Scheduling Your Family trip In Advance Can Make You Wealthy

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Scheduling Your Family trip In Advance Can Make You Wealthy

The headline is actually misleading, it might not really make a person wealthy wealthy, but will definately help save you some cash :) In the last post I touched briefly on the top golden rule of traveling - Travel light. Also I told you to look at money belt bearing in mind the primary golden rule. Hope you did that & simplified your current list. The first international vacation I ever went on with my family was while I was Fourteen. The destination was India and this was way back in the late Eighties. Dad was a military colonel & mother had a small chain of book shops. While father and mother began planning for the actual trip nearly 6 months beforehand, we read about the different places we would visit each day. The second golden rule for vacation travel is you got it - Plan in Advance! My dad organized every thing with mom with his army precision, checklists were created, duties were allotted to me and my sister (who was older by 3 years) Six months before we're to travel. There were 3 lists Common list - In which all the stuff that everyone would need and utilize was detailed (toothpaste, nail clipper etc) Emergency List - Where doctor prescribed medicines, emergency numbers etc were detailed Personal List - Where our own individual stuff that we'd like to bring were listed (boy! this list ended up being huge!!!) And then there were the tasks checklist. Dad would do the tickets, visa, permission for him to travel (he was still serving), Mum would take care of the prescription medications, visits to the doctor, clothing, me & my sister were required to research places we would have liked to go. All Emily desired to do was find out snake charmers and princes (hahah!!), me I desired to see the Mt Everest & ride elephants. We had been so far removed from reality (well to some extent far!) The point I'm trying to make here is, if you are travelling overseas for a family vacation, plan as soon

as possible. Write every little thing down in 2-3 lists and then start taking off items that are not required. I am sure you don't have to bring 5 various kinds of moisturizing lotion. You'll need a sun block and a moisturizing lotion. We're assigned only 2 bags; I had a duffel plus a little back pack. Preparing this early, resulted us in completing all our travel requirements and bag buying during sales. By doing this I assume we saved almost 50% of the cost we'd have paid for had we waited until the last minute. Congratulations, you realize why I sent you to money belts This fabulous site is about vacation needs and is also my current favorite. Within a month I have saved near $800 on back packs along with other holiday need products. Getting back lets recap the two travel rules we've learnt up to now Travel Light Plan in Advance & save money wherever you possibly can! Till the next one, dream of your forthcoming family trip!

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