Alberto Arroyo

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We started in a wash room and conquered the world. And in-between, we have scored big and also, sometimes, struggled to reach our goals. We have done our best for the best. We have improved and grown. Looking ahead to the future, al remembering where we came from. always This is our story.

Before the AIR JORDAN, all basketball shoes were white. This simple statement only begins to describe the sheer magnitude of the changes that were about to occur to the sport of basketball and to the athletic footwear industry once Michael Jordan entered the league. Sin Michael’s arrival and the launch of the AIR JORDAN franchise, Since both the game and the industry have been utterly transformed.

Our story begins in 1971, when Phil Knight and Co. release‘The Nike’, the very rst footwear to wear a Swoosh. Appropriately enough, given it’s a tournament year, ‘The Nike’was actually a football boot.

A series of books were created for sneakerheads and streetwear enthusiasts titled Adidas, Jordan and Nike. Each book tells the history of each brand from when they started up to all the achievements they have to date. Dusk Jackets Protective book jackets were designed for the book series. The style of the design mainly focuses on using creative typography with minimal graphics to represent the book. Tactile typography using shoe laces was the style chosen as it clearly expresses the book it represents. The colour schemes were also chosen thoughtfully. Jordan brand is known for its everpresent red so red shoelaces were used for the typography, likewise with adidas using white laces and nike using black laces. As an overall picture, the colours red, white and black can clearly be seen. This is for the reason that these colours are symbolic to sneakers and much loved by sneakerheads. As for the background, fabrics that display some crease textures were selected. This was designed to target streetwear enthusiasts and some fashionistas as fabric reflects clothing and fashion. This is also reflected in the style shots where clothings and everyday essentials for an average person that look up to be stylish are shown.


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