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After almost two years of being unable to do hands-on and community-based mission projects, thanks to the good work of the BMPC Refugee Support Committee, our whole congregation stepped up to support, care for, and encourage the Sepah family who arrived as asylum seekers from Afghanistan in late 2021.

divided themselves into subcommittees working on English tutoring, education issues, Fardeen’s job search, navigating local transportation, driving lessons and licenses, and even health and dental care. Again and again thanksgivings were offered by everyone involved for the opportunity to be of good service in a season when many had felt disconnected. After eight months living on the church campus in the Foerderer House, the Sepah family found housing locally, and the children were enrolled in the Haverford School District. Even as the Sepah family becomes more independent, the relationships they formed with members of our community will be lasting. 2022 was another abundant and generous year in our fight against food insecurity led by the BMPC Hunger Committee. Over $100,000 was distributed from the Hunger Fund in support of local partners and casserole making. The consistent generosity of our congregation toward this ministry has allowed the Hunger Committee to increase, even doubling in some instances, the financial support we give to our partners around greater Philadelphia to help those who continue to struggle in a uncertain economic environment.

In addition to the funding distributed to local and international partners from the Outreach, Worldwide Ministries, Peacemaking and Environmental Justice Committees, 2022 also was a year in which the Eugene C. Bay Fund for Urban Ministry awarded four grants totaling $100,000 to two historic BMPC partners – Interfaith Philadelphia and Urban Tree Connect, as well as two new partners – Episcopal Legal Aid and Philadelphia Children’s Alliance.

Each year BMPC distributes over $500,000 in mission funding to more than 50 local and international organizations doing the work of community development, advocating for social, environmental, and structural change, and showing compassion in times of crisis, violence and disaster.