Emergen's NVW Ebook

Page 36

there are more factors at work there (genuine curiosity, perhaps confusion and surprise). I believe this reveals some truths around the perception of volunteer work. In particular, that it is less complex and challenging, requires less responsibility and is merely a pathway to something better (or an outlet for ‘good deeds'). For me, volunteering presents countless opportunities I would not otherwise have, in a format that works for me and allows me the flexibility to create my own space. As I’m sure many other volunteers will agree, the challenges are bigger, but the rewards are even better. It’s just a shame that a lot of people (and allow me to generalise here from my own experience – especially those in the corporate world) don’t see the activity as having the same inherent value. I’ve failed to mention the wonderful people who unquestioningly and wholeheartedly support what I do and how I do it. I love each and every one of them. I also meet plenty of people who appreciate the depth of skills that volunteers can possess, understand that people are motivated in innumerably different ways, and value them accordingly. However the prevalence of either the ‘do-gooder’ label or the ‘CV-building-ladder-climber’ perception have me concerned. I think the world is missing out on wonderful people who want to contribute in countless ways for countless reasons. In the meantime, a big salute to the millions of Australians who volunteer each year. You know who you are, what you do and why you do it – and no matter what, you are amazing and you are making a difference. That’s all that matters!


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