Are you doing your bit to save the planet?

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ANITURRI BHI, Agurain The Basque Country


WHAT CAN I DO TO SAVE THE WORLD? Nowadays, pollution is a serious issue because if we don’t do anything, the problem will increase. People throw a lot of waste, not only in my town, but all over the world. People don’t think about the consequences, so it is a big problem. On the other hand, there are projects to help the environment, for example, reusing material to make a toy or reducing the use of plastic. People are encouraged to pick up the waste in the streets and throw it to the bin. I recycle all kind of the waste. If I see waste on the floor I pick it up and I throw it to the bin. In conclusion, we have to recycle more, to save the environment. There are a lot of problems, but we can change it if we are aware. Unai Can we reduce the use of plastic? Using a lot of plastic can be a problem. When we buy something like food we can take a plastic bag in the supermarket. Then we usually throw these bags to the plastic bin, but sometimes, those bags get to the oceans and forests, and we kill a lot of animals. The principal producers use a lot of plastic to wrap their products. However, we have other options like using recyclable bags. People are becoming aware of the situation, and they are trying to change their habits. For example, we can recycle and separate different types of waste, but when it becomes compulsory, some people don’t like it.

In my country, although we were taught how to recycle well, not everybody makes an effort to separate waste. I don’t think recycling should depend on your good will. Reusing and reducing should be taken into account. In conclusion, if we took the issue of reducing the use of plastic seriously, we would really help the environment. In addition, we shouldn’t buy products which contain a lot of wrapping. Gorka Are you doing your bit to help the environment? In our world we have to protect the environment for your own good. Are you doing your bit to help the environment? On the one hand, there are a lot of different organizations to help the environment, for example, Greenpeace and WWF. However, we can start helping the environment in our houses, streets and towns. On the other hand, we can see the seas contaminated with a lot of plastics and with a lot of waste. In the oceans there are animals like dolphins which are being spoilt by pollution. There is a new “continent” in the Pacific Ocean full of plastic that measure 3.4 million km2 In my case, for example, I have different bins. We recycle waste and collect organic material. Recycling is important for my family because we want to help the environment. But the problem is that we use the car a lot, especially my parents. When I have to move from my town to another place, I ride my bicycle. In conclusion, our planet needs our help and if we recycle, we will help the world. If we recycle together we will help it together. Xandra

HOW CAN YOU SAVE THE PLANET? Nowadays, the world suffers from global warming, and it´s a very big problem that it has to be overcome. Therefore, we have to help using our cars less or other means of transport which are less harmful. Firstly, we have to recycle and reuse things. For example, we can reuse bags or use reusable bags when we go to supermarkets. Not only that, in our houses we have to recycle the waste we produce. We separate plastic, organic, cardboard and glass, but that’s not enough. Secondly, we have to save energy. Normal bulbs consume a lot. Therefore, energyefficient light bulbs were invented, which are LED bulbs. When you leave a room, you have to switch off the light to save energy. Finally, we try to use renewable energy, like wind power, solar power, geothermal energy and thermal energy. Thus, if we saved a lot of energy, we would pollute less. In conclusion, we have to recycle well and reuse things. In addition, we have to save energy not to harm the planet more. Idoia PLASTIC? NO THANKS Most of the things we buy at the supermarket are wrapped in plastic. Plastic needs a lot of years to decompose and it contaminates our planet. People think that they have to protect the environment. Therefore, they recycle a lot, but they buy food that is wrapped in plastic. Unfortunately, this plastic ends in the sea and animals die because of plastic pollution. For me, when I go to the mountain with my parents or friends, if I see plastic bottles or aluminium foil on the floor, I pick it up, and when I arrive home, I throw it to the bin. If I see plastic on the floor at school, I don’t know why, but I won’t take it and throw in to the bin.

In my opinion, we should make a bigger effort especially if we see pollution in the mountain or in the beach because it is a natural place and it hurts to see it polluted. We could also buy at the local market and avoid the wrapping of the products.

How can you save the environment? In our planet, there is a lot of pollution. It is contaminated by carbon emission from cars and ways of transport. What’s more, we use a lot of plastic bags and chemical products that are harmful. On the one hand, when I use something which is made of plastic, I throw it to the plastic bin. When I use different materials, I recycle them, for example, paper bags. When the batteries end, I always I recycle them. In my house we recycle a lot of the things: plastic, paper bags, clothes, different batteries… On the other hand, we live in a town and we have to move to the city to buy food, clothes… When I meet my friends, my mum drives me to the place where we are meeting. If I went by bicycle, I would help the environment more. In conclusion, I believe we could do more to protect the environment if we made an effort.


Do we do our best to save the planet? Nowadays, there are a lot of enviromental problems in the Earth. People don’t recycle and waste is a big issue. If we fought together, we would get more results because the individual work isn’t enough to save the planet and stop global warming. We have many options to protect the world. Firstly, we can use low energy bulbs to save more than with old bulbs. Although manufucturers do not produce them any more nowadays, there are people who have not changed them and still consume more energy. Secondly, we can use less plastic. We can use the trolley instead of bags. Therefore, we won’t need to produce more plastic. Finally, we have three types of food: artificial food, ecological food and biodynamics food. If we used natural product, we wouldn’t affect the ozone layer so much. In conclusion, if we were aware of the problem, we would get more results. We should take care of our plantet because we need to live in this unique world.


POLLUTION Pollution nowadays is a very big problem. There are a lot of kinds of pollution: air pollution, light pollution, radioactive contamination, etc... Most people know what the pollution is, but a lot of people don´t do anything to prevent it. In less advanced countries, people may not understand what pollution is, and they contaminate. However, we have a bigger problem because we know what pollution is and we don’t stop it Also, pollution damages human health seriously. Pollution can kill many organisms including humans, and can cause respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, throat inflammation, chest pain and congestion. There are a lot of places in the world where they have a lot of contamination, for example Azerbajian, China, India, Peru, Russia and Ukranie. On the other hand, my country is “advanced” in taking measures.We have containers to recycle plastic, paper, organic things and glasses, but there are people that may not recycle. In conclusión, pollution is a big problem, and we can change it a little, therefore, we must help the world, and recycle.

EDER How can we help? In my country the environment could be cleaner, but people throw waste and the environment gets polluted. In the forests, people throw plastics and this has consequences. People can get a fine, but it seems they don’t mind. For example, when there is a music concert, people throw a lot of waste and they don’t control it. In conclusion, if people recycle more and were aware of the consequences of their acts, the environment would get better. Joseba

WHAT CAN I DO TO SAVE THE PLANET? It’s usually said that our planet is polluted and we do nothing to save the planet. A lot of people don’t know what they do; they don’t know that throwing waste they pollute the environment a lot. On the one hand, humans can do a lot of thing to save the world. This problem begins with the waste humans produce. We can use different material not to pollute the environment. If we use plastic bags, we pollute too much. For example, when I go to the supermarket, I usually use plastic bags that they give me, but I should bring my own bag. In addition, we can go to work by bicycle instead of by car or motorbike because this pollutes a lot. In conclusion, I don’t do a lot to save the world, but I can do more. For example, I think we should start with ourselves, improving every day, looking around us, protecting our resources, recycling and dealing with love, respect and tolerance for people around us. ASIER P

Are you doing your bit to help the environment? Some people have lunch because eating five times every day is healthy, but, what do they use to carry their lunch? A lot of people use plastic bags or plastic paper, but this material contaminates the food and the environment because plastic has toxic material. What’s more, if you throw plastic to the floor, some animals eat the plastic and die. Some people use paper to carry their lunch, and this material is the best one. Paper decomposes easier than plastic or other material, like polyurethane or wrapping-paper. Therefore, if you use paper to carry your lunch, you contribute to clean our planet. Another question is what type of food and drinks you buy, and where you buy those products. If you buy them at a supermarket, surely you are buying transgenic food in plastic bags, and unhealthy food and drinks because the products are artificial. But if you buy ecological food, you are buying good food, not artificial. The best food you can buy is the biodynamic food because this food isn’t artificial and they use the power of the universe through iron. The “∞” symbol is used to attract the power of the universe to get better food without any synthetic products. In conclusion, eating biodynamic food carried on a paper bag is the solution to help the environment. JULIA SOME IDEAS In our planet, pollution produces global warning and the smoke produced by transports is the problem to be solved. I recycle everything. I separate the bins to recycle bottles and rubbish. I saved all the plastic bags to reuse them in another occasion. I use rechargeable batteries to save and reduce energy. Food usually has a plastic package and another plastic package covers it again. We use a plastic bottle to drink water, however, we can use a metal bottle to go to school, hiking and camping. In conclusion, today we can say people are aware of the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing to stop global warning. PELI

How can you save the planet? Nowadays our planet is full of waste and pollution and the situation is getting worse. Huge factories, travelling, burning things and other things increase the carbon footprint in the atmosphere. We also use a lot of plastic and goods that we don’t necessary need. As a result, global warming is increasing faster and faster. To stop pollution, we have to work together and take important decisions. We have to think individually about what we can do to help our planet. Although our involvement is relevant, I think that the participation of authorities would be meaningful and they could make people aware of the importance of recycling. In my case, I do as much of possible. I recycle paper, plastic, and organic waste. In winter I use paper and cardboard to light fire to head the house. In regard to organic waste, I benefit from it. I use some of the organic leftovers to feed my hens and geese. I throw the rest to a special container that I have in the garden to make compost and fertilize the plants. Finally, I have to say that I think that recycling is very important and that if I find a plastic, a bottle, a bag or something else discarded on the floor, I always place it into a bin.


HOW CAN YOU SAVE THE PLANET? Nowadays, our planet is threatened because of global warming and climate change. This problem is increasing and it has a lot of negative effects like the destruction of the ozone layer. These measures should be taken by the government, but what can you do as individuals? Firstly, we can recycle more than we do, and also we can reuse things like paper and shopping bags. When you use a paper to write some notes, don’t throw it away, but use it as much as you can. And when you go shopping you should carry a reusable bag instead of plastic bags. Also, I want to advise people to recycle because it is very easy and it helps save our planet. In the yellow bin you have to throw plastic, in the blue bin you have to throw paper and in the brown bin you have to deposit organic waste. There are also special bins for batteries, clothes..., but what do we do with the furniture that is old and broke? We have to carry it to the nearest green point where it will be recycled. Secondly, if we reduce energy we will save the planet and the environmental problems will be reduced. If you aren’t at home, make sure that you have turned off the lights and all electrical appliances. You can also use low-energy consumption bulbs instead of traditional bulbs. And probably you are thinking why, it is because traditional bulbs are very polluting and consume a lot of energy whereas low-energy consumption bulbs aren’t so polluting and consume less energy. It’s true that low-energy consumption bulbs are more expensive that traditional bulbs, but I think that they will be a good point to help save the planet. Summarizing, in spite of the governments’ decisions to save the planet you can do your bit if you do some things that I have mentioned along this text, like recycling, reusing and saving energy. This picture was taken in Lazkao (Guipuzkoa) and it shows a correct way to recycle little things in the street. While you are walking around the village, you can find some of these bins designed for recycling. I think that it is a very good idea to keep the planet clean. If I had the opportunity, I would suggest this system to the city council of Agurain.

I have chosen this picture from the internet. It shows two kinds of bulbs. The one of the right is a traditional bulb that consumes more energy. And the one of the left is a low-energy consumption bulb that consumes less energy. I think that the second one is the best bulb because despite being more expensive, it reduces the consumption of energy and you can contribute to save the planet. MIKEL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

HOW DO YOU HELP SAVE THE PLANET? There are many ways to help the planet. Firstly, a good idea would be to use less cars and bikes because when we use them, we pollute the environment with CO2. Another way is buying ecological products although they are more expensive than the others. Recycling is very important, too. The more we recycle, the more we save the planet. Finally, natural resources used as energy are a very good way to get power without damaging the nature. ANE MIREN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++

What do you do to save the environment? I use energy saving light bulbs to save energy. One of the methods that is very bad for the environment is Fracking. It pollutes the water and the little gas we get is not worth it. I use public service to go to Gasteiz and this saves CO2 emissions. When I go shopping I carry my own bag and I use it several times. And I try not to buy wrapped food. I try to buy food that is produced without damaging nature and the health of the inhabitants in the area. URKI

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One of the things I do to save the planet is compost. I put the organic trash in a bin and then when it is decomposed, I put it in the orchard.

To spend less energy I've stopped using normal bulbs and now I use low consumption bulbs. They spend less energy and they give more light.

ENEKO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

HOW CAN WE HELP SAVE THE PLANET? Nowadays, our planet has a lot of problems like pollution and contamination, but we can help to change this and save the planet. Firstly, we can recycle paper, plastic, glass, batteries... and then, we can reuse these materials again. If we recycle, we help more than people think, because we produce less waste as a result. Secondly, if we save water and electricity, we'll help to save the planet too, and if we use renewable energy, pollution will become less and we will save more. Finally, in my opinion, we can do lots of things but the most important measures should be taken by the governments. ARRATE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++

How do you help save the planet? At home we separate waste: plastic, paper and cardboard, glass and organic everything goes in different bins. I usually try to buy products with not much plastic because most of the products have a lot of plastic wrapping. For example we don’t buy these types of products:

And we recycle:

LEIRE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++

WHAT CAN WE DO TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT? Along history, humans have been destroying the planet. We pollute a lot and it is very bad for the environment, but it is not too late, we can do many things to fight against it. A good idea for helping the planet is recycling. There are many things we can recycle, for example, paper, glass... Another thing is to use less paper. Technology is very helpful not to kill so many trees. There are too many cars and bikes all over the world which use a lot of petrol that pollutes the environment. If there were electric vehicles, it would help save the place where we live.

NAROA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++


I help the planet recycling as much as possible. For example, when I go to the street and I have something to throw it away, a wrapping paper or something, I keep it in my pocket until I find a bin. To help the planet, we have to contribute by recycling and caring for the environment. When you go shopping try to buy food with less packaging and plastic as possible. Instead of putting the purchase on plastic bags, take a shopping trolley to put the purchase. Use less plastic or other things that are polluting the environment, and throw waste to the appropriate container. AMAIA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

HOW DO YOU HELP SAVE THE PLANET? The planet needs to be clean. That is the most important thing. We have to recycle to save our planet. First, you have to throw plastic, to the yellow container; paper to the blue one, bottles to the green one and the organic material, to the grey one, for example, fruits peelings. If you leave your car at home sometimes, you will reduce emissions. Take your bike or walk to school and work. Use a bus or train if you cannot ride your bike.

But doing things like wasting water or oil, we damage the earth a lot. Many factories waste end up in the river, in the sea‌and that causes the death of a lot of living species in the planet.

If we don´t want the Earth to get worse, we have to take care of our planet. It is the most important thing we have.

BERTA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

WHAT CAN WE DO TO SAVE DE PLANET? Nowadays, I do some things to recycle, but I think that it is not enough. However, it is better to do something than nothing. At home, I have five types of bins, one for the paper, another one for the plastic; I use the third one to throw the glass, the fourth for the rubbish and the last one to compost. I have a composter in the garden where we throw only the organic waste, or food without bones or stones. When the compost is ready to be used, we put it at our ecological vegetable garden.

We also have an ecological vegetable garden. The plants are grown in some especial boxes made of wood. We do not use products that can damage the environment. We use only plants as natural products. For example, if you put some especial flowers around the box, the snails won´t eat the vegetables. We also use solar energy. It is not very efficient but we help save the planet. We use it to heat up the water of the pond where we have some turtles and they need hot water in winter. Finally when I go to the supermarket I usually use the bags that we can reuse. OLAIA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ HOW CAN YOU DO TO SAVE THE PLANET? At present, the Earth has an enormous problem with global warming. The problem is that there is a lot of pollution because of the gas emissions by industries. And we could do something to get a better situation. First of all, we can recycle. If we recycle, we will be able to reuse the things and use them more times. So we don´t need to destroy natural resources. Secondly, we have to try to save energy like water and electricity. In my house we try to use LED light bulbs because they spend less electricity than the traditional ones. In addition, we buy reusable bags, to use them for our shopping and we don´t use plastic bags. In conclusion, if we recycle, we will get a very big reward but one person can’t possibly make a difference; we all have to do as much as possible to save our planet. IRATI +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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