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No energy, no life. Our body is not an exception from this rule. Food is the only energy source for man. Fortunately, eating is a pleasant necessity: meats, cheeses and vegetables are various enough to satisfy the needs of our body and to give us pleasure at the same time.

SUGAR AND CARBOHYDRATES When talking about calories carbohydrates come second right after lipids. Yet there are two kinds of cabrogydrates. The ones found in simple sugars (sucrose) are being adopted directly and immediately transformed to calories. That is why a lump of sugar can help someone who feels faint. Sugar is the only food with immediate effect. The other carbohydrates , called slow or complex, must be processed for a longer time similarly to all of the nutrition substances. We can find them in dry fruits, tubers like potatoes and mostly in cereals.

Carbohydrates in our breakfast are the best way to start the day.

KEEPING OUR BODY FIT It is absolutely necessary to eat and drink. No living creature can survive without food. Neither plants, nor animals and humans are able to. Each meal gives our body the elements it needs to grow and develop. In our body, that amazing laboratory, food is worked out, transformed and becomes something like builders or maintenance agents. After a long transformation, it is already able to cover the functions of the organs or to build up a part of the billions cells of ours. The last ones play their role and die in a period of time, so, they must be constantly renewed. Thus what we eat and drink becomes part of us. A GREAT ENERGY CONSUMER During food processing, products give us energy as well. It provides mainly the good body performance. Even an immobile, sick person lying in his bed needs minimum energy to survive. Besides, it guarantees thermal regulation: it sustains a constant body temperature: the perfect one is 37C and helps the body fight against cold and heat. Energy is also used for physical activities: people engaged in hard physical work and sportsmen consume a great amount of it. After a long walking, running or a busy afternoon we can feel slightly vertigo if we do not have a small bite. All our activities need a definite energy portion. That is why the body must have a daily energy supply.

Each person`s energy need depends on his or her build and the physical activity. This energy is measured in kilocalories(kcal) or in kilojoules(kj). 1kcal = 4,18 kj. Energy contribution differs depending on food type: 1g. glucids = 4 kcal 1g. lipids = 9kcal 1g. proteins = 4kcal

FOOD ELEMENTS All kinds of food provide us with energy. But some of them contain more calories (a calorie is a measure for energy), while others help our cells to renew. Each food in fact contains food elements which affect the body in different and supplementary ways: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. No food itself contains all these elements but it does contain just one or two that are in different quantity. Thus bread is richer in carbohydrates, vegetables in vitamins and meat in proteins. In order to eat a balanced food we need to eat all kinds of foods available. It is believed that meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, fats, sugary or cereals and dairy products are the large category of necessary foods. LIPIDS: CALORIES CHAMPIONS Lipids provide twice as much calorie than carbohydrates and proteins. Lipids are usually fats found in sunflower oil, butter, margarine. Thus for example, 100g. olive oil can give us 900 kilocalorie which satisfies the energy minimum of a six- year- old child. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products also contain lipids. But ‌ attention! Lipids are necessary since they let the body build an energy reserve and help building cell membrane, but they can also be harmful. When in big portions, animal fat can cause arterial troubles with elderly people.

PROTEINS FOR GROWTH Proteins are the last nutritional category which gives us energy. Calories provided by them help our bodies fight with cold. But this is not the main function of that particular food. Basically, proteins are one of the vital building substances of human organism. They take an important part in growth and mostly in building some absolutely necessary substances as for example hormones and enzymes. They are recommended especially for children, teenagers and for those recovering from sickness. Meat, eggs, fish and dairy products have a lot of proteins. In most cases they are very rich in vitamins. PROPER USE The thirteen vitamins that we know so far along with the mineral salts do not produce energy. However they are absolutely necessary and their lack may provoke some diseases. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of vitamins though they can be found in almost each food. However vitamins are very fragile nutrition elements. They can be destroyed easily when long cooked. The yolk (very rich in vitamin A which is good for your growth, sight and skin) loses most of its qualities if boiled longer. It is advisable not to peel off the skin of some fruit and vegetables after being washed for most of the vitamins are contained there.

Olive oil is a source of energy. Specialists believe that vegetable fats are perfect for health.

You can find vitamin C in oranges, lemons and all of the citrus fruits. It fights fatigue as well

THE HISTORY OF VITAMIN C In XVI century James Lind observed that scurvy which was a deadly disease could be avoided if one eats citrus fruit. So, without being aware Lind found one of the advantages of vitamin C. It was isolated in 1928 from the juice of peppers.

FROM CALCIUM TO FLUORINE Like vitamins mineral salts are present in lots of foods. Calcium which is one of the most important elements among them helps building our bones and teeth. That is why children should drink milk, eat cheese and yoghurt. Magnesium acts upon our nerves and muscles: those who love chocolate will not be in lack of it. Iron strengthens our immune system, which function is to fight against diseases. We can find it in liver which is also very rich in vitamins too‌ Mineral salts include also phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iodine, chlorine, fluorine and lots of other substances with different properties. BASIC RULES Following a few basic rules allows your body to be fed properly. First of all, you should drink at least 1, 5 l of water per day and you should increase that dose when the weather is hot. You can live a few weeks without food but death comes soon without water; our bodies cannot live without liquids for more than two days. Secondly, food should be various and it should be also taken at definite times- three times a day. Changing the rhythm disorders our body and having a hasty meal makes it tired. When we eat all of the time our stomach does not rest. So, it burns many calories. Besides, our needs vary due to sex, age and health condition.

Milk which contains proteins, lipids, calcium and vitamins is a wonderful food for growth

DISEASES Talking about food we should avoid both overeating and lack of food. Famine causes a huge problem in poor countries. Today 150 million children under the age of five are illnourished and become victims of serious diseases. Just on the contrary, disorders caused by overeating are characteristic for rich countries. Yet, eating chocolate and meals with fatty sauces at times, preference to food rich in energy is not bad in itself. But all that energy should be used up. If not so and if staying still constantly then fats are being formed into our bodies. Thus our weight goes up and the risk of getting some illnesses runs up too. YOUR OWN BALANCE Everyone can find his or her balance: our body has thousands or ways to warn us: stomach contractions when hungry, heaviness, headache and feeling sleepy when eat too much. Pleasure and necessity do not oppose to each other. Just a simple example: the inhabitants of cold countries eat much fat and those from warm countries eat much fruit. This responds not only to their desire but also to their need: fruit have lots of calories but they contain water as well which is necessary for the hot climate.



Each of us has his own habits in life. It is the same with eating. It depends on what we find delicious or not, when we are hungry, when to eat and how much to eat. We build these habits in the early childhood. A spoilt child becomes caviller; a child constantly pushed to eat a lot becomes gluttonous; a child that barely touched the food starts to neglect it. Habits also determine our favourite food. We may state that habits and traditions in eating ( a lot of fat and spicy food) are not healthy. The main principle is that we should eat whenever we feel really hungry. This is what we should teach our children. HOW OFTEN WE SHOULD EAT? It will be a great mistake if each time we feel a little bit hungry, we have a rich meal, especially in the evening. Thus we force the stom-

We often hear not to eat in the evening because it is the fastest way to put weight. WRONG! It is not when we eat, but how much!

DO YOU EAT HEALTHY FOOD? Circle the answer that corresponds exactly to your way of eating! 1.How many times a day do you have a meal? a)Three times and more; b)Twice; c)Once; 2.Do you often have breakfast? a)Always; b)Once a week; c)Seldom; 3.What does your breakfast consist of? a)Cereal and some drink; b)Baked or fried food; c)Just some drink; 4.Do you often have a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner? a)Never; b)Once or twice; c)Three times an more; 5.How often do you eat fresh vegetables, fruit, salads? a)Three times a day; b)Once – twice a day; c)Less than three – four times a week; 6.How often do you eat baked or fried food? a)Once a week; b)Three – four times a week; c)Almost every day; 7.How often do you eat sweets with cream or chocolate? a)Once a week; b)One to four times a week; c)Almost every day; 8.What do you put on your loaf of bread? a)Margarine; b)Butter with margarine or other combinations; c)Only butter; 9.How many times a week do you eat fish? a)More than once; b)Once or twice; c)Once and less; 10.How often do you eat bread. a)At least three times a day; b)Three to six times a week; c)Less than three times a week; 11.Before eating a piece of meat you: a)You put away all fat; b)You put away a part of the fat; c)You eat the whole meat; 12.How many glasses of coffee or tea do you drink a day? a)One – two; b)Three to five; c)Six and more; 13.How much alcohol do you drink a day? a)From two to four glasses; b)Less than two glasses; c)More than four glasses;

ach and the guts to work harder and they need more blood. This will lead to fatigue and we will feel sleepy. It is healthier to eat less but more times a day. If the necessary quantity of food is taken at the particular time, the organism will not be overloaded.

DINNER Almost at the end of the day a tasty, aesthetically served, but not heavy dinner may be the beginning of a wonderful evening. With a full stomach is hard to fall asleep and we may have bad dreams. So there should be at least one hour between dinner and bed-time. A short walk before going to bed can be also usefull. Be careful with sugar! Sugar has a lot of energy but nothing else. We should be careful with it because it acts against vitamins. Honey, fruit juice or fruit are a perfect substitute.

BREAKFAST It is extremely unhealthy when our breakfast consists only of a cup of coffee or tea. It is in the morning when the organism needs a lot of energy. Breakfast should be taken in peacefull atmosphere. A loaf of bread or a bowl of cereal is good enough. LUNCH Just the opposite of what we have heard – it is better to eat less during lunchtime. In the early afternoon the energy in the organism lowers down and if we have a rich meal, it may lead to tiredness at work.

SHOULD WE EAT WHAT WE FIND DELICIOUS? On the whole it is true that we should eat what we like. But yet we must be carefull not to eat all and the same food. Those who eat only meat-balls or cakes for a long time may harm themselves. Variety is important - food should contain the necessary amount of energy: one half from carbohydrates, one third from fats and about 15% proteins. In no case we should force ourselves to eat somethig we do not like.

It is good to change our habits! A lot of deseases are caused by incorrect eating habits. In such cases we should think of changing our habits. It is not easy to replace the omelette with cereal but it is worthy. Why not to eat omelette some times.....

EVERY DAY MILK, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES! Milk, fruit and vegetables are an unseparable part of our normal and healthy eating. Meat is not compulsory but it does contain some wholesome substances. Milk, dairy products, fruit and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals as well.

Eating non-stop! Eating non-stop chocolate or chips in front of the TV may cause overweight. But it is also unhealthy when we eat a hamburger in a hurry saying we do not have time....

Healthy, fresh, tasty! Peach – useful for healthy skin. One peach a day gives the organism one-fifth of the recommended daily dose of calium and vitamins A and C. Avocado – it has a lot of calories but it is extremely useful. It contains a lot of vitamins B and E. It is good for facial skin recovery.

KEY Answers a) – 2 points Answers b) – 1 point Answers c) – 0 points RESULTS 23 – 26 points Your way of eating is balanced and healthy. If you do not have any serious healthy problems or some genetic disorder, you will be in good fit and lively spirit. Keep it that way! 18 – 22 points Your way of eating is not exellent but still good. Do your best – turn eating and health into your main priority of thinking and acting. Thus you will certainly change your figure and you will feel more energetic and more cheerful. 13-18 points You certainly should think about your way of eating and way of life. The situation is not desperate but you have to take measures. In other case you will soon feel fatigue and laxity. Follow your eating routine and mark what you can change without feeling depressed or deprived. 0 – 13 points You need emergency. Your way of eating seriously threatens your health. Think about your priorities and you will notice that you do not think of your food at all. Change this before a desease catch you. You will make sure that a good change affects your figure, spirit and selfconfidence in a possitive way.

Bananas – they very fast supply the organism with energy. With their only 62 calories bananas are preferred by sportsmen. Blueberry – it is the proven to be the most healthy fruit. It prevents you from getting older, it makes the eye-vision better and has antioxidant qualities. Mango – sweet and juicy fruit. It prevents from cancer and heart attack. Mango is good for kidneys and cleans blood. Artichoke – one of the most useful vegetables. It helps the liver to function better and digestion as well. Broccoli – the perfect vegetable because it helps each organ in the body to function well. Garlic – it not only chases vampires away but all bacteria and viruses as well. It also helps digestion and lowers cholesterol. Onion – it prevents you from getting a cold and keeps the organs younger for longer time. Tomatoes – they contain only 20 calories in 100g., 13 vitamins, 17 minerals and a lot more. Good and tasty! Can you think of something better?!

1. Dynamite is made with peanuts! 2. Coca-Cola was originally green! 3.Carrots were originally purple in colour! 4.Apples are 25% air, that is why they float!

5. Coconut water can be used as a substitute for blood plasma! 6. Orange juice naturally contains a small amount of alcohol! 7. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries! 8.Cherries may have more painkiller than aspirin!

Honey was used by humanity all over the world in the last 2500 years. What makes the honey so popular? This is the ease with which it can be consumed- put it on bread as jam, mix it with juice or drink it instead of sugar, or mix it with hot water, lemon juice, cinnamon and other herbs to get medicine. It is also accepted because of its pleasant taste. Let us see some of better known benefits of honey: • Weight Loss: Though honey has more calories than sugar, when consumed with warm water helps it to burn fat stored in the body. • A rich source of vitamins and minerals. • Honey is one of the most natural means of treating a wide range of diseases, including fungal infection, athlete’s foot and arthritis. It helps in the treatment of external wounds. • Reduces the throat pains and can kill bacteria that cause infection. • It helps the immunity to be better. • Honey heals insomnia combined with milk. • It’s good for your skin and sooths it. Honey is considered to be the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life. Anastasia Avramova


What we call unhealthy food is the food that causes obesity with children and women. These are some foods that are highly unhealthy and have got a great quantity of calories. The unhealthy nutrition is the shorter way to fattening and heart diseases. This opinion is complied with dietologists. McDonald‘s – there is no doubt that at the end of the working day or at lunch time nothing is more delicious than a hamburger from McDonald‘s. Step by step all these yummies stick to the hips and the belly. If you want to be a „rounded woman“ this is the best food for you.

Chips – bread, biscuits, fries and chips not only make us fatter but make us more vulnerable to cancer. Scientists have found that when baked or fried food that contains carbohydrates, produces acrylamide . This is considered to be a dangerous carcinogen. In a packet of chips there ae 500 times more than usual. In labs is proven that the acrylamide can cause nerves damage, genes mutation and stomach tumours.

carbohydrates a lot more than usual. At least we do not eat cake every day, so do not worry – have a bite. Mayonnaise – very caloric product that contains and exceeding amount of fats, carbohydrates, colouring sweetening substitutes etc. To this type of harmful products which contain gene – modificated products except coloring agents and substitutes.

Cake, Chocolate waffles, sweet things and biscuits these tempt people no matter whether they are on a diet. Just a piece of cake is a bomb full of calories. It is full of

How many girls prefer getting hurt, rather than being isolated from the world? How many teenager suffer from a lot of problems and get hurt for fear of being criticized? Many girls don’t feel good about themselves and, unable to give vent in other ways, they prefer to get hurt. Perhaps they don’t feel themselves quite nice, enough skinny, able to face others’ opinion and so, little by little, they begin to enter into a vortex, where it’s easy to enter, but difficult to get out. This vortex is called “anorexia” or “bulimia”; two different roads that lead to the same result: losing weight. Anorexia leads the teenagers to refuse food, to calculate every single calorie ingested, in order to burn it. Bulimia, conversely, conducts the young to eat so much that they finally feel sick and throw up everything. All this happens when the person who receives negative opinions isn’t very strong, although he or she would like to show the others his or her strength. The problem is that most people who enter this vortex don’t really need to lose weight, but they live with the knowledge that the scale number is worthier than themselves, and every time they weigh themselves, they see that number is too uncomfortable, too high, to be part of their lives. When you have these problems it is very important to talk to a person you trust in, someone you can rely on and who can help you to recover. What is important is not consulting a psychologist, but finding the person who can help you understand how beautiful life is and that it isn’t worth to spoil it by entering the darkness of this horrible tunnel. Melania Maldera


Dear Anorexia, It’s time to say goodbye. If we stay together any longer, I know that I will die. We’ve been together for a while, and shared our secrets, I know. It’s hard for me to say this, but it’s time to let you go. Mommy warned me of your ways, and how you didn’t treat me right. When I told you of her worries, you only put up a fight. You made me poke my stomach, and squeeze my meatless thighs. And though I was only skin and bones, I saw fat and hatred through your eyes. With all the pain I had to suffer, and the hunger I went through, I realize I’m much better off not to be with you. So as I tell you my last words, and bid you my farewell. I can feel myself regaining strength, and cannot wait to tell. You will soon find another, to haunt her and to scare. and I only hope that she, too, will show you she doesn’t care. I know that you will want to stay, and pressure me to try. But I am telling you now and for good, Goodbye Anorexia. Goodbye. Talia Benzaken

Coca Cola (soda)- All Sweet fizzy drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases. When you want to remove the rust from a nail or a screw just put it in a glass of Coke. Alcohol - a lot of it in the organism can cause concentration lost, memory lost and can lower coordination. Alcohol blocks the absorption of vitamin C. Beer can cause a bigger belly. However we all know that 200mg of red wine every evening can prevent problems with the blood system.

Obesity is a result of over-eating. That means that you receive more than the necessary for the body-activity energy. There is a connection between getting fat and a lot of diseases among teenagers: • High blood pressure • Diabetes – type 2 • Psycho-social problems – fatter children adapt in new groups more difficult than the others. They have problems with communicaWhat are common causes of unhealthy eating among teenagers?

Sausages and salami – they contain the so called hidden fats which we cannot easily find. You can never be sure what they are made from. Salt – it makes our food tastier. We are so used to it that no meal is the same without salt. But the salt is so harmful to a number of systems and organs in the human body. Those who have high blood preasure or heart problems should forget about salt. Recent researches have shown that it could also be dangerous to vision .

tion and they have low self-esteem • Changes in the activity of some hormones – lowers the level of growth hormone • Sleeping disorders • Liver disfunction

Unhealthy eating habits develop over time. Generally, if a child does not have a healthy example to model themselves after, poor habits develop. There are many causes of unhealthy eating. Some examples of circumstances that may lead to unhealthy habits include: •Dysfunctional family situation, such as divorce, a single parent, or foster care. •Family not eating meals together •Poor eating habits modeled by parents/caretakers •Lack of knowledge about what is healthy to eat •Busy schedule •Extreme amounts of travelling •Lack of desire to eat healthy •Poverty •Depression and other emotional extremes

During teenage growth spurts, adolescents need extra calories, and they should be nutritious ones. The irony of teen eating habits is at the very stage they need to eat very nutritious foods, they don’t want to. Most teens are overfed, but undernourished. Teens grow a lot, so they need to eat a lot, yet not only do they need more food, they need the right kinds of food. Teens eat more of their meals away from home or in a fast-food outlets, where the food is high-fat and nutrient-depleted. Menstruation increases a girl’s monthly iron loss, and it is often not replenished by an ironrich diet. Tastes change at puberty. Teens, in general, increase their preference for fat. Boys also increase their cravings for protein-rich food (the triple hamburger crowd), perhaps believing that meat builds muscle. Girls, most likely because of rising estrogen levels, crave for sweets. Finally, as part of their declaration of independence, teens are resistant to any outside pressure telling them to do anything, especially what and how to eat. TIPS FOR FEEDING TEENS •Say no when it comes to junk food. Especially resist the pressure of packaged food and soft drinks. •Eat more iron. When entering adolescence, males need around twenty percent more iron during the phase of rapid muscle growth. Girls need around 33% more iron once they begin menstruation. •Eat more protein. Males need around 25 % more protein. Adolescent females, on the other hand, need less daily protein than males.

•Eat more zinc. Adolescent males need about a 33% increase in their daily requirements for zinc; adolescent females need about 20% more zinc. •Eat more calcium. Both adolescent need around 33% more calcium than before teens. •Get more vitamins. It is always best to get them increased needs for vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements. •Eat smart fats. Even though the brain has completed most of its growth by adolescence, it continues to make vital connections during the teen years. Due to pressure to please their peers and compete in athletics, teens often restrict their fat intake in order to keep fit and trim. When they cut out fat in general, they also cut out healthy fats. •Avoid the Barbie doll syndrome. Teen magazines can be hazardous for emotional and nutritional health, leading them to feel that they can never measure up to the perfect body and perfect skin on the perfect model shown in the magazine.



Bulgarian cuisine is colourful and diverse. It is rooted in centuries-old traditions and practices. In some places recipes have been passed down from generations and have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. A characteristic of Bulgarian cuisine is the simultaneous heat treatment of most products. The recipes include a large number of vegetables and spices, among which are garlic, black pepper, thyme, spearmint, savory, bay leaf and paprika. Almost all Bulgarian dishes include parsley. Every meal on the table is a collection of fresh seasonal products from the garden or the mountain - pepper, carrots, celery, beans, onion, gumbo, potatoes, etc. Our meals are easy to prepare. Light meals, with a lot of vegetables, are cooked in spring and summer while meat, pickles and sauer-

the stomach, removes the harmful substances and strengthens the immune system. Banitsa is one of the most popular Bulgarian specialties. Its flavour of baked flour, homemade butter and eggs may have an enchanting effect on you. And there are different types of banitsa – with cheese, with pumpkin and walnuts, with apples. Sirene, Kashkaval Traditionally in every fridge there are cheese and kashkaval. Kashkaval is a kind of yellow cheese. It is a traditional food used in both

What do you imagine when somebody tells you about a healthy lifestyle? Let me guess. You imagine times when you were young and your mother told you: “Don´t smoke, don´t drink alcohol, eat this, not that!“. You might think a healthy lifestyle is only about no cigarettes, no alcohol, no Coca-Cola, no drugs and eating „healthy“ foods, don´t you? Well, that´s the only the first half of a healthy life. The second half is about a concentration, focus, mental strength and about your will. I think a good lifestyle is really underrated in the Czech Republic. Many children eat hotdogs and drink Coke or sweet mineral

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating typical of countries overlooking the Mediterranean Sea: Italy, Turkey, France, Spain, Greece, Middle-Eastern and North-African countries. The word diet comes from the Greek diaita, which means way of life; in accordance with this meaning “following a Mediterranean diet” is not synonym of “going on a diet”, even though it is also a way of losing weight and preserving your wealth. In fact this expression refers to following eating habits which are widespread among Mediterranean populations. This diet was noticed by Ancel Keys, an American nutritionist who, following the Fifth Fleet in 1945, discovered that the cardiovascular illness among the population of Cilento (Italy) were quite rare and that their life span was longer. After several studies, Ancel summed it all in the book “How to eat well and stay well: the way Mediterranean”. In the 90s Ancel Keys set the principles of the Mediterranean diet

bles, fried, steamed - it is everywhere… LET’S NOT FORGET DRINKS.... Wine is an integral part of the history of Bulgaria, its culture, customs and spirit. The produced wine is characterized with warm tones in the aroma and depth of taste. Kompot is a non alcoholic clear juice obtained by cooking fruit, in a large volume of water, like strawberries, apricots, peaches, apples, rhubarb, gooseberries, or sour cherries.

kraut - in the cold winter days. The dishes are very healthy - most of them are cooked in pottery on low temperatures. For Bulgarian yogurt there is nothing to talk about because it is globally recognized as the best yogurt in the world. It has an extremely favorable effect on human health because of the bacteria used for its production - Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. It balances the micro-flora of

water for snack, and they aren´t able to do 10 push-ups in a row. Unfortunately, that´s not a typical thing only for the life of Czech children, it is the same in many other countries. When our parents were young, there was other nutrition. Hamburgers, chips, pizza and other unhealthy foods simply did not exist. People worked hard on fields and their diet was adapted to this way of life. Although they had only little food, men were muscular and strong, because they worked really hard for their families to have something to eat. Women used to work hard on fields too, but they also had other work. Their main priority was to obtain food for children and a husband. That is why a typical Czech meal is quite heavy and fatty. We have many types of dumplings and sauces. Our national dishes are dumplings with roasted pork and sour cabbage, sirloin beef with dumplings and sour sauce or fried potato pancakes. However, people in the past used to eat a lot of local fresh fruit and vegetables which was good. As the society has become more developed and the food industry improved, there were more and more foods but people stopped

in a food pyramid that is a stricter and more detailed version of the classical food pyramid (based on variety, balance, and moderation) and which attaches a tantamount role to olive oil in nutrition. At the bottom of the pyramid are the foods to be consumed several times a day while at the top the food to limit, but the real foundations of

breakfast pastry and cooking. We love very much lyutenitsa. It is something like ketchup but much more delicious. The ingredients include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, onion, garlic, black pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Meat is a natural and favourite part of most dishes. Grilled or roasted, cooked with vegeta-

Boza - fermented beverage, a thick consistency and a low alcohol content (usually around 1%), and has a slightly acidic sweet flavor. Our cuisine is the excellent result of the mix between a wealth of local culinary traditions and some foreign influences. This fact is, in a way, what determines the uniquely Bulgarian food offering cuisine with its own characteristics, originality, and an exceptional variety. Anastasia Avramova and Kalina Apostolova

working hard. On the one hand it is great, because food isn’t rare for many people now. On the other hand, there are also many unhealthy foods, so we should be aware of what we eat. Now, let me introduce myself and my lifestyle. I live in the Czech Republic and I had really bad lifestyle. Fortunately, one year ago, my best friend told me about sport named bodybuilding. As time passed I was learning more and more new information. Most of it was about exercising and diet. I was getting better and better and now I am happy, because I know what a healthy lifestyle is. I would like

this “building” is daily physical activity. Then, as regards eating habits, we can see that bread, cereals and all other food based on carbohydrates are our real staples. A thinner layer of other foods which should also be consumed daily consists of fruit(s), beans, legumes and vegetables: they should be eaten at most meals, because they are important sources of vitamins, minerals, energy, antioxidants, and fibers. Legumes are good sources of healthy fats, proteins, and fibers and for this reason they can often replace red meat. Herbs and spices add flavors and aromas to foods, reducing the need to add salt (which is often based on one of the most dangerous ingredients for our health, sodium chloride), or fat when cooking. They are also rich in a broad range of health-promoting antioxidants, and are used liberally in Mediterranean cuisines. The third pyramid floor consists exclusively in olive oil, which should also be consumed daily. In spite, in case of obesity or overweight, you should not abuse it, olive oil has truly exceptional qualities as it contains carotene, phospholipids and substances that protect the human body such as fatty acids

to write you what I have learned. If you really want a better body, just exercising is not enough. You have to organize your life priorities, your diet and you will be forced to think more about yourself. Not about anybody other. JUST about YOURSELF! This is healthy lifestyle. You have to stay focused, motivated and do what do you WANT, not what other people THINK you have to do. You should realize, that healthy lifestyle is not only about physical strength, but it is also about the strength of your mind! I think it can be better, and if we want, we can do it. EAT BETTER TO LIVE BETTER ALL YOUR LIFE LONG. by Tomáš Trchalík

and proteins. Olive oil can counterbalance, at least in part, animal fats and its monounsaturated fats can lower LDL(1) levels in blood and raise HDL(2). Extra-virgin olive oil in particular, which is obtained from the first pressing of the olives, contains higher levels of antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and phenols, because it is less processed. Cheese, milk and yogurt are good sources of proteins, as well as calcium, which is important for healthy bones and teeth, and for this reason a moderate amount of cheese should be also be eaten daily. Cheese is in fact rich in saturated fats and in cholesterol so low-fat or free-fat cheese can help in not exceeding their intake. Moving up the pyramid there are foods which should be consumed a few times a week, namely fish, poultry, eggs and sweets. Fish and shellfish are important sources of healthy protein for Mediterranean populations. Fish such as tuna, herring, sardines, salmon, TURN TO PAGE 8


Once a month on the first Friday the parents of one class prepare a “healthy breakfast”. You can choose between a lot of healthy treats like, for example, fruit skewers, vegetable selfmade-pizza, quark dessert with fresh fruits, banana and strawberry milkshake, sliced vegetables like paprika, tomatoes, car-

Polish cuisine is based on dishes made of agricultural products, such as buckwheat, millet, barley, meat of farm animals, for example pork, poultry, beef, fish, fruits, herbs and local spices. Geographical factors have a strong influence on Polish cuisine. Poland is covered with large forest areas. As a result, Polish cuisine has interesting dishes with ingredients such as wild mushrooms or berries. The access to the Baltic Sea has an impact on Polish diet, too. Herrings and cod play the special role on the Polish table. Polish rivers offer fish such as common carp, sheatfish and common roach. North-east part of Poland, called ‘Green Lungs of Poland’, is the agricultural region where potatoes, fruit and vegetables are grown. There are also many producers of dairy

Pyzy - food is made from grated potatoes and often stuffed with meat

TURKISH CUISINE IS NOT SIMPLY FAST FOOD Turkey enjoys a Mediterranean diet, which is known to be healthier than the North European, American and Western diets. This is due to higher use of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and olive oil. With a growing interest in healthy food in Australia, Turkish Cousine has the answers. Due to Turkey’s geographical location between Asia and Europe and its history, Turkish food is a fusion of Ottoman, Balkan, Greek, Jewish, Armenian and Central Asian cuisines. With so many influences, the healthy choices are much greater than the doner kebab in Turkish bread served with hummus. Due to the use of olive oil rather than animal fats and fresh fruit and vegetables in place of convenient processed foods, the Turkish populations do have a lower heart attack rate than its northern European neighbours. Turkish cuisine consists of a lot of grilling and BBQ. With an abundance of fresh seafood and a variety of chicken, lamb or beef and lots of salads, Turkish food is very suited to the Australian lifestyle and climate. A typical breakfast, lunch and dinner of the Turkish Mediterranean diet would look like: • Turkish breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Turks start their day with some toasted Turkish bread; fresh cut tomato, cucumber, olives, sujuk (a spicy beef sausage), a boiled egg and fresh fruits such as watermelon. Breakfast is served with black tea rather than coffee. Black tea is filled with antioxidants which help your body pro-


rots, cucumbers. This can also be mixed as a salad. It takes place in the break room during the long breaks. The “healthy breakfast” costs only a few cents. The students are sold on it and the food is delicious. Nele Meyer, Lea Adamek

Babka ziemniaczana - simple and good food made from grated potatoes, onion, meat, eggs and spices products. We serve a lot of dishes based on potatoes. The most popular ones are: pyzy and babka. Diet of Polish people vary. In the spring and summer Polish people eat light dishes full of fresh vegetables and fruit. In the autumn and winter when temperatures fall below zero and plants are not grown we choose more calorific dishes. Cold borscht (‘chłodnik’) is usually prepared and served during hot summers. Red beet juice is a basic ingredient and that is why the soup has a beautiful pink color. In general, Polish people are very traditional in their attitude towards eating and cuisine. For the majority, the ideal dinner consists of a soup, a meat dish, potatoes, salad. Luckily the consumption of dairy and cereal products as well as vegetables increases. Tomek Jaroszwicz

tect itself from illness. • Turkish lunches and dinners There is little difference between a Turkish lunch and dinner. Typically a Turk may eat a grilled swordfish kebab with a salad for lunch and then have grilled lamb kofte and salad for dinner. No lunch or dinner is served without a healthy salad and bread. • Turkish desserts Turkish desserts doesn’t have to be Baklava or any other pastry or cake. A healthy Turkish dessert option is sutlac (rice pudding) and if made with low fat milk is quite low in calories. Another option is quick to make almond crescent biscuits that are high in protein and low in fat. More simply, a typical Turkish dessert is watermelon and other fresh fruits served with Turkish coffee.

In the Western world, Turkish food is very misunderstood. Most think of Turkish food as a greasy doner kebab. The reality is Turkish food is one of the healthiest cuisines and shares a Mediterranean diet. See my top 5 reasons that why Turkish food healthy. 1. Yoghurt – A Top Health Food Ayran Yoghurt Drink Did you know the word yoghurt comes from the word Turkish word yogurt? Yes it means the same thing. Yoghurt is a very healthy choice that supplements, protein, calcium and dairy in ones diet. Yoghurt is a staple in Turkish cousin and is

In Poland we eat the following meals: ● BREAKFAST AT 8.00 am ● DINNER AT 13.00 ● DESSERT ● SUPPER AT 19.00 Breakfast: sandwiches with bread, butter, cheese or ham. We add a lot of vegetables, such as lettuce, slices of cucumber and tomatoe Dinner consists of two dishes . The first dish is usually soup. The most popular soups are: -Rosół -Barszcz czerwony The second dish is meat or fish with potatoes and salad. Starter is usually a soup.

Mushroom soup (‘zupa grzybowa’) – is a traditional Polish soup made from mushrooms and pasta. All Polish mushroom soups are cooked on meat and vegetable stock

Ayran Yoghurt Drink eaten and used in many forms. Yoghurt can be added to marinade chicken, to make dips such as hummus, dolloped on salads and grilled vegetables or even eaten on its own as a snack. Ayran is watered down yoghurt, mixed really well to ensure there are no lumps with a pinch of salt. Ayran is so popular that the global fast food chain, McDonald’s even offer it on their menu along side the soft drinks in all McDonalds stores throughout Turkey. If you’re watching your weight, make Ayran from low fat natural yoghurt and reap the health benefits with lower calories and fat. 2. Olive Oil – A Major Ingredient in Turkish Cuisine Olive oil is another Turkish or Mediterranean ingredient that has made the “healthy” news headlines in recent times. Olive oil is extremely healthy due to the high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and is the only oil that can be eaten freshly pressed from the olive fruit. Olive oil has a heavy presence in the Turkish cuisine and is said to be the main reason for the Turkish population to have lower heart disease, as olive oil is high in antioxidants that deter artery blocking. Used for salad dressings, or an array of olive oil vegetable dishes served such as dolmades, it’s heavily used in Turkish Cooking bordering the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. 3. Grilling on the barbecue Turks love a good barbecue and have been

● Rosół z kurczaka: broth with pieces of chicken and noodles. ● Barszcz czerwony: refreshing beetroot soup with vegetables and sour cream or served clear with dumplings. ● Żurek: sour rye soup with potato, sausage or an egg, sometimes served in a loaf of bread. The main course are often three delicious dishes: ● Gołąbki: cabbage parcels stuffed with meat or meat and rice. + potatoes or ● Pierogi: very traditional small white dumplings, larger than ravioli, filled with sauerkraut with mushrooms, cheese and potatoes or with fruit. They can be also with meat. ● Bigos: appetizing, seasoned “hunter” stew made from sauerkraut with chunks of various meats and sausages, extremely traditional. ● Kaszanka: grilled or baked solid pieces of buckwheat blended with pork blood and shaped as sausages. After dinner we have some delicious desserts. The most popular are: ● Faworki: pastry twisters. ● Szarlotka: cake with apples, sometimes served with whipped cream. ● Pączki: doughnuts. Our supper is similar to breakfast . We serve sandwiches, salads or dairy products with bread. Wojtek Sienkiewicz

grilling meat and vegetables for centuries. Red meat, chicken and fish along with an array of fresh vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini, field mushrooms, corn on the cob, asparagus spears, tomato’s and peppers are grilled. Grilled vegetables are generally served with a dollop of garlic yoghurt and can be made more exciting with a sprinkling of salt and chilli flakes. Grilling uses little fats such as frying and if you don’t have a barbecue in your backyard or apartment balconies, you could get the same healthy benefits by using a non-stick griddle pan. 4. Fish and Omega 3 fats Fish is high in Omega 3 fats, low in fat and high in protein. As Turkey is surrounded by sea, fish is caught daily and served with an abundance of salads. Turks will generally cook fish on the barbecue and bake it in foil. A popular and cheap lunch is “balik ekmek” which literally translates to “fish bread”. Along the coast and particularly along the Bosphorus in Istanbul, you’ll find street hawkers, grilling fish on a portable barbecue in the street. They place the piece of fish in between a bread roll like you would a hot dog and add some salad. Eating fish once or week is said to help prevent a range of diseases and disorders from heart disease to diabetes. 5. Turkish Desserts When we think of Turkish desserts, Turkish delight, Baklava and other buttery pastries spring to mind. The reality is that most desserts in your average Turkish household consist of watermelon, rockmelon (cantaloupe) or honeydew slices and Turkish apple tea. Turks drink Turkish apple tea more than coke. Turkish apple tea is a healthy option to normal tea as its caffeine free and has no additives. Other low fat Turkish dessert options consist of • Candied Pumpkin Dessert with Walnuts • Turkish Almond Macarons • Sutlac (Turkish Rice Pudding) made from low fat milk Yiğit Özkan and Tolga Değerlier



If a person is healthy he will be happy; if a person has health and happiness he has the whole wealth of the world 1.EAT HEALTHY FOOD

Chose your friends carefully because they are believed to affect your behaviour and way of life.


4.REALISE YOUR STRONG POINTS Motivation is the key to success. Realise what you can do best and use it.


That does not mean to deprive of a lot of food ,just the opposite. You just have to skip those that have a low nutrition value and that contain bad for the health substances. The body needs various elements, thats why we should consume various food.

Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke,do not use drugs because these are bad for your health, mind and finances. 7.TAKE PART IN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES


5.MAKE YOUR SKILLS PERFECT Try to get rid of your weak sides. Use your time to gain new skills and knowledge.

It can cause unpleasant situations and healthy problems. Be calmer! 10.PLAN AND FOLLOW A DAILY SCHEDULE

The basis of healthy life are early getting up and doing exercises. Strong spirit in a strong body.

Everything will take its place and there will not be any tension.

3.BE AMONG FRIENDS Be a volunteer, a member or a leader of a group or a team. 8.CONTROLL YOUR FINANCES Use your money wisely. Do not spend on things you do not need.

Before you buy goods study labels. Don’t be attracted by declarations in the front of the packaging, which is often designed to draw our attention to such information as “100% juice”, “cholesterol free vegetable oil.” Before we buy food products we should check information about their ingredients. Children should be given products that have the least artificial substances. The exception is the presence of vitamins, natural colors and flavors.

How to avoid this? If we prepare most of the dishes at home, we avoid eating harmful products. We should be aware of what we eat . We can make sandwiches ourselves , for example with roast meat prepared at home. It’s also better to make salads at home, because purchased ones contain preservatives. Instead of eating soups out of a bag, let’s cook something themselves. Cooking soup is very quick and it is much healthier. Instead of buying flavoured cheese or cottage cheese , buy plain cheese and add spices, fruit, vanilla or yoghurt to change its flavour. Juice in cartons are not recommended, either. It is better to drink ordinary water or prepare fresh juice yourself. Finally, instead of buying cakes we can bake a cake ourselves.

Preservative - a chemical compound or mixture of compounds, resulting in extension of shelf life (or life) food and industrial products. Preservatives are designed to prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

All preservatives added to food products are so-called. “Letter E”. Preservatives have a range of numbers E200-E299. We do not realize how many of them there are: E200 • E201 • E202 • E203 • E210 • E211 • E212 • E213 • E214 • E215 • E216 • E217 • E218 • E219 • E220 • E221 • E222 • E223 • E224 • E225 • E226 • E227 • E228 • E230 • E231 • E232 • E233 • E234 • E235 • E236 • E237 • E238 • E239 • E240 • E242• E249 • E250 • E251 • E252 • E260 • E261 • E262 • E263 • E264 • E270 • E280 • E281 • E282 • E283 • E284 • E285 • E290 • E296 • E297 Sometimes, after many years of research and observation, it appears that such preservatives are carcinogenic or toxic to children.

ATTENTION! HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MOST HARMFUL PRESERVATIVES What flavors come to your mind when you think of your childhood? When we ask this question to our parents and grandparents they answer : home- made pizza, honey, cakes baked at home, hazelnuts, berries straight from the bush or apples from grandparents’ garden. All natural, healthy products without preservatives. And today, if you ask children what they like, what is their answer? Most children say that they like burgers and fries from McDonald’s, the most delicious food is popcorn or crisps, fries, hot dogs and a Coke to drink.

Q: Why did the student eat his homework? A: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.


Citric acid (E330) – organic chemical compound from the group of carboxylic hydro acids. Citric acid is considered to be a safe compound, however, it can cause eye injury in case of direct contact. Information about possible carcinogenic action are completely wrong. Ascorbinic acid (E300) – It appears in most fruit and vegetables . In industry it is obtained by fermentation of glucose with help of bacteria and chemical oxidation. Ascorbinic acid is considered to be a safe compound. Created by Adam Jackowski and Karol Bryzgiel


cesses in our body. That is why good physical shape guarantees less flu and virus infections. It reduces the risk or suffering serious illnesses and health troubles when older as for example high blood pressure, heart disease, some kinds of cancer and diabetes. ENERGETIC, FULL OF LIFE AND CONFIDENCE! Regular physical exercises remove the feeling of tension, anxiety and trouble. It lessens aggressiveness especially when your energy is directed to some sport competitions. When using up enough energy you would sleep better and feel more vigorous and in a better shape the next day. As the results, you can concentrate easier and for a longer time, your thoughts will run faster and your memory will improve. And last but not least you will have higher self- esteem and self- confidence.

Human body cannot function well without having enough movement and healthy food. When we feel our body being strong and healthy we are more energetic and vital, in good mood and better self-esteem. So, we cope better with hardships and difficulties in

life. LESS DISEASES Our daily motor activity makes our muscles, joints and bones stronger. It also makes our heart and lungs, nerve and immune systems to work better. It stimulates all organs and pro-

NEW FRIENDS Physical exercises give you opportunities for making new friends and to be surrounded by your mates more often. Skills to work in a team and cooperation with people are extremely useful not just in doing sports but in life too. It is not necessary to be part of a team in order to train. There are so many other opportunities.


GOOD APPEARANCE Regular physical exercises will help you look better. It is a good reason to take them in serious. Your muscles will become stronger and your body will be more flexible. What is more, you get a more attractive posture and figure, smooth and coordinated movements leading to grace and elegance. Your skin becomes fresher and softer. And most importantly your weight is normal. ENJOYING LIFE If you start doing sports from an early age there is a greater chance to keep it as a lifelong experience. And it just means that you can always be in robust health, strong and fit and live longer. Table for sports and kcal

Time EXCUSES, EXCUSES.... A lot of people claim that they do not have time to make physical exercises ( I don‘t have time, it is raining, the weather is bad, I am too tired, I am not good at sports, etc.). Sometimes it is hard to motivate ourselves – to find a reason to do something. It seems that physical exercises extra burden our lives. The daily life is rather busy – school, work, family and friends. Your period of growing is full of emotions and excitment. That is why you often forget about your body and deprive it from the necessary activity. No matter the reason, it‘s high time you made changes. You should find something you like doing and pay more attention to your activity and self-confidence. WHAT COUNTS FOR EXERCISES? Physical exercises are not only sports like tennis or athletics, but also walking the dog, dancing and playing in the yard. Each body activity is physical exercises – with low, medium or high intensity. At medium intensity your heart beats faster and you may pant. At high – the heart-beating is much more frequent and you may feel hard to breathe. The two types of activities are good. Though exercises with low intense are much more better than no drills at all. HOW MUCH TIME SHOULD I TRAIN? HOW MANY EXERCISES A DAY? Doctors recommend at least one hour of physical activity a day. If not every day then 5 days a week. It is best to combine activities with high and medium intense. Everything that makes your heart beats faster will do. If you are a beginner, your drills should be shorter, for example for 30 minutes a day and slowly growing . It is not necessary to take one hour at a time. You may walk fast 10 min to the bus station, play in the yard for 20 min, walk back to the bus station to get home – other 10 min, and 20 min – roller skating. Of course you may take more if you want this to give you pleasure. There is no need to count the minutes. You can take a break for one day if you have been in the mountain or swimming the previous one. It is better to train regularly than just one day of exhaustion and a rest one week. HOW TO START? IT IS UP TO YOU! It is important to choose exercises that will bring you pleasure. Think about what you like to do – whether it is a team game or an individual sport. With a little constancy you will surely find the most appropriate sport for you. If you have the chance to choose from different sports at school, you shouldn‘t search elsewhere. But if these are not to your taste, look for clubs and schools in the neighbourhood. The nearest sport‘s center , the local newspaper, or the Internet may give you some information if you need.

There should be a balance between the consumed food energy and the one used in daily life. WHAT TO EAT BEFORE PHYSICAL EXSTEP BY STEP ERCISES? Remember, it is not possible to be the best An hour or two before the physical exercises from the start. It takes time and exercises. If it is good to have a sandwich or a portion of spais hard, don‘t give up. After having learnt the ghetti. These contain carbohydrates that gradbases, you will feel pleasure and you will be ually release their energy and thus provide pleased with yourself. On the other hand you the body a constant energy source for hours. may find that this sport is not for you after hard Do not eat just before the physical exercises work. Don‘t worry and keep going – try some- because you will feel heavy and tired and it thing else. is possible to have stomach or muscles probSPORT AND FOOD lems. If you feel hungry after the sport, have a Each of us needs regular physical exercis- bite to „recharge batteries“. es to be in a good health. Sport is good for WHAT ABOUT ENERGY DRINKS AND the heart, lungs, muscules and the articula- FOOD? tion. Proper for the age activities can prevent Energy drinks and food are created for stress, give energy and help with the balanced sportsmen and sportswomen who need quickweight. ly a source of energy. They contain a great



60 min

Aerobics (intensive training)


60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min

Volleyball (beach)


60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min

Up and down the stairs


60 min



60 min



60 min

Cycling (15 km/h)


60 min



60 min



60 min

Walking (1,5 km/h)


60 min



60 min



60 min



60 min

Tae Bo


60 min



60 min



60 min

Table tennis


60 min

Fitness - women


60 min

Fitness - men


60 min



60 min



60 min



amount of fast absorbing carbohydrates. Professional sportsmen take these because they use up a lot of energy in their trainings. But you do not need such drinks and food if you have healthy meals. A banana is better during your training. Bananas contain a great amount of fruit sugar and give the organism a lot of energy. WATER Water is an important part of every human cell. Without water a cell cannot function and dies. Thanks to water the body absorbs nutritions. It is good to drink more water during the day, 1 -2 litters. If you do some sport than more liquids is advisable, because you are swetting and the body loses water. If your mouth is dry, you are thirsty or you have a headache – drink water immediately.



Perhaps sometimes you wonder why you have the feeling that something is forcing you to buy a particular item. And this is exactly what happens. There are a lot of ways to make a good attractive. The magic of marketing. Marketing is everything a company does to make you buy its products. This can either be „the cute“ design of the package, or „the cool“ addvertisement that is shown everywhere you go. Marketing is useful because it informs people which products are on the market and what are their qualities. On the other hand, it often gives blure information especially when unhealthy food is concerned.

The power of annoyance. In big supermarkets chocolate, sweets and waffles are usually placed near the cash desk. While you are waiting to pay your hand subconsciously reaches to grasp one. These sweet temptations are so high that a small child cannot reach them. Parents can‘t stand their children‘s constant annoying demands and finally buy the unhealthy product. Marketing tricks. There are numerous ways that experts use to make you buy something. Have you ever come across any of the following?

From page 4 bass and bream are rich in essential omega-3 and DHA(3) and EPA(4), fatty acids which may reduce the risk of heart disease because they can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Shellfish and crustaceans including mussels, clams and shrimp have similar benefits. Poultry is a good source of lean protein without the high levels of saturated fat found in some cuts of red meat. Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and vitamins too, and can be especially beneficial for individuals who do not eat too many of them, but, in spite modern research has shown that most the cholesterol we have in our blood comes from saturated fat, they can contribute to raise LDL levels. In fact one egg yolk contains about 200 mg. of cholesterol — all of which is found in the yolk – so on the days you eat one egg you had better limit other sources of cholesterol (5). On the next level we find sweets. Cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks contain few vitamins and minerals and tend to be high in calories. Moreover in butter, much used for cakes, there are a lot of saturated fats. Because of this people should eat sweets and cakes only on special occasions. At the top of this type of pyramid we have meat which should be eaten only a few times a month. In fact, in spite meat contains essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and fatty acids, they don’t have any fiber, they have high levels of nitrates and salt and finally they have high levels of saturated fats. Moreover, as red wine has powerful antioxidant effects, the Mediterranean diet envisages also a moderate consumption of wine too (1-2 glasses per day). This also contributes to reduces the mortality rate from heart diseases. For all its beneficial effects on health in 2010 the Mediterranean Diet has been included in the Unesco Intangible Heritage List. 1)low-density lipoprotein, considered as bad cholesterol because it sticks to artery walls 2)high-density lipoprotein, considered as good cholesterol 3)decosahexanoic acid 4)eicosanpentaenoic acid 5)the daily intake of cholesterol should not exceed 300 g. Written by Cinzia Magarelli

• A toy-gift. Very often restaurants for fast food offer a free toy with the child‘s meal. Do children want the menu for the food or the toy? • Sport and pop stars. Soft drinks and unhealthy food are advertised by a great number of celebrities. So if you like someone, it is very possible to buy the product they boost. • The Internet. Next time you are on the Internet notice how many of the most visited children‘s websites have links to sites for unhealthy food.

Fast food turned out to be one of the most successful industries controversial to healthy food and losing weight. But when did it story start? Today over 142 billion dollars a year have been spent on hamburgers in the USA. The inventing of the hasher pushed the birth of the hamburger. 1892 – Coke Cola containing 9mg cocaine The beginning of the 20th century – The hamburger is considered food for the poor – filthy, unhealthy and not trusted to be eaten 1919 – A&W Root Beef is the first drive-in food chain. 1921 – White Castle opens the first food chain for hamburgers for $ 0,50. 1949 – Richard and Morise McDonald opened their first restaurant. 1967 – The corn syrup was invented. It started the war between it and healthy food and losing weight. This is so because this ingredient increases the appetite and makes people eat more and more. 90s of the 20th century – the comedian Johnny Karsen called the hamburgers “Macstopper of arteries”

Q: Why do the French like • Buy one, get one free. It really is cheaper but you buy twice more unhealthy food. • Cortoon characters. This is an old but efficient tactics. If your child likes a cartoon it is certain that he/she wants the chips with a picture of it.

to eat snails? A: Because they don’t like

Healthy eating is the foundation of good health and success in school. To grow healthy and strong, try to follow the 14 Dietary Guidelines : 1. Eat a variety of food , provide enough time for food and pleasant atmosphere ; 2. Do not miss the morning breakfast ; 3. Consume grain food - they are an important source of energy, prefer wholemeal bread; 4. Eat more vegetables and fruit, preferably with each meal; 5. Take daily milk and dairy products; 6. Eat meat without fat , replacing it with fish, beans and lentils; 7. Limit fat. Avoid fried foods ; 8. Limit sugar, confectionery and soft drinks; 9. Reduce salt and don’t emphasize on salty foods; 10. Drink every day enough water and other liquids; 11. Healthy weight is important. games and sports are an important part of your day; 12. Wash your hands regularly before the meal, also wash thoroughly all fruit and vegetables. 13. Nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts), eat them with no salt except peanuts, and preferably raw. 14. You can eat 5 eggs a week (in this volume include eggs and other dishes and desserts). To be healthy diet it is necessary to follow all recommendations, not just some.

fast food!

We use the names of the meals without even thinking why they are called so. Some of them are named after real historical figures. Here are some of them: Pizza “Margarita” In the end of the 19th century Margarita Savoyska, the wife of the Neapolitan’s king Umberto I, invited the owner of the most famous pizza place in the area. He offered her three pizzas and she chose the one with the tomatoes, mozzarella and green parsley – the colours of the Italian flag.

“Melba” (ice-cream delight) The dessert has the name of Neli Melba (1859 – 1893). She was a famous Australian soprano. When she lived in London the dessert was made in her honour. Sauce “Béchamel” Named so to flatter the butler of the French king Luau 8th, Luau Béchamel. According to another version he himself accidently found the sauce while wondering how to spice a portion of fish. Salad “Cesar” It took the name of Cesar Kardini, an Italian who moved to San Diego, California after the First World War and he became a manager of a restaurant. He prepared the salad of what he could find in the fridge.

Salad “Waldorf” Created by the famous metr d’otel of Waldorf – Astoria in Manhattan. He is the author of a cook book without being a cook himself. Bread “Graham” Bread with full grains got its name from Sylvester Graham. He was a priest from the 19th century. He stood for the puritan way of life and the use from the vegetarianism.

Cake “Saher” It was made by the 16-year-old baker Franz Saher. It was in order to differ the menu of prince Meternih who was fed up with cream cakes.

Benedictian eggs One morning in 1894 a Limuel Benedict visited the restaurant of hotel Waldorf. He had a severe hangover and ordered a different breakfast – toasts, bacon, eggs and sauce “Holandez”. The chef was interested and put it in the menu.

1.Offer wholegrain bread or biscuits at every meal 2.Regularly serve rice, pasta or noodles with cooked food 3.Offer cereals for breakfast rich in fiber every day. 4.Offer a variety of fresh or frozen vegetables at every meal. 5.Prepare vegetables in a way that preserves their nutritional value and avoid cooking them in butter, oil or other fat. 6.Steam, blanch, bake and cook the vegetables in Chinese (in very little fat over high heat and constant stirring). 7.Offer a wide range of fruit jiuce to provide different nutrients. 8.Choose fresh, frozen or canned fruit in its own juice. 9.Add fruit to your lunch for school children. 10.Fruit which should be peeled like a banana, tangerine, orange are the best choice to avoid pesticides. All other - wash thoroughly with water before consumption. 11.Suggest a bowl of fresh fruit for a snack at home. 12.Remove skin from chicken for sandwiches, stews and other dishes. 13.Reduce consumption of egg yolks! 14.Serve one portion of meat or any of its alternatives per day.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

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