Update Magazine 91

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Meet Our Representative Suzanne Rowan Representative in West London

alone and has given me a very positive focus. Helping CRY in Robert’s memory helps me channel all the love I have for him into something I hope can help others, and will also make him proud.

My husband, Robert, died suddenly in November 2018 at the age of 28. It was five days after our second wedding anniversary, where Robert had surprised me with a day trip to Paris.

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of Robert and what our lives would be like now together.

On the return journey home on the Eurostar, we discussed our future career plans and our hope of starting a family in 2019. I could never have imagined going to sleep a few nights later with the horror that unfolded in the early hours of the Monday morning. I had to call his Mum and Dad to tell them the news and it was devastating. Since then, with support from family, friends, and Brentford FC (where Robert was Technical Director), I have been passionate about raising money and awareness for CRY in Robert’s honour.

Robert was full of life, intelligent, witty, kind and incredibly funny – he had such an impact on so many in such a short time. I wish with all my heart that he was still here with all our family and friends who also miss him terribly. I feel lucky to have met someone who I loved so much and who loved and supported me unconditionally. Even now, his love gives me the strength and courage to move forward each day. I am extremely proud to be a CRY Representative.

It has been wonderful to find CRY as it has helped me feel less

If you would like more information about the myheart network and the support services that we offer, such as the literature we provide and information on different cardiac conditions, you can visit the myheart website at www.myheart.org.uk. There is also the myheart YouTube channel, which includes content such as videos sent in by members sharing their experiences of being diagnosed or undergoing certain tests, as well as myheart cardiologist Professor Michael Papadakis answering a range of frequently asked questions.

You can go to the myheart YouTube channel here: bit.ly/2QjiTyl And here’s where you can find the myheart network on social media:

@myheartnetwork @myheart_UK



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