Cancún Discussion Boards 303 FMP

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CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb

Representatives from Cambridge University are hosting a discussion event in response to the debates that took place in CancĂşn Mexico in November 2010. The concept is on emphasising and engaging the audience by making them aware that their contribution is valid and will aid the progression of environmental awareness.


My shift in focus throughout my FMP to a more responsible application of design was strongly influenced by this project. Aiming to raise awareness to important events and issues to ultimately engage and help progress society. In this case, environmental implications and the development of new technologies and laws to reduce emissions.


CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb

The project aims to inform its target audience, of practitioners in the field of environmental issues and development to the finder details of the CancĂşn debates. This established audience is be between the ages of 25 and 60.



It also aims to draw in a wider younger audience (most likely students at Cambridge University) to inform them and create further interest in environmental awareness and the social, political and technological developments that have, and will be made.

CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb

The discussion guide, which is to be handed out at the discussion event itself fulfils the task of informing on two levels. Firstly to the informed attendants, by addressing specific factors of change and development. Including statistics, key figures and information about organisations that have been working to push development along. Secondly to the less informed younger attendants, who will require some general background knowledge of what was covered at CancĂşn and the implications of what was discussed.



Type Specs:

Document Specs:

Custom Specs:

Headers: Franchise (caps) / 26 pt on 28 pt Body: Georgia / 7.4 pt on 12 pt Intro Paragraphs: Gerogia, bold italic, 11 pt on 15 pt Details: Georgia / 6 pt on 11 pt Inside Cover Info: Georgia (caps) / 24 pt on 25 pt

Document: 200mm x 282 mm Columns: 4 Gutter: 3.6mm Margins: Top / 8mm, Bottom / 8mm, Inside / 10mm, Outside / 8mm Bleed: 3mm

Colour: Spot Process C: 95 M: 9 Y: 38 K: 5

Stock: GF Smith Accent Smooth (Eco White) (25%)

CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb



The poster, like the discussion guide is set in a four column grid. The client wanted there to be an emphasis on the event speakers, so with the use of the large ´ the audience is drawn to that information, while the information about the location are clearly visible and hang from the thick weight rule at the top.

CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb

All the printed promotion was either in 1 or 2 colours, keeping the cost low. But by overlaying colours and with the use of gradients, the design is dynamic in its colour range and is reminiscent of the sky and sea; two of the core protagonists for discussion.

The flier and invitation address the concept more directly through playing on the name CancĂşn as a question. It was important that the tone of the promotional material was welcoming but informative.



Flier Type Specs:

Flier Grid Specs:

Flier Custom Specs:

Headers: Franchise (caps) / 111 pt on 40.4 pt Sub Header: Georgia / 26 pt on 30 pt Body: Georgia / 6.6 pt on 10 pt Details: Georgia / 5.5 pt on 9 pt

Document: 210mm x 190mm Columns: 4 Gutter: 4mm Margins: Top / 4mm (all around) Bleed: 3mm

Fold: Custom 2x concertina

Colour: Spot Process C: 95 M: 9 Y: 38 K: 5

CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb



All the printed promotion was either in 1 or 2 colours, keeping the cost low. But by overlaying colours and with the use of gradients, the design is dynamic in its colour range and is reminiscent of the sky and sea; two of the core protagonists for discussion.

Cancún Discussion Event

Edward Webb



In an effort to communicate to a wider audience who enjoy the great outdoors I have proposed a 3D installation to be placed in parks and spaces of natural beauty around Cambridge.

The installation is made of wood stand at 4ft (1212mm). Printed on wood, with no coated finish will allow it to weather in the lead up to the discussion.

Capturing the audience in the right frame of mind can be a powerful tool to encourage them to take action; seeing this planted in the ground will cause curiosity and intrigue.

Cost per unit = £75 (From ‘Creative Media Print’)

CancĂşn Discussion Event

Edward Webb



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