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ACA Board of Directors Minutes


ACA Board of Director’s Meeting December 7, 2020 • Via Zoom 7:30 pm CST

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. CST by President Ken Culp III.

Roll Call

Present: Culp, Tracy, Sexton, Higgins, Dunklau, Winegardner, Sheets, Garrett, Foster, Evans, Schrick, Stoppel, and staff Counts and Hurlbut.

Absent: Gaddis

Officer’s Reports

Secretary’s Reports

Higgins presented the minutes from the July 1, 2020 meeting. Sexton moved, Foster seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

The September 19 & 20, 2020 Fall Board meeting minutes were reviewed. Dunklau moved, Evans seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. The October 26, 2020 Zoom Meeting minutes were reviewed.

Foster moved, Dunklau seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Reports

Lyle Sexton reported that business was up in October, with registrations and memberships seeing a drastic increase. After reviewing the report, Garrett moved and Sheets seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Staff Reports:

Counts reported on the recent ACA National Show at the NAILE. The number of entries were down across the board but the quality of cattle exhibited was as good as ever. She also gave an update on the upcoming Cattlemen’s Congress. There are currently 171 head entered in the open show and 168 entered in the junior show. Late entries are still open so that number is expected to increase. .

The 2021 NJHS rule book is almost finished and will be posted online soon.

The next ACJ will come out in early January.

Hulbut reported that the new ACA website has been launched. It has many of the same features as the old one but in a more appealing and user friendly version. There are approximately 20 consignments to the upcoming -C- The Difference Sale at the Cattlemen’s Congress. The sale catalog will be finished soon and posted on the new website and the ACA Facebook page. The ACA booth will be located in the Superbarn at the Congress. The booth will feature the bull banners again, and additional banners can be added. Hurlbut reported on Winegardner’s Harvest of Excellence sale.

There is still lots of uncertainty about the Ohio Beef Expo so the decision was made to wait until 2021 to pursue a Chianina sale there.

Committee Reports:

Promotions, Benefits & Marketing

Larry Garrett discussed rescheduling the Egg Extravaganza. No decision was reached.

Budget & Finance

Sexton discussed the proposed 2021 budget. It will be revisited later.

Long Range Planning

Culp presented his LRPC documents. Culp wants to split up the 6 objectives among the board members and report back at every meeting in order to achieve those faster. Culp will work more and report back at the next meeting. Old Business

Realign ACA Regions

Discussion was initiated about realigning the regions. Sheets moved, Evans seconded to leave the 4 regions as they are at the present time. Motion carried.

Reading on addition to Rules of Registration (Ineligibility)

It will be placed on the agenda for Thursday night’s meeting.

New Business

Approving the 2021 ACA Budget

The proposed budget was presented and reviewed. Sexton answered many questions from directors. Tracy moved to accept the proposed 2021 budget, Garrett seconded. Motion carried.

Chiangus Classic proposed rules updates

Ty Sexton has emailed the proposed rules for the Chiangus Classic. Committee members Sheets and Dunklau explained some of the rules. Tracy moved to accept, Sheets seconded. Motion carried.

Evans moved to adjourn, Garrett seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.

ACA Board of Director’s Reorganization Meeting December 10, 2020 • Via Zoom

Meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by President Ken Culp III.

Roll Call

Present: Culp, Tracy, Sexton, Higgins, Dunklau, Winegardner, Sheets, Garrett, Foster, Evans, Schrick, Stoppel, and staff Counts and Hurlbut.

The board entered executive session for


the election of officers. Board exited executive session at 8:20 p.m.

Officers elected as follows:

President, Ryan Dunklau

Vice President, Justin Tracy

Secretary, Segayle Foster

Treasurer, Lyle Sexton.

1st reading on addition to Rules of Registration (Ineligibility)

Dunklau discussed the omission of animals eligible and ineligible for registration within the Rules of Registration. Schrick moved to adopt the following rules: a. Date of birth issue. A natural calf born less than two hundred eighty-three (283) days after the birth of its dam’s previous calf shall not be eligible for registration. b. Uncertain or unknown parentage.

Whenever the eligibility for registration of any Italian Fullblood, Chiangus or

Chiford animal is in doubt because of uncertain or unknown parentage,

DNA-marker-typing or blood-typing and parent verification by the Association shall be required. If through DNA-marketer-typing or blood-typing and parent verification is found to have incorrectly listed parentage, the animal will not be eligible for registration as an Italian Fullblood,

Chiangus or a Chiford, respectively. c. Skin color. The skin color of all Italian

Fullblood and Chiangus animals for which application for registration is made must be BLACK, except that animals having birthmarks or white hairs on black skin may be eligible for registration. An animal with white skin above the underline, in front of the navel or on leg, foot, or tail, shall not be eligible for registration. In the event that a registered animal is discovered to have ineligible white skin, it’s registration shall be null and void, and the Certificate of Registration must be returned to the Association for cancellation. Sexton seconded. Motion carried.

The Long Range Plan was discussed and it was decided that committee opportunities should be published in the journal to encourage the membership to engage.

Sexton gave updates on previous questions concerning the P & L Statement.

Spring Meeting Tentative Date: April 9-11, 2021 in Platte City, MO.

There was discussion about the Cattleman’s Congress schedule and planning.

Evans moved to adjourn. Higgins seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

ACA Board of Director’s Meeting Feb. 4, 2021 • 6 pm via Zoom

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm CST by president Ryan Dunklau.

Roll Call

Present: Dunklau, Higgins, Culp, Evans, Sexton, Schrick, Sheets, Stoppel, Foster, Tracy, Winegardner; and staff Counts & Hurlbut.

Absent: Garrett.

Secretary’s Report

Minutes from Dec. 7 meeting were shared. Sexton moved to accept the minutes; Evans, seconded; motion passed. Minutes from Dec. 10 meeting were shared. Sheets moved to accept the minutes; Sexton seconded; motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Sexton gave the treasurer’s report with the association ending the year in the black. Some discussion was had on certain line items. Sheets moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Higgins seconded; motion passed.

Hurlbut reported on the Show & Sale Committee meeting and the selection of judges for the shows at the American Royal.

The board approved judges for the open and junior shows and Counts will submit names to the American Royal.

Old Business:

The second reading of the Rules of Registration (Ineligibility) was done. Tracy made a motion to approve; Stoppel seconded; motion passed.

Stoppel moved to enter executive session; Tracy seconded; motion passed. Board entered into executive session at 6:48 pm.

Evans moved to exit Executive Session, Sheets seconded. Motion passed. Executive Session exited at 7:24 p.m. CST.

The next meeting of the ACA Board of Directors will take place February 11 at 6 p.m. CST via Zoom. Evans moved to adjourn, Culp seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. CST.

ACA Board of Director’s Meeting Febuary 11, 2021 • 6 p.m. • via Zoom

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. CST by President Ryan Dunklau.

Roll Call

Present: Lyle Sexton, Ryan Dunklau, Larry Garrett, Keith Schrick, Ken Culp, Tyler Winegardner, Andy Higgins, Justin Tracy, Mike Stoppel, Derek Evans, Segayle Foster.

Absent: Rob Sheets

Motion made & seconded to enter into Executive Session to discuss employee hiring.

Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Culp seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.