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CIA-The World Factbook

T h e Wo rld Factb oo k provi des i nform ati on on the hi stor y, peop l e, governme nt, econom y, geograph y, c ommuni cations, transpor t ati on, mi l i tar y, and transn ati onal i ssues for 267 wor l d enti ti es. Our R eference ta b i ncl udes: m aps of the m aj or worl d re gi ons, as wel l as Fl ags of the Worl d, a P h ysi cal Map of the Worl d, a P ol i ti cal Map of the Wo rl d, a Worl d Oc eans map, and a S tandard T i me Z ones of th e Worl d map.

United Nations UN- Dag Hammarskjöld Library

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.

Yale Law School – Lillian Goldman Law Library Country by country guide to foreign law research

This country-by-country guide will help get you started on your foreign law research by connecting you to the best research guides and databases for each country.

Suiza a la vista

El Säntis es el símbolo de la región del lago Constanza. Puede verse desde muy lejos y es conocido por sus condiciones de tiempo extremas y de otra forma sólo vistas en la alta montaña. En 1882 se instaló la primera estación meteorológica del Säntis, la que desde ese entonces ha estado a cargo de un meteorólogo especialista.

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