2011 Army Sprint Football Guide

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ARMY SPRINT FOOTBALL “I think if my dear mother were alive, she would tell you nothing comes close to graduating from West Point, even going to the moon.” - ASTRONAUT FRANK BORMAN “The combination of an education at West Point and the experience of a career in the armed services will prepare you in a unique way for a rich diversity of further career and service in civilian life.” - HEISMAN TROPHY WINNER GLENN DAVIS


“I believe in the code ... ‘Duty, Honor, Country.’ I believe in service to one’s country. The institution of the armed forces has thrived on its commitment to developing excellence. It is meritocracy in action. Race, religion, wealth, background count not.” - PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH


“From the birth of our existence, America has had a faith in the future -- a belief that where we’re going is better than where we’ve been, even when the path ahead is uncertain. To fulfill that promise, generations of Americans have built upon the foundation of our forefathers -- finding opportunity, fighting injustice, forging a more perfect union. Our achievement would not be possible without the Long Gray Line that has sacrificed for duty, for honor, for country.” - PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA GEORGE H.W. BUSH


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