BIONOTICIAS 4ª semana de abril 2024

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4ª semana de abril 2024


BioNoticias. Resumen de prensa semanal

Elaborado por la Biblioteca de Biología. Universidad de Salamanca

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índice Biología 4 Biomedicina 11 Biotecnología 28 Medioambiente 31 Ciencia 44

Un ictiosaurio gigante hallado en Reino Unido podría ser el mayor reptil marino de la historia

Justin y Ruby Reynolds, padre e hija, comparten un interés común: la búsqueda de fósiles.

Así funciona la ‘bisagra’ del ala de los insectos

Los insectos fueron los primeros animales que desarrollaron la capacidad de volar.

Las problemáticas "sustancias químicas eternas" que van a parar al mar no se quedan allí Denominadas con frecuencia "sustancias químicas eternas" debido a su gran estabilidad química, las sustancias perfluoroalquiladas y las polifluoroalquiladas PFAS, por sus siglas en inglés son un conjunto de unas 12.000 sustancias químicas sintéticas que se han utilizado desde la década de 1940 en utensilios de cocina antiadherentes, maquillajes resistentes al agua, champús, aparatos electrónicos, envases de alimentos y muchos más productos.

El libro de recetas de la evolución: los errores de ‘copiar y pegar’ que crearon el reino animal

Hace 700 millones de años, una criatura extraordinaria emergió por primera vez.

Cianobacterias de la Antártida sobreviven a condiciones marcianas La Antártida es uno de los análogos de Marte más destacados que tenemos en la Tierra, y los tapetes de cianobacterias se consideran uno de las agrupaciones biológicas más resistentes.

Descubren una nueva especie de mariposa en el Machu Picchu Un grupo de investigadores peruanos ha descubierto una nueva especie de mariposa en el Santuario Histórico del Machu Picchu, que se suma a las 364 especies de mariposas que existen en este área natural protegida del país, según anunció un organismo del Ministerio del Ambiente.

Más del 90 % de los juveniles de pardela cenicienta en Canarias tienen plástico en sus estómagos

La pardela cenicienta atlántica, Calonectris borealis, es una especie clave por ser un abundante predador marino.

El parentesco biológico no era un requisito para enterrar juntas a personas hace 5000 años

Con el objetivo de conocer el peso que se daba a los lazos genéticos, un equipo de investigación liderado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid ha estudiado las relaciones de parentesco de 58 individuos inhumados en enterramientos múltiples -2 o más personas- de la Edad de Cobre y de la Edad de Bronce (de 4000 a 2000 años a.C. aproximadamente) en la submeseta norte de la península ibérica –lo que hoy corresponde a Castilla y León-.

Los bonobos: menos conciliadores y pacíficos de lo que se pensaba

Un equipo internacional de investigadores ha hecho el seguimiento focal y comparativo más completo hasta la fecha de un grupo de bonobos y chimpancés, descubriendo que los machos bonobos son más agresivos de lo que se pensaba.

Uno de cada tres atropellos de animales en las carreteras puede pasar desapercibido

Los animales pueden morir por las heridas lejos de las carreteras, rebotar lejos por el choque o quedar retenidos por el vehículo, lo que complica su localización y registro.

La jaiba azul invade tramos de río situados muy lejos de las desembocaduras

Una investigación alerta de que la jaiba azul es capaz de recorrer más de 100 kilómetros río arriba, amenazando a especies propias de las aguas continentales.

Descubren más de 50 nuevas especies submarinas en las costas de Chile

Un equipo internacional de científicos, coliderado por el Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), ha descubierto al menos 50 especies potencialmente nuevas para la ciencia en una de las zonas más inexploradas del planeta, en los montes submarinos de la costa de Chile.

Hallan tres nuevas y 'raras' especies de anturios en Ecuador

Investigadores del Jardín Botánico de Quito (JBQ) y del Jardín Botánico de Missouri han descubierto en Ecuador tres nuevas especies de anturios, "nunca antes registradas".

Los increíbles ojos de un gusano tan grandes y eficientes como los de un mamífero

La comunidad científica está asombrada ante el reciente descubrimiento de un gusano marino cuyos ojos, capaces de una notable agudeza visual, son del tamaño de los ojos de muchos mamíferos y pulpos.

Descubren cómo las termitas pueden construir edificaciones de metros de altura

Las termitas son probablemente los mejores arquitectos de entre todos los animales después del ser humano.

Can animals count?

Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding number sense in animals by confirming the existence of discrete number sense in rats, offering a crucial animal model for investigating the neural basis of numerical ability and disability in humans.

Twisted pollen tubes induce infertility

Plants with multiple sets of chromosomes, known as polyploids, are salt-tolerant or drought-resistant and often achieve higher yields.

How seaweed became multicellular

A deep dive into macroalgae genetics has uncovered the genetic underpinnings that enabled macroalgae, or 'seaweed,' to evolve multicellularity.

Unlocking the 'chain of worms'

An international team of scientists has published a single-cell atlas for Pristina leidyi (Pristina), the water nymph worm, a segmented annelid with extraordinary regenerative abilities that has fascinated biologists for more than a century.

Digging up new species of Australia and New Guinea's giant fossil kangaroos

Palaeontologists have described three unusual new species of giant fossil kangaroo from Australia and New Guinea, finding them more diverse in shape, range and hopping method than previously thought.

Huge database gives insight into salmon patterns at sea

A massive new analysis of high seas salmon surveys is enhancing the understanding of salmon ecology, adding details about where various species congregate in the North Pacific Ocean and their different temperature tolerances.

Green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis using bonito stock and intense red light

Euglena gracilis, often regarded as a 'superfood,' is a promising microalga with many health and nutritional benefits.

Copper beads in pig feed reshape swine gut microbiome

Copper is a natural antimicrobial material that, when added to pig feed, may promote the growth and health of the animals.

Where have all the right whales gone?

Marine researchers have mapped the density of one of the most endangered large whale species worldwide, the North Atlantic right whale, using new data to help avoid right whales' harmful exposure to commercial fisheries and vessel strikes.

Microbial food as a strategy food production of the future

Scientists have summarized microbial food production strategies.

Even the simplest marine organisms tend to be individualistic

Sport junkie or couch potato? Always on time or often late? The animal kingdom, too, is home to a range of personalities, each with its own lifestyle.

Iconic savanna mammals face genetic problems due to fences and roads

Wildebeest migrations have become a rarer sight in Africa as humans continue to interrupt their historic migratory routes with roads, fences, cities, livestock and farmland.

Method to extract useful proteins from beer-brewing leftovers

Researchers have created a method that extracts over 80 percent of the available protein in grain leftovers from brewing beer, commonly known as brewers' spent grain.

Storks fly with a little help from their friends

All storks choose to migrate with conspecifics, but young storks rely more on social influences than adults do.

Mapped: 33 new big game migrations across American West

A new set of maps that document the movements of ungulates was published today in the fourth volume of the Ungulate Migrations of the Western United States.

3D mouth of an ancient jawless fish suggests they were filter-feeders, not scavengers or hunters

Early jawless fish were likely to have used bony projections surrounding their mouths to modify the mouth's shape while they collected food.

Study finds iron-rich enamel protects, but doesn't color, rodents' orange-brown incisors

Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers along with some other rodents have orange-brown front teeth.

Making crops colorful for easier weeding

To make weeding easier, scientists suggest bioengineering crops to be colorful or to have differently shaped leaves so that they can be more easily distinguished from their wild and weedy counterparts.

Reproductive success improves after a single generation in the wild for descendants of some hatcheryorigin Chinook salmon

Researchers who created 'family trees' for nearly 10,000 fish found that first-generation, wild-born descendants of hatchery-origin Chinook salmon in an Oregon river show improved fitness.

Older males out-compete young males outside breeding pairs, bird study shows

Young male blue tits are less successful in fathering offspring outside their breeding pair, not because of a lack of experience, but because they are outcompeted by older males, researchers report.

Leptanilla voldemort, a ghostly slender new ant species from the dark depths of the underground

In the sun-scorched Pilbara region of north-western Australia, scientists have unearthed a mysterious creature from the shadows a new ant species called Leptanilla voldemort.

Seed ferns: Plants experimented with complex leaf vein networks 201 million years ago

According to a research team led by palaeontologists, the net-like leaf veining typical for today's flowering plants developed much earlier than previously thought, but died out again several times.


Tracking a protein's fleeting shape changes

Researchers have developed a powerful, new technique to generate 'movies' of changing protein structures and speeds of up to 50 frames per second.

Research explores how a father's diet could shape the health of his offspring

A mice study suggests a father's diet may shape the anxiety of his sons and the metabolic health of his daughters before they are even conceived.

Novel robotic training program reduces physician errors placing central lines

More than five million central lines are placed in patients who need prolonged drug delivery, such as those undergoing cancer treatments, in the United States every year, yet the common procedure can lead to a bevy of complications in almost a million of those cases.

Researchers uncover human DNA repair by nuclear metamorphosis

Researchers have discovered a DNA repair mechanism that advances understanding of how human cells stay healthy, and which could lead to new treatments for cancer and premature aging.

Workings of working memory detailed

Investigators have discovered how brain cells responsible for working memory the type required to remember a phone number long enough to dial it coordinate intentional focus and short-term storage of information.

La actividad física y la masa corporal son claves en el crecimiento de la función pulmonar en la niñez

Un equipo liderado por investigadores del Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), centro impulsado por la Fundación "la Caixa", arroja luz sobre el crecimiento de la función pulmonar en la infancia.

New study validates prediction rules for pediatric intra-abdominal and traumatic brain injuries

Delivering high-quality emergency care for kids may mean fewer CT scans, according to a new study.

Study finds increased anxiety and PTSD among people who remained in Ukraine

Researchers conducted a survey to understand how the mental health of displaced Ukrainians has been affected by the ongoing war.

Researchers discover urine-based test to detect head and neck cancer

Researchers have created a urinebased test that detects pieces of DNA fragments released by head and neck tumors.

Scientists identify cell vulnerability 'fingerprint' related to Parkinson's, Lewy body dementia

A new study offers a first look into the complex molecular changes that occur in brain cells with Lewy bodies, which are key pathological hallmarks of Parkinson's disease and some dementias.

Descubren características del VIH compatibles con su curación

El Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), centro mixto del CSIC, ha llevado a cabo un estudio que abre nuevas vías para la curación de la infección por VIH en colaboración con el Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard (EE UU).

Real-time detection of infectious disease viruses by searching for molecular fingerprinting

Researchers develop breakthrough technology for wide-ranging and ultra-sensitive active nano-spectral sensor, surpassing current limitations.

New Inflammatory Bowel Disease testing protocol could speed up diagnosis

Patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) could benefit from better testing protocols that would reduce the need and lengthy wait for potentially unnecessary colonoscopies, a new study has found.

Nanoparticle delivery of FZD4 to lung endothelial cells inhibits lung cancer progression and metastases

A recent breakthrough study has shown potential to improve therapeutic outcomes for patients suffering from lung cancers.

Following cellular lineage

Researchers have advanced the understanding of how the cerebral cortex develops by tracing the lineage of certain brain cells.

Cómo prevenir el daño cardiaco asociado a un tratamiento para el cáncer

Cada año, más de 4 millones de personas en Europa son diagnosticadas de cáncer.

New treatment method using plasma irradiation promotes faster bone healing

Aiming to shorten fracture recovery times, a research group is focusing on plasma irradiation as a treatment method to speed up bone healing.

Common HIV treatments may aid Alzheimer's disease patients

Scientists have identified promising real-world links between common HIV drugs and a reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

Molecular causes of different functions of opioid receptors

Drugs that target opioid receptors sometimes have severe side effects.

'One ring to rule them all': How actin filaments are assembled by formins

Researchers have visualized at the molecular level how formins bind to the ends of actin filaments.

Physical activity reduces stressrelated brain activity to lower cardiovascular disease risk

Over a ten-year period, biobank participants who met recommended levels of physical activity had a 23% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and the protective effects were even more pronounced in individuals with depression.

Linajes paralelos de células madre implicados en la creación de neuronas

El descubrimiento reciente de la implicación de linajes paralelos de células madre en la creación de neuronas constituye un gran paso hacia un mayor conocimiento del proceso de generación de neuronas, que se conoce como neurogénesis.

Specific nasal cells protect against COVID-19 in children

Important differences in how the nasal cells of young and elderly people respond to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, could explain why children typically experience milder COVID-19 symptoms, a new study finds.

Antibiotics aren't effective for most lower tract respiratory infections

Use of antibiotics provided no measurable impact on the severity or duration of coughs even if a bacterial infection was present, finds a large, prospective study of people who sought treatment in U.S. primary or urgent care settings for lowerrespiratory tract infections.

Health behaviors accumulate and remain relatively stable throughout middle adulthood

According to a recent study, either healthier or unhealthier health behaviors cluster among individuals.

New insights could unlock immunotherapy for rare, deadly eye cancer

New research explains why metastatic uveal melanoma is resistant to conventional immunotherapies and how adoptive therapy, which involves growing a patient's T cells outside the body before reinfusing them, can successfully treat this rare and aggressive cancer.

Deadly bacteria show thirst for human blood

Some of the world's deadliest bacteria seek out and feed on human blood, a newly-discovered phenomenon researchers are calling 'bacterial vampirism.'

Teen stress may raise risk of postpartum depression in adults

A research team reports that social stress during adolescence in female mice later results in prolonged elevation of the hormone cortisol after they give birth.

Sanidad presenta los nuevos cribados neonatales que se implantarán en la cartera común

El Ministerio de Sanidad ha presentado al Consejo de Ministros el informe sobre la implementación de nuevos cribados neonatales.

Take it from the rats: A junk food diet can cause long-term damage to adolescent brains

A study on the effects of a junk food diet on rats reinforces scientific understanding about the gut-brain connection.

Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

Researchers have discovered that an FDA-approved epilepsy drug can prevent or slow the growth of NF1linked optic gliomas in mice, laying the groundwork for a clinical trial.

Illuminating the path to hearing recovery

Scientists aim to uncover the mysteries surrounding a specific receptor protein associated with hearing.

AI enhances physician-patient communication

A study shows that AI enhances physician-patient communication.

Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Researchers have found that microplastics are having a significant impact on our digestive pathways, making their way from the gut and into the tissues of the kidney, liver and brain.

Human muscle map reveals how we try to fight effects of aging

The first comprehensive cell atlas of aging human muscle reveals the intricate genetic and cellular processes behind muscle deterioration and mechanisms to counteract it.

Biofortified rice to combat deficiencies

Vitamin B1 is an essential micronutrient for human beings.

Family and media pressure to lose weight in adolescence linked to how people value themselves almost two decades later

People who as teenagers felt pressure to lose weight from family or from the media, females, people who are not heterosexual, and people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage, are most at risk of 'internalized' weight stigma, new research has found.

New study sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the development of malignant pediatric brain tumors

A new study revealed how aberrant epigenetic regulation contributes to the development of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid (AT/RT) tumors, which are aggressive brain tumors that mainly affect young children.

The joy of sports: How watching sports can boost well-being Sports, beyond entertainment, foster community and belonging, benefiting both individuals and society.

Carbon beads help restore healthy gut microbiome and reduce liver disease progression

Innovative carbon beads reduce bad bacteria and inflammation in animal models, which are linked to liver cirrhosis and other serious health issues.

A third of women experience migraines associated with menstruation, most commonly when premenopausal

A third of the nearly 20 million women who participated in a national health survey reports migraines during menstruation, and of them, 11.8 million, or 52.5%, were premenopausal.

Un informe advierte de las desigualdades que dejan atrás a muchas pacientes con cáncer mama Alrededor de 7,8 millones de mujeres fueron diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama en cinco años hasta finales de 2020 y unas 685.000 pacientes murieron por esta causa el mismo año, indica el trabajo.

School suspensions and exclusions put vulnerable children at risk Managing problematic student behavior is one of the most persistent, challenging, and controversial issues facing schools today.

Los "puntos fríos" mutacionales en el genoma del cáncer

Las mutaciones son los cambios en el ADN que ocurren gradualmente en las células humanas a medida que se replican y el organismo crece y envejece.

Decoding the language of cells: Unveiling the proteins behind cellular organelle communication

A collaboration unveils a novel strategy for identifying key proteins in organelle communication.

New approach for combating 'resting' bacteria

Most disease-causing bacteria are known for their speed: In mere minutes, they can double their population, quickly making a person sick.

Colorless, odorless gas likely linked to alarming rise in non-smoking lung cancer

Although lung cancer is traditionally thought of as a 'smoker's disease,' a surprising 15-20% of newly diagnosed lung cancers occur in people who have never smoked, many of whom are in their 40s or 50s.

Study reveals potential to reverse lung fibrosis using the body's own healing technique

A recent study uncovers a pathway used during normal wound healing that has the potential to reverse IPF.

Novel CT exam reduces need for invasive artery treatment

A new study showed that a noninvasive imaging test can help identify patients with coronary artery blockage or narrowing who need a revascularization procedure.

Scientists use wearable technology to detect stress levels during sleep

What if changes in a person's stress levels could be detected while they sleep using wearable devices?

Inherited predisposition for higher muscle strength may protect against common morbidities

A study showed that a genetic predisposition for higher muscle strength predicts a longer lifespan and a lower risk for developing common diseases.

A novel machine learning model for the characterization of material surfaces

Machine learning (ML) enables the accurate and efficient computation of fundamental electronic properties of binary and ternary oxide surfaces, as shown by scientists.

Study helps explain why childhood maltreatment continues to impact on mental and physical health into adulthood

Childhood maltreatment can continue to have an impact long into adulthood because of how it effects an individual's risk of poor physical health and traumatic experiences many years later, a new study has found.

Scientists uncover a missing link between poor diet and higher cancer risk

A research team has unearthed new findings which may help explain the connection between cancer risk and poor diet, as well as common diseases like diabetes, which arise from poor diet.

PFAS exposure from high seafood diets may be underestimated

A study suggests that people with diets high in seafood may face a greater risk of exposure to PFAS -the family of human-made toxins known as 'forever chemicals' than previously thought.

Landmark study involving babies in Ireland supports use of Cystic Fibrosis drug in infants from four weeks of age

A Cystic Fibrosis drug targeting the basic defect that causes the condition has been shown to be safe and effective in newborns aged four weeks and above, new research suggests.

Choosing sugary drinks over fruit juice for toddlers linked to risk of adult obesity

Consuming sugar-sweetened drinks in the first few years of childhood can be linked to poor diet patterns that increase the risk of obesity in later life, according to a new study.

Cells putting on a face

Neural crest cells embryonic pluripotent cells within the facial primordium may be necessary for forming proper animal facial structures.

Two key brain systems are central to psychosis

When the brain has trouble filtering incoming information and predicting what's likely to happen, psychosis can result, research shows.

Researchers identify new genetic risk factors for persistent HPV infections

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the second most common cancercausing virus, accounting for 690,000 cervical and other cancers each year worldwide.

Artificial intelligence can help people feel heard

New research reveals AI-generated responses can make humans 'feel heard' but an underlying bias toward AI devalues its effectiveness.

First step to untangle DNA: Supercoiled DNA captures gyrase like a lasso ropes cattle

Researchers reveal how DNA gyrase resolves DNA entanglements.

New study finds potential targets at chromosome ends for degenerative disease prevention

A new study finds that telomere lengths follow a different pattern than has thus far been understood.

Scientists uncover key resistance mechanism to Wnt inhibitors in pancreatic and colorectal cancers

A new study reveals why some pancreatic and colorectal tumors resist targeted anti-Wnt drugs and suggests how to overcome it, offering new hope to patients with fully treatment-resistant cancers.

Why some people with rheumatoid arthritis have pain without inflammation

Researchers have identified a suite of genes explaining the disconnect between diagnosis and symptom.

El melanoma ‘rompe’ genes para resistir a la acción de los fármacos

El melanoma produce la mayoría de las muertes por cáncer de piel.

El consumo de paracetamol en el embarazo no se asocia a autismo en niños

Las mujeres embarazadas pueden necesitar medicación para tratar diversas afecciones de salud nuevas o preexistentes.

AI model can accurately assess PTSD in postpartum women

By analyzing the narratives of women who experienced traumatic childbirth and women with noncomplicated childbirth, researchers created an AI model that can accurately identify those at risk of childbirth-related PTSD.

Primeros bioimplantes cardíacos para tratar a pacientes con infarto de miocardio con células madre de cordón umbilical

Los resultados prometedores obtenidos en el ensayo clínico con un medicamento pionero de terapia avanzada llamado PeriCord, que busca reparar el corazón en pacientes que han sufrido un infarto, confirma la factibilidad de nuevas terapias basadas en la aplicación de células madre e ingeniería de tejidos para favorecer la regeneración de tejidos dañados.

Synthetic platelets stanch bleeding, promote healing in animal models

Researchers have developed synthetic platelets that can be used to stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury.

New AI method captures uncertainty in medical images

Tyche is a machine-learning framework that can generate plausible answers when asked to identify potential disease in medical images.

Parkinson's Disease: New theory on the disease's origins and spread

New hypothesis paper builds on a growing scientific consensus that Parkinson's disease route to the brain starts in either the nose or the gut and proposes that environmental toxicants are the likely source.

Study lays the basis for new knowledge on gastrointestinal diseases

The transition from the esophagus to the stomach is a delicate region from a medical point of view, often associated with pathological disorders leading to cancer.

In the drive to deprescribe, heartburn drug study teaches key lessons

One of the largest-ever studies on the topic of deprescribing medications shows the potential promise, and pitfalls, of a massive effort to reduce overuse of a common class of heartburn medications known as proton pump inhibitors or PPIs.

This outdated diabetes drug still has something to offer

Researchers have discovered the biochemical workings of an oldfashioned diabetes drug, and it's helping them develop new, safer alternatives.

Economic burden of childhood verbal abuse by adults estimated at $300 billion globally

Childhood verbal abuse by adults costs society an estimated $300 billion a year globally, show recent findings.

Safety of a potential new treatment to manage complications from sickle cell disease

A drug approved to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension may be effective at managing hypertension and end-organ damage in patients with sickle cell disease, according to a new study.

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy increase risk of cardiovascular death after giving birth

Health researchers identify patients at risk for preventable death in the year after pregnancy.

Chemicals stored in home garages linked to ALS risk

Storing chemicals in a garage at home may associate with an increased risk of ALS, a study finds.

People who use willpower alone to achieve goals, resist temptation, deemed more trustworthy

People who use willpower to overcome temptations and achieve their goals are perceived as more trustworthy than those who use strategies that involve external incentives or deterrents such as swear jars or internet-blocking apps- according to new research.

Estos son los nuevos informes para combatir las pseudoterapias en España

Los ministerios de Sanidad y de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades han realizado nuevos informes para combatir las pseudoterapias, que se podrán encontrar en la web de RedETS y en la de #CoNprueba, la marca que engloba las acciones frente a las pseudociencias y las pseudoterapias que impulsa el Gobierno de España.

Newly found genetic variant defends against Alzheimer's disease

Neuroscientists have identified a genetic mutation that fends off Alzheimer's disease in people at high risk and could lead to a new way to protect people from the disease.

New origin of deep brain waves discovered

Biomedical engineering researchers have uncovered a previously unknown source of two key brain waves crucial for deep sleep: slow waves and sleep spindles.

More than half a million global stroke deaths may be tied to climate change

A changing climate may be linked to growing death and disability from stroke in regions around the world, according to a new study.

Millions of gamers advance biomedical research

4.5 million gamers around the world have advanced medical science by helping to reconstruct microbial evolutionary histories using a minigame included inside the critically and commercially successful video game, Borderlands 3.

AI powered 'digital twin' models the infant microbiome

Researchers have developed a new generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool that models the infant microbiome.

Size of salty snack influences eating behavior that determines amount consumed

The size of an individual snack piece not only influences how fast a person eats it, but also how much of it they eat, according to a new study.

How the body switches out of 'fight' mode

Cortisone and other related glucocorticoids are extremely effective at curbing excessive immune reactions.

Innovative antiviral defense with new CRISPR tool

The rise of RNA viruses like SARSCoV-2 highlights the need for new ways to fight them.

New drug prevents flu-related inflammation and lung damage

Findings show a newly created drug can prevent runaway inflammation while still allowing the immune system to handle the virus, even when given late into infection.

Researchers identify protein that controls CAR T cell longevity

CAR T cell therapy has revolutionized the way certain types of cancer are treated, and the longer those CAR T cells live in a patient's body, the more effectively they respond to cancer.

The genesis of our cellular skeleton, image by image

Cells contain various specialized structures such as the nucleus, mitochondria or peroxisomes -known as 'organelles'.

Impact of aldehydes on DNA damage and aging

Researchers have discovered the connection between aldehydes, organic compounds produced by cells as part of metabolic processes, and rapid aging.

New way to generate human cartilage

University of Montana researchers and their partners have found a new method to generate human cartilage of the head and neck.

Does the time of day you move your body make a difference to your health?

Undertaking the majority of daily physical activity in the evening is linked to the greatest health benefits for people living with obesity, according to researchers who followed the trajectory of 30,000 people over almost 8 years.

New insight into combating drugresistant prostate cancer

New research sheds light on the significance of the glucocorticoid receptor in drug-resistant prostate cancer, showing that the development of drug resistance could be prevented by limiting the activity of coregulator proteins.

Scientists identify pro-aging 'sugar signature' in the blood of people living with HIV

Scientists have identified sugar abnormalities in the blood that may promote biological aging and inflammation in people living with HIV.

Can the bias in algorithms help us see our own?

New research shows that people recognize more of their biases in algorithms' decisions than they do in their own even when those decisions are the same.

Nueva herramienta para el seguimiento de síntomas motores de párkinson

Debido a la sintomatología compleja y variable de la enfermedad de Parkinson, la monitorización precisa y continua de los síntomas se convierte en un aspecto clave para ajustar la medicación y, además, podría utilizarse para el seguimiento durante la validación de nuevos tratamientos.

Mechanism of action of the hepatitis B and D virus cell entry inhibitor bulevirtide deciphered

Over 12 million people worldwide suffer from a chronic infection with the hepatitis D virus.

A promising target for new RNA therapeutics now accessible

Only recently, a new era in medicine began with the first RNA vaccines. These active substances are modified RNAs that trigger immune responses of the human immune system.

Obese and overweight children at risk of iron deficiency

Children and young people who are overweight or obese are at significantly higher risk of iron deficiency, according to a study by nutritional scientists.

AI makes retinal imaging 100 times faster, compared to manual method

Researchers applied artificial intelligence (AI) to a technique that produces high-resolution images of cells in the eye.

Researchers resolve old mystery of how phages disarm pathogenic bacteria

Bacterial infections pose significant challenges to agriculture and medicine, especially as cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to rise.

Cell's 'garbage disposal' may have another role: Helping neurons near skin sense the environment

The typical job of the proteasome, the garbage disposal of the cell, is to grind down proteins into smaller bits and recycle some of those bits and parts.

Blood protein could help detect delayed concussion recovery in children

Researchers have discovered a blood protein that could help detect which children will experience ongoing concussion symptoms more than two weeks after an injury.

Nuevo hidrogel para cultivar células neurales con las que reparar lesiones medulares

Unos científicos han conseguido desarrollar hidrogeles que permiten el cultivo celular bajo campos magnéticos alternos de alta frecuencia.

Un nuevo micromaterial libera nanopartículas que destruyen selectivamente las células cancerosas

Unos científicos han desarrollado unos micromateriales compuestos únicamente de proteínas, que son capaces de suministrar, de forma prolongada en el tiempo, nanopartículas que pueden dirigirse contra células cancerosas específicas y destruirlas.


Customized molecular glue complexes with desired properties

Degron tags can trigger rapid and temporally controlled degradation of proteins using small molecules known as molecular glues.

World’s priciest drug treats MLD

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first therapy for metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), a rare fatal genetic disorder.

Saving Cavendish

Farmers have a green light to grow the first genetically modified banana.

Prime editing

Recent patents relating to methods and compositions for prime editing.

FDA approves first MASH drug

The first drug to treat fatty liver disease due to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) has been given a green light by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Biotech news from around the world

The Ministry of Health and Welfare selects Johnson & Johnson’s JLABS to operate the country’s global accelerator platform.

“Llevamos 30 años sin descubrir un nuevo antibiótico y las bacterias se han acostumbrado a los que tenemos”

Bruno González-Zorn, asesor de la OMS, ofrece una charla en el IBFG para clausurar el proyecto MicroMundo, iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana en busca de nuevos compuestos.

El CSIC desarrolla una nueva herramienta informática para investigar la complejidad del genoma

El Instituto de Biología Integrativa de Sistemas (CSIC-UV) publica en ‘Nature Methods’ un ‘software’ propio para analizar datos obtenidos por secuenciación de lectura larga del genoma.

RoseTTAFold expands to all-atom for biomolecular prediction and design

Deep learning methods enable the structural prediction of proteins with high accuracy but are unable to model non-protein molecules that are essential for a protein’s biological function.

Un estudio encuentra una combinación de fármacos eficaz frente al SARS-CoV-2

La unión de ribavirina y remdesivir consigue eliminar de forma rápida el virus al inducir un exceso de mutaciones en su genoma que le impiden multiplicarse con eficacia.

Inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell multiome data using atlas-scale external data

Accuracy of gene regulatory network inference is increased by combining multiome single-cell and atlas-scale bulk data.

Un gen de un hongo regula el cobre de las plantas en suelos contaminados

Analizan el genoma de un microorganismo que habita en las raíces vegetales y en el suelo.

Identificado un gen que controla la producción de flores y frutos en leguminosas

El final del periodo reproductivo, en el que se producen las flores y los frutos, es clave en el ciclo de vida de las plantas.

First gene-edited pig kidney transplant

Surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital have transplanted a pig kidney into a living person for the first time.


E-tongue can detect white wine spoilage before humans can While the electronic tongue bears little physical resemblance to its namesake, the strand-like sensory probes of the 'e-tongue' still outperformed human senses when detecting contaminated wine in a recent study.

Unique field study shows how climate change affects fire-impacted forests

During the unusually dry year of 2018, Sweden was hit by numerous forest fires.

New class of antimicrobials discovered in soil bacteria

Researchers have discovered toxic protein particles, shaped like umbrellas, that soil bacteria known as Streptomyces secrete to squelch competitors in their crowded microbial communities, especially others of their own species.

Understanding climate warming impacts on carbon release from the tundra

The warming climate shifts the dynamics of tundra environments and makes them release trapped carbon, according to a new study published in Nature.

Substantial global cost of climate inaction

Pioneering study reveals that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius could reduce the global economic costs of climate change by two thirds.

Paradox of extreme cold events in a warming world

The Warm Arctic-Cold Continent (WACC) phenomenon is the puzzling combination of Arctic warming and extreme coldness in specific midlatitude regions.

Researchers shine light on rapid changes in Arctic and boreal ecosystems

Arctic and boreal latitudes are warming faster than any other region on Earth.

New computer vision tool wins prize for social impact

A team of computer scientists working on two different problems how to quickly detect damaged buildings in crisis zones and how to accurately estimate the size of bird flocks recently announced an AI framework that can do both.

Descubren el origen de las misteriosas olas solitarias

Una ola solitaria es una ola mucho más alta que las cercanas a ella, parece surgida de la nada y a menudo es capaz de dañar embarcaciones o infraestructuras costeras.

Santo Tomé y Príncipe traslada poblaciones al interior por los riesgos climáticos

Santo Tomé y Príncipe, un país constituido por dos islas habitadas frente a Guinea Ecuatorial y varios islotes, está trasladando a la población que vive en algunas zonas del litoral hacia el interior para evitar riesgos ante el ascenso del nivel del mar, ha explicado a EFE su ministra de Medioambiente, Nilda Mata.

Coral reef microbes point to new way to assess ecosystem health

A new study shows that ocean acidification is changing the mix of microbes in coral reef systems, which can be used to assess ecosystem health.

Trash to treasure -- researchers turn metal waste into catalyst for hydrogen

Scientists have found a way to transform metal waste into a highly efficient catalyst to make hydrogen from water, a discovery that could make hydrogen production more sustainable.

Switch to green wastewater infrastructure could reduce emissions and provide huge savings according to new research

Researchers have shown that a transition to green wastewatertreatment approaches in the U.S. that leverages the potential of carbon-financing could save a staggering $15.6 billion and just under 30 million tons of CO2equivalent emissions over 40 years.

CO2 worsens wildfires by helping plants grow

By fueling the growth of plants that become kindling, carbon dioxide is driving an increase in the severity and frequency of wildfires, according to a new study.

La crisis climática propicia la aparición en España de buitres originarios de África

La crisis climática está propiciando la aparición en España, especialmente en Andalucía, de tres especies de buitres originarias de África, que se unen a las cuatro autóctonas (buitre leonado, buitre negro, alimoche y quebrantahuesos).

Fires pose growing worldwide threat to wildland-urban interface

Fires that devastate wildland-urban interface areas are becoming more common around the globe, a trend that is likely to continue for at least the next two decades, new research finds.

Florida Wildlife Corridor eases worst impacts of climate change

Florida is projected to lose 3.5 million acres of land to development by 2070.

New tagging method provides bioadhesive interface for marine sensors on diverse, soft, and fragile species

Tagging marine animals with sensors to track their movements and ocean conditions can provide important environmental and behavioral information.

Plastic pollution can kill variety of ocean embryos

High levels of plastic pollution can kill the embryos of a wide range of ocean animals, new research shows.

Yellowstone Lake ice cover unchanged despite warming climate

While most lakes around the world are experiencing shorter durations of ice cover, the length of time that Yellowstone Lake is covered by ice each year has not changed in the past century, possibly due to increased snowfall.

Researchers can help shipowners achieve ambitious climate targets

International shipping does not want to be a climate bad guy and is aiming to be emission-free by 2050.

La AEMET alerta de más incendios fuera de verano por el cambio climático

La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) ha alertado de que el cambio climático está propiciando la existencia de incendios en períodos fuera del verano y considera que "hemos entrado en un terreno inexplorado" porque "el cambio climático inducido por las actividades humanas nos ha dejado en los últimos años situaciones extremas no antes registradas, como la que estamos inmersos este año".

Most countries struggle to meet climate pledges from 2009

Nineteen out of 34 countries surveyed failed to fully meet their 2020 climate commitments set 15 years ago in Copenhagen, according to a new study by UCL researchers.

Se confirma un cuarto evento global de blanqueamiento de corales Según los científicos de la NOAA, el mundo está experimentando actualmente un evento global de blanqueamiento de corales.

Biodiversity is key to the mental health benefits of nature

New research has found that spaces with a diverse range of natural features are associated with stronger improvements in our mental wellbeing compared to spaces with less natural diversity.

SEO/BirdLife: Doñana sigue en peligro porque la mejora por la lluvia es transitoria

SEO/BirdLife ha alertado de que el Espacio Natural de Doñana sigue en peligro a pesar de la mejora transitoria tras las últimas lluvias, que "no pueden rebajar la gravedad del estado de un humedal en riesgo de extinción" por la sobreexplotación de los acuíferos por los regadíos, el cambio climático y un modelo turístico "mal dimensionado".

New radar analysis method can improve winter river safety

Researchers have developed a way to use radar to detect open water zones and other changes in Alaska's frozen rivers in the early winter.

Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, may contain valuable lithium, a key element for green energy

The technology revolution and development of new renewable energy resources is driving demand for lithium to new heights, but it is not a common mineral.

Conectada la primera planta híbrida solar-biogás de España

El grupo Uriel Renovables ha conectado el primer megavatio de su instalación fotovoltaica en el Centro de Tratamiento Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Montemarta Cónica, ubicado en Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla) y que constituye la primera planta híbrida solar-biogás de España.

Hidden threat: Global underground infrastructure vulnerable to sealevel rise

As sea levels rise, coastal groundwater is lifted closer to the ground surface while also becoming saltier and more corrosive.

GeoAI technologies for sustainable urban development

From heatwaves to pandemic diseases, the urban environments of the world face numerous challenges. Researchers are harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) and informatics to address emerging concerns related to environmental changes and urban growth.

Tropical forests can't recover naturally without fruit-eating birds

Natural forest regeneration is hailed as a cost-effective way to restore biodiversity and sequester carbon.

Desentrañando el origen del café

La clave para cultivar plantas de café que resistan mejor el cambio climático global en las próximas décadas puede que esté oculta en el pasado lejano de dichas plantas.

Certezas sobre la desalación de agua

La Asociación Española de Desalación y Reutilización de Aguas (AEDyR) ha elaborado un documento en el que se argumentan diez certezas sobre la desalación de agua y se desmontan falsos mitos que sobre este proceso se han mantenido en el tiempo.

La Fundación Oso Pardo inicia un proyecto de recuperación de castañares en áreas oseras

Los castañares son un tesoro cultural y natural de la Cordillera Cantábrica muy amenazado por el abandono de los aprovechamientos tradicionales, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y la despoblación.

Gracias a las últimas lluvias, miles de flamencos regresan a la Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga)

Gracias al respiro de las últimas lluvias que han permitido salir de una intensa etapa de sequía, miles de flamencos han regresado a su hogar en la Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga), una reserva natural que acaba de celebrar su 40 aniversario.

La luz azul hace a los edificios más mortales para las aves migratorias Las aves migratorias nocturnas tienen un mayor riesgo de chocar con edificios iluminados con altos niveles de luz azul durante la noche, un factor que no se ha estudiado exhaustivamente antes.

Las cedrelas, un árbol que amenaza la migración de las tortugas gigantes de Galápagos

El árbol cedrela es una amenaza para los procesos de migración de las tortugas gigantes de Galápagos, donde en la isla de Santa Cruz buscan maneras para controlar su invasiva expansión, mientras que en el territorio continental de Ecuador está en una situación de vulnerabilidad.

Los once cocodrilos del Orinoco que regresaron en avión a su hábitat natural en el este de Colombia

Autoridades colombianas han devuelto once ejemplares de cocodrilos del Orinoco en avión a su hábitat natural en el Vichada, departamento del este de Colombia, desde un bioparque en una ciudad del centro del país.

Ocean currents threaten to collapse Antarctic ice shelves

Meandering ocean currents play an important role in the melting of Antarctic ice shelves, threatening a significant rise in sea levels.

Efecto generalizado de la acidificación en la vida marina

Si el calentamiento y la acidificación de los océanos continúan en la trayectoria actual, hasta el 100% de los procesos biológicos en especies de peces e invertebrados se verán afectados.

Retention ponds can deliver a substantial reduction in tire particle pollution

New research has shown that the presence of wetlands and retention ponds alongside major highways led to an average reduction of almost 75% in the mass of tire wear particles being discharged to aquatic waters.

Rock permeability, microquakes link may be a boon for geothermal energy

Using machine learning, researchers have tied low-magnitude microearthquakes to the permeability of subsurface rocks beneath the Earth, a discovery that could have implications for improving geothermal energy transfer.

Oceanographers uncover the vital role of mixing down of oxygen in sustaining deep sea health

Oceanographers have shown for the first time the important role of the 'mixing down' of oxygen in maintaining healthy conditions in the deep waters.

New approach needed to save Australia's non-perennial rivers

An extensive review of current research incorporating geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology and Indigenous knowledges identifies prevailing factors that shape water and energy flows in Australia's nonperennial rivers but the review also points to research deficiencies that must be addressed if these river systems are to be preserved and protected.

New report 'braids' Indigenous and Western knowledge for forest adaptation strategies against climate change Forests could also be potential bulwarks against climate change.

Cloud engineering could be more effective 'painkiller' for global warming than previously thought Cloud 'engineering' could be more effective for climate cooling than previously thought, because of the increased cloud cover produced, new research shows.

Tropical coral-infecting parasites discovered in cold marine ecosystems

Parasites thought only to infect tropical coral reefs have been discovered in a large variety of creatures in cold marine ecosystems along the Northeast Pacific, according to new research.

Oxidant pollutant ozone removes mating barriers between fly species

Researchers show that ozone levels, such as those found in many places on hot summer days today, destroy the sex pheromones of fruit fly species.

Nanoscale movies shed light on one barrier to a clean energy future New research is shedding light on one barrier to a clean energy future: corrosion.

Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero se redujeron un 7,7 % en España en 2023, según un informe del Observatorio de Transición Energética y Acción Climática

Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) se redujeron un 7,7 % en España en 2023 respecto al año anterior y se situaron en un mínimo histórico respecto a 1990, según el informe anual referido a 2023 del Observatorio de Transición Energética y Acción Climática (OTEA), que es una iniciativa del centro vasco de investigación sobre cambio climático BC3.

El siluro, un pez exótico e invasor que amenaza ecosistemas del Guadalquivir

El siluro, un pez exótico e invasor que puede llegar a medir hasta dos metros y a pesar hasta 200 kilos, ya ha aparecido en varios puntos del Bajo Guadalquivir, después de ser detectado en 2021 en Alcalá del Río (Sevilla), a unos 80 kilómetros de la desembocadura del río.

Africa's iconic flamingos threatened by rising lake levels

It is one of the world's most spectacular sights huge flocks or 'flamboyances' of flamingos around East Africa's lakes as seen in the film Out of Africa or David Attenborough's A Perfect Planet.

Los mosquitos, caballos de Troya contra el dengue en Brasil

Investigadores brasileños han puesto en marcha un método para luchar contra el mosquito transmisor del dengue que utiliza al mismo insecto como caballo de Troya para diseminar un larvicida, en medio de la peor epidemia de esta enfermedad en la historia del país.

Hybrid intelligence can reconcile biodiversity and agriculture

So far, biodiversity and agricultural productivity could not be reconciled because the socio-ecological system of agriculture is highly complex, and the interactions between humans and the environment are difficult to capture using conventional methods.

El Valle Andaluz del Hidrógeno Verde, proyecto estratégico para la Unión Europea

La Comisión Europea ha reconocido al Valle Andaluz del Hidrógeno Verde dentro de los proyectos de interés común (PCI) para la Unión, con lo que el proyecto, impulsado por Cepsa, entra en la lista de los proyectos estratégicos no solo para España sino para el conjunto de la Unión Europea.

Ganar a las "superbacterias" pasa por aunar salud humana, animal y ambiental

La humanidad se enfrenta al reto de frenar a las "superbacterias", bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos existentes y a las que sólo podremos hacer frente mediante un abordaje sanitario "One Health" o "Una Salud", término acuñado para enfatizar que la salud humana, animal y ambiental están conectadas y, por tanto, deben abordarse de manera conjunta.

Economist: Tens of billions of dollars in forest products are being overlooked

Are we missing the forest for the trees? More than timber grows in forests including products worth many tens of billions of dollars.

Genetic underpinnings of environmental stress identified in model plant

Researchers have identified 14 genes that thale cress a plant commonly used in genetic investigations since its genome is well documented -express more when responding to five specific stressors, as well as eight genes that the plant suppresses.

Food security in developed countries shows resilience to climate change

A study has found that market forces have provided good food price stability over the past half century, despite extreme weather conditions.

Proud seafarers have strong doubts about the safety of autonomous ships

Despite their great trust in the onboard autopilot, bridge officers do not believe that autonomous ships will make shipping safer.

Geobiology: New placozoan habitat discovered

Traces of DNA in the stomachs of predatory snails give a team og geobiologists new insights into the ecology of placozoans.

Alerta de biodiversidad en 17 zonas montañosas por el calentamiento Las cadenas montañosas contienen altas concentraciones de especies endémicas y son refugios indispensables para las especies de las tierras bajas que enfrentan el cambio climático antropogénico.

Scientists create octopus survival guide to minimize impacts of fishing

Scientists have created a step-bystep aging guide for octopus to ensure fisheries remain sustainable, protecting the longevity of this ancient animal while guaranteeing the world doesn't go hungry.

Mixed diets balance nutrition and carbon footprint

What we eat can impact our health as well as the environment.

Using CO2 and biomass, researchers find path to more environmentally friendly recyclable plastics

Researchers have created a potential alternative to traditional petroleumbased plastic that is made from carbon dioxide (CO2) and lignin, a component of wood that is a lowcost byproduct of paper manufacturing and biofuel production.

Las especies invasoras amenazan los servicios que prestan los ecosistemas europeos

Mapache, avispa asiática, rana toro, visón americano, camalote o hierba de la Pampa; las especies invasoras amenazan la provisión de los servicios más importantes que prestan los ecosistemas de toda Europa y pueden además afectar gravemente a la salud humana.

Más de 100.000 hectáreas de estuarios han sido reconvertidas en los últimos 35 años Más de 100.000 hectáreas de estuarios (un área 17 veces el tamaño de Manhattan) han sido reconvertidas durante los últimos 35 años en tierras urbanas o campos agrícolas en todo el mundo.

Denuncian la "inacción" de las administraciones ante la destrucción de nidos en entornos urbanos

SEO/BirdLife denuncia "la inacción y la permisividad" de las administraciones ante la destrucción de nidos en entornos urbanos.

Ants in Colorado are on the move due to climate change

Ant species living in Boulder's foothills have shifted their habitat over the last six decades, potentially affecting local ecosystems, suggests a new study.

Una superficie equivalente a las Islas Baleares, Cantabria o La Rioja. Los incendios de 2023 en la UE arrasaron 504.002 hectáreas 504.002 hectáreas fueron arrasadas por los incendios forestales de 2023 en la Unión Europea, una superficie equivalente al territorio de comunidades autónomas como Islas Baleares, Cantabria o La Rioja, según un informe publicado por el Centro de Investigación Conjunta de la UE.

Novel UV broadband spectrometer revolutionizes air pollutant analysis

A research team has developed a broadband UV dual-comb spectrometer with which air pollutants can be continually measured and their reaction with the environment can be observed in real time.


Nuevo software para analizar datos genómicos

La complejidad de un organismo emerge de su genoma, el libro que contiene las instrucciones de su ADN para la vida.

Pantalla flexible con luz emitida por puntos cuánticos

En el mundo de las tecnologías de visualización, en rápida evolución, la búsqueda de pantallas

intrínsecamente flexibles ha sido constante.

New ways to fine tune electrochemistry

Optimizing electrochemical reactions is essential for the transition to renewable energies.

Most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy found Astronomers have identified the most massive stellar black hole yet discovered in the Milky Way galaxy.

Técnicas de luz ultrarrápidas modifican materiales cristalinos

El ICMM-CSIC lidera un estudio internacional que demuestra una nueva teoría para la manipulación de materiales bidimensionales con pulsos de luz intensos.

Nuevo avance tecnológico para obtener imágenes de objetos en 3D de forma rápida y eficaz Más precisión y velocidad para caracterizar las muestras 3D.

A single atom layer of gold: Researchers create goldene

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick.

Crean el imán duro más fino del mundo

Unos científicos han creado un imán duro de espesor atómico por primera vez a nivel mundial. Se trata del imán más fino que existe, con una dirección magnética definida, de temperatura relativamente alta y muy difícil de desmagnetizar.

El primer chip fotónico universal, programable y multifuncional del mercado

Se ha presentado públicamente el primer chip fotónico universal, programable y multifuncional en todo el mundo.

El origen de una estructura extraña en Plutón

En 2015, las cámaras de la sonda espacial New Horizons de la NASA revelaron la existencia, en la superficie de Plutón, de una extraña zona con color, composición geológica y elevación distintos de los del resto del astro.

Pacific cities much older than previously thought

New evidence of one of the first cities in the Pacific shows they were established much earlier than previously thought, according to new research.

Así es el agujero negro estelar más masivo de nuestra galaxia

Los agujeros negros estelares se forman a partir del colapso de estrellas masivas, y los que se han identificado hasta ahora en la Vía Láctea son, en promedio, unas 10 veces más masivos que el Sol.

Researchers visualize quantum effects in electron waves

One of the most fundamental interactions in physics is that of electrons and light.

Star Trek's Holodeck recreated using ChatGPT and video game assets

Star Trek's Holodeck is no longer just science fiction.

Stellar winds of three sun-like stars detected for the first time

An international research team has for the first time directly detected stellar winds from three Sun-like stars by recording the X-ray emission from their astrospheres, and placed constraints on the mass loss rate of the stars via their stellar winds.

Brightest gamma-ray burst of all time came from the collapse of a massive star

In 2022, astronomers discovered the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB) of all time.

Guante electrónico impermeable para facilitar la comunicación entre buceadores

Cuando los buceadores tienen que decir “¡Estoy bien!” o “¡Tiburón!” a sus compañeros de buceo, utilizan señales con la mano para comunicarse visualmente.

Beautiful nebula, violent history: Clash of stars solves stellar mystery

When astronomers looked at a stellar pair at the heart of a stunning cloud of gas and dust, they were in for a surprise.

¿La Luna está geológicamente vuelta del revés?

Hace unos 4.500 millones de años, un pequeño planeta chocó contra la jovencísima Tierra, arrojando roca fundida al espacio.

Breakthrough promises secure quantum computing at home

The full power of next-generation quantum computing could soon be harnessed by millions of individuals and companies, thanks to a breakthrough guaranteeing security and privacy.

Detectada la fusión entre una estrella de neutrones y un objeto desconocido

El grupo GRAVITY de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares ha participado en la detección de la señal de onda gravitacional GW230529, realizada por los detectores de la colaboración LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA el 29 de mayo de 2023.

El papel oculto de la Vía Láctea en la mitología egipcia

Un nuevo estudio realizado por un astrofísico de la Universidad de Portsmouth arroja luz sobre la relación entre la Vía Láctea y la diosa del cielo egipcia Nut.

Biblioteca. Facultad de Biología

Universidad de Salamanca. Campus Miguel de Unamuno c/Donantes de Sangre s/n

37007 Salamanca

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