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2022 A Year of Emergence

While one could argue we are still emerging from the rearrangement of religious life and practice caused by the two-plus years of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a genuine sense that 2022 was a year of emergence. Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church returned fully to in-person gatherings for the worship and work of being a congregation together. It took a while as people regathered slowly to the new rhythms of incarnate community, and even now, not everyone is fully comfortable being in a big room with dozens, much less hundreds of people. However, our sense of vitality and the spirit of our community has again come into full view.

What a joy the year of 2022 became: filling our spaces again with groups of church friends and mission partners; educational and missional opportunities; the return of Youth Sunday and the Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast; the Family Christmas Eve service again after three years; and multigenerational gatherings! What a blessing that the down time of the pandemic raised and enhanced our technological abilities to connect via livestreaming and Zoom! What a treasure we have found in some of those things we may have previously taken for granted! Singing hymns together. Breaking bread together. Upholding one another during seasons of grief together. Celebrating baptisms and weddings together!

I invite you to read this Annual Report from cover to cover. Discover what your partners in Christ have been up to in ministry and mission. Let your spirit be sparked by potential new or deepened involvements in and through this remarkable community of faith. We have emerged from a most challenging season of isolation into a renewed and revitalized congregation. The summary contained within these pages merely hint at the depth and breadth of what this congregation is being called by God to be and do.

Grace and Peace,