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President’s Column


Green Grass & Spring

by Ryan Dunklau President of the Board, American Chianina Association

As winter turns to spring, this is the time of year that I love being a cattleman. The grass is getting green, the cows are cycling, and our family can spend more time outside together. As I look forward, I also embrace the challenges that spring brings, even the long hours of constant business. However, I would not trade this way of life for the world.

We live in a society that like to stand around with their hands out, but those of us in the agricultural industry are just the opposite. We thrive to live on our own two feet and raise our families to do the same. I know that I am not the only one who gets a smile on my face when the younger generation works to achieve even the simplest task. These are the small things that add up to big rewards.

As some of you may have heard, Cheryl Minyard recently retired as registrar from the ACA. I would like to thank her for her years of service. You were without a doubt a vital part of what we do and you will be missed dearly.

As I look to the future of the Chianina Association, I feel confident that we are on a path to success. We are a breed that is indebted to the people whom we employee. They are truly some of the best in the business! They are dedicated to making sure that our members are successful. As always, Jennifer, Heather, Dustin and Stephanie, thanks for your hard work. It is greatly appreciated!

I look forward to an exciting summer filled with cows at Junior Nationals, and our Eastern and Western Regionals. I hope to see many of you at these events throughout the next few months.