Some might say, he was instrumental in the abolition of slavery, but then was killed as a result at age 54, so the cost was heavy. Throughout his tribulations, Abe never quit! He lived a purposeful and resilient life and in the midst of it all, with further consideration for the well-being of others. So, what is Your story? We all have a story…take a moment and think about yours? • How resilient are you in the face of

fearful nor experience failure, you will, and that in itself means that you are trying.

challenges and setbacks? • How do you spend your happy days? • In light of the current economic climate in Barbados, how do you plan to move forward every day?

In an article by the American Psychological Association, ‘The Road to Resilience’, the writer asked the question “How do people deal with difficult events that change their lives?” The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness and other traumatic events. The conclusion is that many people react with strong emotions that cause further setbacks in their lives, some quit living and settle for an existence of uncertainty. Yet, there are others who persevere, adapt to the new reality or carve out a future from the mountain that is set before them. I like the quote by Glenda Cloud which says;

I attended a leadership seminar some years ago, and the facilitator began with a chronology of Abraham Lincoln’s life, before revealing his name. Lincoln’s life was not a fairytale, it was a story of perseverance, grit and resilience through all the pain and glimmer of hope. And, as the story unraveled, an uneasy silence descended on the room as the facilitator narrated the events of Abe’s life. But, as he continued, people began straightening their backs and relaxing, and smiles graced our faces once again. We became more aware of who he was referring to and realized that his life did not end on the note on which it started for the ‘oh so poor guy’.

Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.

We cannot stop change from happening whether good or bad, but we can choose how to react to it, we can be resilient. Resilience is not just a buzz-word; it means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences, it is not a trait that people are either born with or without. It is nurtured through positive thoughts, behaviours and actions, and can be learned by and developed in anyone. Look at our ancestors, they were resilient, otherwise we would not be here today. But how does one remain resilient in difficult times and circumstances? By adapting well in the face of adversity; it does not mean that you will not be

In life, everyone at some point experiences something difficult, traumatic, emotionally painful or life altering. The fact that you are reading this means that you have been resilient even if you had not labelled it that way. So in light of the fact that we all face situations that require us to be resilient; • What is your strategy for building resilience? • What was your reaction to a recent tragedy, challenge or setback? • How do you plan to react to the rapid changes in the economy? • Will you complain and think about quitting, or intentionally grow through the challenges that are ahead?

Renowned speakers and writers like Valorie Burton, Les Brown and John C. Maxwell have published countless materials on the topic of resilience. However, you need to choose which strategies work best for you. Here are seven generic strategies that you can use to build resilience: -


BECOME MORE SELF-AWARE Having a better understanding of ourselves and our uniqueness, empowers us to use our areas of strength to make positive changes, and identify areas for steady and intentional improvement. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts help build resilience.

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