Deportations from the Region of Chernivci (Ukraine) and Edinets District (Moldova)

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2. “Frica de a fi deportat” [The fear to be deported] and “Troiţa durerii de la Sărătenii Vechi” [The crucifix of pain from Sărătenii Vechi] in “Jurnal de Chişinău”, 6th of July 2010, p. 8. 3. “Neocomuniştii fac orice ca sa rămânem nedreptăţiţi” [The neocommunists make everything for us to remain wronged] in “Timpul”, 7th of July 2010, p. 5. 4. “Operaţia «Iug»” with information from the Security's files, by Mihai Tashka, in “Timpul”, 9th of July 2010, p. 8, 18. 5. “Calvarul deportărilor” [The ordeal of the deportations] – “Jurnal de Chişinău”, 14th of June 2011, p. 8. 6. “Teroare şi omoruri în noaptea deportărilor” [Terror and murderers during the night of the deportations] – “Jurnal de Chişinău”, 12th of June 2012, p. 6. 7. “Operaţia “Sud”: faţa nevăzută a deportărilor din 6 iulie 1949” [Operation “South”: the invisible face of the deportations] – “Adevărul”, 5th of July 2012, p. 8-9. 8. “Averea deportaţilor basarabeni, furată de activiştii sovietici” [The fortune of the Bessarabia’s deportees, stolen by the Soviet activists] – “Jurnal de Chişinău”, 6th of July 2012, p. 15. 9. “Vlad Filat: “Monumentul deportaţilor trebuie edificat cât mai curând” [The monument of the deported has to be build as soon as possible] – “Timpul”, 6th of July 2012, p. 12. It is important to mention that several times, referring to the deportation from the 11th-13th of June 1941, the journalists published fragments of testimonies about the 6th of July 1949 and its results. Among the last books bound with the deportations are “Operaţiunea “Sud” Chişinău” (2010), written by Gheorghe Cojocaru and “RSS Moldovenească în epoca stalinistă (1940-1953)” (2011), written by Valeriu Pasat. Even if Gh. Cojocaru refers only to Chisinau, he made some important remarks. “The massive collectivization was a direct result of the deportations. In the same time, the developed feeling of the private property and the spirit of the free man, master of his own destiny of the Bessarabian peasant, was strongly shaken. This one was forced to reeducate himself in the spirit of the new labour “in the community”, to bow in the face of the chief of the farm, to renounce to his peasant origin, which had hundred of 40

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