BIONOTICIAS 1ª semana de mayo 2024

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1ª semana de mayo 2024


BioNoticias. Resumen de prensa semanal Elaborado por la Biblioteca de Biología. Universidad de Salamanca

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Biología 4 Biomedicina 11 Biotecnología 28 Medioambiente 31 Ciencia 44


El alarmante aumento de la mortalidad de las abejas

La abeja de la miel, así como las 20.000 especies de abejas descritas en la naturaleza, han sufrido un alarmante aumento de su mortalidad en los últimos años.

La bioluminiscencia evolucionó por primera vez en animales hace 540 millones de años

La bioluminiscencia es la capacidad de los seres vivos de producir luz mediante reacciones químicas.

El comercio ilegal de especies, problema para la biodiversidad y riesgo para la salud

Un estudio de la Estación Biológica de Doñana y la Universidad Pablo de Olavide detecta mascotas de origen salvaje en el 95 % de las poblaciones del Neotrópico y alerta del peligro de brotes zoonóticos.

El fitoplancton marino ante el calentamiento global

En una investigación reciente, se ha determinado la capacidad de respuesta de las especies de fitoplancton marino al calentamiento global.

El ritmo y el tempo del canto de las aves pueden tener una base genética

Dos genes, que también afecta al habla humana, puede influir en el ritmo y el tempo del canto de las aves, según una investigación que ha estudiado estas características en dos tipos de pájaros; el barbudo de frente amarilla y el de frente roja.

¿Hasta qué punto el arbolado urbano puede mitigar las altas temperaturas?

En un estudio a escala global, centrado en la revisión de resultados de investigaciones, se ha analizado la capacidad de los árboles ubicados en las ciudades para mitigar el calor excesivo.

Un estudio analiza el crecimiento y la supervivencia de los árboles en un bosque tropical

En 2004 se plantaron 80 parcelas con 25 especies de árboles cada una en un bosque tropical de Malasia y se realizó un seguimiento del crecimiento y la supervivencia anual durante 13 años.

Europa sufrió inundaciones generalizadas y graves olas de calor en 2023

El último informe ESOTC sobre el Estado del Clima en Europa proporciona descripciones y análisis de las condiciones y variaciones climáticas en todo el sistema Tierra, eventos clave y sus impactos, y una discusión sobre políticas y acciones climáticas con un enfoque en la salud humana.

"Polybius dioscurus" la nueva especie de cangrejo descubierta en aguas andaluzas

Investigadores del Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía (ICMAN-CSIC), junto a las universidades de Málaga (sur de España), Marruecos, Bélgica y Alemania, han descubierto una nueva especie de cangrejo portúnido (Polybius dioscurus) en aguas andaluzas gracias al uso de técnicas moleculares.

La renta media mundial se reducirá un 19 % por el cambio climático en 2050

Las proyecciones de los daños económicos del cambio climático son cruciales para los procedimientos de adaptación y planificación de las entidades públicas y privadas.

'Clavelina ossipandae' la nueva especia de ascidia que recuerda a un "oso panda esqueleto"

'Clavelina ossipandae' ha sido el nombre propuesto para una nueva especia de ascidia que recuerda a un "oso panda esqueleto".

La evolución del linaje humano no fue normal

Una investigación reciente sobre homininos indica que el patrón evolutivo de algunos de ellos, concretamente los del género Homo, el nuestro, fue muy distinto del observado típicamente en los demás homininos, en los otros mamíferos e incluso en el resto de vertebrados.

Las algas tropicales avanzan por el Mediterráneo a un ritmo sin precedentes

Los macrófitos marinos alóctonos de origen tropical se han extendido a mayor velocidad que los de origen temperado en los dos últimos siglos.

Los linces conquistan la dehesa

Soberano y Teja, una joven pareja de linces, han escogido un extraño sitio para asentarse, una dehesa, un lugar que suele ofrecer poco refugio, poco alimento y demasiados vecinos, un territorio muy poco frecuentado por sus congéneres.

Las reinas de abejorro pueden sobrevivir bajo el agua

Las reinas de los abejorros sobreviviven períodos prolongados de inmersión total mientras pasan el invierno bajo tierra, un hallazgo inesperado de un equipo de la Universidad de Guelph.

RNA's hidden potential: New study unveils its role in early life and future bioengineering

The origin of life continues to remain a matter of debate.

Un área del cerebro de las ratas les permite contar

Neurocientíficos hongkoneses han realizado un descubrimiento innovador sobre el sentido numérico en animales al confirmar la existencia de sentido numérico discreto en ratas.

Mariposas amazónicas, un ejemplo de cómo pueden evolucionar las especies hibridadas

Un estudio de la Universidad de Harvard ha demostrado que los híbridos entre especies de mariposas pueden dar lugar a nuevas especies genéticamente distintas tanto de sus progenitoras como de sus antepasados, lo que revela que la evolución natural puede ser más complicada de lo que se piensa.

Bella moths use poison to attract mates: Scientists are closer to finding out how Researchers sequence the bella moth genome, which they used to pinpoint specific genes that may confer immunity to noxious alkaloids.

Why can zebrafish regenerate damaged heart tissue, while other fish species cannot?

A heart attack will leave a permanent scar on a human heart, yet other animals, including zebrafish, can clear cardiac scar tissue and regrow damaged muscle as adults.

Fossil frogs share their skincare secrets

Palaeontologists have solved a hundred-year-old mystery of how some fossil frogs preserve their fleshy parts it's all down to their skin.

The spiciness of mustard may depend on soil microbes

New study finds microbes may influence the taste of mustard seeds.

To accelerate biosphere science, reconnect three scientific cultures

Researchers who study Earth's biosphere tend to operate from one of three scientific cultures, each with distinct ways of conducting science, and which have been operating mostly independently from one another.

'Itinerant breeding' in East Coast shorebird species

A study has found direct evidence of a species the American woodcock, a migratory shorebird from eastern and central North America that overlaps periods of migration and reproduction, a rare breeding strategy known as 'itinerant breeding.'

New butterfly species created 200,000 years ago by two species interbreeding

Researchers have shown that an Amazonian butterfly is a hybrid species, formed by two other species breeding together almost 200,000 years ago.

Probiotic feed additive boosts growth, health in poultry in place of antibiotics

The growing need for antibiotic-free products has challenged producers to decrease or completely stop using antimicrobials as feed supplements in the diet of broiler chickens to improve feed efficiency, growth rate and intestinal health.

How blue-green algae manipulate microorganisms

A research team discovers previously unknown gene that indirectly promotes photosynthesis Protein regulator NirP1 influences the coordination of the nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism 'Such protein regulators could in future be deployed in 'green' and 'blue' biotechnology for targeted control of the metabolism,' says geneticist.

Switching off the light to see better Researchers used structured light and switchable fluorescent molecules to reduce the background light from the out-of-plane regions of microscope samples.

Mountain chickadees have remarkable memories. A new study explains why

Mountain chickadees have among the best spatial memory in the animal kingdom.

Solving a mini mystery of cell division

Trying to hit a target size before dividing seems like the best strategy for maintaining a precise cell size, but bacteria don't do that.

Marine plankton behavior could predict future marine extinctions

Marine communities migrated to Antarctica during the Earth's warmest period in 66 million years long before a mass-extinction event.

How parasites shape complex food webs

A new study sheds light on how parasites, often overlooked, can dramatically affect the balance between predator and prey populations.

AI tool recognizes serious ocular disease in horses

Researchers have developed a deep learning tool that is capable of reliably diagnosing moon blindness in horses based on photos.


Computer game in school made students better at detecting fake news

A computer game helped upper secondary school students become better at distinguishing between reliable and misleading news.

Researchers unveil PI3K enzyme's dual accelerator and brake mechanisms

The enzyme PI3K plays a critical role in cell migration. Scientists have long understood this function.

Scientists discover the cellular functions of a family of proteins integral to inflammatory diseases

In a scientific breakthrough, researchers have revealed the biological mechanisms by which a family of proteins known as histone deacetylases (HDACs) activate immune system cells linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other inflammatory diseases.

The enemy within: How pathogens spread unrecognized in the body

Some pathogens hide inside human cells to enhance their survival.

Biophysics: Testing how well biomarkers work

Researchers have developed a method to determine how reliably target proteins can be labeled using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.

Nueva vía para luchar contra la pérdida de masa muscular al envejecer

La sarcopenia es un trastorno frecuente en la gente de edad avanzada.

Primer modelo de organoide para recrear el desarrollo del cáncer de colon

Los organoides son una versión miniaturizada y simplificada de un órgano.

Marginalized communities developed 'disaster subculture' when living through extreme climate events

An assistant professor conducted a study in which he lived among one of the poorest, most marginalized communities in Seoul, South Korea.

New study uncovers lasting financial hardship associated with cancer diagnosis for working-age adults in the U.S.

A new study highlights the lasting financial impact of a cancer diagnosis for many working-age adults and their families in the United States.

Nueva estrategia experimental para abordar la cicatrización y la fibrosis

En la parte exterior del cuerpo, las cicatrices suelen estar debajo de la capa externa de la piel.

Study compares salmonella rates in backyard, commercial poultry farm samples

Researchers find less Salmonella on backyard poultry farms.

3 in 5 parents play short order cook for young children who don't like family meal

While most parents of preschool and elementary aged children strive to give their children a balanced, nutritional diet, some of their strategies to promote healthy eating may backfire, a national poll suggests.

Innovative microscopy demystifies metabolism of Alzheimer's

Using state-of-the-art microscopy techniques, researchers have shed new light on the underlying mechanisms driving Alzheimer's disease.

In the brain, bursts of beta rhythms implement cognitive control Bursts of brain rhythms with 'beta' frequencies control where and when neurons in the cortex process sensory information and plan responses.

Magnetic microcoils unlock targeted single-neuron therapies for neurodegenerative disorders

Researchers deploy an array of microscopic coils to create a magnetic field and stimulate individual neurons.

Study explores possible future for early Alzheimer's diagnostics

Digital memory test and a blood sample -- this combination will be tested for its potential to identify early Alzheimer's disease in a new research study.

Don't be a stranger -- study finds rekindling old friendships as scary as making new ones

Psychologists have found that people are as hesitant to reach out to an old friend as they are to strike up a conversation with a stranger, even when they had the capacity and desire to do so.

Dengue fever infections have negative impacts on infant health for three years

Dengue infections in pregnant women may have a negative impact on the first years of children's lives, new research has found.

Japan's premodern concept of nature at root of distinctive mindset in early childhood education Observers of Japanese early childhood education and care have pointed to the mindset of educators watching over and waiting on preschoolers as being an intriguing tendency.

Odor-causing bacteria in armpits targeted using bacteriophagederived lysin

A research team has synthesized a lysin that during in vitro experiments targets bacteria responsible for producing odors in human armpits.

Gentle defibrillation for the heart

Using light pulses as a model for electrical defibrillation, scientists developed a method to assess and modulate the heart function.

Exploring brain synchronization patterns during social interactions

Social interactions synchronize brain activity within individuals and between individuals.

New research defines specific genomic changes associated with the transmissibility of the monkeypox virus

Scientists have located and identified alterations in the monkeypox virus genome that potentially correlate with changes in the virus's transmissibility observed in the 2022 outbreak.

New study examines the increased adoption of they/them pronouns

People are using 'they/them' pronouns more often, according to a new study.

Researchers create artificial cells that act like living cells

Researchers describe the steps they took to manipulate DNA and proteins essential building blocks of life to create cells that look and act like cells from the body.

Uno de cada cuatro médicos sufre síndrome de desgaste profesional o ‘burnout’

Una investigación del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) muestra la prevalencia entre médicos que trabajan en España del llamado síndrome de desgaste profesional o burnout, un trastorno derivado del estrés crónico que las personas pueden sufrir en su trabajo.

Predicting cardiac arrhythmia 30 minutes before it happens

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia worldwide with around 59 million people concerned in 2019.

Pressure in the womb may influence facial development

Physical cues in the womb, and not just genetics, influence the normal development of neural crest cells, the embryonic stem cells that form facial features, finds a new study.

Breakthrough rice bran nanoparticles show promise as affordable and targeted anticancer agent

Plant-derived nanoparticles have demonstrated significant anticancer effects.

Despite AI advancements, human oversight remains essential State-of-the-art artificial intelligence systems known as large language models (LLMs) are poor medical coders, according to researchers.

Mosaics of predisposition cause skin disease

Clarifying the cause of a skin disease led to the discovery of a new disease-causing gene, a new category of diseases, and new perspectives for both counseling and therapy.

Diagnóstico más temprano del cáncer de piel más agresivo

El melanoma maligno es un tipo de cáncer que afecta a los melanocitos de la piel y cuya incidencia ha aumentado significativamente en las últimas décadas.

Researchers develop a new way to safely boost immune cells to fight cancer

Researchers explore a cancer immunotherapy treatment that involves activating the immune cells in the body and reprogramming them to attack and destroy cancer cells.

People think 'old age' starts later than it used to, study finds Middle-aged and older adults believe that old age begins later in life than their peers did decades ago, according to a new study.

Eye-opener: Pupils enlarge when people focus on tasks Normally, a person's pupils naturally widen (or dilate) in low-light environments to allow more light into the eye.

Simulated microgravity affects sleep and physiological rhythms

Simulated effects of microgravity significantly affect rhythmicity and sleep in humans, a new study finds.

Study reveals how humanity could unite to address global challenges

New research has found that perceptions of globally shared life experiences and globally shared biology can strengthen psychological bonding with humanity at large, which can motivate prosocial action on a global scale and help to tackle global problems.

Life goals and their changes drive success

Though life goals change over time, a study of teen goals indicates that goals of education and high prestige can drive success.

¿Eritropoyetina para tratar enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas?

En un nuevo estudio, unos científicos han analizado el efecto sobre el cerebro humano de la eritropoyetina EPO, una hormona secretada fundamentalmente por los riñones, así como su potencial como terapia para el tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas.

Key protein regulates immune response to viruses in mammal cells

Researchers have revealed the regulatory mechanism of a specific protein, TRBP, that plays a key role in balancing the immune response triggered by viral infections in mammal cells.

Genetically engineering a treatment for incurable brain tumors

Scientists are developing and validating a patent-pending novel immunotherapy to be used against glioblastoma brain tumors.

Social programs save millions of lives, especially in times of crisis

Primary health care, conditional cash transfers and social pensions have prevented 1.4 million deaths of all ages in Brazil over the past two decades, according to a new study.

New compound from blessed thistle promotes functional nerve regeneration

Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) is a plant in the family Asteraceae.

Identifican la causa de una patología ciliar

Las ciliopatías son enfermedades raras en las que está alterada la formación o la función de los cilios, unas prolongaciones de forma cilíndrica que se encuentran en la superficie de muchas células.

¿Melatonina contra la obesidad?

En una línea de investigación reciente, se ha profundizado en la cuestión de hasta qué punto la melatonina puede ayudar a prevenir la obesidad.

Glial hyper-drive for triggering epileptic seizures

When epileptic patients suffer seizures, their brain is undergoing repetitive and excessive neuronal firing. But what triggers this has stumped scientists for years.

Exposure to air pollution during the first two years of life is associated with worse attention capacity in children

A growing body of research shows that exposure to air pollution, especially during pregnancy and childhood, may have a negative impact on brain development.

Dietary treatment more effective than medicines in IBS

Dietary treatment is more effective than medications in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Este es el atlas del envejecimiento del músculo esquelético humano

En un mundo con sociedades que envejecen rápidamente, es necesario conocer en detalle la causa y la progresión de las enfermedades asociadas al envejecimiento.

Metabolic health before vaccination determines effectiveness of anti-flu response

The annual influenza vaccine has become less effective on average over time.

Identifican por primera vez el riesgo de miocardiopatía dilatada en los portadores genéticos

La miocardiopatía dilatada es la causa más frecuente de insuficiencia cardiaca en personas jóvenes y, además, la principal causa de trasplante en todo el mundo.

Mutations in noncoding DNA become functional in some cancerdriving genes

Despite progress in defining functional elements of noncoding DNA, it is still not fully understood.

Shoe technology reduces risk of diabetic foot ulcers

Researchers have developed a new shoe insole technology that helps reduce the risk of diabetic foot ulcers, a dangerous open sore that can lead to hospitalization and leg, foot or toe amputations.

Signs of multiple sclerosis show up in blood years before symptoms

In a discovery that could hasten treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), scientists have discovered a harbinger in the blood of some people who later went on to develop the disease.

Analyzing the progression in retinal thickness could predict cognitive progression in Parkinson's patients

Although there are still some aspects pending confirmation for its use in the clinical setting, and its resolution needs to be improved slightly, a study has shown that a method routinely used to carry out ophthalmological tests can also be used to monitor the neurodegeneration that occurs in Parkinson's patients.

Bacteria behind meningitis in babies explained

Researchers have identified the types of E.coli responsible for neonatal meningitis around 50 per cent of infections are caused by two types of E. coli.

Study opens new avenue for immunotherapy drug development

Researchers have designed a new method for developing immunotherapy drugs using engineered peptides to elicit a natural immune response inside the body.

New study focuses on the placenta for clues to the development of gestational diabetes

A new study has identified that a deficit in the placental expression of the gene insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGFBP1) and low IGFBP1 circulating levels are associated with insulin resistance during pregnancy, highlighting a potential risk factor for the development of gestational diabetes.

Coal train pollution increases health risks and disparities

The first health impact study of coal train pollution centers on the San Francisco Bay Area, with scientists finding communities near passing coal trains suffer worse health outcomes.

Next-generation treatments hitch a ride into cancer cells

Researchers found that a new activator called L687 induces cancer cells to accept delivery of antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) drugs.

Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains

Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised.

A common pathway in the brain that enables addictive drugs to hijack natural reward processing

Researchers have uncovered a mechanism in the brain that allows cocaine and morphine to take over natural reward processing systems.

When thoughts flow in one direction

Contrary to previous assumptions, nerve cells in the human neocortex are wired differently than in mice.

Metacognitive abilities like reading the emotions and attitudes of others may be more influenced by environment than genetics

Twin studies have proven invaluable for teasing out the effects of both genetics and the environment on human biology.

Quick decisions in soccer enhanced by brain's ability to suppress actions

Superior decision-making in sports such as soccer could come down to the process of inhibiting a motor response, according to a new study.

Perfect balance: How the brain finetunes its sensitivity

A sensitive perception of the environment is crucial for guiding our behavior.

Scientists uncover 95 regions of the genome linked to PTSD

In posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), intrusive thoughts, changes in mood, and other symptoms after exposure to trauma can greatly impact a person's quality of life.

Toxic chemicals from microplastics can be absorbed through skin

Toxic chemicals used to flame-proof plastic materials can be absorbed into the body through skin, via contact with microplastics, new research shows.

AI tool predicts responses to cancer therapy using information from each cell of the tumor

Most cancer patients do not benefit from early targeted therapies.

How data provided by fitness trackers and smartphones can help people with MS

Monitoring and treating a case of multiple sclerosis requires reliable and long-term data on how the disease is progressing in the person in question.

Are these newly found rare cells a missing link in color perception?

Using adaptive optics, scientists have identified elusive retinal ganglion cells in the eye's fovea that could explain how humans see red, green, blue, and yellow.

How trauma gets 'under the skin'

A study has shown that traumatic experiences during childhood may get 'under the skin' later in life, impairing the muscle function of people as they age.

Team demonstrates miniature brain stimulator in humans

Engineers have developed the smallest implantable brain stimulator demonstrated in a human patient that could revolutionize treatment for drug-resistant depression and other psychiatric or neurological disorders.

Global study reveals health impacts of airborne trace elements

Researchers investigated global particulate matter, revealing health risks from trace elements.

Hallan una combinación de fármacos eficaz contra el coronavirus de la COVID19

En una investigación reciente se ha logrado encontrar una combinación novedosa de dos fármacos que es eficaz contra el SARSCoV2, el coronavirus culpable de la COVID19.

El cerebro de hombres y mujeres responde diferente ante una película violenta

Las películas tienen la capacidad de desencadenar nuestras emociones y afectarnos, pero el impacto no es el mismo entre todos los espectadores y, según un nuevo estudio, tampoco entre mujeres y hombres.

Siblings with unique genetic change help scientists progress drug search for type 1 diabetes

Two siblings who have the only known mutations in a key gene anywhere in the world have helped scientists gain new insights that could help progress the search for new treatments in type 1 diabetes.

“Si no causaran tanto sufrimiento, quizás admiraríamos a los mosquitos”

Su inconfundible figura destaca entre los jeroglíficos del muro de piedra del Templo de Ramsés III en Luxor, Egipto.

New urine-based test detects highgrade prostate cancer, helping men avoid unnecessary biopsies

Researchers have developed a new urine-based test that addresses a major problem in prostate cancer: how to separate the slow-growing form of the disease unlikely to cause harm from more aggressive cancer that needs immediate treatment.

Guidance on energy and macronutrients across the lifespan

In the long history of recommendations for nutritional intake, current research is trending toward the concept of 'food as medicine' a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within interventions to support health and wellness.

Researchers create new AI pipeline for identifying molecular interactions

AI developments in chemical biology could unlock new types of disease treatments.

Paper: To understand cognition-and its dysfunction neuroscientists must learn its rhythms

Thought emerges and is controlled in the brain via the rhythmically and spatially coordinated activity of millions of neurons, scientists argue in a new article.

Researchers find that accelerated aging biology in the placenta contributes to a rare form of pregnancy-related heart failure

In a new study, researchers show that elevated levels of proteins related to cellular senescence, or aging, in the blood and the placenta are linked to this form of heart failure.

Genetic variant identified that shaped the human skull base

Researchers have identified a variant in the gene TBX1 as key in the development of the unique morphology at the base of the skull.

Un niño maltratado tiene tres veces más riesgo de desarrollar una adicción de adulto

Casi 3 de cada 4 niños y niñas de entre 2 y 4 años -unos 300 millones en total- sufren con regularidad castigos corporales o violencia psicológica de la mano de sus progenitores o cuidadores, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).

Descubren características del virus del SIDA compatibles con su curación

Unos científicos han estudiado a personas con VIH virus del SIDA cuyo organismo es capaz de controlar el virus sin necesidad de tomar un tratamiento antirretroviral.

Calorie restriction study reveals complexities in how diet impacts aging

The rate at which human cells age is influenced by multiple interconnected factors.

Artificial Intelligence beats doctors in accurately assessing eye problems

A study has found that the AI model GPT-4 significantly exceeds the ability of non-specialist doctors to assess eye problems and provide advice.

La vacuna prenatal frente a la tosferina en España reduce su gravedad en recién nacidos

Un trabajo de investigadores del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), realizado desde el Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, indica que la vacunación prenatal frente a la tosferina ha demostrado ser fundamental para reducir significativamente la gravedad de la enfermedad en los menores de 3 meses.

Protecting brain cells with cannabinol

Scientists created four cannabisderived CBN analogs (chemical looka-likes) with enhanced neuroprotective properties and potential for therapeutic application in neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and traumatic brain injury.

Gender stereotypes in schools impact on girls and boys with mental health difficulties, study finds

Gender stereotypes mean that girls can be celebrated for their emotional openness and maturity in school, while boys are seen as likely to mask their emotional distress through silence or disruptive behaviors, according to a recent study.

New data identifies trends in accidental opioid overdoses in children

The US saw a 22% decline in rates of prescription-opioid overdose related emergency department (ED) visits in children 17 and younger between 2008 and 2019, but an uptick in the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.

Study identifies new metric for diagnosing autism

Autism spectrum disorder has yet to be linked to a single cause, due to the wide range of its symptoms and severity.

Adults with congenital heart disease faced higher risk of abnormal heart rhythms

Adults with congenital heart defects were more likely to experience an abnormal, irregular heartbeat, finds a new study.

AI speeds up drug design for Parkinson's by ten-fold Researchers have used artificial intelligence techniques to massively accelerate the search for Parkinson's disease treatments.

El estimulador cerebral más pequeño implantado en un paciente humano

Unos ingenieros han desarrollado el estimulador cerebral implantable más pequeño demostrado en un paciente humano.

AI tool creates 'synthetic' images of cells for enhanced microscopy analysis

Researchers have developed a method to use an image generation AI model to create realistic images of single cells, which are then used as 'synthetic data' to train an AI model to better carry out single-cell segmentation.

Liquid droplets shape how cells respond to change

New research has shown that cells regulate cAMP/PKA signaling by forming liquid droplets that segregate excess PKA catalytic subunits where they can do no harm.

Probabilidad de deterioro mental en la vejez tras tener un oficio que requería esfuerzo mental

¿Hasta qué punto ejercitar la mente de manera cotidiana en el puesto de trabajo la fortalece lo suficiente como para resistir el deterioro cognitivo que suele acarrear la vejez?

Conectan entre sí dos "minicerebros" humanos

La idea de hacer brotar un cerebro humano completo a partir de células en un laboratorio ha sido considerada históricamente más cercana a la ciencia-ficción que a la ciencia.

Observan la compuerta neuronal para moléculas esenciales en el aprendizaje y la memoria

Unos científicos han observado a nivel atómico la "compuerta" neuronal para moléculas que son esenciales en el aprendizaje y en la memoria.

Nivel de democracia y nivel de mortalidad por la pandemia de COVID19

En un estudio reciente se ha investigado hasta qué punto pudo haber relación entre el nivel de mortalidad en un país durante la pandemia de COVID19 y el nivel de democracia de ese país durante esa época.


Las investigadoras de Castilla y León reivindican el papel de la mujer en el mayor evento científico anual de la comunidad

Organizadas por las cuatro universidades públicas de la región, las X Jornadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León alcanzan un récord de participación, con más de 400 inscripciones y más de 150 ponencias.

Discovery of tumor-reactive T cell receptors by massively parallel library synthesis and screening

Tumor-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) are identified by functional screening of synthetic TCR libraries.

Why Japan lacks a vibrant biotech industry

Recent analysis of the biopharmaceutical industry in Japan has emphasized that the lack of a thriving biotech ecosystem in that country is largely due to tight controls on drug pricing.

La ciencia de los grandes descubrimientos científicos es cada vez más elitista e interdisciplinaria

Un trabajo del Instituto de Análisis Económico (IAE-CSIC) analiza la edad, género, formación y procedencia de los autores de más de 700 grandes hallazgos científicos desde 1600 hasta la actualidad.

Computational scoring and experimental evaluation of enzymes generated by neural networks Metrics that predict the success of folding and the activity of designed protein sequences are developed and experimentally validated.

Becas de introducción a la Investigación JAE Intro 2024

La Presidencia de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas M.P. (en adelante CSIC) ha resuelto convocar 300 becas con el objetivo de introducir a la investigación a estudiantes universitarios.

Therapeutic application of circular RNA aptamers in a mouse model of psoriasis

A circular RNA aptamer shows therapeutic efficacy in vivo in a psoriasis model.

Assessing the laboratory performance of AI-generated enzymes

A set of 20 computational metrics was evaluated to determine whether they could predict the functionality of synthetic enzyme sequences produced by generative protein models, resulting in the development of a computational filter, COMPSS, that increased experimental success rates by 50–150%, tested in over 500 natural and AI-generated enzymes.


Modeling broader effects of wildfires in Siberia

As wildfires in Siberia become more common, global climate modeling estimates significant impacts on climate, air quality, health, and economies in East Asia and across the northern hemisphere.

High-resolution lidar sees birth zone of cloud droplets

Scientists demonstrated the firstever remote observations of the finescale structure at the base of clouds.

Critical minerals recovery from electronic waste

A nontoxic separation process recovers critical minerals from electronic scrap waste.

Asian monsoon lofts ozonedepleting substances to stratosphere

Powerful monsoon winds, strengthened by a warming climate, are lofting unexpectedly large quantities of ozone-depleting substances high into the atmosphere over East Asia, according to new research.

Aprobada la reforma de la PAC que suaviza las exigencias medioambientales El pleno del Parlamento Europeo (PE) dio este miércoles luz verde a la reforma que suaviza las exigencias medioambientales de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) y reduce la carga administrativa de los agricultores y ganaderos, una iniciativa planteada en respuesta a las protestas del campo.

Researchers find oldest undisputed evidence of Earth's magnetic field

A new study has recovered a 3.7billion-year-old record of Earth's magnetic field, and found that it appears remarkably similar to the field surrounding Earth today.

Shoreline model predicts long-term future of storm protection and sealevel rise

Researchers have created a coastal evolution model to analyze how coastal management activities on barrier islands, meant to adapt to sea-level rise, can disrupt natural processes that are keeping the barrier islands above water.

This salt battery harvests osmotic energy where the river meets the sea

Estuaries where freshwater rivers meet the salty sea are great locations for birdwatching and kayaking.

¿Por qué entra tanto polvo sahariano en el Mediterráneo occidental?

En un nuevo estudio, se ha profundizado en las causas de la notable entrada de polvo sahariano en la zona del Mediterráneo occidental.

'Sunny day flooding' increases fecal contamination of coastal waters

A new study finds that 'sunny day flooding,' which occurs during high tides, increases the levels of fecal bacteria in coastal waters.

Laser-treated cork absorbs oil for carbon-neutral ocean cleanup

Researchers use laser treatments to transform ordinary cork into a powerful tool for treating oil spills.

Te presentamos a Jin Xi y Zhu Yu los dos pandas que China enviará a España el 29 de abril

La Asociación para la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre de China enviará el próximo 29 de abril una pareja de osos panda a España (Jin Xi y Zhu Yu), donde vivirán durante la próxima década, informó la entidad.

Relacionan las limitaciones de la caza con plomo con su reducción en sangre en los guirres canarios

El plomo puede provocar desde la muerte del individuo, a dosis elevadas, a graves problemas reproductivos, como infertilidad o menor supervivencia de los pollos

World's chocolate supply threatened by devastating virus

A rapidly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, jeopardizing the global supply of the world's most popular treat.

Puerto Rico logra preservar la mariquita, ave endémica en peligro de extinción

La colaboración entre el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA) de Puerto Rico y la empresa Luma Energy ha logrado preservar la mariquita, un ave en peligro de extinción al contabilizar en la isla unos 115 ejemplares.

Warming climate is putting more metals into Colorado's mountain streams

Warming temperatures are causing a steady rise in copper, zinc and sulfate in the waters of Colorado mountain streams affected by acid rock drainage.

More sustainability in global agricultural trade

The EU wants to ensure greater sustainability in agricultural trade with the Global South with the aim of minimizing the environmental and climate-damaging effects of importing crops such as soya, palm oil, coffee, and cocoa.

Tropical fish are invading Australian ocean water

A study of shallow-water fish communities on rocky reefs in southeastern Australia has found climate change is helping tropical fish species invade temperate Australian waters.

Feedback loop that is melting ice shelves in West Antarctica revealed New research has uncovered a feedback loop that may be accelerating the melting of the floating portions of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, pushing up global sea levels.

AI weather forecasts captured Ciaran's destructive path

The study highlights the rapid progress and transformative potential of AI in weather prediction.

The biggest barrier to a vibrant second-hand EV market? Price

As early adopters of electric vehicles (EVs) trade up for the latest models, the used EV market is beginning to mature in the United States.

Livestock abortion surveillance could protect livelihoods and detect emerging global pathogens

A study suggests timely reporting and investigating of livestock abortions is feasible in rural areas and can provide insights into emerging infectious diseases.

No bull: How creating less-gassy cows could help fight climate change

A new study has revealed breeding less-flatulent cows and restoring agricultural land could significantly reduce rising methane emission levels, which play a considerable role in climate change.

Un tercio de la población urbana china corre el riesgo del hundimiento de las ciudades El terreno bajo la mitad de las principales ciudades chinas sufre un hundimiento, de moderado a grave, que afecta a casi un tercio de la población urbana del país, un fenómeno asociado a causas humanas como la extracción de aguas subterráneas o el peso de los edificios.

World's oases threatened by desertification, even as humans expand them

Oases are important habitats and water sources for dryland regions, sustaining 10% of the world's population despite taking up about 1.5% of land area.

Los incendios y el calentamiento cambian rápidamente los ecosistemas en Canadá

La proliferación de grandes incendios forestales en los últimos veranos por el calentamiento acelerado está aumentando las tasas de fotosíntesis en Canadá y Alaska.

Las lluvias torrenciales en el desierto dejarán de ser excepcionales por el calentamiento del agua de los océanos

Las lluvias torrenciales en zonas desérticas, como las que acaban de sufrir la península arábiga en el Golfo Pérsico, dejarán de ser excepcionales y tenderán a ser más habituales por el calentamiento del agua de los océanos y su impacto en el efecto de los grandes sistemas tormentosos.

El cambio climático amenaza la salud de más del 70% de los trabajadores del mundo Más del 70% de la mano de obra mundial está expuesta a graves riesgos para la salud relacionados con el cambio climático, según advierte en un informe la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), que califica esta cifra de "asombrosa" y advierte de que las medidas existentes en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SST) tienen dificultades para hacer frente a esta creciente amenaza.

Invasive species sound off about impending ecosystem changes

Anticipating changes to ecosystems is often at best an educated guess, but what if there was a way to better tune into possible changes occurring?

The Italian central Apennines as a source of CO2 Tectonically active mountains play an important role in the natural CO2 regulation of the atmosphere.

New research shines a light on how expert mapmakers see the world differently

Researchers have found differences between experienced Ordnance Survey (OS) mapmakers and novices in the way that they interpret aerial images for mapmaking, which could lead to improved training processes for new recruits.

Scientists trigger mini-earthquakes in the lab

Earthquakes and landslides are famously difficult to predict and prepare for.

38 trillion dollars in damages each year: World economy already committed to income reduction of 19 % due to climate change

Even if CO2 emissions were to be drastically cut down starting today, the world economy is already committed to an income reduction of 19% until 2050 due to climate change, a new study finds.

Climate change will increase value of residential rooftop solar panels across US, study shows Climate change will increase the future value of residential rooftop solar panels across the United States by up to 19% by the end of the century, according to a new study.

Europa, el continente que se calienta más rápido, rompió récords de estrés térmico extremo en 2023

Europa es el continente que se calienta a un ritmo más rápido, con subidas de temperaturas que duplican la media global, y en 2023 rompió el récord de días de estrés térmico extremo, según un informe de la ONU y Copernicus, que señala que la mortalidad relacionada con el calor aumentó un 30 % en las últimas dos décadas.

Toxic chemicals from microplastics can be absorbed through skin

Toxic chemicals used to flame-proof plastic materials can be absorbed into the body through skin, via contact with microplastics, new research shows.

Menos fertilizantes y más legumbres: estrategias para reducir las emisiones del sector agropecuario

La producción de alimentos es responsable del 26 % de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero causantes del cambio climático.

Lemur's lament: When one vulnerable species stalks another

What can be done when one threatened animal kills another?

Weather prediction models can also forecast satellite displacements

Researchers have found that modern weather models can accurately predict the energy that Earth emits and reflects into space, which directly affects the movements of low Earth-orbiting (LEO) satellites.

Global study reveals health impacts of airborne trace elements

Researchers investigated global particulate matter, revealing health risks from trace elements.

Scientists develop framework to measure plastic emissions and bolster U.N. efforts to reduce pollution

Scientists have developed a framework for measuring plastic emissions akin to the global standard for measuring greenhouse gas emissions.

Surf clams off the coast of Virginia reappear -- and rebound

The Atlantic surfclam, an economically valuable species that is the main ingredient in clam chowder and fried clam strips, has returned to Virginia waters in a big way, reversing a die-off that started more than two decades ago.

'Forgotten city:' the identification of Dura-Europos' neglected sister site in Syria

The Dura-Europos site in modern-day Syria is famous for its exceptional state of preservation.

Can bismuth prevent oil leaks? Companies can't simply walk away from old oil and gas wells.

How soil microbes survive in harsh desert environments

Prolonged droughts followed by sudden bursts of rainfall how do desert soil bacteria manage to survive such harsh conditions?

Fourteen years after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, endemic fishes face an uncertain future

The 2010 Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest accidental spill in history, released almost 100 million gallons of oil, causing significant pollution.

Clearing the air: Wind farms more land efficient than previously thought

Wind power is a source of energy that is both affordable and renewable.

Global North energy outsourcing demands more attention

Manufacturing nations in the Global North are stockpiling energy and emission problems by outsourcing energy-intensive industrial processes to countries in the Global South.

Ice age climate analysis reduces worst-case warming expected from rising CO2

A detailed reconstruction of climate during the most recent ice age, when a large swath of North America was covered in ice, provides information on the relationship between CO2 and global temperature.

Marine microbial populations: Potential sensors of the global change in the ocean

Animal and plant populations have been extensively studied, which has helped to understand ecosystem processes and evolutionary adaptations.

First evidence of human occupation in lava tube cave in Saudi Arabia New research has highlighted an area in Arabia that once acted as a key point for cultural exchanges and trades amongst ancient people and it all took place in vast caves and lava tubes that have remained largely untapped reservoirs of archaeological abundance in Arabia.

Warming of Antarctic deep-sea waters contribute to sea level rise in North Atlantic, study finds Analysis of mooring observations and hydrographic data suggest the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation deep water limb in the North Atlantic has weakened.

30 años de datos climáticos del Ártico y del Antártico, convertidos en una composición musical

En ocasiones, los datos que sirven para las investigaciones científicas cruzan fronteras y, en este caso, 30 años de mediciones climáticas recogidas en el Ártico y el Antártico se han transformado en una composición musical titulada "String Quartet No. 1 ‘Polar Energy Budget’".

East coast mussel shells are becoming more porous in warming waters

Researchers have found that over the last 120 years, the porosity -- or small-scale holes in mussel shells along the East Coast of the United States has increased, potentially due to warming waters.

Honey bees experience multiple health stressors out-in-the-field

It's not a single pesticide or virus stressing honey bees, and affecting their health, but exposure to a complex web of multiple interacting stressors encountered while at work pollinating crops, found new research.

Plant sensors could act as an early warning system for farmers

Using a pair of sensors made from carbon nanotubes, researchers discovered signals that help plants respond to stresses such as heat, light, or attack from insects or bacteria.

Un estudio asocia la exposición a NO2 con una menor capacidad de atención en los niños

La exposición al dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2), un contaminante que procede principalmente de las emisiones de tráfico, durante los dos primeros años de vida se asocia a una menor capacidad de atención en niños y niñas de 4 a 8 años, especialmente en los niños.

Dog attacks on mountain tapirs highlight a growing threat to endangered wildlife

Researchers who captured footage of dog attacks on endangered mountain tapirs in Colombia are calling for action to protect threatened wildlife.


Holographic displays offer a glimpse into an immersive future

Researchers have invented a new optical element that brings us one step closer to mixing the real and virtual worlds in an ordinary pair of eyeglasses using high-definition 3D holographic images.

Making diamonds at ambient pressure

Researchers have grown diamonds under conditions of 1 atmosphere pressure and at 1025 degrees Celsius using a liquid metal alloy composed of gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon, thus breaking the existing paradigm.

A simple 'twist' improves the engine of clean fuel generation

Researchers have found a way to super-charge the 'engine' of sustainable fuel generation by giving the materials a little twist.

Superradiant atoms could push the boundaries of how precisely time can be measured

Superradiant atoms can help us measure time more precisely than ever.

La llamarada gigante de un magnetar llega desde una galaxia cercana

En noviembre de 2023, durante solo una décima de segundo, la misión Integral de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) detectó una breve explosión o destello de rayos gamma (GRB, por sus siglas en inglés) desde la galaxia M82, situada a unos 12 millones de años luz de distancia.

Evaporación de agua mediante luz y sin calor

Unos científicos han descubierto un sorprendente efecto fotomolecular que, entre otras repercusiones, podría cambiar el modo en que se calculan diversos parámetros del cambio climático global.

Detección interestelar de una rara sustancia orgánica

Se ha detectado, por vez primera fuera de la Tierra, un compuesto químico orgánico denominado 2metoxietanol, también conocido como éter monometílico de etilenglicol.

A better view with new mid-infrared nanoscopy

A team has constructed an improved mid-infrared microscope, enabling them to see the structures inside living bacteria at the nanometer scale.

Ladrillos más duraderos usando fibra de carbono reciclada Unos científicos han conseguido desarrollar un tipo de ladrillo poroso más duradero frente a la cristalización de la sal, mediante la utilización de residuos de fibra de carbono provenientes de palas de aerogeneradores desechadas, usados como aditivos en su fabricación.

Energy scientists unravel the mystery of gold's glow

EPFL researchers have developed the first comprehensive model of the quantum-mechanical effects behind photoluminescence in thin gold films; a discovery that could drive the development of solar fuels and batteries.

This alloy is kinky

Researchers have uncovered a remarkable metal alloy that won t crack at extreme temperatures due to kinking, or bending, of crystals in the alloy at the atomic level.

Paso clave en la computación cuántica fotónica

Unos científicos han logrado un avance significativo en la tecnología cuántica, con la demostración satisfactoria de la interferencia cuántica entre varios fotones individuales utilizando un novedoso y eficiente sistema.

Nace el primer procesador cuántico atómico de España

La física cuántica necesita técnicas de detección de alta precisión para profundizar en las propiedades microscópicas de los materiales.

Machine learning used to create a fabric-based touch sensor

A new fabric-based touch sensor used machine learning to control mobile apps, video games and other devices while integrated into clothing.

Giant galactic explosion exposes galaxy pollution in action

Astronomers have produced the first high-resolution map of a massive explosion in a nearby galaxy, providing important clues on how the space between galaxies is polluted with chemical elements.

Physicists solve puzzle about ancient galaxy found by Webb telescope

Physicists solve a puzzle linked to JWST-ER1g, a massive ancient galaxy that formed when the universe was just a quarter of its current age.

AI and physics combine to reveal the 3D structure of a flare erupting around a black hole

Based on radio telescope data and models of black hole physics, a team has used neural networks to reconstruct a 3D image that shows how explosive flare-ups in the disk of gas around our supermassive black hole might look.

Octopus inspires new suction mechanism for robots

A new robotic suction cup which can grasp rough, curved and heavy stone, has been developed by scientists.

Intrigante anomalía espectral en una enana marrón

Una enana marrón es un astro con más masa que un planeta pero menos que una estrella.

Astronomers uncover methane emission on a cold brown dwarf Astronomers have discovered methane emission on a brown dwarf, an unexpected finding for such a cold and isolated world.

Muestra pétrea que podría conservar huellas de vida marciana antigua

El robot Perseverance de la NASA, que circula por la superficie de Marte desde que llegó al planeta en 2021, ha estado extrayendo núcleos pétreos muestras del interior de rocas a las que accede realizando perforaciones dentro del inmenso cráter Jezero y una de esas muestras ha despertado una gran expectación porque, por sus características, podría conservar vestigios de vida marciana antigua.

How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch

Soft skin coverings and touch sensors have emerged as a promising feature for robots that are both safer and more intuitive for human interaction, but they are expensive and difficult to make.

Modificar al instante las características de materiales cristalinos con pulsos de luz intensos

Unos científicos han comenzado a emplear técnicas lumínicas de acción ultrarrápida para modificar materiales cristalinos, lo que podría dar inicio a una nueva electrónica.

Luz verde para la misión de un dron que volará en Titán La misión del Dragonfly, un dron equipado con ocho rotores, será realizar vuelos de exploración sobre terrenos de Titán, una de las lunas de Saturno, dotada de una atmósfera y sobre la que se especula con la existencia en ella de vida pasada, presente o futura.

El mundo más volcánico del sistema solar lleva activo toda su vida Io, uno de los cuatro satélites galileanos de Júpiter –descubiertos por Galileo Galilei–, es el mundo con mayor actividad volcánica de todo el sistema solar, con cientos de volcanes, algunos con fuentes de lava de decenas de kilómetros de altura.

'Tube map' around planets and moons made possible by knot theory

Scientists have developed a new method using knot theory to find the optimal routes for future space missions without the need to waste fuel.

Everest mountaineer's letters digitized Letters written by the famous mountaineer George Mallory have been made available to a global audience for the first time, in the centenary year of his fatal attempt to scale Everest.

Toward unification of turbulence framework -- weak-to-strong transition discovered in turbulence Astrophysicists have made a significant step toward solving the last puzzle in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence theory by observing the weak to strong transition in the space plasma turbulence surrounding Earth with newly developed multi-spacecraft analysis methods.

Biblioteca. Facultad de Biología

Universidad de Salamanca. Campus Miguel de Unamuno c/Donantes de Sangre s/n 37007 Salamanca

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