Puckwick Papers 3rd Folio

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Carnage and Tragedy at Elsinore, Fortinbras Takes Over Full story p. 10


Detective Inspector «Snapper» Trout of the Yard recently briefed the media about how they have made a major breakthrough in a number of unsolved murders that have recently rocked Scotland, Denmark and Italy. «Based on careful forensic examination of a number of documents, or «folios», we have identified the culprit responsible for the untimely deaths of two love struck teenagers in Verona, King Duncan, The Lords Macbeth and Banquo in Scotland and the Kings, the Queen and the Prince of Denmark.» The inspector continued «The murderer of these unfortunate individuals is now known to be a certain William or Will Shakespeare or Shakespeare from Stratford upon Avon, in the British Midlands. He also uses the aliases «Christopher Marlowe», «Francis Bacon» and «William Stanley»». «Careful analysis of Shakespeare’s writings, or «folios», as the deranged author has called his manic scribblings, reveal a very disturbed, dangerous and highly unpredictable individual.»

«Focussed on his victims, he has no qualms in eliminating anyone standing between him and his targets, as the unfortunate Lord Polonius, i Signori Benvolio and Tybalt, the hapless Ophelia and numerous pages and men at arms can attest» The Detective Inspector made a very clear warning to the public: «Mr Shakespeare is a very, very dangerous individual who uses poison, swords, daggers and the like without hesitation and to deadly effect. We must stress that should you see this individual, do not – we repeat – do NOT approach him but call the local Police, Watch, Gendarmerie or Militia immediately. We are collaborating with our counterparts in Europe through Interpol and we expect an arrest immediately.» After making his statement Detective Inspector «Snapper» Trout of the Yard refused to take questions, just distributing photo fit images of the suspect. ※

KING KILLED King Duncan of Scotland Murdered, SNP Denies Involvement, Evidence Points to Lady Macbeth.

Full story p. 10


Poison and Knife Kill Teenage Lovers, Local Prince Calls for Reconciliation. Full story p. 10



Break a leg! www.inlingua-basel.ch The inlingua team wishes you an enjoyable performance

Editorial 3

contents Director’s Note




Who’s Who


Agony Aunt


Basel and the Bard Newsflash

9 10

OF FEUDING FAMILIES, BLOOD LUST, REVENGE AND MURDER MOST FOUL! There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy sets the tone for this year’s production. Thanks to the wit and brilliance of Stoppard and Deslarzes, you shall witness tonight some most unlikely scenarios including a rendition of Hamlet in under three minutes, the rude interruption of a lusty depiction of Macbeth, and a portrayal of the true tragedy of neighbourly strife as seen in Benvolio and Tybalt are Dead – popularly known as Romeo and Juliet. We’re very pleased to have you here with us tonight, and we’re even more pleased that we have been able to put on a show at all. This production has been fraught with problems from the outset but I was, nevertheless, dead set on pulling it off come what may – and here we are in no small measure also thanks to Philippe Schweighauser of the English Department whose enthusiastic support was all the motivation we needed. I wish to also commend Richard Penny for his contributions to making this show happen – for his ideas and for his work with the cast on their characters. We have made every effort to do justice to Shakespeare’s skill at combining comedy with tragedy to keep tensions high throughout the plays, and as always, «we strive to please you every night!» Enjoy the show! Andrew Fernandes

The challenging language school in Basel

SHAKESPEARE DECONSTRUCTED This year’s Shakespeare in the Courtyard, celebrating the Bard’s 400th death anniversary, takes on a whole new twist when compared with the previous productions that played straightforward Shakespeare. With Tom Stoppard’s Dogg’s Hamlet and Cahoot’s Macbeth and our own adaptation of Romeo and Juliet (Patrick Deslarzes), this Shakespeare evening provides insight into three of his best-known tragedies rather than show a full length version of any one play. The plays focus on, what we consider, general statements in Shakespeare’s work, values that are no less true today than they were in his day such as the struggle for power, the abuse of power, the loss of the ability to communicate – the volatility and the abyss of love, senseless conflicts between neighbours, the consequences of which go further than one might think. Tom Stoppard ponders in his adaptations on the randomness of language. Dogg’s Hamlet is inspired by Wittgenstein’s theory of language, in which every linguistic expression of humans is set in a framework and any language games only make sense within this framework. Since we wanted to focus on Shakespeare for the courtyard event we decided to limit ourselves to the cleverly abbreviated version of Hamlet and to not play the Dogg’s part. Cahoot’s Macbeth is based on the experiences of Czech author Pavel Kohout, who was banned from performing and publishing during the cold war. To circumvent this ban, he displayed his work as 'private' living room theatre. The risk that these would become public is the central theme in

Cahoot’s Macbeth: The power of the censors – and how they can and do misuse this power. The power play happens at the level of the characters in the play, as well as at the level of the performers, who in the middle of their performance of Macbeth are rudely interrupted by an inspector who questions the legality of this performance and brings it to a sudden halt. Romeo and Juliet directs our attention to the neighbourhood- or family feud, a petty and wholly unnecessary dispute that is so essential for the rather superficial seeming 'great-love' of the two protagonists to turn into the greatest tragedy of the world. With a playing time of about 1.5 hrs, this is an entertaining evening that gives you the gist of the plays and focuses on the humanity central to all the plays and the hidden comedy that can be found behind the mask of tragedy. This abbreviated version of Shakespeare allows for an exciting and unburdened (re)-discovery of the genius that is Shakespeare, away from dry academic reading back to the way it is supposed to be seen, active and up on its feet. ※ Nicolaia Marston

MastheaD Produced and Published by: Upstart Entertainment Directors: Patrick Deslarzes, Nicolaia Marston, Bianca Müller Editor: Andrew Fernandes Contributing Editors: Flavio De Rosa, David Cox, Zuzana Cox Layout and Design: Sophie Ammann

Advertising Manager: Ursula Abrecht Volunteer Coordinator: Danielle Zammit Volunteers: Too numerous to mention individually. Our sincere thanks to them for their hard work. Lights: Xander Deubelbeiss and a special thank you to Reiner Kohler

4 Weather

Who’s Who 5


Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air






Thus sometimes hath the brightest day a cloud;

The day is hot, the Capulets abroad.

Frosty, but kindly.

When shall we three meet again, In thunder, lightning or in rain?

Hoary headed frost fall

The climate’s delicate, the air most sweet

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May …

All the clouds that lour'd upon our house In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.


Hamlet • Bernardo, Horatio Macbeth • Ross, Messenger, Malcolm Romeo & Juliet • Benvolio

Charles Brooke was born in Basel, currently attends the Kirschgarten Gymnasium, and plans to study theatre in the United States in the near future. He is a member of the Junges Theater Basel. This is his first Upstart Entertainment production.

If you wish to stay informed about exciting upcoming Upstart productions or wish to get involved with upstart, visit our website and contact us: www.upstart-entertainment.ch

To be or not to be?


Hamlet • Puppet Player, Osric Macbeth • 2nd Witch, Macduff Romeo & Juliet • Nurse

Susan Brownfield has a Bachelor of Music from the University of Oregon School of Music and a Master’s Degree from Boston’s New England Conservatory. Stage appearances: Broadway tour of «The King & I»; Mimi in Puccini's «La Bohème» with Harvard Lowell Opera; Liat in «South Pacific» and Isabelle / Madeline in Mollicone’s «Face on the Barroom Floor», with the Utah Festival Opera; Claire in David Auburn’s «Proof», Betty Lou Spence in «The IT Girl» and Woman #3 in «And, The World Goes Round» with the Originals Theatre Company in Maine. Upstart roles include: Mrs. Flowers in «The Messiah», several parts in «I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change», and she will be starring in the upcoming Mozart’s «Der Schauspieldirektor».


Hamlet • Claudius Macbeth • Macbeth Romeo & Juliet • Lord Capulet

David is a familiar face in local English theatre over the last twenty years, most noticeably with Semi-Circle and the Basel Panto. David’s first experience of Shakespeare was at University where he was fortunate to work with well-known artistic directors and actors from the Royal Shakespeare Company in various plays, including Macbeth. Most recent notable credits include: for acting: Henry Smith in «The Extraordinary Revelations of Orca the Goldfish» for which he received the National Drama Festival Association’s award for best performance at the British All-Winner’s Festival in 2014; for direction: «Entertaining Angels»; for stage management & stage lighting design; «Syrinx» (SemiCircle at FEATS festival, Brussels 2016).

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25.07.16 09:40


Hamlet • Gertrud Macbeth • Lady Macbeth, Hostess Romeo & Juliet • Lady Capulet

Backstage, front of house, on stage and directing Zuzana has been involved in numerous theatre productions over many years. Having the opportunity to take on three Shakespeare characters in one evening is a real pleasure and one which she hopes you will enjoy with her! Her recent stage appearance as Marion in «Syrinx» earned her a best actress nomination at the FEATS festival 2016 in Brussels. Other stage appearances have included Grace in «Entertaining Angels», Mary in «Memory of Water» and the villainess in the recent Basel Panto «Snow White». As a director she has been recognised by receiving several awards at international theatre festivals.


Hamlet • Polonius Macbeth • Inspector Romeo & Juliet • Friar Laurence

Flavio appeared in Upstart’s production of «12th Night» as Sir Toby Belch, which represented a return to his theatrical roots, as his first theatrical appearance was as Sir Toby Belch! Since then he has been involved in acting, directing, writing and producing. Acting credits include: Toby Belch, «12th Night», Clown, «Godspell», Tattle, «Love for Love», Thomas Putnam, «The Crucible», Man 2, «Miss You» and Biffy Trubshaw «A Jolly Sinister Jape». Directing credits include «Sweet Caroline Sweet», «Interior Designs» and «Too Long An Autumn» (Basel's Semi Circle) as well as «Robin Hood», «Babes in the Glen», «Aladdin» and «Cinderella» (Basel Panto).


Hamlet • Francisco, Laertes Macbeth • Banquo Romeo & Juliet • Tybalt

Director, Adaptation & script of Romeo & Juliet

Patrick was a member of the Gay Beggars Drama Group for ten years. During this time he appeared on stage as: Macheath in «The Beggar’s Opera» and Jack Worthing in «The Importance of Being Earnest» among others. Stage credits: With Upstart Entertainment he played Oberon in «A Midsummer Night’s Dream», St. Francis in one of David Yves more fanciful plays in 2015, and is now back for several parts in the upcoming three tragedies before heading off to Guildford School of acting to get his MA in Acting shortly after closing night.


Hamlet • Ophelia Macbeth • 3rd Witch Romeo & Juliet • Juliet

Yüksel’s interest for theatre was sparked in middle school and she has been active on stage since then. She not only took part in theatre productions and musical performances at school and Theater Basel but has also had drama as her major during her secondary school. Later she started studying pedagogy and due to her keen interest in the English language she joined the Gay Beggars Drama Group. In their production of «State of Siege» she played Nada, with Upstart she made her debut in the short play evening of Virtual Baggage in 2015, and after appearing in this summer’s «Trio of Tragedies» she is heading off to East15 Drama school to get her MA in Acting!

6 Agony Aunt

Agony Aunt 7


Our in-house Agony Aunt, Agatha, provides some sound advice to our gentle readers. Dear Auntie,

Dear Troubled,

Dear Ms. Agony,

Dear Mrs. C.,

Dear Agony Aunt,

Dear Anonymous,

I’m not really sure if this is your area, but I thought it was worth asking anyway.

You’re right, household tips are really not my field of expertise, but I sense that there is an underlying issue here so will try to help. Firstly to practicalities. If you have tried all the regular cleaning products (I hear that Arabian perfume is very good for masking smells), I suspect that you are on a loser. I would suggest getting rid of all the soft furnishings. Out, out with all of them. If this doesn’t help you feel better, you might think about moving house. I hear there is a nice castle going in Cawdor.

My daughter used to be such a lovely girl, used to talk to me and her father all the time and now I can’t seem to get a word out of her. Would you believe we found her a lovely young man to marry, even made all the arrangements? She refuses to have anything to do with him! I just can’t get over her ingratitude. What would you suggest?

Let me assure you, you are not alone. Each week I find my mailbox full of problems such as yours. Why, just the other day I had a very similar one from someone with a teenage boy who could have been your neighbour! I think in your case patience is probably the answer – she will come around in the end. In the meantime I do suggest keeping her away from any potentially dangerous chemicals or sharp instruments.

Sadly all is not well here in the state of Denmark, so I am thinking about sending my cousin, (sorry, my son!) over to England for a while, in order that this may improve his health and manners. My new wife is not sure about this. I always say «Do it England!» but do you think this is good idea, now that England has voted for Brexit and Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary? Will the export of the goods I inherited from my new wife also be safeguarded when England triggers Brexit clause 50?

I do apologise, but I cannot possibly foresee what impact Brexit will have on your personal circumstances.

We had a bit of a mishap in our spare room and the walls, floor and all the soft furnishings got a bit messed up with rather a lot of blood. I have tried scrubbing and polishing, but now I’m at the point of thinking ‘what will these sheets ne’er be clean?’. I had thought of air freshener as the smell of blood just seems to hang there. Any ideas would be very welcome. Many Thanks Troubled, Scotland


Kind Regards Mrs. C., Verona

Yours, Anonymous, Denmark

I would also suggest not making a habit of messing up your spare room in this way.


You seem somewhat confused as to your relationship with the young man in question. Do I detect a little incest going on here? I would suggest this is not a good example for the young man in terms of etiquette or manners. Whatever you decide it must be as a result of a frank and honest discussion with your new wife and son/cousin.


Hamlet • Shakespeare, Puppet Player Romeo & Juliet • Lord Montague

Hamlet • Ghost, Gravedigger Romeo & Juliet • Prince

Romeo & Juliet • Paris

Born and bred in Bombay, India, Andrew’s life has been one big performance. Whether as a singer, actor, director, producer or MC, the stage has been a second home to him and in the course of his wide travels, there have been few stage opportunities he has not capitalised on.

Norman has devoted his life to theatre. Originally from the USA, Norman came to Europe some time ago to study European Theatre. Norman has had his own theatre company and appeared in numerous roles with a variety of companies in Europe over the years.

Adriano 'Juicy' Leanza debuted in 1999 as musical performer in the multilingual production «Villa Bahnhof». Ever since he has been performing in several theatre and musical productions for Upstart Entertainment, Semi Circle and the Gay Beggars.

Stage appearances: Tony in «The Boyfriend», Fagin in «Oliver», Eric «Rubber Legs» De Vene’ in «A Slice of Saturday Night», Prospero in «Return to the Forbidden Planet», Milton in «Twist & Shout» and George in «Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf».

Memorable performances: include appearances in «Love for Love», by William Congreve, The «Boy Friend», Sandy Wilson’s 20s musical, Reg in «Quartet» and most recently Bertrand in Upstart Entertainment’s «Café Brel» as well as Egeus in «A Midsummer Night’s Dream».

Roles include: Rick in «A Slice of Saturday Night», Hwel in «Wyrd Sisters», Mark in «Rent», Jonathan in «Tick Tick Boom». He was last seen in Upstart Entertainment’s «I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change».


Hamlet • Puppet Player Macbeth • 1st Witch, Duncan Romeo & Juliet • Lady Montague Director of Hamlet

Nicolaia Marston has graduated with an MA in Acting from East15 in London. She’s got an MA in English, German and Media Studies from Basel University. She’s a founding member of Upstart Entertainment and works as a freelance actress and director. Some previous roles include: Beatrice in «Much Ado about Nothing», Mother in «Doña Rosita», Anna in «Closer», Mrs Peachum in «The Beggars Opera», Titania in «A Midsummer Night’s Dream», Martha in «Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf» and most recently on stage in her first Musical «I Love You You’re Perfect Now Change», in Basel.


Director Macbeth

Bianca Müller has a background in Theatre Pedagogy, English Literature and Creative Writing. She has over fifteen years experience in acting and directing. After taking a few years break to concentrate on her family, she recently rejoined the Upstart crew to direct the musical «I Love You You’re Perfect Now Change». Other directing credits include: «Return to the Forbidden Planet», «The Importance of Being Earnest».


Hamlet • Hamlet Romeo & Juliet • Romeo

Jorian returns for his third stint with Upstart after playing a variety of roles and directing two plays for the Gay Beggars over the last three years. In Virtual Baggage as a writer with a sleep problem and a somnambular wife, in «The Messiah» as Laurence Olivier Dingle, the proud founder of the National Theatre of Brent – he is looking forward to acting out the bard’s famous words, before directing Mozart’s short opera «Der Schauspieldirektor» with Upstart.

Culinary Corner 9

shakespeare On 21 September 1599, Thomas Platter, a doctor from Basel, visiting London went to the newly-opened Globe Theatre to see Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. The occasion made such an impression on him that he described it in his diary, which is translated as follows: «On September 21st, I and my party crossed the water, and there in the house with the thatched roof witnessed an excellent performance of the tragedy of the first Emperor Julius Caesar, with a cast of some fifteen people; when the play was over they danced very marvellously and gracefully together as is their wont, two dressed as men and two as women …


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strange brew witches hell-broth recipe Serves 3


Ingredients ⁂ Fenny-snake fillet finely sliced ⁂ 1 Newt’s eye peeled ⁂ 1 or 2 small frog’s toes ⁂ 1 Bat (wool only) ⁂ Dog’s tongue (any breed – whichever is freshest) ⁂ The forked part of an adder’s tongue ⁂ 1 Lizard’s leg (whole) ⁂ 1 Wing of a baby owl including feathers ⁂ 1 sting from a blind worm to season Method Put all ingredients into a cauldron. Boil and bake over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture resembles powerful trouble. Serve with caution and fresh bread.


– a real basel connection! The playhouses are so constructed that they play on a raised platform, so that everyone has a good view. There are different galleries and places, however, where the seating is better and more comfortable and therefore more expensive. For whoever cares to stand below only pays one English penny, but if he wishes to sit he enters by another door, and pays another penny, while if he desires to sit in the most comfortable seats which are cushioned, where he not only sees everything well, but can also be seen, then he pays yet another penny at another door. And during the performance food and drink are carried round the audience, so that for what one cares to pay one may also have refreshment.

The actors are most expensively costumed for it is the English usage for eminent Lords or Knights at their decease to bequeath and leave almost the best of their clothes to their serving men, which it is unseemly for the latter to wear, so that they offer them for sale for a small sum of money to the actors.» This is one of only a handful of accounts of what it was like to attend the theatre in Elizabethan England, and about the experience of the audience, … and it began with a doctor from Basel taking the trouble to write down his memories of the experience in his diary! ※

10 Newsflash

NEWSFLASH ELSINORE CASTLE Recently we have witnessed two major events at the castle of Elsinore. First King Hamlet Sr’s funeral, and just last week the wedding of his widow to his brother Claudius. Rumour has it, Hamlet Jr. is anything but amused about his mother’s newly found happiness. Hamlet was unavailable for comment, but we have it from a source close to the royals, that he has not yet come out of mourning and seems to be behaving rather strangely – bordering on madness some say – lately, claiming he has seen his father’s ghost. Next weekend, a wandering troupe will be entertaining at Elsinore Castle – it is open to the public, we shall attend and give you an update of the going-ons.

VERONA BALCONA In a never-ending story of «Maschendrahtzaun»(barbed-wire)-bickering Lady M has had the audacity to throw her drink in Lady C’s face. The strife between the Montagues and Capulets has reached a point where no attempt at mediation, not even threats by the actor formerly known as Prince, appear to work. Lady C says she feels permanently observed, ever since the Montagues cut down all the big trees between their properties without asking. Lady M denies ever having used binoculars to spy on her neighbours. As tensions rise and incidents escalate we’re afraid a serious tragedy is imminent. – Watch this space, keep your eyes peeled and your ears pricked for more news as it unfolds.

Ihr Event – unsere Leidenschaft

DUNSINANE CASLTE In a tragic turn of events – the news has reached us of Lady Macbeth’s sudden death. She flung herself off the top of her battlements after failing to get imaginary bloodstains off her hands. Macbeth is being held and questioned by the police about the murder of Duncan at his house on Wednesday last. The police are not satisfied that Duncan’s guards committed this atrocious murder. And since they can no longer be questioned, as Macbeth, in what he claims a blind fury at seeing his friend Duncan dead at the hands of his guards, killed them in revenge, the inquiry will probably take a while longer. He has not been informed of his wife’s death yet. Check the Police Blotter regularly for updates.

ON QUOTING SHAKESPEARE If you cannot understand my argument, and declare «It’s Greek to me», you are quoting Shakespeare; if you claim to be more sinned against than sinning, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you recall your salad days, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you act more in sorrow than in anger; if your wish is father to the thought; if your lost property has vanished into thin air, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you have ever refused to budge an inch or suffered from greeneyed jealousy, if you have played fast and loose, if you have been tongue-tied, a tower of strength, hoodwinked or in a pickle, if you have knitted your brows, made a virtue of necessity, insisted on fair play, slept not one wink, stood on ceremony, danced attendance (on your lord and master), laughed yourself into stitches, had short shrift, cold comfort or too much of a good thing, if you have seen better days or lived in a fool’s paradise -why, be that as it may, the more fool you , for it is a foregone conclusion

that you are (as good luck would have it) quoting Shakespeare; if you think it is early days and clear out bag and baggage, if you think it is high time and that that is the long and short of it, if you believe that the game is up and that truth will out even if it involves your own flesh and blood, if you lie low till the crack of doom because you suspect foul play, if you have your teeth set on edge (at one fell swoop) without rhyme or reason, then – to give the devil his due – if the truth were known (for surely you have a tongue in your head) you are quoting Shakespeare; even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing, if you wish I was dead as a door-nail, if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded or a blinking idiot, then – by Jove! O Lord! Tut tut! For goodness’ sake! What the dickens! But me no buts! – it is all one to me, for you are quoting Shakespeare. ※ Bernard Levin

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