the story room

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The story room.

Preface The library at the Blue Mountain School, Ooty is how I have always imagined a library should look like. Each piece of furniture, every book, every window and wall look like they have a story to tell. It is in the true sense a room full of stories. I shan't tell you what this book is about. You must take a look at this and the library at the Blue Mountain School.

The boys stood at the entrance hesitating, none of them liked to read, they'd have rather watch a movie or TV or there was the internet. But an hour in the library while evryone else spent theirs at the sumptuous sunday lunch was the price they had to pay for climbing the roof to see if Santa would fit down the chimney. The House master had insisted that the answer to that very trying question was in the library not on the roof. The room had a strange pull, it was inviting and cosy as always. Today however the library had plans for them. Today she would let the boys tell their own story.



They saw the chairs as they had always been. But nay — today they were the people who had sat in them from long long ago. One of the boys looked up. "Theres a story here" he said, with a great air of intrigue, "do you feel it?". "Yes, theres definitely something..." said the other his glasses askew and looking quite comical. The third boy looked away from the spot he'd been staring at and began the tale...


7 the wise man lived in a glass house

Here sat the man .


"hmm...How does he look do u think?" "like the chair he sat on! he was sauve and urbane" "he has to have read a lot" "yes..i mean look at this place...that could only mean he was in school too.." "the girls loved him and the teachers...sigh what a life"



Wiser a man. "Then one day, a very wise man and his sons came to visit him." "wiser than him?" "yes, but not young or handsome and the girls dont love them better." "The wise one sat in the centre, he was olde and frail" "he was flanked by his sons" "broad shouldered and sturdy fellows." "They sat side by side.." " silence for a time."


"The wise one sat in the centre, he was olde and frail"

"One of the sturdy broad shouldered sons looked longingly at the globe."


"Finally the debonair, well-read,charming young man asks 'what brings you here sires?' " 'My sons are intelligent and strong men they come to seek your benevolance' 'How my good fellows can I help?' "eh...that sounds like the P.T master not an author from long ago" "well he's old dont you think, maybe he speaks that english" "Anyways the story—the young son replies 'We would like to accompany you on your travels'" 'and in return do any work you should want done.'


"'I noticed you lookin at the globe,' he said to the son." 'We want to see the world sire' 'We have read lots about the lands beyond the sea' 'and heard more from our father who has been afar' "the young man glanced at the table before him" "'Do you know what i do on my travels' He asked" "the sons both shook their head to answer in the negative"


"the young man glanced at the table before him"


"he leaned forward and picked up the two books closest to him and held them up" "'I make maps', he said." 'so other may find the way to places that now are uknown, unchartered territory' 'In essence my good men, I go where no man has gone before" 'my Journeys are often fraught with troubles' "having said that he leaned back, looked out of the glass wall behind the visitors and said, '.."


"do you still want to accompany me on my travels?"


The door opened, the house master looked in, they were free to go. The boys were reluctant to leave, the story was incomplete...they would return in a short while to finish it. The Library had done its job. Their stories would come alive.



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