going with the flow

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as taking care of cases of intra-familiar violence. Its range of coverage is low and insufficient. Instituto de Bienestar Familiar, a government entity, has started the Communitary Mothers movement, offering help to single mothers (family heads).

requested for government support.

Elderly Homes

Regarding economical activities in the municipality, Commercial Business corresponds to 52% of the totality. 37.1% correspond to Services and 9.1% correspond to Agro industrial activities. Only 2.9% of these businesses have more than 10 active employees. Microenterprises are slowly growing in the sector due to interventions of external entities that offer new microcredits.

The elder groups conform to 11% of the local population. Most of them have no pension plan or any sort of government financial support. There are no spaces for recreation or interaction between the elderly. The only program addressing such population is the Almuerzos Calientes by ICBF plan, which supports 100 adults in Hatilllo and 204 adults in the program Paquetes de Alimentos with alimentation. 224 adults receive an economic subsidy of US$80 per month. So far, the municipality has no Old Folks Home or any sort of solution for the elderly.

Employment The majority of the population live of jobs related to the river. Fishing, hunting, buying and reselling, transporting fish and other agricultural products are part of the most common activities in the area. Fishing is carried out using artisanal methods. Fishing control organizations are slowly starting to generate ecological awareness. Fish growing ponds are being promoted in order to extend fish population, which may face extinction threats due to excessive extraction. Agricultural activities are limited to dry seasons in lowlying areas taking into account that in rainfall seasons, such areas flood and crops are lost. Livestock is a business mostly performed by extensive landowners. The government favors extensive landowners with financial support. In most cases, smaller landowners present bigger financial problems and are not able to comply with conditions


Other alternative activities such as mining have reduced significantly in the last years. Sand and pebble extraction are the most common related activities at the moment.

Unemployment in Hatillo de Loba is high with about 30%. Poverty is everywhere with most of the population depending on what the river gives them daily.

Families Amongst the inhabitants there are a lot of single mothers who struggle to manage their difficult economic situation. A lack of training, low levels of income or even unemployment does not allow for them to respond to their own needs or the needs of their children. Alcoholism, domestic violence and abuse against women are common amongst families. Governmental organizations have developed programs for families fighting such problems however many of the victims, especially women, remain quiet in most cases, as they are dependent on their partners. 78,35% of the population has at least one unsatisfied basic need. This demonstrates the urgency of implementing programs to combat poverty.


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