Desert Dawn 2011

Page 15


G!./$)./$?-1$#!3*!.=#$B-1-$0*),!.=$ ?!/-h)./h#--@$!.$"?-$3)(@,)1/+$ >?!#$"!9-$!"$B)#$?-1$"21.$"%$?!/-+$ A?-$12#?-/$"%$"?-$.-)1-#"$1%%9$ #()1-/$"?)"$#%9-%.-$B%2*/$'!./$ ?-1+$A?-$(?%#-$?-1$&)"?-17#$%&'!(-$ and quickly crawled under "?-$")3*-+$5?-.$?-1$31%"?-1#7$ C%!(-#$)001%)(?-/$"?-$%&'!(-F$#?-$ squished her body to one of the corners to make sure they did .%"$&!./$?-1+$>?!#$B)#$B?-.$ she caught her breath as she .%"!(-/$3*%%/+ >?!#$!#$B?)"$G!./F$)$UT$,-)1$%*/$ Emirati woman, had to say describing her experience when she got her menstrual period the '!1#"$"!9-+$G!./$"?!.@#$!"$B)#$@!./$ of embarrassing to talk about "?-#-$!##2-#$B!"?$?-1$9%"?-1+ A%9-$9%"?-1#$/%$.%"$@.%B$?%B$ important it is for their daughters to be educated about puberty 3-&%1-$-;0-1!-.(!.=$"?-$#!=.#+$ L).,$=!1*#$)1-$#?%(@-/$B?-.$ "?-,$'!1#"$=-"$"?-!1$0-1!%/$3-()2#-$ no one ever told them that it is %.*,$.)"21)*$)./$?-)*"?,+$A%9-$ mothers feel uncomfortable about talking to their daughters as they might think it is shameful, while others might not be aware how this could affect their daughters 0#,(?%*%=!()**,+ Educating girls about the fact that the period is a natural body function and not an illness helps "?-9$1-)("$"%$!"#$#!=.#$9%1-$-)#!*,+$$

41+$[),*)$8*$A)9)1)!F$6*!.!()*$ <#,(?%*%=!#"$)"$423)!$G-)*"?$ Authority, argues that the most common problems that terminate the dialogue between a mother and her daughter are the lack of education and the generation =)0+$L%"?-1#$)*B),#$"?!.@$"?-!1$ daughters are still too young to 2./-1#")./+$

L8\]$PEH[A$8H:$ AGY6j:4$5G:\$ >G:]$IEHA>$P:>$ >G:EH$<:HEY4F$ `:68JA:$\Y$Y\:$ :g:H$>Y[4$>G:L$ >G8>$>GEA$EA$ Y\[]$\8>JH8[$ 8\4$G:8[>G]+ Embarrassment is another factor that keeps the mother from #")1"!.=$)$/!)*%=2-+$WL%"?-1#$ nowadays should know that education about puberty is very important, because it shapes the way a female thinks about herself; the way she dresses, ?-1$?,=!-.-$)./$?-)*"?FX$41+$8*$ A)9)1)!$-;0*)!.#+$A%9-$9%"?-1#$ wait till their daughters get their periods to start talking about 023-1",+$L%#"$%&$"?-9$)1-$.%"$ aware of how important it is for their daughters to know about

body changes before experiencing "?-9+$W5?-.$9,$31-)#"#$B-1-$ developing, I always used to wrap a piece of cloth around them so it B%2*/.7"$#?%B+$E"$*%%@-/$)B&2*FX$ #),#$j+8+$)$Vm$,-)1$%*/$=!1*+ Y.$)C-1)=-F$=!1*#$'!1#"$=-"$"?-!1$ periods when they are 12 or 13 ,-)1#$%*/$_#%9-$-)1*!-1$%1$*)"-1a+$$ 41+$A)!&$8?9-/$A)*!9F$6%992.!",$ L-/!(!.-$)./$:/2()"!%.)*$G-)*"?$ A0-(!)*!#"$)"$423)!$G-)*"?$82"?%1!",F advises a mother should begin having conversations with her daughter when the daughter starts understanding what is happening around her, which is around 2 to 3 ,-)1#$%*/+$>?!#$B!**$9)@-$!"$92(?$ easier for the mother to talk to her daughter later on when it is time for more important and #-.#!"!C-$"%0!(#+$ 83--1$8*$A2B)!/!F$)$9%"?-1$%&$"B%F$ says her eight year old daughter started questioning her when she '!1#"$#)B$)$0)(@$%&$#).!")1,$0)/#$ )"$?%9-+$WE$-;0*)!.-/$!"$"%$?-1$ B?-.$#?-$B)#$)$3!"$%*/-1+$>?!#$B)#$ B?-.$E$1-)*!M-/$"?)"$023-1",$!#$).$ important issue and not a matter "%$!=.%1-+X If daughters are not used to having conversations with their mothers, they may rely on their friends as a source of information about different things in life, which is not )*B),#$"?-$0-1&-("$#%*2"!%.+$>?-,$ might even get false information &1%9$"?-$E."-1.-"$%1$9)=)M!.-#+$

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