World cafe 13

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September 26, today is the European day of Languages!

Let's do something! A World CafĂŠ! A Group Dialogue! l


ELOS Basque Country: Aniturri BHI Antigua-Luberri BHI Botikazar BHI Ekialdea BHI Urola BHI

Tv came! We were also in the papers!

Press and TV links

Bosses came!

Arantza Aurrekoetxea & Bego単a Garamendi Basque government representatives came for a visit

Back to work! We had four discussion tables at the World CafĂŠ

1st Table

1st TABLE: GENERAL ASPECTS OF EU What does the European Union mean for you? What type of decisions are made in the European institutions? Who are making those decisions? Can you think about any specific examples? Have those decisions any influence on your everyday life?

The European Union is a political and economic group. It was created in order to give citizens a quality of life (travels, communications, market...). market...)

But, nowadays there are inner conflicts: Globalisation vs. Diversity. It is very based on the markets without taking into account cultural differences. Different categories of countries (Northern & Southern). .

The most important decisions are taken by the European institutions (European Central Bank, European Parlament...). However, there is no general knowledge about them. They are very far from us.

To reduce the gap between





through:  

Better communication More education (more subjects related to this area). Change of the places where they are in order to be closer. More participation.

In general, there is a dark opinion about the future of the EU and its institutions (crisis, problems of the euro, countries with different power... ) .

2nd Table

2nd TABLE: EUROPE IN YOUR LIFE Do you speak any other European languages out of the school? Do you participate in any social network? Do you know the customs of any other European country? Do those customs influence your everyday life? What do you think about them?

Hizkuntzak maite ditugu! We love languages! Nous aimons langues! wir lieben Sprachen! Nos encantan los idiomas!

We use English to communicate with foreigners in the social networks.

Customs are difficult to get used to, but We agree with their habits however different they are.

Customs Ireland (different lifestyle, don’t go out, no parties, bars, different mealtimes, England (aware of punctuality, early dinners, they don’t want you to touch them, butter, spicy susages) Germany (speak quietly, lowly, early meals, shy) French( rather shy, reserve, not too outspoken) Italy (similar customs or habits to ours), Morocco (Ramadan, they couldn’t eat during the day, difficult to get used to their habits, ) They don’t want you People under 18 can’t be out after 12 pm get up at 6 a.m., go to bed early. Italy (good food

3rd Table

3rd TABLE: YOUR SCHOOL What type of activities related to Europe are organized in your school? Do you take part in? Do you know any school in Europe? How do you consider them in comparison with your own school? What ideas would you import from them to your school? Which aspects of your school you think could be exportable?

Comenius Comenius is a good toolCrisis= Less Money Less Comenius now = less posibilities for mobilities No grants from the Basque government for exchanges

Competitions and trips

Exchanges with partner schools Comenius, Mac, studying abroad privately:

meeting people all around Europe

Hosting students is a great experience: Parents like it.

We love travelling!!!

School trips

We know some school systems in Europe

We would import: School timetables: subject options, finishing earlier...

Music is another language. Art is taught as another cultural expression. Here it is a waste of time. We would bring that!

Sports at school: good facilities and options. Here it is organized by the council. School teams.

Being punctual, not wasting time (educational – character in – Germany), but not the same in Italy., not so open-minded as it seems.

4th Table

4th TABLE: YOUR FUTURE What plans do you have for your future? Will you learn more languages? will u participate in ERASMUS ? Have you ever considered living in another country? What do you think can help you to find a job in Europe? Can the EU help in spreading our culture ? What do you think will happen with the European Union in 25 years? And what about yourself?

Plans for my future “I will go on learning English, French and I may take on German” “Speaking English is a must in Europe” “We'll go to university in two years” “I'll take a gap year before entering university” “I'd like to spend a year abroad when I finish college”

“We would love to participate in the Erasmus programme at university (if it still goes on)” “I'd go anywhere”. “I'd choose an English speaking country” “I'm thinking of Latin America , I may go to Argentina”

“ I'd live abroad for a year or two”

“I haven't thought of living in another countr yet, I'm too young, but I wouldn't mind “I can imagine living in another country for some time, but I'd always come back”

Europeans don't know much about us. They share the usual stereotypes (siesta, noisy, lazy, not punctual, partying all the time, not serious.... It's difficult to spread our own culture in a globalised world..

Ready to learn

Fluent in English

WHAT IF WE LEFT THE EU? - It wouldn't be that different - The crisis would last longer - This crisis will be over some day - Travelling wouldn't be so easy

And the Minority Language?

They are in our hearts!!!!

The EU in 25 years ‌. - It will be over by then - Only richer countries will belong to the club, led by

My own future in 25 years when I'll be about 40? -

Working anywhere A new crisis will come and things will be the same No Idea Who knows?

Future of the EU in 25 years time - Smaller or bigger than now ? - It'll be over ? If more members the Basque Country could be a menber of the EU!

Once we finished we did the feed back session!

As a reward the Lunch. Bonne Apetit!

Eskerrak! Merci! Gracias! Gracies! Thank You! Danke! Obrigado! Grazie! diolch

Dėkoju! Ευχαριστίες! Tak! Diolch! Giitu!

Languages are Wonderful!!!

Elos Basque Country Team


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