BBW Beauties March Issue 2012

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Model Credit:

: Tonya Garcia

Contents Page Page 24-41 Domino Dollhouse Rebel Rebel Collection Page 42-43 The Story of Odalys Llado Valentin Written by Marta Rivera Page 58-73 Timothy Mcvains Big Beautiful World Page 74-85 Spring Trends of 2012 Page 87-109 Fashion Spring Preview Page 16-21 Cover Model

Marlucia Felix

Brazilia Moda Editor-in-Chief

This is a New Year that means a New start and a fresh new look to BBW beauties magazine! More articles and more ways you can contrubite to the magazine and make your voice be heard.

Lets start the New Year with a positive attitude about ourselves there is alone one of you and you are gem and should starting seeing yourself as such. The definition of Self-love is the strong sense of respect for and confidence in oneself. And this is were at times we may fall short because of some negative remarks that were made at us or just how we may feel at times. Let this New Year be your time when you finally get out of your own way and stop hoping and waiting for something to change and make it happen make the change. Here are some tips: 1. Find Strength Within Yourself 2.Create The Life You Want 3.Release Regrets 4.Have An Awesome Life by pursuing your dreams 5.Take Positive Steps 6.Eliminate Self Criticism 7.Acknowledge Your Effort’s 8.Fall in love with yourself 9.Let Go Of Worry 10.Make Positive Affirmations Everyday Make this year your year!

Quick Tip of the Day Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles. This magazine’s entire mission is dedicated to empowering the plus size community with informative articles and new fashion trend’s, that cater to the cuvy women. We are devoted to living a positive plus-size lifestyle and living healthy we do not promote an unhealthy lifestlye, we do encourage self love and to love your body and caring for it, starting from the inside out. True beauty starts from within.

BBW Beauties Blog Poolsid


Jacket: To Be Honest i was terrified to wear this jacket, the first reason is I’ve Blue S often heard if you are plus sized you Cannot wear white. (which is Jeans: just a stigma people make up) the second reason is somehow no mat- $25.00 ter how careful i may be, my white outfit will end up with something Bracel not so white on it! So i put my big girl panties up and tried it for once, a trip a i was quite pleased and surprised I looked great. All that worrying for nothing! LOL Moral of the story is Don’t let your fears stop you from My Fa trying something new, if you don’t try it once you don’t know what Facebo you may be missing out on… Curvyg

gger: Curvy Girl On a Budget de Vibes

fit Breakdown~

: Received as a gift Shirt: Macy’s $5.00 Source of Wisdom Jeans from 0 let’s: From India ,My friend went there on and decided to gift them to me

acebook Page girlonabudger

Marlucia Felix Brazilian Plus Model

Marlucia Felix, is a Plus size model from Brazil, she lives in Rio

De Janeiro and is 32 years old. She is a Social Worker and has been modeling for at least a year now and enjoys it so much. She was inspired by the plus models out there and was determined to become a plus model. She knew she has what it takes and is investing in her dream to pursue her modeling career.

In October 2011 she received the title of Miss Congeniality Plus Size Carioca and has done work in catalogs and in stores Dorcas Plus Size, Brunette Ana Rebello and Pepper, all in Rio de Janeiro. She would love to travel and model around the world. She hopes to represent her country well in all she does. She is a great inspiration to many. Her Story has just begun.....

The Story of Odalys Llado Valentin


eing a Plus Size Advocate in Puerto Rico I hear so many stories about plus size girls,who have a dream of making it big in the plus size modeling world, some are happy stories and some are sad. I just had to write about a beautiful young lady named Odalys Llado and her story is one of the sad ones. Odalys was born in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and ever since she was a little girl she was considered obese. As she was growing up she decided to accept herself just the way she was and be happy with it! In 2008 she decided to enter a Plus Size Beauty Pageant representing her hometown, she dreamed of being on runways, in magazines and maybe being a spokesperson for plus size women. It was a disaster, from the start, she had to sell water on the beach and sell accessories to pay for everything. The administration promised her the stars and all she got was anguish and torment. The other girls called her the least intelligent girl in the competition and did not get along with her, but that did not stop her she knew she could not let her family down after all of their sacrifice.


On the final night she was the only one who did not have a professsional hair stylist and makeup artist, the rest of the girls did, but since she was a hairstylist she did the best she could, with what she had. She answered the final question and nailed it, becoming Mrs. Puerto Rico Queen Size 2009 but it does not end there. Odalys was called a couple of days later by the administration to tell her that they decided to change her title and select three queens. She recieved a prize of $500.00 because she fought for it, and was so discouraged, all her hard work and all the money she had invested were gone.

She told me that everything had been a fraud but she learned from it and adquired confidence in herself. Odalys wanted me to share her story so other girls could learn from her experience and beware of these pageants. She wants plus size ladies to know that even if you are not thin you can be just as smart and beautiful as anyone else. Written by Marta Rivera

The Devil’s Double Film Review by Castelar García

It is a shame when a great film

like this one doesn’t get the theatrical release and the necessary promotion that it clearly deserves. This film focuses on the life of Saddam Hussein’s eldest son Uday Hussein. Uday is a spoiled playboy and a deranged individual who seems to enjoy making others suffer and throughout the course of the film he does some truly despicable things which are truly appalling. On the other hand, we have the character of Latif Yahia who is a good mannered individual and a soldier that is fighting in the Iraq-Iran War. . In the film we witness how Latif is forced to become a “fedai”. In other words, Latif is forced to become a body double or a political decoy so that Uday can have someone who can take his place in social gatherings or political affairs. As a double Latif risks his life because there are several people who want to see Uday dead and there are some action packed assassination attempts that take place in this movie. Both of these complex characters are portrayed effectively by Dominic Cooper with ease as he seems to be a chameleon that immerses himself in his performance and not many actors can pull this off. Cooper gives a daring central performance which is truly astonishing as he transforms himself into two people who are polar opposites and in the process he becomes a believable hero and villain that completely steal the show. This is an intricate, well executed film that surpassed my expectations as it told an engaging story which was simply compelling to watch. This movie also has a terrific soundtrack and some thrilling action sequences that are effectively executed. I must give credit to the director of this movie Lee Tamahori for making a formidable picture with a small budget as he pulled off an exceptional film that deserves a bigger audience.

Dream House Film Review by Castelar GarcĂ­a

The film starts by showing the main character of the film who is a man named Will Atenton.

Will has just quit his job so that he could spend some more time with his family while he tries to write a novel. In the beginning Will slowly finds out that most of the members of the previous family who lived were killed. The man who was responsible for the murders was the patriarch of the family whose name is Peter Ward. Will tries to find out the whereabouts of this man, but what he finds is a disturbing secret which haunts him throughout the film. Daniel Craig portrays a character which is a complex figure in the narrative of this film. This man is an enigma which must solve a mystery that will test his own sanity. He embarks on a dark journey to find the truth about his home and this leads him on a path of self-discovery that will unlock the answers that he is looking for. Throughout the film you begin to question what is real and what is fake since there are many clues that question the protagonists’ state of mind. At the same time, the viewer doubts what is truly unfolding before their eyes because the protagonist is a man who has a disturbed mind which makes you wonder if there really is a supernatural element that exists which is haunting the residence of the main character or if this man is just a lunatic whose mind has created an alternate life to shield him from what really happened.

In essence this movie is a complex labyrinth of emotions that culminates in a striking showdown of hatred, guilt and misery. This type of theme has been used in various movies before and I must admit that it wasn’t as effective as I thought it would be since the majority of the film is very predictable. A good thing about this film is that it has great performances from the main characters, but it doesn’t develop the supporting characters effectively. Furthermore, I would have enjoyed this film a lot more than I did if the trailers for this particular movie wouldn’t have spoiled one of the best secrets that the film reveals during the second act. It would have been wise to promote the movie without revealing anything at all and that would have kept a better sense of intrigue and surprise for the audience. Sometimes shrouding a film with an aura of mystery makes for a better viewing experience. I must say that the third act of the movie unfolds into a bittersweet conclusion which left me unsatisfied since it ended with an atmosphere of untold sadness which was clearly visible in the eyes of the protagonist. This movie is a character driven mystery which slowly unfolds into a complex descent into madness orchestrated on purpose by the people who made this film. Personally, this is an old school thriller which has some horror elements thrown into the mix. There is no great amount of blood during this perilous journey because it tries to shock the audience with a tense atmosphere that is driven by secrets, anger and sinister intentions.

The moral of this story is that when a person tries to find who is really guilty of a crime there is a ravenous road that will try to stop the truth from being exposed. In the end this is a film that is simply too predictable for its own good and it would have been better if there would have been more creepy supernatural scenes thrown all over the film in order to shock its viewers.

Killer Elite Film Review by Castelar GarcĂ­a

Living a life which is full of violence can

corrupt the purity of the human soul. In this hostile world many ruthless people pay a lot of money to eliminate their enemies. The best contract killers in the business are lethal and calculated human beings that do not rest until their mission is completed. A true stone cold killer doesn’t have any pity or remorse for the people that they kill. On the other hand, as time passes by even the mightiest killer may be consumed by guilt for all of the horrible deeds which have been committed in the past. The protagonist of this film is Jason Statham and he portrays a vicious assassin named Danny Bryce who is sick and tired of all the violence and the bloodshed which he has caused.

Bryce is a man that is tormented by his inner demons as he struggles to keep his sanity in a world that is full of chaos and turmoil. After a lifetime of murder and mayhem Danny decides to retire from his dangerous profession. Unfortunately, his mentor named Hunter who is marvelously portrayed by Robert De Niro is held captive and this leads Danny to come out of retirement. The best scenes of the entire film are the ones where we have Robert De Niro and Jason Statham acting together since both of these actors are truly fun to watch because it seems that these men have a genuine charisma which is truly priceless to watch. Danny slowly learns that if he wants to save his friend he must kill at least three members of the British Special Air Service (SAS).

The man who hires Danny to do these dastardly deeds is an Arabian Sheik who seeks vengeance against these men because they have killed 3 of his sons. Sheik Amr is a man who has all the wealth in the world, but he is dying. His final request is that before Bryce kills the men that were responsible for the deaths of his sons he must make each of them confess to what they did while recording it. Of course, this threat does not go unnoticed as a former SAS operative named Spike Logan figures out are what Bryce and his team are up and he decides to stop them by any means necessary. Clive Owen portrays Spike Logan as a man who has a bitter mean streak inside his soul.

Spike is a former soldier who doesn’t want a normal life because he considers it to be a dull existence. When Logan is given a specific mission he feels that his life has a purpose and a meaning which isn’t worthless. Obviously, we have two polar opposites in Bryce and Logan as one man wants to disappear without ever harming another person again while the other man wants to remain active in a world which is full of death and destruction. Overall, this action film is a battle of will and wits where one mistake can have serious repercussions in the lives of our protagonists.

BBW of the Magazine Lisha Lee

Contagion Film Review by Castelar GarcĂ­a This movie is a cautionary tale about something that might happen at any given point in time. The protagonists in this film deal with a new type of virus that acts as an invisible assailant that slowly attacks the human body. Throughout the movie we have several interacting plotlines with no single protagonist over the course of several weeks from the initial outbreak. There are many attempts to contain this deadly virus, but they are unsuccessful. Every day we come in contact with many people and in the film this new virus can infect a person if that person touches someone who is infected or by touching anything that an infected person has touched. This creates a dangerous scenario where every single person is exposed to many hazardous threats that can be anywhere. Overall, we get to witness the panic from many citizens who do not want to get infected and when the panic grows to a certain extent for some of these people they become extremely desperate to look for a cure. The film shows the decay of social order as there are no garbage men working in the streets as there are huge piles of garbage just lying around and it is mentioned that many people refuse to work in order to avoid from being infected which leads to a state of absolute chaos. At the center of the story we have the character of Mitch Emhoff who is portrayed by Matt Damon. This man is one of the first who witnesses how dangerous this new virus can be as it kills his wife Beth Emhoff who obtained the virus while she was on a business trip in Hong Kong. Later on, this virus infects his son Clark and it also kills him. However, Mitch is not alone as his young daughter comes looking for him and once Mitch is released from isolation he barricades himself most of the time inside his home in order to protect his daughter from catching the disease.

The Emhoff family in this film represents the public who are kept in the dark about what is really going on and they are left to fend for themselves while a proper vaccine is created for this new virus. Another tragic character in this film is Dr. Erin Mears who is portrayed by Kate Winslet. Dr. Mears is an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer that is sent to Minneapolis to investigate the origin of the virus and at the same time she deals with many local bureaucrats who do not want to give her the necessary resources that she needs. Dr. Mears is a person that wants to help the people who have been infected by the virus even though she does not receive the support that she desperately needs. Unfortunately, Mears becomes infected while staying at her hotel and she succumbs to this virus which takes her life. The film deals with the lethal sickness that the virus brings, but it also deals with the sickness of paranoia which is a powerful force that will create many obstacles before a proper solution is found. This movie also demonstrates that the time to create a proper vaccine for a new virus takes a lot of time to develop. In other words, there is a lengthy process for creating a vaccine that is safe and as this movie shows us this vaccine will not be available to the public immediately since it will be available to those who are in high positions of power. I must say that there are several moments in this film where you feel really uncomfortable watching all hell break loose as millions of people are dying because of a dangerous disease which is spreading really fast all over the planet. This film showcases how one single virus can obliterate the routine of our daily lives because the more the threat spreads the more terror spreads in our own mind. At first, you worry about this situation, but then it turns into fear which leads a person to act as a vicious animal trying to survive by any means necessary. In real life many different types of viruses continue to evolve in various ways while human beings take a lot of time to evolve because we settle for things to stay just the way they are.

Big Be View from the Congress Street Bridge known for the nightly exodus of bats from beneath the bridge at sunset!

Timothy Mcvain’s eautiful World

The Texas State Capital building.

Austin has changed dramatically since I first moved there in 2007. The tallest building is the Austonian skyscraper.

The President Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum at the University of Texas at Austin.

Zilker Park/ Auditorium Shores are the home of the annual SXSW and ACL festivals.

Hays County Courthouse (San Marcos, Texas- between Austin and San Antonio)

View of Lake Austin and the 360 Loop Bridge from atop Mt. Bonnell

Sunset at the Long Center across from Lake Austin

Exhausting staircase leading to the crest of Mt. Bonnell that overlooks Lake Austin.

Texas Longhorn in Johnson City, Texas.

Fountain at UT Austin

The First Photo I took when I moved to Texas...

Re-invention, in a word, describes the whole of my existence. To draw an adequate picture of my life and show where I’ve come from, I have selected photos I’ve taken in Austin, Texas. I moved to Austin in 2007 looking to start a new chapter in my life. This physical movement from my home state of California began a journey of reevaluation, of my purpose and dreams, and a life altering change of direction. Don’t be afraid of change. To learn more about me or see more of my photography visit timothymcvainlives.tumblrcom

Plus Size: Spring Trends 2012 Ahh, spring is in the air. You may feel ready for it but is your wardrobe? Spring’s trends this year are all about simplicity, with a twist! These are just a Few trends that caught my eye.

Maxi Dress

Your legs are craving the fresh air of spring, so give what they want with one of spring’s top trends the m dress. I have a feeling this is going to be big in sum also! You can find them in a range of prints and col you’ll easily find one to fit your day-to-day style.


e them maxi mmer lors, so

Color-Blocking The hottest TREND of the spring/summer season is COLORBLOCKING, and personally,i cannot be more excited. The idea is pretty clear: separate colors into bold, singular sections!


It’s been a long time but the new color for Spring Summer 2012. Pastels are soft and chalky, flirty pieces. Pastels can be layered, lacey, or include some print of some sort. Don’t be afraid to play up your curves with pastel colored clothing. Either it be shoes, purses,dresses etc Dress your closet up with cardigans, pastel colored shirts and feather-weight sweaters in shades of mint and peach.




“Though bold colors are in for the spring, you should make some extra closet space for pastels for the season,�This is a look you can take with you into early summer. Wear your pastel shirt with a simple pencil skirt. Add some bold or tribal jewelry to make a statement.

FLORALS Don’t discard your floral pieces just yet, this season the trend continues with a high-octane dose of flower power. Head to toe floral prints are all over the runway this season.

Loving these Floral Sho


Florals can be on your undergarments also, Gok Wan designed this beautiful piece.

These are just a Few of my Fav Pieces

Don’t be afraid to rock Florals, I always was because i was afraid i would look like one big couch haha Thats simply not true. Wear what makes you happy!


e w o


rP e w

The versatile fabrication takes boho disposition in muted tone white, lavender, red looks that usually expect Lace to be blac browns and its just as sultry.


s on sultry lingerie vibes in black and a es on cotton. Recently, i’ve spotted girls in t speak to a more girlish sensibility. People ck, but i have seen it in Fuchsia,yellow,


Sophisticated and chic, the coupled color combination of Black & White paired together, will never go out style. The classic black and white combination both compliments each other and creates a unique contrast of light and dark.


If you know me you know i will be rocking this trend till the end of time. It’s a major 80′s flashback, i can just see the high side ponytails, faded jeans and hightops already. PS: Lets not forget the leg warmers!! I love how fashion tends to repeat itself overtime. This trend will never get old and its so fabulous that plus size gals like myself can rock this. Quick Tip: If you dont feel comfortable with a lil skin showing you can just put a tank top under the shirt.


Prints are in this season, dont shy away from it just because you are curvy. I use to stay away from prints in fear i will look like a walking Couch! That is farther from the truth. Don’t be Afraid to rock prints. Big, bold prints are in season especially animal-inspired (my fav is Leopard print). Believe it or not prints can help distract the eye from a problem area. A bold, statement-driven top paired with a dark bottom (which can be black pants or dark denim) can divert eyes from your problem area.

Spring Fashion 2012

$29 - Coral Floral Cross Back Cami

e p e r m o d.c Ruffle C i r r - to chet 9 3 $ ro $40 - C l a r s Co i | Top Quincy Nude Chiffon Ruffle m a C Heels (Wide Width) | Heels

$39 - Teal Drape One-Shoulder Top

$105 - Bebe Shoes Kenley $275 - Vera Wang ‘Penny’ Platform

$55 - G by Guess - Med Pink Pink cross over low wedges Pink high heels

$39 - White And Black Mesh Dots Emma Tank Top

$45 - Cream And Black Lace Trim Chiffon Top | Tops

$39 - Olive With Cream Crochet Front Tier Tank Top

$40 - Twist Tees - Coral Callie OffShoulder Tee

$36 - Charter Club Bracelet, Black Resin Chain Inset Bangle

$69 - Black bow platform shoes

$40 - Plus Size Sexy Abstract Colorful Long Top

$65 - 6pm. com Not Your Daughters Jeans Plus Size, Janice Legging Super Stretch Denim Pewter

$98 - MICHAEL MICHAEL KORS Berkley Black Patent

$43 - Plus Size Colorful Stripe Sexy Cocktail Dress

Lunch Date

Lovely Curves $19 Plus Size Belts | Double

$69 - Plus Size Jeggings |

$28 - fossil. com Tiger’s Eye Drop Earrings $19 - Plus Size Belts | Wide Buckle Belt | Swakdesigns. $7.62 - Brown plaited bead bracelet

$84 - GUESS Palioma Platform Sandals

$60 Michael Antonio Granville Aqua Pu Wedge heels

$40 - Blue domed diamante hoop earrings

$38 - Mylee’s Chunky Blue & Aqua Stone Studded Stretch Bracelet

$56 - Plus Size Cocktail Dress | Pocket Drape Dress

$9.99 - Womens - Minicci -Ring

$25 -Bag

$59 - aqua blue dress $59 - purple dressswakdesigns. com Plus Size Dresses

$10 - kohls. com Apt. 9 Gold Tone Linear Drop Earrings

$50 - shoes Bebe Autumn Pump

$41 -black bag daisy fuentes Moda Bella Perforated Tote

$49 - brown swakdesigns. com

$49 - blue Plus Size Tops | Emmylou Tunic

$57 - black shoes Women’s Billy Bikini Sandal T strap shoes

$25 - brown bag payless.comWomen’s Logan Shopper

$35 - brown payless. com Women’s Holton Wo-

$89 - Vintage Retro Dresses | Dixie Halter Dress Bobbi Brown Fall 2012 Beauty Trunk

$23 - Women’s Miles Espadrille Wedge

$210 -

$19 Plus Size Tops

$11 - Chainlink Necklace

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