July 2013 - Urban Suburban

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1. Movie t icket bonanza Look up the local movie theatre chains that are in your area. Many offer discounted summertime fun packs that include dozens of movies at a really great price just for kids. 2. Check for daily summer fun camps There a lot more out there than you might even be aware of. These are day camps that generally charge very reasonable rates to keep the little ones safely and wholesomely entertained while you work. 3. Get into video games With more family friendly video games out there than ever before, the electronic babysitter is a reliable device. Newer motion-sensing games can encourage fitness, and many arcade games are also there to keep your little ones entertained and in fabulous shape. 4. Look into new hobbies for t hem From model cars to rockets, to arts and crafts, chances are good that there are hobby shops near you that offer a world of fun4kids that is just waiting for you to tap into. Get them into a hobby that will preoccupy their time during the summer break from school. 5. Summer camp Never overlook summer camp or things like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Children love to learn and play with other children. A short summer camp expedition can teach them valuable life lessons, while affording you a short break to enjoy some priceless and generally much needed mom and dad time.

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