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The Daily Aniturri

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Agurain, the Basque Country

March 2018

WOMEN IN SCIENCE In our opinion, women are undervalued and we have to change our minds.

Ez da pertzepzio bat

Based on the article we read on Zientzia Kaiera

By Nohaila and Hanane. Joseba, Unai and Laurentzi UPV/EHUko Kultura Zientifikoko Katedrak konpromisoa du gizon eta emakumeek eskubide eta aukera berberak izango dituzten gizarte bat lortzeko, eta horretan dihardu. “Ez da pertzepzio bat“ bideoa Jose A. Pérez Ledok zuzendu du. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean grabatu da bertako bost zientzialari eta ikertzaileren parte-hartzeari esker: Itziar Alkorta, Arantza Aranburu, Gotzone Barandika, Txelo Ruiz eta Ane Zubiaga. Zergatik eman zaie Nobel sari gutxiago emakumeei gizonezkoei baino? Hau ez da uste bat. Datuak daude. arloak

gizonen Nobel sariak fisika 205 kimika 174 medikuntza 202

emakumeen Nobel sariak 2 4 12

We agree with this article we read on Zientzia Kaiera. We think that women are discriminated just for the simple fact that they are

(Source: Zientzia Kaiera)

women. We think that both men and women have the same rights to perform the same job, and women can also study STEM careers or perform the same professions as men do. Margaret W. Rossiter used the Matilda effect to explain the discrimination that women had experienced as scientists. Women were denied having contributed to science and women’s achievements were often attributed to men.The Matilda Effect was first described by 19th century suffragist and abolitionist Matilda Joslyn Gage in her essay "Woman as Inventor", and coined in 1993 by science historian Margaret W. Rossiter. The Matilda effect is related to the Matthew Effect, since those who don’t deserve more credit.

Zientziaren arloko emakume eta neskatoen eguna da bai otsailaren 11n bai bihar, bai eta hurrengo egunetan ere.

Women in Science day is held on February 11, but also tomorrow and the days after tomorrow.

Sarea arakatzen #EmakumeakZientzian @txiolandian By Jone E. and Unai G. Traolek artikulu interesgarriak aurkitzen lagundu digute. Ingelesez #WomenInScience traola aurkitu dugu #EmakumeakZientzian terminoaren baliokide, frantsesez #FemmesEnScience, gaztelaniaz #MujeresEnCiencia eta EHUko katedrak #MujeresConCiencia da gaztelaniaz darabilen traola. Mujeres con Ciencia blogaren editorea Geometria eta Topologiako irakasle den Marta Macho da.

By 4. DBH Zientzia Kaierak dibulgazio artikulu orokorrak argitaratzen ditu euskaraz eta atal berezia du emakume zientzialariei buruzko sarrerak biltzeko. Zientzialari atalean ikusezinak diren emakumeak argitara ekartzen ditu eta ikus-entzunezko materiala publikatzen dute. Sarean askotan bertxiotutako artikuluek Zientzia Kaiera eta Mujeres con Ciencia blogetara eraman gaituzte. Emakume zientzialariei eta sistema zientifikoko emakumeen egoerari buruzko artikuluak aurkitu ditugu. Zientzia eta Teknologian diharduten eta ziharduten emakumeen lana ezagutzeko ezinbesteko argitalpenak dira.

Irudi ederrak aurkitu ditugu. Batetik, doodle bilduma hau pinterest-en. Bestetik, zigiluen bilduma Mujeres con Ciencia blogean.

11th February: the International day of Women in Science. The United Nations General Assembly declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. "We need to encourage and

support girls and women achieve their full potential as scientific researchers and innovators." — UN SecretaryGeneral, António Guterres

Iturria: Los sellos de las mujeres con Ciencia, Mujeres con Ciencia.


The Daily Aniturri

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Top female scientists By 4. DBH On February 11 we celebrate the day of Girls and Women in Science. On this day, we celebrate that women also have the right to participate and that we have to treat both genres the same way. Therefore, we have to remember the great female scientists on this day. We have seen that a lot profiles of women scientists have been posted and that the achievement and work of these female scientists have been shared and still are being shared with the hashtag #EmakumeakZientzian or #WomenInScience. For example, we have read that the Basque‐Cantabrian basin originated 250 years ago by watching this video.

Top Female Scientists Card Game created by The Science Hour on XpressionFM at the University of Exeter. By Hannah Wakeford @stellarplanet and Simon Clark @simonoxfphys

By Ane and Garazi We have also created our playing cards using this tool from ReadWriteThink: You will need to download our .rwt file and upload it into the Trading Card interactive to see our collection and to play with it. Among others, meet: Maddi Ibarbia PHD student at the BCBL- Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain)

Iturria: Arantxa Bodego: “Euskokantauriar arroko rifta duela 250 milioi urte inguru sortu zen” #Zientzialari (89) Emakume eta neska guztiek zientzian duten parte-hartzea bidezkoa eta erabatekoa izan behar duela egunero gogoratu behar dugu. Helburua genero berdintasuna eta emakumearen ahalduntzea lortzea da.

Irati Jauregi López, Pamplona, Navarre, Telecommunications Engineer.

More info

Alaitz Etxabide Etxeberria, works at BIOMAT, the research group in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Highlighted news By Asier and Iman We would also like to recommend this interview with Uxua López in Argia about the Homeward Bound Vision and the need for visibility of these invisible women. The project contributes to improve the role of women in leading the world toward a more sustainable future in which women will be able to impact policy and decisions. Therefore, women need to be given strategic skills and develop their own network. “To equip a 1000-strong global collaboration of women with a

BertsoBot By Sohaila A robot that classifies bertso melodies. Izaro Goienetxea has developed a system to group related music genres and then generate music from these close pieces. More info in Basque by Elhuyar and in English by PLOS ONE. By Anne and Maider

More Top Women In Science Maryam Mirzakhani was the first woman and the first Iranian to be awarded the Fields medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics.

science background to lead, influence and contribute to policy and decision making as it informs the future of our planet by 2015”. Uxua López is a Telecommunications Engineer who has worked in the area of renewable energies. She is 1 of the 80 women who has taken part in the last expedition to Antarctica.

Mother Nature needs her daughters.

Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. Youyou Tu saved a lot of lives when she discovered artemisinin, a treatment for malaria. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015.

Maia García-Vergniory, researcher from DIPC and UPV/EHU, won one of the five research prizes from L’OréalUNESCO For Women in Science. The prize consists of 15,000€ to be used in her research “to study the topological properties of materials from a new paradigm, with the objective of finding applications to this newly discovered materials”. Maia developed her project at Donostia International Physics Center and the University of the Basque Country. More info

Did you know…? Did you know that the Chinese Madame Curie did not win the Nobel Prize for physics because she was a woman? The first Lady of Physics, the Queen of Nuclear Reseach: ChienShiung Wu

My favourite scientist is a woman We talked about the scientists we could name. Everybody mentioned Madame Curie, but most of the scientist we mentioned were men. Where are these invisible women? Why aren’t they in our textbooks? We read about this initiative that asked primary students to illustrate their favourite women in science.

Mi científica favorita can be downloaded at www.icmat.es/ outreach/mi-cientifica-favorita By Lorena


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