Director of UX Strategy: Process

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UX Strat P roce ss


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Director of

Us er E x pe r i e n c e S t rat e gy: An exploration of skills and outcomes in c lu d in g e x a m p l e s of p l a n n i n g a n d D e s i gn d e l iv e ra b l e s

Pr oj e ct :

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ti tle p ag e

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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UX Strat P roce ss

D I R E C TO R , U s e r ex perience STRATEG Y A Maker and an Administrator As a UX manager IĂ­ m concerned with excellent user ex per iences. I collaborate and build strong mul tidisciplinar y teams across the whole company and I institute and continually evaluate our U X processes. I also I help resolve company pr ior ities and roadmap our product vision. As a UX designer, IĂ­ m daily in dif ferent stages of designing current features of a product as well as evaluating past iterations for coherence. I produce relevant content and design documents for use across depar tments. In order to ef fectively practice user-centered design I use several dif ferent sk ill sets:

USER RESEARCH Under standing, through obser vation or testing, the ex per ience of those who use a system.

Co n t e x t u a l i n q u i r y, f i e l d i n t e r v i e w s , h e u r i s t i c e v a l u a t i o n s , u s a b i l i t y t e s t i n g, p e r s o n a s , s k e tc h i n g, j o u r n ey m a p s

CONTENT STRATEGY Planning for the creation, governance and deliver y of useful, usable content. Identif ying & organizing information wi thin a system in a purposeful & meaningful way

G o ve r n a n c e, i n fo r m a t i o n a r c h i t e c t u r e, concept models, content processes, d o c u m e n t a t i o n, pattern libraries, t a x o n o m y,

INTERACTION DESIGN Designing the interactive behavior s of a system, focusing on their use.

INTERFACE / VISUAL DESIGN Designing the aesthetically pleasing visual qualities of a system.

Wireframes/mockups/prototypes, r e s p o n s i ve, IxD trends, m o b i l e/ emergent t e c h n o l o g y, i n t e r a c t i ve components, IxD documentation S k e tc h i n g, g r i d s , v i s u a l c o n c e p t i n g pattern guides, design trends

UX STRATEGY Planning for successful customer ex per iences with a special focus on business relevance.

Co r p o r a t e g o a l s , t h e p r o d u c t r o a d m a p, r e q u i r e d fe a t u r e s , u s e r g o a l s . Pr oj e ct :

UX Strat P roce ss As s e t :

ti tle p ag e

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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U s e r R e s e arc h

Understanding, via observation or testing, the experience of those who use a system.

A c t i v e A my

Focus : Fitn es s “Somehow when we’re all in it together it doesn’t seem so awful”

I am:

I wa nt :

I’m pretty active, but I’m looking for ways to improve my fitness

Obser vational study, personas and user journey maps (CafeWell, UX designer)

I really like working out with my friends. Somehow when we’re all in it together it doesn’t seem so awful I want to take it to the next level, but I could use a little push from time to time

Active Amy

A way to participate with friends in activities and programs

I couldn’t tell that I was making progress

To be supported by friends & support my friends

To track progress and see improvement & progress

I couldn’t use my Fitbit/If I had to buy a new device

To be inspired by others for new workouts and ways to keep fit

New ideas/tips & tricks about food, diet and fitness from others

I couldn’t find my friends or couldn’t be in a challenge / program with them

Encouragement & support from others

If I I could get started with something fun pretty easily

To use my Fitbit

I got bored or ‘ran out’ of things to do

I like to talk to other people and hear about what’s working for them

34 years old Owner, Clothing boutique Las Vegas, NV REFERRAL METHOD: A friend who is actively participating in a Reach for the Peaks program that’s sponsored by her work.

I would be upset if:

I ne e d:

To improve my fitness & stay healthy

I use a Fitbit, and I love that it automatically uploads my stats

Ca f e We l l o ppo r t uni t i e s : Getting Started • Let her quickly self-identify to be funneled to the correct content • Let her get started quickly – have smart presets to deliver results and let her tweak from there Setting Goals & Planning • Let her build a fitness plan - set goals, milestones, targets, healthy diets, etc. • Allow her to use her own equipment (FitBit). • Have a “coach” that could make recommendations for her on fitness & preventative health. • Recommend new activities when she’s reaching the end of her scheduled activity. Create Friendly Competition • Let her friends actively participate in the same activities that she’s participating in • Let everyone participate in every program/challenge/activity • Make it easy for her to invite and find her friends (tell her when someone she knows joins, recommend people she might want to follow)

Tracking Progress • Show her that she’s making progress over time and let her see her friends’ progress • Encourage her progress & let her give encouragement to others (high-fives) • Create ways for her to brag on her progress Relevant & User Generated Content Recommend new activities and health living ideas (from CafeWell and other people) Let Amy share her ideas with her friends and others – on the site and on other sites Let her recommend local activities that she and her friends could get involved in

• • •

Rewards Reward progress with new health gadgets/clothes/persk/etc. Let her become a thought or activity leader over time. Allow others to see her this way.

• •

Primary extended persona

Secondary persona




Focus: Fitness


Connecting with Friends

Find Program and Challenges

Sign up for Challenge

Excited to be invited by her friend, Amy finds the registration long and the purpose for some of the information unclear.

Amy can’t figure out how to find her friend or any other people she knows and Global Search doesn’t work.

She cannot join the program her friend talked about. The Challenge pages aren’t coherent and have various content in different places. Amy is confused but selects a few random challenges to get started. She wishes she had someone to advise her.

Though it’s not hard to join, Amy receives no instruction about how to succeed or improve.

Let everyone participate in every program/ challenge/ activity.

Support each challenge by illuminating ways to succeed.

She is asked for the same type of info in different places. She doesn’t see evidence her answers mattered. Make registration more simple and make the answers they do give matter. Consolidate the information asked for and group under headings.

The site doesn’t help her find others she might know. She cannot figure out how to invite anyone to Cafewell.

Make it easy to find and connect to friends Recommend people she might know on the site. Encourage inviting others to CafeWell.

Group/reorganize Challenge pages. Supply coaches and personalized information.

Challenges relevant to Amy aren’t recommended to her.

Recommend relevant challenges/posts/ communities etc.

Participation in Challenge

She sees little visual evidence of progress. She feels little competition or camaraderie. She does the challenge but doesn’t feel very encouraged or rewarded

Visually show progress of herself and others; encourage ‘bragging’

Discussion Boards


Amy is confused by the structure and function of the different Boards/ communities/ blog pages. She doesn’t know how to find content relevent to her.

Amy is not directed to a new activity after the challenge ends.

Push relevant content.

Recommend new activities to keep momentum up.

Consolidate and organize structure, AI, and naming conventions.

Allow encouragement and give rewards for progress and completion.

She doesn’t feel very rewarded for her efforts.

Reward her with gadget/clothes/ perks etc. Specifically connect badges to actions and benefits

August 8th, 2012

CafeWell User Journey

Primary persona journey map Pr oj e ct :

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u s er r es earch

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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UX Strat P roce ss



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U s e r R e s e arc h

Understanding the people who use a product or system through observation or testing. Ethnographic study, af finit y maps and paper, “The Usabilit y of Full-Arm Gesture Inter faces� (study author)

Single vector behavior cluster

Multi-vector affinity map

Pr oj e ct :

UX Strat P roce ss As s e t :

U s er r es earch

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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C o n t e n t S t rat egy

Introduction Planning Questions Planning Checklist

P1 P2 P3

NAVIGATION COMPONENTS: The Plan The Background Tha Agenda The Outcomes

"P one" "P two" "P three"

THE BACKGROUND (60% of thinkers will not see this section) Introduction Prereading

i ii

"roman numeral one" "roman numeral two"

THE AGENDA (Every thinker will see this section) Brainstorm Vote Matrix Visual

1 2 3 4

"one" "two" "three" "four"

THE DESIGNER TAB: Crowdsource Activities Assessment Activities Visual Activities Matrix Activities Combinations From Another Session

THE OUTCOMES (Every thinker will see this session) Introduction a "a" Feedback -­‐ Qual b "b" Feedback -­‐ Quant c "c"

Skye 6-­‐12-­‐13

Planning Tool Content Strategy

Name and numbering convention

Report from Session 957 Passkey: thinktank Interface Experience Grid (TO-BE process)


Abstained Votes:

Free download/trial version access, video that introduce the software application, demonstration of the use of the product (virtual or face-to-face), wow/ThinkTank discovery session

Novice explores the software - do tutorials, games and training in order to 'unlock' functionality

Trial version of ThinkTank (dressed down version of ThinkTank with restricted access to functions/features with full help in terms of introduction guides, or perhaps even test of ThinkTank via ThinkTank simulator)

The Thinker participates in a session online

User login to ThinkTank with the received information. Mobile walk-thru screen/ tutorial & in-app help

The Thinker participates in many types of sessions

User login to ThinkTank with the received information; quickstart and guides available, handouts, overlay, tutorials. Online help system available.

The Navigator assists a Leader by moving people and data in a thinktank session



AWARE (prospect)

(Online or In-class training)

Help Platform (on demand, F11)

progressive interface (UI changes)

Wizard /overlay/ tour

Contextual help (tips and tricks)

Error& Warning pop-ups

User login to ThinkTank with the received information; quickstart and guides available, handouts, overlay

The Thinker participates in session via mobile

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The new Leader runs through online training and simulation to build facilitation skills

Self-directed introduction to ThinkTank, Session planning, development and execution in the online learning platform with simulatorand guidance text/short instructional video.

The Leader is tested for facilitation 'terminal knowledg'e - [more simulation] or [ability to lead session].

Full access to ThinkTank application with help available on demand. Includes in product help like how-to videos, pop-up text etc. Also access to help via link to user forum, help-desk chat, telephone hot-line, or even booking of face-to-face services/help). Access to get simulated quality check of designed session (in simulator which generate automated advice/warnings, or by contact with experienced ThinkTank user.

The Leader demonstrates adequate facilitation knowledge -manual override to proceed.

Contact ThinkTank representitive or Idea Theater personnel for overrides.

The Leader plans a TT session

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The Leader designs a TT session

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The Leader uses the interface

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The new Leader leads a simple sessions with a few people



Prospects explore a trial version of TT (functionality limited)

Learning Ladder - ThinkTank User

The Leader understands the processes of how to do certain activities inside ThinkTank (activity templates) *see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

Strongly agree to strongly disagree Vote Number:

Tools/documents/delivery forms


1. My value 1.1. the value of my time 1.2. the value of my input 2. the value of my leader 3. the efficacy of this meeting 3.1. all the meeting's issues are resolved 3.2. how this leads to business/company goal 3.3. the rightness of the direction we're moving 4. The value of the technology 4.1. to this meeting 4.2. to my wider experience 1. this seems like involuntary marketing/sales. Too pushy?


1. Quantitative feedback 1.1. I understand:

Video available in the UI

Modes of delivery

What questions should be asked?

text-based instructions in the UI


TABS: Thinkers Designer Extras (Future: Documents) (Future: Instructions)


ThinkTank™ Session 957

Said like…

THE PLAN (98% of thinkers will not see this session)

SESSION LEADER (Digital collaboration & ThinkTank session planner and executer)

I n fo r m a t i o n a r c h i t e c t u r e, t a x o n o m y, e x p e r i e n c e g r i d ( L e a d U X A r c h i t e c t, T h i n kTa n k by G r o u p sy s t e m s)



NAVIGATOR (application user)

Identifying & organizing information within a system in a purposeful & meaningful way



Planning for the creation, governance and delivery of useful, usable content.

NOVICE (Thinker/Participant, trial of ThinkTank)


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UX Strat P roce ss

The Leader leads complex sessions with many people

Any Comments

1. This session was a good use of my time. 3. The Leader did a good job of managing the session and achieving the objectives.

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below. Session Leader is walked thru the process using a tutorial/video. Also see * IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The experienced Leader wants to be a better facilitator

All 'IN THE INTERFACE' help methods, plus Instructor guided training in planning, development, and execution of standard sessions, using blended learning (on-line learning/simulator and class-room)

The experienced Leader wants to train others

2. [ My contributions were valuable ]

*see IN THE INTERFACE, below.

The Leader leads sessions on the mobile also

Instructor guided train-the-trainer training in delivery of training for session leaders (Blended learning)

The experienced leader wants to create 'blank' sessions

The interface is progressive, and after a certain level of usage this ability surfaces.

The experienced Leader doesn't need as much interface help

The interface is progressive, and after a certain level of usage the interface simplifies and becomes more minimal. (In case of dissuse, level moves back down)

The experienced Leader wants to embed his business processes into TT sessions.

Instructor guided training in planning, development, deployment and improvement of ThinkFlows and ThinkApps (Blended learning)


4. [ It is clear how each of the action items are going to be achieved (who's in charge, what they need to do) ]

*IN THE INTERFACE: Guides and wizards step the Leader through the process; Progressive interface changes the UI based on the level of the user; There are errors, warnings, limits, tips and tricks in the UI; Instructions, downloadable pdfs and videos are embedded into the templates; Contextual help "?" button surfaces relevant advanced howtos; Help Platform is available on-demand. Additional In-class and online training available through Sales.

5. [ There are no unresolved issues or questions from this meeting ] 6. [ I understand how this meeting aligns with and leads to achieving the (business? strategic? department?) goals ]

‘Zigzag’ skills chart (experience grid)

7. [ I agree with the decisions made regarding the next steps to be taken ] 8. The technology accelerated and enhanced the outcome. 9. There are other decisions or processes that would benefit from this approach to aligning teams on a common objective.

Planning Tool Content Strategy Page 1 Planning a quantitative feedback survey

Pr oj e ct :

UX Strat P roce ss As s e t :

Co n ten t s trategy

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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C o n t e n t S t rat egy

Planning for the creation, governance and delivery of useful, usable content. Identifying & organizing information within a system in a purposeful & meaningful way I n fo r m a t i o n a r c h i t e c t u r e, t a x o n o m y, e x p e r i e n c e g r i d ( L e a d U X A r c h i t e c t, T h i n kTa n k by G r o u p sy s t e m s)

Phases of a session

UI component matched with tasks and facilitation issues

Content creation lifecycle: process mapped over multiple departments Pr oj e ct :

UX Strat P roce ss As s e t :

Co n ten t s trategy

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

Pr oj e c t :

UX Strat P roce ss



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I n t E ra c t i o n D e sig n 1st Column

Designing the interactive behaviors of a system, focusing on their use. S k e tc h i n g, wireframes, documentation ( D i r e c to r of S t r a t e g y, T h i n kTa n k)



1. What are the risks facing this organization? 2. Strategic



3. Operations


4. Financial


5. Macro


6. Sector


Responsive design: simplified and condensed elements for the mobile platform.

IxD design documentation Pr oj e ct :

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I n teracti o n d es i g n

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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I n t E ra c t i o n D e sig n

Designing the interactive behaviors of a system, focusing on their use. Wi r e f r a m e s , flows, p r o to t y p i n g ( D i r e c to r o f U X S t r a t e g y, T h i n kTa n k) ‘Keyboard extract’ pattern

Edit - text entry

Edit - text entry (contribution centered in the window)

What are the risks facing this organization?

What are the risks facing this organization? 1. The unrest in Kiev jeopardizes our 7 developers

1. The unrest in Kiev jeopardizes our developers 2. Inability to retain key technical staff (high turnover) 3. Without metrics, we can’t be sure FeatureA is what our partners need

Edit - submit contribution (click outside box or DONE)

Edit - end state (edit)

What are the risks facing this organization? 1. The unrest in Kiev jeopardizes our 7 developers

What are the risks facing this organization? 1. The unrest in Kiev jeopardizes our developers

7 2. Inability to retain key technical staff I

2. Inability to retain key technical staff


2. Inability to retain key technical staff

2 3. Without metrics, we can’t be sure FeatureA is what our partners need

3. Without metrics, we can’t be sure FeatureA is what our partners need


3. Without metrics, we can’t be sure FeatureA is what our partners need











Mobile interactions protoype: edit function (android pattern)

[Home Page] 1024 x 768

(Go to home page)

Client comes to this page through the URL

Returning Account Holders sign in here or Create an account

Screen name Emailname@domain

Password Password


Forgot your password?

Sign In Form

Create Account Page

1024 x 768

1024 x 768

To: From: Subject:

Confirmation Popup

[Confirmation Email]


Invite to a session: autofill session box

Please sign in here to go to your ThinkTank session: Thank you! A confirmation email has been sent to your email Inbox. Please click on the link to sign in to ThinkTank.

Reset password: autofill account sign in box

To: From: Subject:

Returning Account Holders sign in here or Create an account

Email (Autofill from email)


Please enter your new account’s email address and password as well as a username.

OK link to sign in with the new password here

Forgot your password? Email (Autofill from email) Username (Autofill from email)

Email (Autofill from email)

New Password ********

Session number (Autofill from email)

Retype Password ********

Session Passkey Cancel

Create Username (Autofill from email)


(via email invitation or “Create an Account” link)

go to session

Returning Account Holders sign in here or Create an account

Screen name

link to sign in



Forgot your password?

Goto confirmation email popup

To: From: Subject:

link to sign in with the new password here

Returning Account Holders sign in here or Create an account


Please sign in here to go to your ThinkTank session:



Forgot your password?

Email (Autofill from email) Session number (Autofill from email) Session Passkey Passkey Create Username (Autofill from email)

go to session

Password Reset Page 1024 x 768

[Session] 1024 x 768

Please enter your account’s email address and a new password. Email New Password ******** Retype Password ********

(Go to session)


reset password

Goto confirmation email popup

Sign in process - conditional interaction design Pr oj e ct :

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I n teracti o n d es i g n

D at e :

June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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UX Strat P roce ss


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u s e r i n t e r fa c e desig n / v isual desig n


1024 x 768

Brainstorm Welcome to ThinkTank!

AGENDA Welcome

1024 x 768

In brief, we’re going to make you as awesome as possible! But first, some important questions... Session Name: Plan

Pass Key:

Session Description:







End: Month

Tag Tray

What kind of session are you facilitating? Face - to - Face Brainstorm How will your participants connect to ThinkTank? Brainstorm Brainstorm Cloud Brainstorm Think

Billy bob joe Nancy Drew Starsky Hutch


Session Pass Type 1 pass, 24 hours Here we explain what the different session types mean. What dates will you be running this session? How many participants will you have? Start: 0-8 Design

s k e tc h e s , v i s u a l m o c k u p s (g r i d s), f i n a l d e s i g n ( L e a d U X d e s i g n e r, s e ve r a l c l i e n t s)

ThinkTank session #88



Designing the aesthetically pleasing visual qualities of a system.

1024 x 768


Get Started

Copy Activity From Another Session ux

522 -UX STRATEGY UX method vote UX methods Usability Heuristics Insights 786 -UX WIREFRAMES Version vote


Skeomorphic design with an inconsistent grid becomes flat and internally coherent with other assets in the software.

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U I / V i s u al D es i g n

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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UX Strat P roce ss


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u s e r i n t e r fa c e desig n / v isual desig n

Designing the aesthetically pleasing visual qualities of a system.

1024 x 768

Th nkTank GroupSystems

Enter a name to create a new Custom Row Frequent Tasks

Wi r e f r a m e s to f i n a l v i s u a l s ( D i r e c to r o f U X S t r a t e g y, T h i n kTa n k)

Upload Session

Create New Thinkflow

Create New Session Admin My Favorites 5

JOIN SESSION: Session Number

Session ### Session Name

Session ### Session Name

Session Passkey

My Sessions 1 Join

Session ### Session Name

Session ### Session Name

My Profile

Session ### Session Name

Session ### Session Name

Session ### Session Name

Session ### Session Name


thinktank 1527: Glossary

Indexed Glossary


THE PLAN Designer

Using this section


1. Example Form of Definition 2. ThinkTank Definitions


Example Forms of Definition

1 (1) 39 (39)

1. Term

1 (1)


l. UX methods


Using this section

Top ten methods 8:15-8:45

lll. Insights

See and explore elements visually Navigation

ll. Usability Heuristics



Inability to retain key technical staff (high turnover)

Using this section

1. Loss of key/technical staff to competitors.

1. The Approach

1. Current staff turnover rate = 8.5% of key/ technical resources.

2. Corporate Maturity

Emergent to Mature 8:45-9:30

1.2.1 QuorInc is taking most of the devs.

3. What can be done?

1.2 QA is particularly vulnerable




1.1 The target staff turnover rate for the company is 7.5%.

methods of excellence 8:15-8:45

Click here to add CATEGORY

7 3


Click here to add TERMS

Select an


Modern mobile design

Gradients and heavy drop shadows becomes flat design

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U I / V i s u al D es i g n

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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Planning for successful customer experiences with a special focus on business relevance. 2014 Road Map

Gantt charts, product r o a d m a p, r e q u i r e d M V P fe a t u r e s ( D i r e c to r U X SQ2 t r a2014 t e g y, v a r i oQ3 u s2014 c l i e n t s) Q4 2014

Q1 2014

ThinkTank 5.4

ThinkTank 5.5

ThinkTank 5.6

ThinkTank 5.7

Target : April 4

Target : June

Target : September

Target : December

High Level Scope

High Level Scope

High Level Scope

High Level Scope

•  Foundation : stability and scalability

•  Foundation : Role based security & permissions, stability

•  Foundation : stability, scalability

•  Foundation : stability, scalability

•  Steps : Automated Data Flow and Snapshots

•  Integration : Single Sign On

•  ThinkFlows : Home Screen •  Learning Layer : Rich Instructions, Revamped Help and Inline Tips •  Steps : Simple Steps and Instructions

•  Mobile : Smart Phone Alpha Release

•  ThinkFlow : Packaged Delivery •  Learning Layer : Limits and Error Message Rewrite •  Leader Controls •  Universal Tagging •  Mobile : Production Smartphone release

•  Learning Layer : Onboarding Tutorial

•  Integration : LDAP

•  Mobile : •  Mobile : Complete Summarized Thinker ThinkTank™ Session 987 Reporting functionality •  Mobile : Subscriptions

•  Additional Work TBD

•  Additional Work TBD

•  Additional Work TBD

Technical Writing - Interviews

High level roadmap

Mobile app MVP (minimum viable product)

Report from session 987 on Enterprise (passkey: thinktank)

Skills list

2013 April Activity

19 22

May 26 29

03 06

10 13


17 20

24 27

31 03

07 10


14 17

21 24

28 01

05 08


12 15

19 22

26 29

02 05

09 12

16 19

September 23 26

30 02

06 09

13 16






Requirements and Feature Sprint A1 Feature Sprint A2 Feature SprintA3 Release Sprint A



Beta A


week Company Priorities Creative Srvs priorities

Start/ Review:

Visual comps, graphic components, activity template,

UI, Activity


content additions (requirements, communicate, track


(Marketing, release communication) Beta feedback/

(communicate, get


Iterative dev, testing, documentation

important fixes

(testing, package


(produce training

(Update training materials (GS)


Items DUE from UX Project Mngmt priorities items DUE from UX Dev priorities Items DUE from UX GS and Training prioriti...


Items DUE from UX

1. Skills

Tech writer skills - wordcloud

Matt Feedback




UX priorities A (con't) Items NEEDED



Content Strategy A: Activity

Content priorities A (c...



Matt templates

Wireframes: Use



1. MUST HAVE: Items NEEDED 1.1. Proven technical writing experience, preferably in a software development environment 1.2. Extensively conduct SME interviews 1.2.1. You must be able to ask the right questions to extract highly technical information from software developers and other SMEs. 1.3. Visual design acumen to create supporting tables, diagrams, graphs, screen captures, etc. to enhance the user experience 1.4. The writer will manage his/her own projects including interviewing/information gathering, content organization, content reviews, and usability testing. 1.5. Proficiency in MS Word is required. 1.6. Bachelor’s degree in related degree and/or or equivalent work experience required 1.7. ThinkTank Soft Skills:

Page 1




Use Use microcopy

Matt (Add

Matt UI A Collect Feedback Prioritize

QA Help docs, PDFs for A


Matt Quality of interface A FINAL


activity templates for A Error msg A

Matt 1A Wireframes:


Bugs into Documentation A




Document Videos A



Sprint activities by department, encompassing the entirety of the company

Technical Writing - Interviews

Pr oj e ct : project:








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U X S trategy

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

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June 2014

Skye S an t P ort fol io

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.