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Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church seeks to be an inclusive faith community that connects, engages, and equips youth to discover and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

January we continued our weekly programming of Middle School Midweek Meet Up on Tuesdays via Zoom, persisting in our study of Visio Divina, reading scripture, and viewing a piece of art connected to the scripture passage. Student Serve met in Foerderer House, delving into issues of faith and the world.

February Both groups helped prepare an outstanding Youth Sunday service on Feb. 13.

The youth continued to meet on Sunday mornings in Foerderer House with classes led by phenomenal volunteers for middle school, Confirmation and high school students that delved further into discipleship and what it means to follow Jesus.

March we held two retreat weekends at Johnsonburg Camp for middle school and high school students that focused on the biblical call of the Sabbath and how that call impacts our lives.

April youth led a moving Tenebrae Good Friday Service, and in May we hosted a fantastic Confirmation Expo where Confirmands presented their Discipleship Projects. Lastly, we welcomed 17 new members to the church on Confirmation Sunday.

August all youth were encouraged to attend our annual weeklong camp at Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center. The theme of the camp was “You’re Invited,” with lessons centered on meals in Scripture and the theological idea that we are all invited to God’s Table.

September we began the program year with Youth Kickoff on Sept. 18 in the gym, where all youth and their parents were invited to hear about all the programs planned for the upcoming year. At the kickoff gathering, youth were invited to sign up for various opportunities to serve the church, including assisting with Children’s Sunday School. Now, more than 15 youth regularly help with Children’s Ministry on Sunday mornings! We also restarted Student Serve that same week with our High School Small Group meeting in the new Youth Lounge. We continued our Prayer Partner Program which pairs each child or youth with an adult who regularly prays for them.

Sunday morning groups also restarted in September for middle school, Confirmation, and high school students. Middle schoolers began their year learning about what it means to experience welcome in the church, while high schoolers studied ideas about the church and what it means to be a part of the church. These classes were led by incredible volunteers who give their time and energy to help lead youth to a deeper understanding of their faith.

October Pastor Leigh hosted brunches at her house for middle school (including Confirmands), and high school youth. The new Confirmands also participated in an event for Heeding God’s Call, setting up T-shirts on the front lawn with the names of gun violence victims in Philadelphia.

November after a fantastic Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag event, we bid farewell to Youth Director Jack Liskey, who was deeply loved by the youth. Youth also hosted the Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast for the first time since 2019, serving delicious pancakes to over 100 people and providing fellowship and fun for families

December all youth were invited to the Rainbow Reindeer Games, our annual Christmas extravaganza full of games, color powder, and fun.

The BMPC Youth Ministry is grateful for the faithful work accomplished in 2022, and we are excited to see how God continues to move in our Youth Ministry and the church in 2023.