book covers

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The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S LEWIS

Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia C.S LEWIS

The Horse and his Boy C.S LEWIS

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C.S LEWIS

The Magicians Nephew C.S. LEWIS

The Silver Chair C.S LEWIS

The Last Battle C.S LEWIS

Book Covers I have designed and create a set of book covers for C.S Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia collection. Each cover represents the narrative in its simplest form. The colours also contribute to the story, and helps the reader get a feel for the book.

Digital Distribution The books will also be accessible on iPhones and iPads. Technology is greatly improving, and so many new pieces of equipment are being released which become all the rage. As well as in various stores, The Chronicles of Narnia books and their new covers will be available for purchasing online through Amazon and other online book shops. Being able to purchase these books online greatly appeal to the target market as they would rather do this than physically go to a book shop. Online purchases is the future. People love being able buy things just by one easy click!

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S LEWIS

Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia C.S LEWIS

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C.S LEWIS

The Silver Chair C.S LEWIS

The Horse and his Boy C.S LEWIS

In Context I have enlarged the front of the book covers which will be used for advertisement purposes. They will be displayed at an A1 size in shop windows and other appropriate locations. The posters will also be available to purchase inside the shops.

The Magicians Nephew C.S. LEWIS

The Last Battle C.S LEWIS

Merchandise I have applied the book cover designs to various other products that can be sold in book shops and other gift shops. Everyone likes to have something different. I thought it’d be nice to have a set of products which look nice together, and work well.

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