The Word - April 2013

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RABBI’S REFLECTIONS “Celebrating, Remembering and Learning Together” There are many different kinds of Jews, and many ways to feel a connection to the Jewish community. Synagogue affiliation remains at the center of the Jewish experience, with shuls as the primary and traditional venue for learning, prayer and social connection. But synagogues are not the only path into Judaism. The study of Jewish languages, social action activities on behalf of the disadvantaged and the Jewish holiday cycle are all ways to feel a part and to forge new relationships with God and with other Jews. And, as we conclude Pesakh and look ahead in anticipation to the next biblical festival, Shavuot, we should also take note of the holidays that occur between the two, as well as the opportunities that they provide to come together as a unified Jewish community. First, Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) falls on Sunday April 7. Once again, Congregation Beth Judea will be taking part in memorializing the victims of the Shoah and honoring its survivors at a community service, held this year at Temple Chai on the evening of the 7th. A joint children’s choir will sing ‘Eli Eli,’ survivors from Beth Judea, Temple Chai and Congregation Beth Am will speak, and we will pay tribute together to both those who died during, and those who lived through, the Shoah. Yom haZikaron falls on April 14 this year, on which we honor the sacrifice of those who have given their lives so that the nation of Israel could survive and thrive, and the very next day our mourning turns to gladness as we recognize Yom HaAtzma’ut, Israel’s Independence Day.

(continued on next page)

IN THIS ISSUE Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..….1 Passover ….………………………………………………2 Bar Mitzvah Bio ………………………………………….3 Special Events and Notices …………………………… 4 Community Yom HaShoah Svc at Temple Chai…. Caregiver Support Group Healing Heart – Loss of a Spouse Suicide Prevention Educational Prog. JUF Speaker, Dr. Steven Nassitir Rabbi Lifshitz’s Book Signing …………………………. 6 Education ..……………………………………………... 7 Focus on Families ……………………………………… 8 Calendar Art Contest …………………………………. 9 Youth ……………………………………………………. 10 Sisterhood……………………………………………….. 11 Z’Havah ………………………………………………..... 11 Mitzvah Mall …………………………………………….. 12 Torah Readers …………………………………………. 12 Men’s Club ……………………………………………… 12 SHALVA ………………………………………………… 13 Adult Education ………………………………………… 14 Social Action…………………………..………………… 17 BJE ……………………………………………………… 17 Goodman Blog (Part 14) ……………………………... 18 Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 22 College Connections ……………….………………… 22 Community Connections ……………………………… 22 Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 22 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 26 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 27 Tributes……………………………………………….…. 30 Calendar ………….…………………………..……..….. 31 Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 32

BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers April 5, 2013 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of April will be recognized at our service on April 5th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm. Children of every age are welcome!



Israel turns 65 this year, and the entire Jewish community will come together to celebrate that mileston with Israel Solidarity Day on Sunday April 28th. Sponsored by Jewish United Fund, the event will take place at Ravinia and feature entertainment by Matisyahu, the Maccabeats, and the King David Drummers. Teenagers can take part in a service project, and there will be a three-mile walk (and a one-mile family walk) to show support for the Jewish state. It will be a fabulous day, in every way. And that day is also a symbol of what can be achieved when the many strands of the Jewish community commit to weaving themselves into a single, beautiful tapestry in service to shared ideals. Our commitment to the state of Israel is but one of those ideals; others include educating ourselves about Judaism’s values and rituals at every stage in life, celebrating Jewish holidays, and studying sacred texts in a serious and sustained way. These are values that we hold in common, and I look forward with hope that we will find ways to embrace them together. I welcome your help in the process of re-committing ourselves to the community beyond the synagogue walls with whom we share so much.

Rabbi Jeff Pivo

PASSOVER March 25, 2013 – April 2, 2013 You can download the Pesach Guide for 5773 by clicking here.


March 25


6:50 pm


March 26


7:54 pm


March 29


6:55 pm


March 31


6:57 pm


April 1


8:01 pm

Download the Passover Guide PASSOVER SERVICE SCHEDULE for March 29 – April 2

Friday, March 29

Shabbat Services at 7:30 PM

Saturday, March 30

Shabbat Services at 9:30 AM

Sunday, March 31

Bar Mitzvah / Minyan at 9:00 AM

Monday, April 1

Passover VII Service at 9:30 AM and 7:30 PM

Tuesday, April 2

Passover VIII Service w/Yizkor at 9:30 AM, Weekday Minyan at 7:30 PM

Yizkor and Dedication of Yahrzeit Plaques honoring the memory of: Jerry Blustein, Elsie Halperin, Elynor Klein, Teddy Kray, Alexander Lustig, Stephanie Lustig, Annette Movitz, Denise Posner, Edythe Rosen, Mark George Sachs, Bernard Turovitz, June Walcer, Stuart Wolf

The Word April 2013

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B’NAI MITZVAH BIOS Sam Nusinow will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 13, 2013.

Camey Elizabeth Zussman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 20 , 2013.

Sam is a seventh grader at Twin Groves Middle School. He loves to play baseball, basketball, football, golf and ski. He enjoys playing sports and video games with his friends.

Camey is a 7th grader at London Middle School. Camey plays Oboe in the school’s band and is on Poms. Her favorite sport is soccer, and she enjoys dance, playing the piano, reading, and spending time with her dogs Jack and Lulu.

For Sam’s mitzvah projects, he enjoys being a buddy in the BGRA Buddy Baseball program and helping out with packing holiday boxes for Maot Chitim. Sam is looking forward to sharing this special day with his parents, Eddie and Elisa, his siblings, Jake and Melissa, and his grandmother, Judy Greenberg. They will miss his Pops Michael, Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Abe, but all will be remembered in their hearts. Sam and his family would like to thank Rabbi Pivo and Hazzan Weisberg for all of their support in helping him prepare for his Bar Mitzvah. Also, they appreciate all of the Hebrew school teachers that have helped to provide him with a Jewish education. A special thank you goes to Shira Sender for her patience, guidance and support in helping Sam to prepare for this very important day in his life.

Camey has organized a group of friends and family to provide hats for cancer patients, Halos of Hope; So far, Camey and friends have made over 200 hats that will be donated soon after her Bat Mitzvah. Camey is sharing her special day surrounded by her loving and supportive family and friends. They include her proud parents, Sandra and Corey, her supportive sister Madelyn, grandparents Norman and Ilene Iglarsh and Jack and Beverly Zussman, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins from near and far. Camey and her family would like to thank Rabbi Pivo, Cantor Weisberg, Natalie Gurin, Anna Besser, and all of her Hebrew School teachers for providing guidance and her Jewish education throughout the years.

Ilyssa Muise will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 27th, 2013. Ilyssa is a 7th grader at Twin Groves Middle School in Buffalo Grove. While Ilyssa maintains her straight A’s as an honors student in school, she also stays very busy with dance classes and competitions, travel softball where she is a pitcher, as well as violin where she plays in two orchestras and takes private lessons. She also enjoys soccer, reading, writing and watching TV when she has time. Ilyssa can’t wait to share this special day with her family and friends both near and far. She is also excited to stand on the same bimah that her mom stood on many years back as she herself became a Bat Mitzvah. Ilyssa would like to thank Hazzan Weisberg for working with her over the last four years in Yad Squad as well as tutoring her for this special day. She would also like to thank Rabbi Pivo, her parents, grandparents and sister Becca for helping her practice and prepare to become a Bat Mitzvah.

The Word April 2013

Make a Difference Flyer Page 3


Caregiver Support Group

Healing Hearts

MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is an accepting egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States, and the State of Israel.

Caregiver Support

Suicide Prevention

Community Yom Ha’shoah Service

Healing Hearts Flyer

An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here

Suicide Prevention

The Word April 2013

Community Yom Ha’Shoah Service At Temple Chai

Page 4

JUF SPEAKER Congregation Beth Judea cordially invites you to attend our JUF Dessert Reception on behalf of the

2013 Jewish United Fund Annual Campaign Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Beth Judea

Marilyn Green-Rebnord, Rhonda Wener 2013 JUF Event Co-Chairs Couvert $9 per person

The estimated cost of this event is $9, which is not tax deductible

Register or pledge online For more information, please contact Maya Avinadav at 312-4442810 or email Featuring Guest Speaker

Dr. Steven B. Nasatir Dr. Steven B. Nasatir is a Jewish community Leader of national and international renown, Who has served as President of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago since 1979.

JUF Speaker The Word April 2013

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It is written…

Now join us and have your copy signed. Join us to celebrate the publication of Rabbi Howard Lifshitz’s book Chadesh Yamenu: Renew Our Days – Thirty Years of High Holiday Reflections, erev Shavout services. All proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit the Rabbi Howard Lifshitz Legacy Fund for Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment. Reserve a copy now (see attached flyer) and join us to celebrate the Rabbi and his sermons.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013; from 6-7:30 p.m. Libations and appetizers, Congregation Beth Judea, Long Grove, IL

RSVP by May 7, 2013

Help us celebrate the publication of Rabbi Howard Lifshitz’s book.

(847) 634-0777 or

Rabbi Lifshitz will be signing copies of his book on Tuesday evening, May 14, 2013 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Wine and cheese will be served. Erev Shavuot services will start at 7:30 p.m.

CHADESH YAMENU: Renew Our Days— Thirty Years of High Holiday Reflections.

RSVP by eMail Now The Word April 2013

Copies of the book will be available for sale for $25. To preorder copies of the book, please click on the link.

Download Order Form Page 6

EDUCATION This year, we celebrate Israel’s 65th anniversary. Each year at Beth Judea, we present activity centers which allow our students to enjoy different aspects of Israel. This year is no different, and opportunities will abound to explore Israel from a geographical and experiential perspective. In our parents and grandparents generations who grew up in the decades immediately after the founding of the State of Israel, the excitement of the miracle of Israel’s creation was palpable in homes and Hebrew Schools. Israeli teachers brought that fervor for Israel to the classroom. After almost 2,000 years of living in exile, the Jewish people now had a homeland. No longer did we need to feel like strangers who had no land to call our own. There was not a question that when the opportunity came to visit Israel as teenagers, many did so without misgivings. The trips were exciting and influential. Today, Israel is not the same place it was when previous generations visited. Gone are many of the orchards, and the kibbutzim have refashioned themselves into manufacturing plants. Where there were open beaches, there are now high-rise, five-star hotels for a booming tourist industry. Israel is a modern, vibrant and booming country, and also a global leader today in technology. Check out this website for a cutting edge example of what is being produced in Israel today. As an educator, it is a challenge to convey the wonder and excitement of Israel in a classroom or all-school program. Many of our students think of Israel as a dusty Biblical-appearing land. They find it hard to believe that it is a vibrant, thriving, exciting country with a majority Jewish population. Each year, Israel Scouts visit our community for a dazzling show with pictures and videos of their homes and explain what life is like for Israeli children. Each year, we bring a “taste” of Israel to our students as we celebrate Israel’s birthday. Each year, several of our high school students travel to Israel on teen pilgrimages sponsored by Federation (Ta’am Yisrael), USY, Camp Ramah and Birthright. After returning home, they are able to understand the wonder of Israel. There are many programs and financial-assistance funds to make it possible for all Jewish students to visit Israel. Please contact Marc Sender, our Youth Director, or myself when your child is ready to take that step. We would love to make it possible for any student to visit Israel and experience what we did on our trips.

Israel Solidarity will be on Sunday, April 28th. The fun event will take place at Ravinia Festival (Highland Park). Matisyahu and the Maccabeats are the headlining entertainment. I encourage all of you to participate in this fabulous event. Israel Solidarity Day registration can be found at There will be Religious school classes this morning – EARLY DISMISSAL (11:00 am)

School Calendar: April: Tuesday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Saturday Friday Sunday Tuesday May: Friday Tuesday Tuesday Shabbat Sunday

4/2 4/6 4/6 4/7 4/14 4/20 4/26 4/28 4/30

NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL - Passover Bet leading Shabbat Services in Gan Shabbat Gimel Shabbat Resumes Religious School Classes Resume Dalet Class Family Program (11 am) Aleph leading Shabbat Services in Gan Shabbat Gimel & Dalet Family Shabbat Dinner Israel Solidarity Day Last Day of BJU

5/3 – Saturday 5/4 5/7 5/14 5/18 5/19

Aleph – Bet Kallah Heh End of Year Program Last Tuesday class session NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL - Shavuot Last Gimel Shabbat LAST DAY of School: Aleph Torah Assembly & 2nd Grade End of Year Program

The Word April 2013

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Family Programs

Congregation Beth Judea Family Events – April 2013 All events are open to the community and are free of charge (unless otherwise noted). For more details & to RSVP for all programs, contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777 or visit (click on “Register for an Event”)

April 14 10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Gan Shalom

Gan Shalom is a monthly pre-Kindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot for children age 5 and under accompanied by an adult. This month’s theme: “Israel , Compass of Your Heart” Cost: $5 per session. Each class includes art, stories, music, and snack. Registration by April 9. For more info, please contact Anna Besser at 847-634-8380 /

April 18 2:00 pm – Challah Chaverim

Join us for challah making, story time with Rabbi Pivo and a Shabbat song session with Hazzan Weisberg. Registration is required by Jan. 10

April 28 12:00 pm – Israeli Solidarity Day

Ravinia Festival, 200 Ravinia Park Rd., Highland Park

Israel Solidarity Day is the Chicagoland community's annual celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). This year we celebrate Israel's 65th birthday by coming together for one big event filled with music, family fun and Israeli spirit. Music guest will be King David Drummers, the Maccabeats and Matisyahu!!!! Go to to register

Every Shabbat Sat. Morning, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Gan Shabbat

Gan Shabbat is a Shabbat service specially designed for children ages nine and under along with their families. After Gan Shabbat, participants are welcomed at the main service and the community Kiddush.

For more information about family programming, please contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777. Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL - 847-634-0777

Download Flyer

The Word April 2013

RSVP by Email

RSVP Online

Page 8

CALENDAR ART CONTEST Dear Beth Judea Parents and Students: SHALOM MEMORIAL PARK and FUNERAL HOME CUSTOM CALENDAR ART CONTEST Welcome to the annual Shalom Memorial Park and Funeral Home Custom Calendar Art Contest. Over the past six years that Beth Judea families have participated in this contest, numerous students have not only submitted their artwork, but have been showcased in the calendar. Shalom Memorial is celebrating their SEVENTH year of producing this unique Jewish calendar that features original artwork created by our local Jewish students. When the project began, the goal was to help preserve our rich Jewish heritage while showcasing the talents of our young people, as we believe they are our future! Shalom Memorial was thrilled with the artwork that was submitted last year and they are looking forward to receiving this year’s exciting entries.

The contest runs through June 1, 2013 and is open to ALL grade levels. Attached are the contest details and registration. The odds of “winning” in this contest are good as entries will be limited to students attending either a local Hebrew School or Day School. Quite simply: Artwork must be original. Artwork must depict some aspect of Jewish life. Deadline for submission is June 1st. I encourage each and every one of our students to participate in both contests. B’SHALOM! Anna Besser Education Director Congregation Beth Judea Long Grove, IL Phone: 847-634-8380 Fax: 847-634-8055

Download Contest Details

Download Calendar Contest Form

Family Programs Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers


Download Our April 2013 Flyer Sunday Thursday

April 14, 2013 April 18, 2013

10:30 am 2:00 pm

Gan Shalom Challah Chaverim


Every Shabbat Morning

10:30 AM

Gan Shabbat View Our Gan Shalom Schedule View Our Challah Chaverim Schedule CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR 2012 – 2013 SCHEDULE

Check out our full calendar of events here. CLICK TO VIEW OUR INTERACTIVE SITE

Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year

The Word April 2013

L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook

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YOUTH Dear Beth Judea FamilyWith all of the snow in March, this April could not come soon enough. It seems that each big snowstorm was destined to strike on Tuesday evenings this past month and as a result we had to cancel a couple of our programs. With April here and spring in the air (at least it is supposed to be) we are excited for a jam packed month.

Please Come and Join Us on Friday, April 13, 2013

We have many highlights to our April month of programming. The USYers will be baking Challah, getting crazy with paint in our annual dogs of war program, participating in an interfaith community service project, and attending their Spring Kinnus weekend convention at the Crown Plaza hotel in Northbrook. In our younger groups we will be having the Kadima members joining with the USYers in the interfaith community service project while our Kadinkers go on a great out of synagogue outing on a Sunday afternoon. For all of our youth we will be having our spring Friday night Youth Shabbat service with a twist this year. For this year’s service we are going to be doing an Israeli theme. We will kick it off at 6pm with an Israeli themed Shabbat dinner followed by Israeli themed youth led Shabbat services at 7:30p. We will finish the night with a special Oneg Shabbat highlighted by a speaker from the pro-Israel group Stand With Us. The services and speaker are open to the entire community and completely free of charge. We strongly urge you to bring all of your friends and family for what promises to be an incredible night.

Spring Youth Shabbat & Shabbat Dinner RSVPs Required BY APRIL 7th Download Flyer for Spring Youth Shabbat Dinner Download “Stand With Us” Flyer RSVP Online now by clicking here

This month will also see our third annual “Take Stock in our Youth” campaign in full swing. The letters should be in your mailboxes already but if you find it easier you can fill out the pledge card attached to this page. We appreciate everybody’s generosity in advance as we try to continue running a high powered, best in the nation, youth program here at Beth Judea. Remember you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY by going to our brand new and improved website B’Shalom, Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: Check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

Taking Stock in Our Youth SAVE THE DATE: April 12, 2013

6:00 pm – Spring Youth Dinner 7:30 pm - Youth-led Shabbat Services following Services there will be a special Oneg Shabbat with a Speaker from “Stand With Us”

April 26 – 28, 2013

CHUSY Spring Kinnus – online application paper application

Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel

2012 – 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2012-2013 BJUSY, Kadima & Kadinkers Online Membership Form 2012-2013 USY, Kadima and Kadinkers Membership Application

The Word April 2013

Click here to visit our 2012-2013 Calendar

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SISTERHOOD SOURCE March came in like a lion with our 7th Annual Passover Wine Tasting and went out like a lamb (Passover one that is.) Many thanks to Tom Paulik from Binny’s and Lee Dresner from Royal Wineries for putting on another great Wine-Tasting event for Men’s Club and Sisterhood. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped from Men’s Club, especially David Granoff, Gregg Pollack, David Weil, Fred Rabinowitz, Norm Kurtz, and Evan Rumack. Thank you to Sandy Goldenberg and Elizabeth Ladin-Gross from Sisterhood and our honorary Sisterhood member Brent Gross. Additional thanks to Lisa Neiman and the office staff for handling the order forms. We have two special events for you in April. On April 8th at 7:45 pm in the synagogue, our own Elizabeth LadinGross will present a special program – Suicide Prevention: A Road to Healing, Education, and Prevention. Dr. Ladin dedicates her life to teaching the warning signs, symptoms, and how to cope with the aftermath of suicide. She believes learning the warning signs of suicide is often the key to prevention. We hope you will join us. This program is open to everyone. There is no charge for this program; however we will be collecting a suggested donation of $5 for AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Please see flyer for further information, and please RSVP. Have you read Once We Were Brothers by Ronald Balson? It’s a fabulous book, one that is difficult to put down. Please join us Wednesday, April 10, at 7:45 pm when the Sisterhood book club welcomes the author to Beth Judea. There is no charge for this event if you are a Sisterhood member; the fee is only $5 for non-members of Sisterhood. This event is open to all, including friends, spouses, and older teens. Please mark your calendars and tell your friends. RSVP to or to the synagogue office. Please see the flyer for details. May 5-7 will be the Central Great Lakes Region (of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism) Conference in Deerfield and Northbrook. At the Sunday night dinner we will honor our Valued Volunteer, Elizabeth LadinGross. At Monday’s dinner we will show our support to our very own Rhonda Cohn as she is discharged from her duties as Region President. Please join us for this important conference. An invitation will be forthcoming. All sessions are free. The only costs are meals, hotel fee, and craft projects. If you are unable to attend the entire conference, feel free to attend whatever sessions you can.

Debbi Green and Bobbi Goldenberg Sisterhood Co-Presidents

The Word April 2013


All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe Torah Fund Pin – click here for flyer

Need some new ideas for everyday cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help! Click here to learn more and get your free recipe

Upcoming Events- Mark your calendars APRIL: April 8 April 10

Education Program – Suicide Prevention Book Club–Once We Were Brothers by Ronald Balson

MAY: May 5-7 CGLR Conference May 13 Elections and Social Event May 19 Fashion Show and Tea

Z’HAVAH Beth Judea’s Z’Havah Group is having a Mani/Pedi Night on April 15, 2013. You MUST Rsvp by April 10, 2013 Click here to download flyer and for rsvp information

Download Z’Havah General Flyer

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MITZVAH MALL Mitzvah Mall Sunday’s (when Religious School is in session) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Click Here to Download Gift Card Order Form

TORAH READERS Attention Torah Readers:


Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives. Happy Passover, David Granoff President – Men’s Club

In order to allow trained Torah Readers greater access to available Shabbat aliyot, we are trying a new system: A list of the upcoming dates and portions is available via this link (Torah Portions). If you see a portion you would like to read, send a note to Hazzan Weisberg identifying which date and portion that you would like to read. He will confirm your assignment. Hazzan will usually confirm within 3 days. If you have not received a response after 3 days, please send him a reminder along with a copy to Sandy Victor. As in the past, you need to check back with him about two weeks prior to the date you are reading to ensure that you have learned the portion. Please let me know if you have any questions.

LIEBERMAN CENTER Once a month, The Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and help the elderly get to and from services. It’s a wonderful experience. We would appreciate your help on April 6, 2013. Please contact Fred Rabinowitz at if you can help. Click Here to Download Flyer

MEN’S CLUB - LIST OF UPCOMING EVENTS 2013 April 6 – Lieberman Center April 7– Light Your Yom Hashoah Candles After Sundown April 14 – Men’s Club Meeting GET YOUR LOX BOXES!!!

Sandy Victor Ritual Vice President The ARK is very pleased to announce the opening of The ARK Northwest: A Safe Harbor for the Jews of the Northwest Suburbs. The new office is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased access to The ARK’s vital human services in the northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the past 10 years. Hours at the new location are: Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

“Light A Candle, Preserve A Memory” In March the Men’s Club packed and mailed out to the congregation Yom Hashoah. Remember to light your candles on April 7, 2013. Sunday, Apr. 7 Monday, Apr. 8

Erev Yom Hashoah – light candle after sundown Yom Hashoah

The Word April 2013

Regular monthly meeting is the 2nd Sunday of each month.


It’s no secret … we’re always looking for volunteers and new program ideas! Consider joining us for one or many activities … whatever you decide, we’ll be glad to have you join us!

Men’s Club Note Cards Available Have you ever wondered what to give your hosts when you go for a Shabbat or holiday dinner? Do you have the right note cards for birthday, anniversary or gift checks? Beth Judea Men's Club is proud to announce that all occasion note cards are now available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. The note card, pictured above, is a montage of the stained glass windows and art from the Midwest Region Men's Clubs member synagogues. Proceeds from these blank cards will help both Men's Club and Sisterhood in their efforts to support Beth Judea. These cards are a great alternative to wine or candy and can even be presented as packaged. Cards are sold in sets of 10 for $18 at the Gift Shop.

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TAP THE TORAH Thursday, April 18th

SHALVA The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always easy to recognize. It could be your daughter, your sister, your best friend.

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. One in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime. 90% of children are aware of the abuse directed at their mothers.

Abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical and psychological. Download the Tap the Torah Flyer

MT NESTERS We’re still here!! We’re getting younger every year!! Where are you?

SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish women since 1986 and is specifically certified by the State of Illinois to provide domestic violence counseling. We are the oldest independent Jewish domestic violence agency in the United States.

Seriously – this is a great way to meet and hang out with your contemporaries. The MT Nesters is open to the community and our annual dues are still at $20. However, there’s a special deal for Beth Judea members – the dues for your first year membership in MT Nesters is NONE - - - ZERO.

SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community.

We meet once a month, usually on Sunday evening, except for February and the summer months. Call Carol at (847) 537-3566 or Sam at (847) 459-0316.

SHALVA’s free, confidential services include: 24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE) Culturally sensitive individual & group counseling Legal information & court support Financial assistance Rabbinical & community advocacy & training

Information and referrals Community prevention & educational programs Page 13 The Word April 2013

ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.

ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. For a listing of adult education classes offered here at CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by clicking here.

“When I pray, I speak to God;

When I study, God speaks to me.” -quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein

Interpretive Minyan in the Library Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our minyan is designed to build community by providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning experience.

This Shabbat morning service focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45.

Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Par-sha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study. Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. This weekly class provides an examination of current understanding of Jewish law, secular law, sociology, mythology, or agadah, and often dwells on ques-tions incorporating current events. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.

Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.

EDUCATION SERIES Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz

To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at

more great adult ed classes on next page

The Word April 2013

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ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series April & May 2013

Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at

Hebrew Literacy III: Amidah - Stand and Understand Taught by Norm Kurtz & Eric Yegelwel Co-Sponsored by Men's Club Monday Evenings 8:00 - 9:00 pm Dates: April 8 - May 13 The Amidah is often called "HaTefillah" - the prayer. Our rabbis compiled 18 pearls of prayer, strung together into a necklace of standing contemplation. Join us to learn more about the Amidah.

Lunch and Learn: Jewish Current Events Taught by Rabbi Pivo Monday, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Dates: April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13 LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd Floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic) Bring Your Own Lunch The Jewish way to read the news is to first look for headlines with the words 'Jew' or 'Israel,' and then go on to the rest of the stories. Join us as we discuss and argue the week's events in Jewish America, Israel and around the world. There is always something happening to prompt the question 'Is it good for the Jews?'

Rambam Taught by Rabbi Pivo Tuesday Evenings 8:00 - 9:00 pm Dates: March 19, April 9, 16, 23, 30 There are many ways to describe God and God's attributes. The medieval philosopher Moses Maimonides (Rambam) wrote extensively on the topic eight hundred years ago, yet his views remain remarkably fresh and inspiring for our time. This class will study selections from Rambam's classic code Mishneh Torah to better understand God language in his time and in ours.

TAP the Torah Illegal Immigration? This land is my land, this land is my land. Join us on or a lively Torah study while we down some beer at Buffalo Restaurant. COST: $5 donation April 18, 2013 Buffalo Restaurant (1180 Lake Cook Road) 8:00 pm

Hineni: Front & Center Taught by Anita Silvert Wednesdays Evenings, 8:00 pm May 1st & 8th

MEMBERS: $10 for series NON-MEMBERS: $15 for series

Hineni: the quintessential Biblical answer to God's call, "Here I am." If that's the answer, what was the question? We'll look at the ones who answered "Hineni." What were they called to do? How were they changed? How often are we called, and to what do we say "Hineni" in our own lives? Download Our 2012-2013 Education Guide

The Word April 2013

RSVP for classes by eMail

RSVP Online

April & May 2013 Flyer

Page 15

ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series April & May 2013

Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at

L.I.F.E. Series Learning is for Everyone 4th Wednesday of the month $10/ Session (for dinner) Join our monthly L.I.F.E. (Learning is for Everyone) series in a delightful evening of thoughtful discussion and personal perspective on a variety of topics with a view to the Jewish values inherent in the theme. Join the Rabbi and others for lively discussions on varied topics of interest to Jews! Light dinner will be served. FEATURING: Rabbi Lifshitz Who Determines Jewish Identity in Israel April 24, 2013 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Who determines Jewish identity in Israel? Periodically this question stirs emotions and occasional intense debate, sometimes straining the relationship between Jewish communities here and in Israel. We will discuss this topic and its potential impact upon us.

FEATURING: Gloria Hernandez Evangelical Christian Support of Israel: Is It Good for the Jews? May 29, 2013 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm

Evangelical Christians have emerged as Israel's staunchest allies - should ďťż American and Israeli Jews be concerned about this support? Can Jews and evangelicals truly have a fruitful relationship on Israel, or are there reasons to be suspicious of Israel's new "best friends"? This lecture will discuss the questions, issues and concerns that arise when Jews and Christian evangelicals work together to support Israel.

Download Our 2012-2013 Education Guide

The Word April 2013

RSVP for classes by eMail

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April and May 2013 Flyer

Page 16

CONGA BETH JUDEA CONGA BETH JUDEA ( TO MIAMI SOUND MACHINE "CONGA") ( lyric adapted by Orin Rotman) CHORUS Come to Beth Judea and you'll get some Torah Come to Beth Judea and you'll dance the Hora Come to Beth Judea and shake your lulov Come to Beth Judea and get a new love. Come to Beth Judea and you'll get some Torah Come to Beth Judea and you'll dance the Hora Come to Beth Judea and shake your lulov Don't you fight it 'til you've tried it - Do our Conga beat V.1 Everybody gather 'round now Let your body feel the heat Doin' mitzvot every chance now Do them once and then repeat. It's the rhythm of our Conga And like honey oh so sweet If you want to join our Conga join us when we pray and eat. Chorus V.2 Feel the fire of desire as you dance with chaverim 'Cause right now we're going to party And tonight we're going to dream Dream of family, and of friendships that begin and live right here Dream of life lived to its fullest Our Beth Judea's got no peer.

Chorus v.3 We're dancin' hardy at our Purim party It has really been a treat Come and join me every Shabbos I'll be here to save your seat! Chorus

SOCIAL ACTION SOCIAL ACTION EVENTS FOR APRIL 2013 Yekatarinburg Summer Camp In our sister city of Yekaterinburg, Russia, Jews struggle to educate their children in Jewish customs and to provide them with basic connections to our faith and to each other. For more than 17 years, Congregation Beth Judea has partnered with Temple Beth-El in Northbrook to make the dream of Jewish identity and education a reality for the Jewish children of Yekaterinburg by supporting their summer camp program and other community services. Please help us to do so again this year by contributing $54, or whatever amount you can, in the form of a check made out to Congregation Beth Judea with the word ‘Russia’ in the note line. We thank you in advance for your generosity. It will enable our friends in Yekaterinburg to join us in perpetuating Jewish tradition and community. Bingo at Friend Center Sunday, April 7, 2013 We will assist early Alzheimer patients to play bingo on Sunday, April 7th from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Friend Center, which is located at 1601 Lake Cook Road, right next to Gidwitz in Northbrook. This is a fun and rewarding afternoon. Bring Our Dogs to Brentwood Sunday, April 7, 2013 This is not our usual Sunday of the month to go to Brentwood. We have changed the date in order to not conflict with the Walk for Israel. We will meet from 1 to 2 p.m. at the nursing home. This is a wonderful activity for families, and our visits are greatly appreciated by the residents. The nursing home is located at 3705 Deerfield Road, Riverwoods. Support the Ark Family We continue to support a family identified by the Ark by providing groceries on a monthly basis. Will you please consider a financial donation to help support the program? Council of Jewish Elderly Luncheon Each year we sponsor a luncheon held by the Council of Jewish Elderly for their clients. Thanks to Mitch Lerman who coordinated the luncheon this year as well as Ann Lerman, Joanne Dicker, and Steve Attenberg who helped serve. Special thanks to our Rabbi, who provided a D’var Torah, and the Hazzan, who entertained. Maot Chitim Also thanks to everyone from the congregation who helped packed boxes for Maot Chitim as well as deliver boxes of Passover food to low-income elderly. A tremendous number of congregants volunteered to help out at the Vernon Hills site. We’re sorry we didn’t have enough space for everyone who offered. To volunteer for any of these programs, please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at Click Here to Download Flyer

Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center! Flyer

Link to Taglit-Birthright Israel’s Website

The Word April 2013

For information please visit our website at or call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363.

Page 17

ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s FROM ARLINGTON HTS, IL TO CAESEREA, ISRAEL (Part 14) L TO R: HOWIE GOODMAN, SUZANNE GOODMAN, AND BEVERLY GOODMAN TCHERNOV NEAR EILAT, ISRAEL Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.

Israel – March 2013 We have shared many of our experiences in Israel since we made aliyah in 2009. We have talked about driving, cooking, learning Ivrit (Hebrew), healthcare and gans or preschool and more. In this article we will share a variety of situations and topics. The front page of the news is about the formation of the new government. Believe it or not, as we prepare this for a March 10 deadline, the elections of January 22, 2013 have not resulted in the forming of a coalition government. It has been interesting but very frustrating to follow the politics of the process. Prime Minister Netanyahu has asked President Peres for a 10-day extension from the original 21 days he received to form the coalition. He has received it.Many Israelis are disgusted with politics and politicians. Often individuals in government change parties or form new parties. They also renege on their campaign pledges. There is a common belief that all politicians are corrupt. We tell people that they may be naïve as many people in the United States have come to the same conclusion years ago! Yesh Atid and Bayit Yehuda, two political parties with less Knesset seats separately than Likud Beytenu , will not join Netanyahu if the Heredim Parties are also in the coalition. If this continues, we believe new elections will be called. It will be interesting because if similar results was reported a coalition would not occur, then there could be another stalemate. In the Jerusalem Post of March 8, it was reported that Yesh Atid and Bayit Yehudah would only join Likud Beytenu if a future Peace Treaty required the Knesset and a public referendum acceptance. The announcement of the visit of President Obama appears to have been received with mixed comments. Many Israelis question why President Obama did not come in his first term. Many Israelis are thrilled to have him come and many don’t care-sounds familiar? The appointment of Chuck Hagel was not generally well received but Israelis strongly understand it is none of their business. President Peres will give President Obama a medal equivalent to our “Medal of Freedom” award for civilians. We are sure the President will be well received by the general public. However we hope he comes to listen and not present a plan. He will be visiting the West Bank and it appears the Palestinians reaction to his visit is also mixed. We have learned that President Obama will not come if there is not a government formed, which makes sense. Hopefully there will be a government formed soon. We go on a tiyul (day trip) once a month with a group. Our March trip was supposed to be to Jerusalem. Because of President’s arrival and the traffic situation that it will create in Jerusalem our trip was rerouted to the Galilee. (continued on next page)

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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Our conservative synagogue continues to struggle. We were told that twenty years ago for the High Holidays there were 270 people seated in the shul and there were additional chairs in the aisles. We now have about 125 people for the High Holidays. As previously mentioned, our loss of members is due to death or physical and mental disabilities. The average age of members is seventy-eight. As Treasurer, Howie is amazed that we receive about 96% of dues owed. We, of course, do not turn down anyone due to financial issues. Our dues are 1000 shekels (equivalent to two hundred-forty dollars) per person regardless of age and the dues have not been raised for over five years. Even though the dues are low compared to the states, any dues are hard for Israelis to comprehend. This is because the Orthodox synagogues are supported by the state. So ,except for Anglos ,it is hard for the general population to understand the concept of dues. Unfortunately, the synagogue has never actively pursued getting new members. Howie has just was been asked to be President of the congregation. We now know how desperate the congregation has become (!) and it will be a challenge to go forward. The board is seeking reasons to present to potential members on why they should join. Whereas in the states many people belong to synagogues for the Hebrew school preparation for bar and Bat mitzvahs, this is not a requirement in Israel. The kids already speak, read, and write in Ivrit (Hebrew). The history of Israel is taught in the schools. Day trips by the schools take them to the ancient sites that we learned about in books. In the Orthodox shuls the ceremony usually occurs on a Monday or Thursday. Our step grandson had his bar mitzvah at the Kotel several years ago and it seemed very unorganized. The boys are not actually at the wall but are at tables near the wall. Because of the separation of women and men at the Kotel the women had to stand on chairs to see what is happening and really could not hear. Bat Mitzvahs do not occur at the Kotel. In fact, except for Reform and Conservative, girls in Israel do not have bat mitzvahs. Instead they often have a big party for their twelfth birthday. Another reason for synagogue membership is to be able to attend High Holidays services. Since we do not require tickets for the High Holidays, we really can’t keep people from coming to the services if they are not members. After an hour of discussion at the board meeting on what reasons we could give for belonging to the synagogue, the conclusion we came to was that the reason to belong is to insure the future of the synagogue. It’s hard to talk about the future of the synagogue when a majority of our members are at an age that, unfortunately, may mean only a few additional years of their involvement. Also, we believe the synagogue will be financially insolvent in about three years. The government really hasn’t given money to Masorti as the press had previously reported. If we have to give up the facility the city would most likely use it as a school for yeshiva students. In many ways that would be very sad as there will be no Masorti synagogue in Netanya. The closest ones will be Tel Aviv, Kfar Sava, or Zichron Yaakov. In three years, there will be probably twenty five people really affected by the loss of the synagogue. We assume the remaining people will either attend one of the Orthodox shuls or the reform temple. If we still live in the Caesarea area, we will go to the Masorti shul in Zichron Yaakov. If we move to Haifa, there is one there. We are looking at some ways that we could offer a place for visitors to Israel to have Shabbat with us in Netanya. The photograph below explains itself. ‫משטרה‬is "police" in Ivrit. There is currently a huge struggle in Israel for plurality which means that everyone has the right to practice Judaism as they choose and to not have someone else’s beliefs forced upon them. This is one of the main reasons that we have chosen Yesh Atid as the political party that we support. One area of discord is the treatment of women at the Kotel. Since the 1967 War there has been a “Rabbi of the Wall” that governs the Kotel. A long mechitza divides the men’s section from the womens’. The men’s section is twice the length of the women’s. As a woman you may have trouble finding a place at the wall to pray.

Anat Hoffman heads the “ Women of the Wall”. They are a group of women who go to the Kotel every Rosh Chodesh. They wear tallitot and sing. This results in them being arrested and put in jail! They are held in jail for a day and then forbidden to return to the wall for a period of time. The groups that control the wall forbid them to wear blue and black traditional tallitot. Colorful tallitot are permitted as they consider that to be a covering of the shoulders. The Robinson Arch is a portion of the wall where that men and women can pray together. It is very separated from the Kotel. We have gone there for Tish B'Av services. Certain localities post signs instructing women on modest dress which include not wearing pants. In Beit Shemesh there is a sign asking women not to loiter in front of the synagogue. Just recently it has been forbidden to require women to sit in the back of the bus. This is one of the areas that we are working on preventing discrimination and working on plurality. (continued on next page)

The Word April 2013

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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) The abundance of rain this winter has helped provide a beautiful display of wild flowers.. This is happening a little earlier than normal. Recently we read about a location near Caesarea where there was supposed to be a beautiful assortment of prachim (flowers). So we took Erez, our four and one-half year old grandson, with us on a tiyul to look at them. The directions on the e-mail were similar to directions people talked about in the rural areas of Wisconsin. “Take a left at the first cow in the field and a right at the plow on the road- you can’t miss it”. Well, we found it about 45 minutes later. It was a nature area near an air base in Megiddo which is three miles west of Afula. It is near a kibbutz founded by Holocaust survivors and fighters from Poland and Germany. Private planes now use the airfield and there is talk of creating an international airport in the same area. We did see drones taking off and landing as well as a crop dusting airplane. The fields did have a variety of flowers but not the red anemones that we had expected. Our grandson took this picture.

Flowers at Megiddo

The abundance of rain this winter has helped provide a beautiful display of wild flowers.. This is happening a little earlier than normal. Recently we read about a location near Caesarea where there was supposed to be a beautiful assortment of prachim (flowers). So we took Erez, our four and one-half year old grandson, with us on a tiyul to look at them. The directions on the e-mail were similar to directions people talked about in the rural areas of Wisconsin. “Take a left at the first cow in the field and a right at the plow on the road- you can’t miss it”. Well, we found it about 45 minutes later. It was a nature area near an air base in Megiddo which is three miles west of Afula. It is near a kibbutz founded by Holocaust survivors and fighters from Poland and Germany. Private planes now use the airfield and there is talk of creating an international airport in the same area. We did see drones taking off and landing as well as a crop dusting airplane. The fields did have a variety of flowers but not the red anemones that we had expected.

It is quite common for many of our new friends to be six month residents in Israel. Many of the Anglos in Netanya that are Olim spend six months in Israel and six months in Canada or in the USA. Israel requires you to be in Israel a minimum of 181 days to continue the rights of Olim including health care. The United States has no requirement requiring time spent in the USA each year. However, if you want to maintain your Medicare, you must continue to pay into it each year. We have kept our Medicare and a supplemental policy and we still see our specialists in the states once a year. Medicare is only available when you are in the United States.Our confidence in the health care system here is still questionable. People here have told us horror stories about experiences in hospitals. One of our friends had a stint procedure at Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv. Assuta is a very modern looking facility. Our friend is a Sabra which means he was born in Israel. He said the procedure went fine but his overnight hospital stay was problematic. When he wanted something the staff told him that it is the responsibility of the family to help him. They are supposed to bring food, tissue, towels and to administer the medications. One patient needed a new drug and they told him to have his wife go to the pharmacy to obtain it. I don’t know what you do if no one is at the hospital with you. It seems to be assumed that everyone here has family. There is also a shortage of health care providers including physicians and the hospitals do not have enough rooms. It is not uncommon to see patients in hospital beds in the hallways. There is a huge difference in hospital care here and we are trying to stay out of them. We think we were spoiled in the states. A 2011 Gallup Poll rated Israel as the fourth most optimistic country worldwide. How can this be possible? We are surrounded on most of our borders by countries that openly state that they would like to drive us into the sea. They are building up stockpiles of weapons for no other purpose. The economy is good. However, a huge percentage of the population has trouble buying groceries towards the end of the month. Real estate is expensive and houses are small. Cars are twice the price as the states and gas is about eight dollars a gallon. However, there is an incredible positive attitude. Every Shabbat is a holiday and that comes fifty-two times a year! It seems that there is always a sense of preparation for the next holiday and there is joy in the air. It may be that we have a feeling as Israelis that we are sharing a common goal and purpose. There seem to be very strong family bonds and a sense of responsibility for one’s neighbors. No one complains when it rains and we appreciate that the flowers are blossoming. Herb Keinon, a columnist of the Jerusalem Post shared his reasons for the poll results. He compared the appreciation of yellow flowers which in the states would be considered weeds. He points out that we marvel at things like the addition of numbers for service in the post office and when grocery stores actually provide baggers. A 12 year old from Israel won an international tennis championship and is called by the Prime Minister. The boy was also a guest at the Prime Minister’s home! He says, “Haskol B’rosh” or “everything is in the mind” is what the army drums into you. This includes fatigue, aching knees, and hunger. There may be a similarity to the feeling of appreciation of others that the US experienced after 9-11. We know the preciousness of life and that we have to latch onto those we love and enjoy the moment. On that note we hope that our friends at Beth Judea have a fun Pesach. Looks like we will actually be in Jerusalem with family. Shalom to our friends at Beth Judea and Happy Pesach!

Howie and Suzanne Goodman

The Word April 2013

We hope you enjoy the tenth installment from the Goodmans, who have graciously agreed to blog for our congregation their experiences as Olim in Israel. If you there are specific topics that you are interested in hearing about of if you just want to stay in touch with Howie and Suzanne, you can reach them at:

Page 20

WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.

We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the committee members below.

Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack

Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.

Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________

â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,

Wendy Wunsch

The Word April 2013

Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130

Beth Judea Office (847) 6 34-0777

Page 21



Koach Outreach Program for College Students

JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time grant of up to $2000 per family to offset the cost of tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more information go to or see the ad on the following page.

Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for college students. The Koach website at always has interesting and helpful information.

For those of you who are about to begin your college experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at


Helpful Links and Resources JUF JVS

Jewish United Fund Jewish Vocational Services Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Child and Family Services Jewish Community Centers Council for Jewish Elderly


JUF Northwest Suburban News

For a more detailed list of resources please click here for a list from our Hesed (Caring) Committee‌remember, in an emergency dial 9-1-1

SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out their own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. They accept MC, VISA. and Discover.

The Word April 2013

Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)

20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires April 30, 2013 COUPON

Page 22

The Word April 2013

Page 25

BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: April 1

Alana Cooper David Neubauer Tammy Pollack Susie Rizman Debbie Sheade Amy Taub

April 2

Charki Dunn Gregg Pollack Evan Scherer

April 3

Neal Gold Anne Pacernick Gayle Pervos Robin Tehrani Cantor Roger Weisberg

April 4

April 12

Rita Gardberg Leslie Golde Susanne Pinzur Marny Schwartz Barbra Stark

April 22

Ellen Chappe Rochelle Gerst Gayle Kwasman Roman Segal Gary Thalheimer

April 13

Jeffrey Fine Sheldon Kaner Susan Mann David Reinstein

April 23

Steve Attenberg Susan Eisenhammer Timur Eligulashvili Bonnie Robbin

April 14

Lou Barnett Cheryl Brownfield Lauren Salzenstein Gordon

April 24

Stan Rosenbloom Natalie Solomon

April 25 April 15

Geri Friedman Glen Gardberg Gerald Shkolnik Jill Stark

Sheri Kramer Glenn Pinkus Joel Robbins

April 26

Howard Gordon David Hafft Jason Heiger Denise Rotman Stephen Wasserman

Michelle Finn Steven Glassner Sean Karlin April 16

Davita Bloom Hillary Wenk Nancy Zorfas

April 17

Jill Lieberman Ron Moffett Ellyn Pollard Janice Schrimmer

April 27

Lisa Ribot Brian Rudick

April 28

Mary Brickman

April 18

Pamela Kahn

April 29

Cheryl Landau

April 19

Michelle Reinstein

April 10

Laura Zoller Susan Zolno

April 20

Miriam Gill Barry Stark

Lee Arbus Marla Goldberg Marillyn Green-Rebnord Ronne Kaufman Rhonda Wollheim

April 30 April 11

Michael Miner

April 21

Wes Brown Fred Rabinowitz

Lee Brown Debbie Frager Jodi Schechter

April 5

Stephen Katz Arthur Nemoy Jeanie Rosenfeld

April 7

David Cohn

April 8

Andrew Levitt Michael Ludwig Lois Margolis

April 9

ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: April 2

Brian and Hillary Wenk

April 11

Jeff and Lisa Goldberg

April 4

Herbert and Lori Finn Howard and Karri Spiegel

April 13

David and Maureen Stolman

April 14

Steven and Monyca Flack

April 5

Floyd and Bobbie Babbitt Robert and Stephanie Rubenstein Nathan and Barbara Schwarz

April 16

Jerrold and Susan Orloff

April 25

Michael and Barbara Levenstein

April 8

Stuart and Cheryl Kersky Mark and Susan Zolno

April 26

Larry and Jean Appel Gary and Lisa Malkin

April 9

Neal and Mindy Gold

We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.

The Word April 2013

Page 26


Mary Berman* Bonnie Hilder* Jack Lindenbaum* Esther Meyer Norma Reisberg Ruth Steres*

Max Forman Hylda Ida Bauer* Florence Lippman Arnold Moskowitz Fred Rhodes* Kurt Weisz

Aaron Fox* Goldie Jacobs* Kois Marc Anna Offsten* Ida Schneider

Evelyhn Furgatch Rose Kamerling* Shirley Markowitz Philip Pinkus* Morris Schwartz

April 12

Sidney Attenberg Bill Carol* Sarabelle Fishman* Ruth Groner* Rose Meskin* Joseph Shikafsky

Rose Ban Shirley Dicker Larry Fox Fannie Kaner* Morris Pollack Bernard Turovitz

William Barston* Marcella Edelberg* Carl Freedman Leon Korol Martha Rosenbaum* Ada Weiss

Oscar R. Berman* Dolores Fine* Sura Gleyzer Irving Markowitz* Thelma Schwartz*

April 19

Harry Bauer* Merrill Cohen Janice Gottlieb* Nancy Joy Karlin Harry Markowitz Marsha Rosen* Ida Schiffman Gladys Wallach*

Rose Becker Malva Dobrikin* Goldie Graff* Stuart Kaufman Walter Mendelsohn Eva Rosenblatt Joseph Schwartz

Anna Brody* Martha Forman Harold Hennes Max Levine* Louis Moss Morris Rovin Emanuel Seider

Harry J. Caplan* Jenny Gardberg* Howard Jaffe Merrill Litwin Mildred (Starkman) Pessis Martin Rubinroth* Paul Spangler

April 26

Marshall Coady Lynne Isaacson* Max Kriegler Benjamin Ludwig Sol Pinsker Burton Rosenbaum Molly Springer

Morris Cohen Lisa Jacobs* Richard Krivitzky* Benjamin Margules Edith Platt Mark Sachs Sam Wolf*

Marvin Cutler* Arthur Karns* Carol Joy Lazar* Frank Neubauer Orville Raboven George Schallman

Bobbie Frances Fischer Harry Kintz Lois London Louis Pieter Ricki Reznick* Shel Schuster

The Word April 2013

Page 27


Phyllis Appel Barry Citrow Lillian Horwitz* Ezra Levin* Sylvia Ludwig Nita Ritov

Rebecca Berger* Emanuel Feinstone Leonard Lavin Benjamin LeVine Alan Momet Edward Robbin

Iris Bloom Phyllis Geltner* Edward Leibovitz Manuel Litwin David Momet Sam Shiner

Doris Byk Rosalyn Grossman Joseph Levin Irving Lozowski Sharon Nusinow Frances Taler

May 10

Joseph Albun* Arthur Bloom Bernhard Edelstein * Irvin Greiman* Lionel Minnen Irma Reicher Bertha Schnagel Max Wasserman

Rose Babbitt Jerry Blustein Sylvia Frager Elsie Halperin Edward Momet Bernard Rich Gail Schwab Stuart Weiner*

Ralph Barnett Eli Brickman* Philip Goldberg Jerome Hirshman* Bertha Pander Belle Rubenstein* Ethel Serbin* Al Wolf

Martin Berenson* Muriel Brown* Henry Graff* David Magill Leonard Powell William Schero Sam Shapiro

May 17

Howard Coady* Morris Goroff Eva Hershinow Johnson* Sheldon Mills Sam Remer* Arthur Seres

Charles Davis* Abe Greenberg Alex Kaufman* Ruth Moline* Betty Robbin Sarah Simons*

William Goldstein Max Greenhill Brenda Levitt* Harvey Peck* Joseph Sabol* Sol Weiss

Edward Gordon Meyer Herman* Ernest Mathias* Julius Polansky Earl H. Segal Uriel Yakubov

May 24

Bea Bauer* Janice Jacobson* Tilly Kohl June Mattson Jane Rosenberg Dolly Zucker

Sol Chubin William Kamerling * Pauline Krivitzky* Denise Posner Edward Stolman

Robert Halperin* Milton Kane Rosalyn Levin Nelson Rafal William Travis*

Fannie Herman* Irving Katz Bob Lonz David Rosenbaum* Bernard Yegelwel

May 31

Abe Bangelsdorf* Aileen Gold* Morris Levin Alan Medonsky Bertha Sabol Raymond Simons

Betty Chorpash Randy B. Goldberg Steven Levy Lorraine Ramras Marc Schwartz Nathan Stoller*

Bernice Cohen* Osna Goldstein* Victor Lichtenstein Morris Rich* Eric Schweitzer Scott Taxer

Judith Drobner Edna Krassek* Morris Linderman* Max Rosen Ruth Silberstein*

The Word April 2013

Page 28


Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Lou Grossman Lois Soble Rabbi Jerry Rosenberg Condolences upon the death of: Edith Abramovitz Grandmother of Rebecca Karlin Elliott Kallish Father of Steven Kallish Meyer Kovich Father of Ron Kovich Don Neal Father of Jamie Epstein

Congratulations to: Rebecca and Sean Karlin on the birth of their daughter Alexis Belle Karlin. Debbi and Alan Green on the birth of their grandson Harrison Milo Green. Betty and Steve Kolko on the engagement of their daughter Jaclyn to Eric Jacobson. Suzanne and Adam Citron on the birth of their daughter, Sophia Joy Citron and to grandmother Rona Wolf..

RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND In Honor of: Orin Rotman & Karen Nagel being honored as this year’s King & Queen at the Purim Masquerade. Marci, Alan & Ross Marcus Upon the Yahrzeit of: David Keifsky, my beloved grandfather. Stuart Kersky

The Word April 2013

RABBI LIFSHITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Gail and Rabbi Lifshitz in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Millicent Pria Arias. Ron & Debbi Kovich Bonnie Lane and Family Upon the Yahrzeit of: Rose Altman, as we lovingly remember a wonderful mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Janice Weiner, Melissa, Jason & Shauna Allen, Jennifer, Steve and Charlie Gotkin, Susan, Justin and Asher Newman Louis Polakow, beloved brother-in-law and uncle. Sylvia Polakow

RABBI PIVO’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Speedy Recovery Wishes: Irving Brown Edward Brown Pam Brown In Appreciation of: Rabbi Pivo for his support. David Hafft Rabbi Pivo Stuart & Betty Schwartz In Honor of: Eli Movitz on his Bar Mitzvah. Michael & Michelle Movitz In Memory of: Norma Gordon, mother of Cheryl Kersky. Susan & Mark Zolno Upon the Yahrzeit of: Mac Brown, beloved father. Wes Brown


In Appreciation of: Thanks and appreciation to Hazzan Weisberg for all his help and support. Hesh & Marcia Lyons Cantor Weisberg for his support and help with the services for my father, Meyer Kovich. Ron & Debbie Kovich In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Cantor and Audrey Weisberg on the marriage of their daughter Heather to Todd Eisner. Harold & Carol Rosen Eli Movitz on his Bar Mitzvah. Michael & Michelle Movitz In Memory of: Meyer Kovich, beloved father. Ron & Debbie Kovich

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In Memory of: Joel L. Mosak, in loving memory. Esther Mosak Diane, Howard, Sam, Matt Ganden Bryan, Barbara and Aden Mosak

In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Roberta & Alan Goldenberg and Mark & Marlene Schwartz on the birth of your twin grandchildren Emma and Nora. Sharon & Harris Goldenberg

PRAYER BOOK FUND HUMASHIM-TORAH PORTION In Memory of: Shelly Braverman, our beloved mother and grandmother. Charles & Devida Braverman and Family KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Cantor and Audrey Weisberg on the marriage of their daughter Heather to Todd Eisner. Janet & Myron Reicher In Memory of: Solomon Mordoh, father of Lauri Rosenbloom. Sherry Krawitz Janet Myron Reicher

Mazel Tov to Sherry & Daniel Weinberger on the birth of their granddaughter Rina Shrager. Ira & Linda Lippman In Memory of: In Memory of Solomon Mordoh, father of Lauri Rosenbloom, with our deepest condolences. Roberta & Alan Goldenberg Suzanne & Howie Goodman Ira & Linda Lippman Dan & Sherry Weinberger Upon the Yahrzeit of: Upon the Yahrzeit of Rose Howard, beloved mother, grandmother and “GG”. Linda & Ira Lippman


Harold Poll David & Matthew Hafft Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jacob Petrynek Jerry & Drora Patt EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Debbi & Alan Green on the birth of their grandson Harrison Milo Green. Renee & Michael Klass In Memory of: Norma Gordon, mother of Cheryl Kersky. The Miner Family Don Neal, father of Jamie Epstein. The Balogh Family Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt Upon the Yahrzeit of: Rochelle Lerner Ellen, Jeff, Joel, Michael, Taryn & Karen Gluskin

The Word April 2013

In Honor of: Chuck Kahalnik Andrew Bernstein

Debbi & Alan Green on the birth of their grandson Harrison Milo Green. The Bikshorn Family Upon the Yahrzeit of: In loving memory of our father and grandfather, Joel Mosak, may his memory be a blessing. Diane, Howard, Sam and Matt Ganden In loving memory of our beloved father and grandfather, Jerry Kaplan. Dana, Ken, Allison and Sari Goldstein

FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN FUND In Honor of: David & Tammy Lorber on the birth of their grandson Brody. Susan & Joel Hochberger

In Appreciation of: Natalie Solomon’s beautiful Torah readings. Elliott & Carla Bankendorf In recoginition of the terrific job done by Laura Zoller in organizing the Sisterhood Nosh-A-Night. Elliott & Carla Bankendorf Congregation Beth Judea Lauri Rosenbloom In Memory of: Norma Gordon, mother of Cheryl Kersky. Audrey, Ron and Gabby Taxer Meyer Kovich, father of Ron Kovich. Carol & Harold Rosen The Stolman Family Upon the Yahrzeit of: Gilbert Agrest, loving father and papa Jan, Craig, Adam, Gloria and Grace Minnick; Paula & Jeffrey Carter

Lillian Freedman Art & Lynn Freedman Lenore Gluskin Jeff, Ellen, Joel, Michael, Taryn and Karen Gluskin Our beloved Uncle “Bud”, Richard Welch. Ken & Marla Brandt and Family LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Calvin Stark, devoted brother and uncle. Linda & Albert Stark and Family JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Deborah Semel, beloved mother and grandmother. Lou & Louise Barnett & Family

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APRIL 2013 Sunday

Monday 01

GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm MITZVAH MALL OPEN: Sun.: 10:30 am-12:00 pm



8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Talmud Study Religious School 6:15 am Minyan 12:00 pm Social ActionDogs–Brentwd 6:30 pm Friends Ctr. Community Svc. 7:30 pm At Temple Chai 8:00 pm 8:00 pm Light Candles 8:00 pm Rec’d from MC At Dusk

14 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm

15 Talmud Study Religious Sch. Minyan Men’s Club Mtg. Gan Shalom Kallah Chaprne Mtg. Kadima Prog.

21 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm


8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm

09 4:15 pm Minyan 6:00 om Lunch & Learn 6:15 pm (Sunset Foods) 7:00 pm Caregiver 7:00 pm Support Grp. Minyan Hebrew Lit III 7:30 pm Ritual Mtg. 8:00 pm SPEC. EVENT 8:00 pm Sisterhood Prog Suicide Prevention 16

6:15 am Minyan 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn (Sunset Foods) 6:30 pm Caregiver Support Grp. 7:00 pm Z’havah Prog. 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit III 8:00 pm Planned Giving Mtg. 8:00 pm Program. Mtg. 22

Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious School 12:00 pm Minyan JUF Event 6:30 pm

Minyan Lunch & Learn (Sunset Foods) Caregiver Support Grp. 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm .Hebrew Lit III 8:00 pm Social Action Mtg.



Wednesday 03

6:15 am Minyan Lunch & Learn Talmud Study 5:00 pm (Sunset Foods) Minyan Religious Sch. 6:30 pm Caregiver Support Grp. Israel Solidarity Day (Ravinia) 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit III

4:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm

10 Rel. School BJU Heh USY Community HS Parent Mtg Minyan AE-Rambam Ways & Means Mtg.

Minyan 7:30 pm Torah Study 7:50 pm Membershp Mtg Sisterhood Book8:00 pm Club

30 4:15 pm Rel. Sch 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Rambam


Saturday 06

12 Minyan 6:00 pm Parsha Perspectives7:30 pm Exec. Mtg. . 8:00 pm

13 Youth Dinner9:00 am Gimel Shabbat (rsvp req.) 9:00 am Torah Study Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs led by 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah USY 10:30 amGan Shabbat Stand w/ us Speaker during Oneg Candle Ltg. 7:12 pm

Rel. School 7:30 pm Minyan BJU 8:00 pm Torah Study Heh 8:00 pm Finance Mtg. USY Minyan AE-Rambam.

Rel. Sch BJU Heh USY Minyan Adult Ed – Rambam


7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat 7:50 pm Parsha (Dedicate Beit 9:00 am Torah Study Perspectives Haverim 9:00 am MC-Lieberman 8:00 pm Sisterhood Memorial 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Mtg. Boards) 10:30 amBet Shabbat in 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 8:00 pm Israel Mtg. Candle Ltg 10:30 am Interpret Svc 7:04 pm 10:30 amTeen Minyan 11


23 4:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm

7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm

Thursday 04

9:30 am Passover Svcs 9:30 am Passover 7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan Svcs. w/ 8:00 pm Torah Study Yizkor & Plaque Candle Ltg. Dedication After 8:01 pm 7:30 pm Minyan


1:00 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm





2:00 pm Challah 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Chaverim -musical 9:00 am Torah Study 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 7:30 pm Minyan 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah 7:50 pm Parsha 10:30 amGan Shabbat Perspectives Candle Ltg. w/Aleph Class 8:00 pm Tap the 7:19 pm 10:30 am Interpret.Svc Torah




6:00 pm L.I.F.E. Series 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study .

4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives 8:00 pm Board Mtg. 7:30 pm

KINNUS -cont

Gimel-Dalet 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Family 9:00 am Torah Study Shabbat 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Dinner 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Svc 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:30 pm Bowling League Candle Ltg. 7:27 pm



PAGE Passover Service Schedule


See the World / Make a Difference


Mission Statement


Special Events and Notices: Caregiver Support Group Healing Hearts Suicide Prevention Community Yom Ha’shoah Service JUF Speaker


JCC Apachi Day Camp


JUF Right Start – Up to $2,000 off Jewish Preschool!!!


Gatto Construction


PaNosh Catering


Shalom Memorial


OTHER EVENTS Rabbi Lifshitz’s Books Signing


Israel Solidarity Day


CJE Senior Life


Education Calendar


Helpful Links and Resources


Focus on Families


College Connections


Calendar Art Contest


JUF Right Start






Z’Havah Programs


Attention Torah Readers


Mitzvah Mall


Men’s Club


Tap the Torah




Adult Education


Social Action


Taglit Birthright Israel


Bikur Cholim


Sisterhood Gift Shop


CBJ CALENDAR You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at


The Word April 2013

May 14 – Rabbi Lifshitz Book Signing

Page 32

CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Rick Drazner Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender

From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.

Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m. Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m. Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m. Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.

Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. April 1 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26

.....7th Day Pesach..light after….. ………….…......................... .…………….………………. ……………….…………….. ………………….…………..

8:01 7:04 7:12 7:19 7:27

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.

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