Deportations from the Region of Chernivci (Ukraine) and Edinets District (Moldova)

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(= White Sea) channel. Those who had money could buy some products from the local people. Few of the sent letters arrived home. He worked 10 months at Onega. “I thank God, only He gave me days to be on earth till today”.62 The author of the book remembers how his father came back in the summer of 1945 and had only 49 kilos. His father survived in the camp with the help of a Jew doctor – “he protected him as much as it was possible… he made him a worker at the sick room, to maintain the things in order”. The doctor also didn’t include him in the list of the first liberated, who in reality were sent to mountains in Armenia and came back only in 1947.63 Kretsu also described the situation of a girl, who was arrested during the famine in 1947 and was sent to the Kemerovo region to work at a factory. There also were written the histories of Mahala, Tarasautsy,64 Kupka, Chiresh-Opaitseny and others, which we hadn’t found to consult.65 An article about the forced labour at Onega, was published in the review “Ţara Fagilor”, nr. XVIII from 2009. Ion A. Posteucă, wrote about the men taken from Staneshty in the second part of 1944. He remembered the case of Konstantin Nikita Petreuchyan. This one was called to the Mayoralty and was told that he had to leave for two months to participate at the reconstruction of some building destroyed by war. He worked on the bank of the lake Onega, where he had to angle the logs from the water and then to turn to the train. Many died because of hunger or inhuman work. Some died because of smoking. Totally, there died nine men from Staneshty. 62

Ibidem, p. 89. Ibidem, p. 91. 64 Arcadie Moisei, Antonie Moisei, Tărăsăuţi – Din margine de cronici, Cernăuţi, Zelena Bukovina, 2001. 65 Ion Nadriş, Satul nostru Mahala, din Bucovina, Sibiu, Casa de Presă şi Editura Tribuna, 2001, 435 p.; Petru Ciobanu, Vasile Slănină, Reveca Prelipcean, Cupca, un sat din Bucovina. Monografie istorică, partea I (anii 1429-1944), Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Editura Amadoros, 2004; Ilie Dugan-Opiţi, Date pentru monografia comunei Cireş-Opaiţeni, Rădăuţi, Editura Septemtrion, 2008, 186 p. – Mihai Iacobescu, Tereblecea – un sat la margine de ţară /31.05.2011/ [consulted 28.12.2012]. 63


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