Baby Lifestyles Magazine Issue 2

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world country. The conditions were not ideal to say the least. “Unlike some horror stories we’ve heard about orphanages, though, it did seem that the nannies genuinely cared for the children and were doing their best to meet their needs. There are so many people that we are indebted to - the doctor who cared for Lula while she was sick, the nanny who gave her special attention and helped her recover, and the young man from the orphanage who made a treacherous trip to gather paperwork for us so we could bring our children home. We were truly sad to leave Ethiopia and the amazing people we met while there.” Britt and Keith love traveling, especially to places much different from where they live, and Ethiopia was certainly that. “We look back on our time there with great fondness,” Keith said. “As Britt has said many times, the people are just amazing – caring, relaxed, and incredibly hospitable. We were surprised at just how pro-western they were, and yet, it was the only place we’ve ever been with hardly any American brands – not even McDonalds or KFC - probably a good thing! We weren’t exactly roughing it with a cook, driver, maids and nannies all at our disposal in the agency-run housing. Becoming parents there was a pleasure, as we got to focus on doing just that, with no meetings, errands or general busyness to distract us.” 4.18.2011 As I write this, we are all packed up, waiting for the guest house minibus to take us to the airport. Our whole adoption journey is a testament to God's grace, and this past week has been no different. Thanks to some very persistent, very proactive friends who contacted state representatives on our behalf, we passed embassy with flying colors. I'm not sure they even glanced at our paperwork -- they just waved us on through. We had the amazing opportunity to worship at a local church this Sunday, and could feel God's presence there. And little Lula is now up to 11.5 pounds, up from 8.5

a month ago. She is starting to look and act like a healthy little girl. The road ahead is looking rough -- a 30 hour trip with 2 infants, and none of us is feeling especially good right now. But we know God is in control and will go ahead of us, and we know that His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and man are we feeling weak. It has been an exciting, life-changing journey, one that we wouldn't hesitate to repeat, but praise God, we're finally going home! “I can’t even begin to put into words how wonderful our bed felt our first night back!” Keith shared. “Britt’s sister and her husband were very generous and stayed up with Gus and Lula our first night back so we could get some sleep and recover from our travels, as we arrived home at 8pm after 30 hours of traveling. Lula had a first rough night home, as she had picked up a sinus infection on the plane, but after that they adjusted amazingly quickly. Within a few days, we were all in a pretty good rhythm.” As church followers and believers in God, Keith describes seeing Gus and Lula baptized as one of the best days of their lives. “Seeing them baptized was such a beautiful reminder of God’s promises to us, and sort of a culmination of the entire adoption in our minds. It was the day that they officially became part of our local church family, and a symbol of the day when they will put their faith in Jesus Christ and be adopted into God’s family.” “Everyone expects that we must difficulty parenting two children, but they are such good, easy-going babies that it is a pleasure being their parents,” Britt said of her family. “They have brought us so much joy, and we are so thankful and humbled that we have this incredible opportunity to raise them.” Turn the page to see Gus and Lula’s nursery! www.B


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