Storizen Magazine November 2023 | Savi Sharma

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STORIZEN Celebrating 5 Years of Storizen!

Diving into Life's Tapestry: A journey through Stories & Self-Discovery

Exclusive Story on Page 6

Pic: Dr Manjiri Prabhu

Explore the intriguing tale of "The Rampur Raza Mystery," where a library takes center stage in a thrilling narrative. Discover the disappearance of rare manuscripts like the Ramayana and the Quran, and follow Detective Sassy as she unravels the heist. Manjiri Prabhu, an accomplished author, filmmaker, and festival director, weaves this captivating story that delves into the cultural tapestry of Rampur Raza Library and its surroundings.

Cover Story

Book Reviews

Diving into life's tapestry: A Journey through Stories & Self-discovery - Savi Sharma

Kiran Adharapuram

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CONTENTS Editor's Note, p5 Cover Story, p6 Diving into Life's Tapestry: A Journey through Stories & Self-Discovery - Savi Sharma

hot off the press, p12 articles/short stories/poetry A Choice of Existence - Sreelekha Chatterjee, p14 Monthly Horoscope: December 2023 - Himani Goyal, p40 Choice of a Bruised Sapling - Ankur R. Gupta, p18 Afterlife - Sowmya Reddy, p22 Kintsugi... - Madhumathi H., p36 The Sadhaka - Vidya Shankar, p38

book reviews (by Swapna Peri, Saurabh Chawla & Kiran Adharapuram)

If I Survive You by Jonathan Escoffery, p26 Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon, p26 Prophet Song by Paul Lynch, p27 Saturday Stories by Rashmi Bansal, p27 Silk: A History in Three Metamorphoses by Aarathi Prasad, p28 Study for Obedience by Sarah Bernstein, p28 Tales of Horror by Nikesh Murali, p29 That Beautiful Elsewhere: Journeys in Mental Health by Scherezade Siobhan, p29

The Bee Sting by Paul Murray, p30 The Great Indian Cricket Circus by Abhishek Mukherjee and Joy Bhattacharjya, p30 This Other Eden by Paul Harding, p31 Western Lane by Chetna Maroo, p31 Rat, Rabbit, Rock by Jeena Papaadi, p32 Where Elephants Danced and Dragons Flew by Rajesh Talwar, p33 Upgrade by Priyesh Khanna and Alasdair Ross, p34

from the editor

calling all writers!

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e choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.” Khalil Gibran shares a beautiful and thought-provoking quote on the choices we make. The month of November welcomes the winter season but it doesn’t mean to turn you cold towards yourself or those whom you love, your closed ones! The theme of the month resonates with the thought and we want you to choose happiness for you and for all. On that note, we take immense pleasure in featuring the bestselling author of the month, Savi Sharma on the cover of Storizen Magazine. Be ready to Dive into life's tapestry: A Journey through Stories & Self-discovery with her latest book, The Happiness Story published by HarperCollins India! Check out the exclusive cover story on page 6 inside! With all the love for reading, we are back with some amazing book recs for you to delve deeper into the reading world. Pick some of your favorite books and let us know your thoughts on them. Keeping the world of literature alive and with The Booker Prize winner to be announced in just six days, check out the book reviews including some of The Booker Prize shortlisted titles inside. We have curated some wonderful stories and poetry we received from our contributors that would make you come back for more. Check them out inside! Ending this on a happy note that the month of November 2023 is special for us as we are soon going to create history and surpass 500K+ page views in one month only on our website. Thank you all for making this a reality and keep showering your love as it motivates us to push the limits. Do share with your friends, family, and the ones who love reading. Happy Reading! Saurabh Chawla, Editor in Chief


A Storizen Exclusive Feature By Pria Raiyani and Swapna Peri

Savi Sharma



n a world flooded with words, some voices stand out, weaving narratives that touch hearts and inspire change. Savi Sharma, the acclaimed author of bestselling books like "Everyone Has a Story" and "The Happiness Story," is one such storyteller whose words have resonated with readers around the globe. In an exclusive interview, Savi Sharma opens up about the journey that ignited the spark to write, the evolution of her craft, and the pursuit of happiness that threads through her work. FINDING THE WRITER'S CALLING The interview begins with a classic yet pivotal question: When did Savi Sharma feel the calling to write? The response takes us back to the early years, a time when the dream of storytelling took root in the fertile soil of childhood imagination. In college, her love for novels sparked the realization that writing was not just a passion but a calling. She unveils the magic of discovering one's purpose within the pages of stories. THE COMMON THREAD: 'STORY' A curious pattern emerges as we explore Savi Sharma's choice of book titles—all featuring the common word 'story. 'Was it deliberate or a coincidence? The author candidly shares how it started as a fluke but transformed into a conscious choice. "Story" becomes the thread binding Savi’s diverse works, creating a unique yet interconnected identity for each book. THE PINCH-ME MOMENT: EVERYONE HAS A STORY We shifted the focus to a significant milestone in Savi Sharma's career—the sale


of a hundred thousand copies of "Everyone Has a Story" in just 100 days. The author reflects on the overwhelming gratitude and pinch-me moment, emphasizing that real success lies not just in numbers but in the tangible impact on readers' lives. It's a testament to the profound magic of storytelling. EVOLUTION OF A WRITER: FROM 'EVERYONE HAS A STORY' TO 'THE HAPPINESS STORY' As Savi Sharma delves into the transformation from the first book to the fifth, we witness a personal and professional evolution. Each book becomes a step in refining the craft, deepening the understanding of storytelling nuances, and navigating life's challenges. The conversation further unfolded the layers added to Savi Sharma's growth and the craft's evolution. THE ROLE OF SELF-HELP BOOKS AND FINDING THE RIGHT ONE Savi shares insights on the importance of selfhelp books, emphasizing their role as guides through life's journey. The author encourages readers to actively apply insights gained and offers tips on finding the right book—aligning topics with challenges or aspirations. The conversation transcends the superficial to delve into the profound connection between the right book and the reader's moment of need. SHAPING THE LITERARY LANDSCAPE: CHANGES IN PUBLISHING AND MARKETING A perceptive exploration of the changes in publishing and marketing dynamics unfolds. Savi Sharma acknowledges the impact of digital platforms and social media on accessibility but notes a decline in readership over time. The author holds onto hope for the resurgence of a reading culture, especially among the younger generation, citing the unique power of the STORIZEN MAGAZINE



Pic: Savi Sharrma, Author: The Happiness Story


written word in personal growth and mental health. THE JOURNEY OF 'THE HAPPINESS STORY' AND A JOYFUL TWIST Intriguing anecdotes emerge as Savi Sharma shares the creative process behind "The Happiness Story." The book becomes a journey of self-discovery, and life adds a delightful plot twist—a baby girl enters the world during the writing process. The interview captures the essence of happiness not just in the book but in the author's personal story. 'PACKED WITH TRUE STORIES': CRAFTING UNIVERSALLY RESONANT NARRATIVES The conversation delves into the research behind "The Happiness Story," revealing that most stories are drawn from Savi Sharma's life. Engaging with social media followers, the author immerses in genuine dialogues and surveys to create something universally resonant and genuinely helpful in everyday life. EXPLORING BEYOND SELF-HELP: A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Savi Sharma opens up about a new phase of exploration—spirituality. The interview unveils Savi’s sincere desire to delve deeper into the spiritual journey, not as someone who has it all figured out but as someone navigating the path and growing along the way. The author's commitment to offering insights that resonate with others on a similar path of self-discovery shines through.





Having mesmerized countless readers with her bestselling novels, Savi Sharma now tackles the most sought-after question of our time: How does one attain enduring happiness? This uplifting book, brimming with true stories both moving and enriching, serves as a catalyst for pursuing passions, fueling ambitions, and scripting one's own destiny. Savi's transformative insights and practical tips pave the way for experiencing daily bliss and peace, irrespective of external circumstances. "The Happiness Story" transcends the realm of a conventional book, extending a compelling invitation to seize control of your happiness, initiating a journey towards ultimate well-being and fulfillment.

COVER STORY A BOOK RECOMMENDATION AND A GLIMPSE INTO PERSONAL READING In a delightful twist, Savi Sharma shares her recent favorite book, "Reasons to Stay Alive" by Matt Haig. The book's honesty about mental health and life's challenges resonated deeply with her, who wholeheartedly recommends it to readers seeking a comforting and real exploration of the human experience. As the conversation concluded, Savi left us with a glimpse into the pages of her journey—a journey marked by passion, purpose, and the unwavering belief in the transformative power of storytelling. Through the highs and lows, Savi Sharma continues to craft narratives that not only entertain but also inspire, inviting readers to discover their own stories within the pages of life.

About Pria - Young mesmerizing freelance blogger, social enthusiast, and an economics graduate from Jharkhand University with a Master's in Child Psychology. She is hardworking yet crazy, a passionate reader, an ardent music fanatic, an avid caffeine lover, and a maniacal animal lover too. She has been a part of numerous anthologies, articles, and write-ups for newspapers and magazines which are multi-linguistic. She has also written screenplays for YouTube series.


Swapna Peri is a Freelance blogger, book reviewer, narrator, and copy editor.





HOTthe OFFpress Vivid with detail and taut with suspense, Hot Stage is at once a cracking police procedural and an intense exploration of the squalor and vice that fester in the shadowy lanes of an urban sprawl.

"What if happiness is not a distant dream but a reachable choice? Savi Sharma, a bestselling author, provides the answer to achieving lasting happiness in 'The Happiness Story.' With inspiring true stories and practical tips, this book invites you to take control of your happiness and embark on a journey to well-being and fulfillment."





HOTthe OFFpress Soul and Sword traces the journey of political Hinduism from events that are critical to its selfnarration, that is, early Indian resistance to invasions, to intellectual definitions by nineteenth-century littérateurs and more contemporary electoral politics. It tries to understand the context and historical sources used to construct and promote political Hinduism’s world view.

Murtagh is a masterful addition to the Inheritance Cycle, showcasing Christopher Paolini's skill in crafting an enthralling fantasy tale. With its rich worldbuilding, engaging characters, and thought-provoking themes, this book is poised to leave a lasting impact on readers, solidifying its place as a must-read for fans of epic fantasy literature.





by Sreelekha Chatterjee


ihram and Anwar—both unfailing, vigilant observers—kept their eyes peeled like binoculars such that even a small fly wouldn’t go undetected. Any movement on the road that turned toward the space they were posted alerted their senses, as they positioned themselves with their weapons. Their bodies taut, every muscle tensed, even their sweat would temporarily halt from free fall to avoid their attention from being distracted in any way. The moment they saw a living soul, they would be ready to strike. It would be a matter of minutes when the person would land up in front of their citadels and “boom”—their bombardment would start,hurled toward the target individual—the full panoply of their power. If readers thought this to be some battlefield and the two men to be soldiers, then they wouldn’t be fully wrong. It was no less than a war that happened every day of their lives. The only difference was that the area where they were stationed was the city road, and their forts were their vegetable carts set side by side. Their watchfulness was meant to spot any potential customer that they detected proceeding toward them. Their attack was that of their cannons of words that they burst on the interested customer, who would initially face a dilemma of choosing between the two greengrocers. “My vegetables are as fresh as the morning sun.” They would often say in unison, adding to the purchaser’s confusion, refusing to be enthralled and misled. “The other guy is selling stale veggies, all infested with worms. Don’t ever choose to buy from him, or else you are going to regret it.” These were their usual words of appreciation for one another and perpetual suggestions to the willing customer. Contrary to what they stated about each other, they both brought fresh vegetables and the best ones in that particular market where they stalled from 5 a.m. until midday. NOVEMBER 2023

So the customers got even more puzzled. Their next weapon included lowering the market price to entice the buyers. Alluring the customers to purchase their respective vegetables was by no means an easy feat. Shoppers were mostly impatient, hasty with their appraisals, like the flitting birds that moved from one branch to another. They were prompt with their understanding of the matter—eyes scanning the freshness, fingers feeling the firmness, noses smelling the quality, and brains calculating the profitable price being offered. Eventually, they would select one of the grocers, who would briefly celebrate his victory with a jubilant smile, while the other would exhibit disheartened sighs, quiet capitulation before the ceasefire. This was the usual routine that they followed. But recently, Anwar was absent from the scene. At first, it was days, then weeks, and finally, a couple of months that he didn’t turn up. This naturally drove the customers to Vihram’s way, but there was something he missed genuinely. Perhaps it was the competition or the urge to prove his supremacy by winning customers on a daily basis. Vihram tried to find out about Anwar, but the other fruit-and-vegetable vendors didn’t have any clue about the reason behind his nonattendance. From one of them, Vihram learned that Anwar resided in a slum near the flyover that was quite far away from his place. Though they had been selling vegetables for nearly a year, they never had any conversations regarding their personal lives. One day Vihram decided to visit Anwar after completing his sale of vegetables. It was late in the afternoon when he arrived at the other side of the city where Anwar lived. After enquiring about Anwar for some time in the slum area, he at last reached his house. A young boy of probably seven or eight years was playing with a toy outside his door. On enquiring, he pointed toward the open door. Hesitantly, Vihram called out Anwar’s name loudly. But there was no response. When nobody answered to his long tapping at the tin door, he decided to STORIZEN MAGAZINE



leave. As he was about to go away, he heard a faint male voice asking him to come inside. As he entered the dimly lit room, he felt a strange heaviness in the air as if it was laden with moisture, and the fading paints of the walls seemed to sigh mournfully. In the dull, crepuscular light that crawled in through the only window, he saw Anwar lying on the wooden bed on one side of the small room. A heap of clothes and bed sheets was dumped in one corner. The dingy room was littered with newspapers, plastic packets, stainless steel plates and glasses bearing stains of eaten food, and empty medicine strips, bottles. Anwar lazed on the bed like a solemn figure covered with a bedcover from the waist down. On seeing Vihram, he reacted with a start and then, almost instantly, calmed down. Vihram wondered why Anwar wrapped himself up in that hot summer weather and didn’t even bother to get up to welcome him. Perhaps he still housed a strong dislike in his mind for his competitor. Anwar wearily motioned him to take a seat. No furniture being in sight, Vihram sat on the unclean floor. The ceiling fan whirred noisily overhead, irritating him to the core, as if a thousand bees were zipping by his head. He had already started cursing himself for visiting this uncourteous fellow. “What brings you here?” Anwar enquired, still burdened by a sense of fatigue. “To be honest, I was wondering whether you have taken up some other business.”

removed the bedcover hugging his lower body. To Vihram’s utter shock, he found that Anwar’s white pajamas—beneath his knees—lay flattened on the bed. “Your legs! How did this happen?” Vihram shuddered, eyes widened. “It’s all a turn of fate, bhaiya. I met with an accident. Consequently, I lost my business. Now I’ve myself turned into a useless vegetable.” Anwar tried hard to squeeze in a smile, but it landed with a strange grimace of pain on his face. “You can still sell vegetables. If someone assists you up to the market, you can open your stall and carry out your business.” Vihram said, fidgeting with his legs, placing the weight of his seated body from one haunch to another. “I don’t have anybody who can afford to spend so much time on me. My wife is hardly at home, working as a maid in the nearby colony. She is the breadwinner of our family. My four children are all below ten years of age, except the oldest boy who is fifteen years old. I’m heavily reliant on him for carrying out my daily activities, dependent even for the smallest of things.” Vihram rose to his feet abruptly and left without saying goodbye. The following morning, Vihram returned with a cart full of vegetables and a powered wheelchair. He asked Anwar to get ready to spend a busy day doing serious business.

Vihram said, dismissing the scope of initial pleasantries that might have crossed Anwar’s mind, as he was visiting for the first time. “I don’t see you at the market.” He continued, his face obstinately lowered, facing the ground. Vihram raised his eyes, suddenly realizing that probably Anwar was unwell and therefore, refused to leave his bed. Perhaps he had misconstrued Anwar’s behavior to be curt, unfriendly. Anwar’s face flushed, as he kept quiet for a while, averting his eyes from Vihram. Then he reluctantly 16




“I’ll come to fetch you daily. From today onwards, I’ll get two carts loaded with vegetables.” Vihram said while assisting Anwar onto the wheelchair. “Bhaijaan!” Anwar uttered, as his face glowed, while his eyes welled up with tears. “Don’t think I’m doing you any favor. I won’t give up the fight, which we had day in and day out, without emerging victorious.” Anwar saw the hope and propitious thoughts that made their way from Vihram’s thoughtful mind and leapt in his pirouetting eyes, as he continued tugging at his moustache nervously. Deep in his heart, Anwar kept thanking God. “God has sent you as a source of light in my realm of darkness.” After hugging briefly, they proceeded toward their destination where they would be vending green vegetables with new strategies to defeat one another. Vihram observed Anwar’s confidence reviving its former self, as he bounced back from his lifeless state, independently steering the powered wheelchair on the rough roads.


Sreelekha Chatterjee’s short stories have been published in various national, and international magazines and journals like Indian Periodical, Femina, Indian Short Fiction, eFiction India, The Criterion, The Literary Voyage, World of Words, Writer’s Ezine, and Estuary, and have been included in numerous print and online anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul series (Westland Ltd, India), Wisdom of Our Mothers (Familia Books, USA), and several others. She lives in New Delhi, India. You can connect with her on Facebook at, Twitter -@sreelekha001, @sreelekha2023.








tanding alone at the crag, Naina continued looking at an arid Rock, holding a patchy bed of dry soil that kept on shifting with a slight whiff without any sign of life. A while later, taking a deep breath, she sighed heavily, “Huh, my life is no different than you,” she said, loudly to the mammoth rock. For years you’ve been standing here all alone, crumbling yourself but guarding the lush green vegetation thriving at your foothill from these eroding winds and harsh summers. But do they ever acknowledge your presence?” The poker face crag kept staring at her mutely, wondering the reason, behind this outburst. A messy divorce and now her job, she had lost it all within a few months. A person who was the epitome of her life discarded her existence for someone else. Her only savior was the job, but with that gone too, Naina felt betrayed and bitter. Cluelessly, she wandered every day on this cliff, brooding and sulking over the pain, destiny had thrown in her lap. One such day, as she listlessly wandered over the rock, perhaps her only companion, her gaze suddenly fell on a narrow crevice of the rock. Quickly, she bent down and peeped inside it. “Ohh,” she exclaimed in surprise. “From where did you pop in little one,” she said, talking to a fragile-bruised sapling, gasping for life in that minuscule crack. She continued looking inside for a long time with mixed emotions and whispered heavily, “No point little one, you will not live longer to see the next sunshine”. The pessimistic flow of her voice shook the already battered sapling, faintly flinching under the hellish sun with almost no support to its tender roots on stony-parched soil. The next day, Naina came much earlier to the cliff than her routine time as she was eager to know the sapling's fate. As she climbed the crest of the crag, she muttered to herself, “I’m sure it must be dead by now”. Hesitantly, she peeped inside the crevice and saw the sapling still clinging bravely for its life. “You seem to me a stubborn one,” she laughed drily, “but let's see, how long?”


From that day onwards, it became a daily ritual for her to check out the sapling, anxiously waiting for it to wither. However, she was unaware of a purpose that made that tiny sapling clinched to its life. A few days later, “Oh,” lamented Naina when she saw new shoots from the sapling peeping out of the thin crack. The delicate, freshly borne leaves shined shyly in the radiance of Sunlight. “Hmmm…you’re growing your wings,” she said with a tinge of curiosity. “But then what's the point? Even if you grow, you will be standing alone unnoticed on this cliff, ” she said, reversing her tone back to sarcasm. The frail sapling again shook its head in disappointment. As the days passed by, Naina kept noticing the plant growing while battling the stormy winds and predators hovering over it. Strangely, she got so preoccupied with it that she didn't realize that many days had gone by, and she had hardly moaned in her pain. That night, the sky was shrouded with twirls of lightning, flashing thunderously behind the dark grey clouds. Soon, the gushing storm engulfed the entire aura. Naina got up with a jolt and instantly remembered the sapling. “it will surely die today,” she muttered with concern as she looked outside her window at the blustery downpour. She couldn’t sleep a wink throughout the night, and as the dawn cracked and the storm subsided, she rushed to the cliff. Thank God, she heaved a sigh of relief as she saw a sapling, though bruised and bent to one side but still holding to its root. As the sun shined, it started to regain its posture again. “You’re a brave heart, little one,” said Naina to the sapling with a smile but instantly gasped in shock. “Holy Grail, what is happening to me,” she muttered loudly. “ I just appreciated this little one for its spirit of tenacity”. “For long, I expected this sapling to whither out, but today I’m feeling happy that it has survived”. While she was trying to understand these perplexities, a bird tried to hover over the little plant. With lightning speed, Naina covered the little sapling protectively with her hands. The bird gave her a disdainful stare and then loomed into the sky. STORIZEN MAGAZINE



Are you okay, little one,” she said gently with concern. Naina felt the sapling raising its head and smiling at her. “What are you smiling for,” she asked curiously. The little plant said, “You have begun to care for me”. “Yes, I do, she admitted instantly, though taken off guard by her reply.

“Ha,” Naina snorted drily. But what's the point? She taunted. “Though you survived, you stand here, all alone aimlessly in this barren rock? No, I don’t, replied the little plant. “ At first, I had aimed to survive, now, I have found a new purpose". Purpose? She questioned anxiously.

"But why?... you always wanted me to fall apart," asked the plant eagerly. “Eh…she exhaled a deep breath as her mind began to swirl with a whirlpool of thoughts trying to figure out the answer for this “Why”. After a while, she said, “Hmmm…Yes, I was apprehensive in the beginning. I thought it was a futile effort as everything around you was so cold-hearted towards your pain. But, despite so many odds, when I started noticing your spirit of fighting back, your zeal to live began to fascinate me”. Or, maybe in me, you saw yourself and hence were keen to know what happened to me,” spoke the little plant wisely. Umm…err… maybe, she replied briefly, taken aback by this revelation. “All right,” said the little plant cheerfully. “Good to know you admire my spirit of resilience, but Naina, what about you?“ Huh…What about me? she said in a baffled voice. The little plant looked at her and spoke,” A few blows into your life, and you let yourself laid down flat on your back. Didn’t even try to bounce back”. Naina, unblinkingly, kept staring at the little plant with astonishment and then spruced angrily, “You’re just plain lucky. Not everyone has that kind of luck”. The little plant, unhazed by her outburst, replied, ” Naina, you are not the only one whose life is upside down. Just imagine how difficult it was for a fragile seed like me to fall into the dark pit of this rock, bruised and battered. I, too, felt this was the end of me. But unlike you, I chose to fight to live instead of brooding and surrendering to my destiny. I fought resiliently against all the odds that kept pulling me down, including you, he said, laughing faintly.




Yes, nodded, the little plant. “One day, I will provide a shade to this crag as an appreciation for all its good work, it has done so far”. Umm…and, how are you planning to do so? she asked hastily. “Well, once I grow, I will shed out my seeds in the cracks of this cliff so that one day, this barren landscape transforms into a lush green plantation. “Hmmm…sounds dreamy, but little one, what if you fail? Do you realize how painful it is to see your dreams toppling down in front of you? “Yes, I do,” nodded the plant. “I, too, dreamt of growing out in a lush green forest. But here I was lying in this sterile rock. However, instead of resigning to my luck, I changed my dreams to new ones but never once stopped”. “But Naina, what are you doing? The little plant questioned her gravely. “What do you mean by that,” she stammered shakily. “You’re appreciating my spirit of tenacity, but what have you done? A few blows, and you have given up on yourself. You have caged yourself so tightly in your past pains, leaving no vent for the fresh dreams,” said the little plant in a single row of a breadth.


Naina gasped loudly, her eyes widened in bewilderment. Every word fell on her ears like a melting glass. She flinched with denial but couldn’t. Her heart screamed aloud, “What was just said by this little one was all true”. “I stand here today because I choose to,” said the little plant, with pride. “But here you’re sulking aimlessly in pain because you choose to be like that”. “You began to care for me because I took a step forward to fight. Similarly, your family and friends are waiting for you to do that”. “It's not the circumstances but the choices we make that decide the course of our lives”. Naina kept looking intensely at her little one for a long time. She then caressed it gently and silently got up to climb down the cliff. Leaving behind were the pieces of baggage of her past pains. She had found a new purpose in her life, and that was moving forward not for anyone but for herself.

Ankur R Gupta - I'm a blogger, an author, and a certified content creator. My writings revolve around the simple motto “Write to bring Smile”. I believe in understanding behavioral aspects of human life linked with their different phases and then ink my words about them in a simplified way to spin out positivity and purpose associated with them. A hardcore history enthusiast and traveler. I love to read & explore our ancient cultures and civilizations. My reading page is inkmyword -the reader community.

Choose to live for yourself to discover a purpose in life.






by Sowmya Reddy


faintly hear something, again and again. I’m unable to discern if it is a sound or a voice and neither its whereabouts. All I do is shut my eyes tight and cover my blanket over my head. Though my eyes are shut, to keep myself from falling asleep I contemplate on various subjects in my fictional TedEx that is held in my mind. “So, Hey guys, welcome to TedEx with Sritya (basically I’m welcoming my neurons; my only audience) who lives in room number 20 at Shine Hospital. Our session starts in one, two, three and we are live. Death has become my favorite subject. I can debate on it for hours together. Life is where you are left behind and death is where you leave everyone behind. Those who die a natural death are the luckiest, for they don’t know when it occurs. The others know their every step by heart because they have scripted it. And I fall into the latter. It took me only few minutes to change my goal of becoming an artist to wishing death upon myself. From that moment onwards I have been waiting for death alike a widow waiting for the God of death at her doorstep to be reunited with her beloved husband. I was slashing my wrists or swallowing a handful of pills at a go. Alas; all my hard work went down the drain. To my dismay I was saved in every attempt. I glance at my caricatured wrists to acknowledge their presence in my life. I hit my forehead with my palm as I curse my stars. I was …. .” And I do which shouldn’t be done; drift into sleep. *** I sit on the couch of the drawing room flipping through the pages of a magazine while I wait for Satya to finish getting ready. We had planned to go on a date after a long time. He kept all the details away blurting, “surprise” which left me with no cue. Satya is my boyfriend of two years. We had met in college, we are the typical friends turned lovers. It was evident then, we would end up together. And right now we are in his apartment. I hear a tap and look up. Satya is all dressed up, he looks straight out of one of those Turkish dramas I watch. Both of us ended up smiling, a cute tiny moment. He tells me to wait downstairs for him.


Its been more than few minutes and he isn’t down yet, I decide on calling him but instead I walk towards the stairs. There’s some weird feeling in me which kept popping itself now and then but I brush it aside and step inside the apartment. I don’t find him in the hall neither in his room. I can’t fathom what kind of surprise he is up to. As that weird feeling of mine kicks in again, I hear a loud thud probably, of a door closing. I rush to the hall to find him there. He’s locked us in and why? He starts yelling in gibberish, gets hold of a vase and smashes it. Damn, I wish I hadn’t looked for him considering my weird feeling. Getting closer he blurts, “ I have waited all this time so one day you would let me in your bed. But, you never let your guard down.” As I realize what he is up to I rush to his room. He is right behind me with that half broken vase in his hands threatening. I put all my strength into closing the door. But, its little ajar because he is on the other side trying to open it. Putting his gym body to proper use I fear I won’t be able to stop him from entering. Tears roll out, he is overpowering me, he is calling me names, he is making me feel sick of myself, he is wearing that devilish grin on his face. And suddenly I felt something sharp had struck me I’m in pain, there’s blood. He struck my arm with that vase leaving me in pain in turn which left me to a halt. By the time I realize I have taken the bait 1. he is inside 2. the door is firmly bolted 3. a broken vase and me. I pace looking out for a sharp object to break free of him. I plead with him to leave me but there’s that villain’s laugh spread all over his face. I’m dragged towards the wall, I’m thrashed. I have never felt this kind of pain in my entire life. My mind screams, “Is this the man you love?” He shoves that broken vase into my arm again and again until he feels I’m immovable like a photo frame hung on the wall. I’m screaming in pain, crying out of fear and yet he is touching me in all the places. I don’t give up I bite his arm and kick him with my legs. But as I said, the gym body doesn’t give in or maybe that wish to do this to me is much stronger. I feel like a bubblegum that is to be unwrapped, to be shoved into his mouth to be chewed, to be blown into a bubble and to be spat at the end. After leisurely tasting the bubblegum he whispers in my ear, “I just pretended to love you to sleep with you. This day wouldn’t have arrived if you weren’t so stubborn. Goodbye, hope we don’t cross




paths again” and he leaves. First he rapes his own girlfriend then he leaves her to death in his own apartment. I want to curse him but there is no ounce of strength left in me. I feel being engulfed by death. I welcome it with happiness and my body hits the floor with a thud. Hours later I wake up, my body aches all over. Reality hits me saying, “You have been raped by your BOYFRIEND.” I see my mother who is in tears next to me. She opens her mouth to say but closes it as if she has lost her voice. I see that guilt in her eyes for not being able to protect me. But it is me who should be guilty for falling in love with someone like him, for not being able to see the red flags and for not being able to save myself from him. From this moment on my life’s goal has changed from becoming an artist to wishing death upon myself. *** Am I kicking my legs in my dream? No I’m doing it for real in my bed as I gasp for air. I’m screaming my lungs out because I was being choked in my dream. I hear someone calling me I guess it’s the nurse. She is here to calm me. “Hey guys I’m back. I have been having nightmares since I was raped that’s why I have been distracting myself from falling asleep. My mother isn’t here yet. She’s trying to spend most of her time with me that leaves her with a hectic work schedule. She tells me an inspiring story everyday with hope that I might stop taking my life. But I never stopped. The room I stay in has become object free except for a bed and me. They were the after effects of my attempts.”

dreams, who want to live yet have to die like that girl downstairs. People full of life, full of dreams are taken away early either by an ailment or in a war or in an accident or something vile happens to them. I know vile has happened to you too but you have fought through it and are alive even after those dozens of attempts you have made isn’t it?” asks mum. I just nod my head. Though the story is short it meant huge. Mum leaves after a while telling she will be back in an hour. *** “Hey guys, I have been thinking about the story mum said today - the girl downstairs and the rest. My heart knows its right but I don’t have the courage yet to face myself and the world. I want to hide myself in a bunker never to be found. What if I just need to face myself? I don’t need to know the world’s opinion or be defined by it. I was raped which makes me the survivor, I ain’t the rapist so, I don’t need to feel ashamed of myself, I don’t need to torture myself. All I need to do is tell myself its not my fault its of those who have resorted to such heinous doings. All I need to do is be proud of myself for not giving up that day. Maybe I could be a part of an NGO for rape survivors where I could interact with the others like me and embrace each other. Tell the world its not our fault its theirs for making us feel that way which made me seek death. But, mum was there for me and would always be there for me. I must live because not everyone would have a chance like me. I know there’s a war out there which means death after death yet, the luckiest are alive. You might be a parent or a child or anyone who lives through the war. You could be a family though you have lost yours. You could live your family’s dream as their tribute.

“Srityaaaaa, sit up straight. I have brought your favourite food,” says my mother gleefully. She tries to put up a happy face beneath all the sadness. I spread a smile for her sake and do as she says. Mum sits next to me with the tiffin box. I peep into it, there’s pulav of course my favourite. As she feeds me she starts her story session which I don’t take seriously because death is my wish. “ I saw a girl about your age downstairs. She is here for chemotherapy. The doctors say its of no use for the last stage but the girl doesn’t give up, she keeps coming. The girl wants to open her own restaurant.” Mum looks at me faking anger, “Look at you who simply wants to die. There are people who have 24




You could just live a meaningful life which doesn’t need a huge house or a huge bank balance it just requires doing good. I know there’s lots of vile happening other than these. If you have lived through it then God has given your life a different purpose. To live with that memory so you won’t let the others go through it, so you would create awareness, so you would not do what was done to you, so you would inspire those like you, so you would at least live for your loved ones, so you would tell the others how important it is to be courageous, to never give up and be yourself. You have been chosen by God in the lucky draw for “Live.” Then, you ought to live though its hard. I wait for mum to come to tell her I won’t wish for death anymore. Thank you for listening guys. See you later. Take care.”

Sowmya Reddy is an engineering undergraduate. She is an introvert who loves to express herself on paper. She indulges in writing when she has something to convey or when she wishes to escape from life. She believes writing is another way to bring out change. Her work was featured in Delhi Poetry Slam's Magazine, Pinwheel anthology and Aligarh Muslim University's In House Magazine.

The death phase for me has come to an end and now I look forward to the beginning of my afterlife.






"If I Survive You" by Jonathan Escoffery is an impressive collection of eight interconnected short stories that provide a deep and poignant exploration of the struggles faced by a Jamaican immigrant family living in Miami, Florida. These stories span several decades, from the 1970s to the 2020s, delving into the complex themes of race, class, culture, identity, belonging, and the relentless pursuit of survival. Escoffery's writing is anything but unconventional, resonating with the universal human experience. As I delved into the pages of his book, I naturally envisioned the narrative extending far beyond its initial setting. It was as though I transplanted the story to the streets of India, where the themes of poverty and identity reverberate with striking familiarity. The book adeptly illustrates that the challenges of poverty are a shared human experience that transcends geographical and cultural divides unaffected by variations in GDP or social contexts. At the heart of the narrative is Trelawny, a young Black man constantly grappling with the question, "What are you?" Trelawny's search for his place in the world unfolds against discrimination, poverty, violence, and familial complexities. As the only American-born member of his Jamaican immigrant family, he faces an identity crisis that sets him apart, navigating the tension between his school's insistence on his American-ness and society's refusal to accept him as such. This societal obsession with race leaves Trelawny feeling like an outsider despite his diverse heritage. His unique position makes him a perpetual 'other,' and this feeling of not belonging pervades his experiences even as he reaches adulthood. Furthermore, his relationship with his father, Topper, and his older brother, Delano, is marked by misunderstanding and disconnection, leading to Trelawny's eventual expulsion from his home. Escoffery's direct and unflinching approach makes this book a powerful exploration of poverty and the indomitable spirit of those who persevere in adversity. 26



Nina Simon's debut novel, "MotherDaughter Murder Night," is a delightful and engaging blend of cosy mystery, family dynamics, and heartwarming moments. Set against the stunning backdrop of Monterey Bay, California, the story introduces readers to the complex relationships within the Rubicon family, spanning three generations of strong-willed women. At the heart of the narrative are Lana, the formidable grandmother battling cancer; Beth, her artistic and loving daughter; and Jack, Beth's adventurous and spirited teenage daughter. Simon skillfully portrays their intricate dynamics, with Lana's determination and wit shining through, Beth's character evolving into a more endearing figure, and Jack adding fresh air with her love for nature and adventure. The murder mystery itself is well-crafted, featuring a plethora of suspects, red herrings, and unexpected twists that keep readers engaged and guessing throughout the book. Lana's determination to solve the case, despite the disinterest of the local police, drives the narrative forward and adds an extra layer of intrigue. The picturesque coastal California setting is vividly described, becoming an integral part of the story rather than just a backdrop. Simon's connection to the book, writing it while caring for her mother battling cancer, infuses the narrative with genuine love, resilience, and the importance of family bonds, making it a genuinely heartfelt read. "MotherDaughter Murder Night" successfully blends elements of a cozy mystery with family dynamics, resulting in a compelling story that explores the enduring connections between generations of women. It's a heartwarming tale that warms the heart, offering a unique and refreshing take on the genre. While "Mother Daughter Murder Night" attempts to combine mystery, family drama, and humor, it falls short of its ambitions. The plot follows Lana Rubicon, a high-powered businesswoman battling health issues in a coastal town, where her granddaughter stumbles upon a murder, launching them into a murder investigation. While it provides some light entertainment, it leaves readers with missed potential and unfulfilled promises. NOVEMBER 2023


"Prophet Song" by Paul Lynch unfolds in a not-so-distant future, and at its core, it tells the story of the Stack family from Dublin – Larry, Eilish, and their four children. They lead a typical middle-class life in a peaceful neighborhood. The narrative commences with an eerie visit from two plainclothes policemen to their home, signaling an impending sense of foreboding. The novel quickly establishes a bleak political backdrop, where the National Alliance Party seizes government control and imposes a state of emergency. The Garda National Service Bureau (GNSB) is granted extensive power to quell dissent. Larry, a part-time trade unionist, becomes a legitimate target for the authorities. His confrontation with the GNSB is a pivotal moment, highlighting the oppressive reality of living in an authoritarian regime. Larry mysteriously vanishes, and Eilish, with her four children, including a nursing baby, navigates a world filled with rumors, half-truths, and imminent danger. The story shifts from speculative dystopia to an all-too-real narrative. The message is clear – any protest comes with a heavy price. The plot-driven narrative follows the Stack family as they confront the threat to their existence. The novel doesn't delve deep into the intricacies of the political landscape, but instead, it focuses on the family's struggle to adapt as their world unravels. As they face mounting challenges, their country teeters on the brink of chaos. Simultaneously, the story depicts the growing resistance against the regime, with people of all ages wearing white and joining protest marches. The government-controlled media warns of an impending crackdown, leading to these two narrative strands collapsing. Sixteen-year-old Mark, the Stack family's son, escapes home to join the rebels, and civil war erupts on the streets of Dublin. As "Prophet Song" ends, the pace intensifies, and the story expands beyond the confines of one country. Eilish's journey symbolizes fleeing from tyranny in search of freedom. It serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring struggles faced by those living under oppressive regimes. NOVEMBER 2023

Sometimes, you find yourself drifting into your thoughts, envisioning picturesque scenarios. Occasionally, you delve deeply into the individuals you encounter in your daily existence, pondering what experiences they might be undergoing or what has shaped them into who they are. In her latest book, "Saturday Stories," Rashmi Bansal guides readers through short tales that delve into the intricate fabric of human emotions and experiences. With her engaging and approachable writing style, Bansal explores various themes that mirror the essence of our contemporary era. The book's strength lies in its simplicity. Though deceptively straightforward, the narratives offer unique glimpses into the lives of diverse characters. Rashmi Bansal's talent for creating relatable characters and situations is evident throughout the book, making it effortless for readers to form personal connections with the stories. However, one element of "Saturday Stories" that may give readers pause is the inclusion of stories related to the COVID-19 pandemic. While these narratives undoubtedly reflect the times we are living in, for some readers, they may not offer the escapist experience typically sought in fiction. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shared global experience, and revisiting it in fiction might not provide the desired break from reality. These lockdown-inspired stories go into many parts of COVID-19, from vaccination hesitation to real-life lockdown challenges, such as economic downturns and migrant worker hardships. This book's capacity to cover a wide range of genres in one volume makes it unique. The stories, which range from love romances to thought-provoking scenarios about racism and opulent Indian weddings, keep readers interested in their concise and direct manner. Readers who appreciate short stories that capture the intricacies of human nature will find "Saturday Stories" to be a valuable addition to their reading repertoire.





Donning a silk saree is vital for women who aim to exude a powerful sense of dignity. The silk saree represents the sacred role that women play on Earth. Across various cultures, particularly in Indian culture, women choose attire crafted from Silk, signifying our deep reverence for the sanctity of women, enhancing their allure and grace in the eyes of all. When a woman adorns a silk saree, she symbolizes cultural dignity and prestige. This is because wearing a traditional Indian garment like a silk saree indicates a strong connection to one's heritage. The intricate designs, varieties, and weaves of Silk often become a focal point of discussion, and the silk market spans the entire country. However, taking a moment to contemplate the fascinating transformation of a small silkworm into Silk adds an extra layer of intrigue. In this context, Aarathi Prasad's "Silk" is a must-read. Aarathi Prasad's book, "Silk: A History in Three Metamorphoses," skillfully intertwines a captivating narrative that spans different eras and cultures, delving into the intriguing evolution of Silk through three distinct phases. Prasad's adept storytelling is on full display as she guides readers on a voyage into the ancient origins of Silk, unraveling its historical importance and cultural influence. From the early sericulture techniques in ancient China to the Silk Road's role in connecting civilizations, the book vividly portrays Silk as more than a luxurious textile but a conduit for cultural exchange and economic transformation. The three metamorphoses that structure the narrative provide a unique and multifaceted exploration of Silk. Prasad adeptly navigates through the transformation of silkworms, the intricate silk production process, and the societal changes catalyzed by this luxurious material. This multi-layered approach enables readers to perceive Silk as a commodity and a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and evolution. It is a must-read for those intrigued by the intersection of history, science, and culture as Prasad expertly unravels the rich tapestry of Silk's journey with finesse and expertise. 28



"Study for Obedience," the second novel by Canadian author Sarah Bernstein, featured in Granta's Best of Young British Novelists 2023, weaves a gripping tale set in the notso-distant future. The story follows an unnamed Jewish woman who relocates to a remote northern country to assist her estranged brother, residing in a former manor house. As she grapples with the traumatic past intertwined with her ancestors' history of persecution and genocide, she becomes the subject of mistrust and fear among the locals, who attribute mysterious calamities to her presence. Bernstein employs sparse yet lyrical prose, employing various narrative techniques such as the secondperson point of view, flashbacks, and stream of consciousness. These techniques create an atmosphere of uncertainty and suspense, casting doubts on the narrator's reliability and sanity. The novel's exploration of themes like identity, belonging, memory, and responsibility adds depth to the narrative as the protagonist strives to make sense of her place in the world and role in the unfolding events. "Study for Obedience" parallels books with tales of individual versus community. The unnamed protagonist, settling in a northern UK community to aid her abandoned brother, becomes an unwitting scapegoat for several calamities. Language barriers heighten her isolation. The novel offers potential but leaves readers longing for resolution, challenging them with digressions and complexity. While it may defy easy categorization, its linguistic prowess and unconventional style make for a thought-provoking read, even if it doesn't fully realize its premise. The novel ventures beyond conventional literature, incorporating contemporary references to the Internet and mobile phones, infusing it with a modern sensibility. It raises questions about its categorization, pushing the boundaries of post-modernism and presenting a unique reading experience. The book's haunting quality lingers long after the final page, leaving readers questioning guilt, collaboration, and the capacity for redemption. NOVEMBER 2023


In "Tales of Horror" by Nikesh Murali, readers are treated to a compelling anthology of four short stories that meticulously scrutinize the virtues and vices of humanity under extraordinary circumstances. The narratives delve deep into the recesses of the human mind, exposing the darkest desires carefully hidden away. Addressing critical issues such as traumatic childhoods, the impact of grief on families, open relationships, body shaming, and homophobia, the stories offer a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience. Crafted in accessible language, these stories weave a tight web of secrets and spinechilling discoveries, holding readers in suspense. The plot unfolds steadily, guided by well-detailed and brutal writing that establishes a profound framework, transporting readers to the heart of each tale. Including illustrations at the beginning of each story adds an extra layer of intrigue to the overall reading experience. This spooky novella presents four distinct and blood-curdling stories, steering away from traditional ghost stories to explore less-discussed horror topics often found in folklore. The book successfully generates a lingering sense of unease, offering a different kind of chill than typical ghost stories. While the stories are somewhat predictable, the writing style remains engaging and accessible, creating an immersive reading experience. In horror fiction, Nikesh Murali's "Tales of Horror" stands out as a chilling exploration of fear, dread, repulsion, and the supernatural. The book takes readers on a journey into the darkest corners of fear, promising an edge-of-your-seat experience. Perfect for horror enthusiasts seeking a thrilling and thought-provoking read, these stories offer more than traditional scares – they delve into societal issues and explore characters with depth and complexity. "Tales of Horror" challenges characters to confront their inner demons and grapple with existential and philosophical questions, making it a must-read for those seeking a nuanced and impactful horror experience.


Mental health is crucial for overall well-being, and India faces a high prevalence of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and substance use disorders. These conditions impact individuals, families, and society, reducing quality of life and economic consequences. Social and cultural factors like stigma, discrimination, gender inequalities, poverty, and cultural beliefs exacerbate these challenges. Access to mental healthcare remains a concern, with gaps in treatment quality and limited availability of professionals, especially in rural areas. Mental asylums in India face criticisms, human rights concerns, and the need for alternative approaches to mental healthcare. In this connection, "That Beautiful Elsewhere: Journeys in Mental Health" by Practicing psychologist Scherezade Siobhan leverages her extensive understanding of the human mind and professional experiences to create a compelling collection of essays. In this anthology, she delves into the real-life stories of individuals grappling with diverse challenges, from coping with bipolar disorder to navigating the enduring consequences of abuse. With profound sensitivity and insight, Siobhan artfully weaves these narratives together, offering readers a deep exploration of the hurdles faced by individuals and communities alike. Her examination extends to the unique dynamics of the typical Indian family, often fostering conditions conducive to oppression and the constraints of conventional masculinity that hinder emotional expression. She also delves into the evolving complexities of contemporary relationships. The book can be described as a psychotherapist's memoir, offering insights into the experiences of a wounded healer. It is tailored for those who understand that being fragmented and imperfect is part of the human condition. The collection of essays ultimately underscores the resilience of the human mind, offering a hopeful path toward mental health recovery and the beautiful elsewhere that can be rebuilt piece by piece. STORIZEN MAGAZINE




Paul Murray's most recent creation, "The Bee Sting," arrives as an unexpected delight for readers, including myself, who may have felt somewhat disappointed by his earlier work, "The Mark and the Void." Initially, the length of the novel, spanning over 600 pages, raised some concerns. However, I'm delighted to share that this narrative not only eclipses its forerunner but does so with great finesse. Brimming with emotional richness, suspense, and a strikingly audacious conclusion that ignites impassioned dialogues, "The Bee Sting" is a remarkable milestone in Murray's literary journey. Set in a picturesque Irish town, "The Bee Sting" is a sprawling contemporary family saga that thoughtfully examines the Barnes family during a pivotal period in their lives. The Barnes family is a family in crisis, grappling with economic instability, environmental concerns, repression within their community, infidelity, homophobia, and the pervasive silence that cloaks their inner lives. This complex backdrop is the canvas for a dramatic narrative filled with mysteries and misdirection, making it a thrilling and absorbing read. Murray's narrative prowess shines through as he delves into the perspectives of each family member, skillfully portraying their unique viewpoints. From teenage Cassandra to adolescent PJ, from the mother Imelda to the father Dickie, each character's voice is vividly captured. The family's web of secrets, lies, and misunderstandings is masterfully unraveled, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that underscores the novel's exploration of familial dynamics. "The Bee Sting" reveals the unsettling reality that even the closest-knit families can harbor emotional distance and unspoken truths. The title symbolizes the hidden pain and discord within the Barnes family, a stark contrast to their seemingly ordinary exterior. The book underscores how these issues are pervasive in family life, leading to potential heartache and tragedy.

The year 2023 holds special significance for cricket enthusiasts in India as the country gears up to host the 13th edition of the ICC Cricket World Cup after a hiatus of 12 years. The memories of India's triumph in the 2011 World Cup, led by the charismatic M.S. Dhoni, still resonate, and anticipation builds as the Indian team's stellar performance in the ICC ODI World Cup 2023 raises questions among opponents and fans alike about how to halt their unstoppable momentum. Will Rohit Sharma, The Indian Captain, rewrite the 2011 history? In a nation marked by religious discord and societal divisions, cricket emerges as the unifying force that transcends boundaries. The zeal for the game pulsates every Indian, transforming cricket matches into national celebrations. From the vast grounds to the narrow balconies of Mumbai's chawls, cricket is not merely a sport but a cultural phenomenon. Children across the country dream of becoming the next cricketing legend, and the passion for the game courses through the veins of every Indian, making it a collective nirvana that binds the nation together. In this connection, "The Great Indian Cricket Circus," penned by Abhishek Mukherjee and Joy Bhattacharjya, embarks on a captivating literary expedition, unveiling enthralling episodes, anecdotes, and a wealth of facts and statistics drawn from the rich tapestry of Indian cricket history. This dynamic exploration takes readers on a spirited journey spanning over a century, immersing them in the intricacies of matches and players and the vibrant world of passionate fans, unforgettable scores, idiosyncratic commentators, and legendary stadiums. The authors provide unique stories and insights, satisfying the curiosity of cricket enthusiasts, history buffs, and those intrigued by the softer traits of players.

This novel explores family dynamics, love, and the choices that define our relationships.






"This Other Eden" by Paul Harding is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into the untold history of a racially integrated community on Apple Island, inspired by the actual events of Malaga Island off the coast of Maine. As the second novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Tinkers," Harding takes readers on a journey through time, following the lives of the island's inhabitants from the late 18th century to the early 20th century. The story revolves around the descendants of Benjamin Honey, a formerly enslaved person who escaped from Jamaica with his Irish wife, Patience, to make a new life on the island. They form a close-knit and self-reliant community with other families of diverse backgrounds. However, the novel takes a stark turn as it explores the ominous emergence of eugenics in the early 20th century, drawing a connection to the International Eugenics Congress held in London in 1912. One of the remarkable aspects of "This Other Eden" is its narrative structure. The novel is divided into smaller chapters, each adopting a different style and perspective. From first-person to third-person, present tense to past tense, and even the use of various literary devices, Harding skillfully weaves a rich and diverse narrative voice that keeps readers engaged and invested in the characters' lives. The novel's themes of identity, belonging, memory, and survival resonate strongly throughout the story. The islanders face a myriad of challenges, from racism and poverty to the looming threat of eugenics. Additionally, they must grapple with their traumas and secrets, making their journey all the more relatable and heartrending. Harding's prose is both lyrical and powerful, evoking vivid imagery and a deep well of emotions. He captures the beauty, dignity, and complexity of the island and its inhabitants, steering clear of stereotypes and simplistic judgments. This book is a must-read that will touch both your heart and mind, leaving a lasting impression on your literary journey.


"Western Lane" is an impressive debut novel penned by Chetna Maroo, a distinguished Canadian author of Gujarati descent whose literary prowess earned her a coveted spot on the Booker Prize longlist in 2023. Within the pages of this novel, Maroo weaves a poignant narrative, introducing readers to Gopi, an 11year-old girl who resides in London alongside her father and two sisters, grappling with the profound loss of her mother. Gopi discovers solace in squash, a sport she passionately pursues at the Western Lane sports center, where she trains with her father and crosses paths with Ged, a fellow enthusiast who shares her love for the game despite his speech impediment. At its core, "Western Lane" is a soulstirring and lyrical exploration of grief, identity, and the quest for belonging. Gopi's journey unfolds as she confronts the multifaceted challenges of racism, poverty, and isolation while also contending with the looming threat of separation from her family, driven by the desire of her aunt and uncle to adopt her. Intertwined with her struggles, Gopi embarks on a profound voyage of self-discovery, uncovering the rich history of her ancestors, who escaped the clutches of slavery in Jamaica and settled on a remote island off the coast of Maine. Chetna Maroo demonstrates remarkable artistry in her writing, employing various narrative techniques such as second-person narration, flashbacks, and stream of consciousness. These literary tools construct a vivid and authentic portrayal of the immigrant experience in 1980s Britain while crafting intricate, multi-dimensional character relationships. The novel also delves into the intricacies of squash, utilizing the sport as a metaphor for life's trials and the pursuit of survival. "Western Lane" is a standout debut that brilliantly showcases Maroo's writing talent and her profound understanding of the human experience. The story resonates deeply, tugging at the heartstrings and provoking thoughtful introspection. In its pages, readers will discover a tale that touches the soul and stimulates contemplation. STORIZEN MAGAZINE




"Where Elephants Danced and Dragons Flew" is an intriguing travelogue that delves into the author's journeys across seven distinct Asian countries. Rajesh Talwar offers readers a unique perspective on the cultures, landscapes, and people he encounters during his travels. Divided into three parts, the book explores Southeast Asia, Chinese territories, and other captivating destinations, with each essay providing a fresh and immersive experience. The book's first part takes readers on a captivating journey through Southeast Asia, offering a vivid account of the author's experiences in Vietnam's Ha Long Bay and Hanoi. Talwar skillfully navigates the contrast between the breathtaking natural beauty and the bureaucratic challenges, providing readers with an authentic glimpse of these destinations. His encounters with the locals, from cab drivers to students, offer unique insights into these countries' cultures and daily life. Continuing his adventures, the author takes readers to Chinese territories, exploring the iconic Great Wall and the Ming tombs. Through his narratives, readers gain a deeper understanding of these sites' historical significance and cultural richness. Talwar's slow-paced writing style allows readers to savor each moment and appreciate the intricate details of his explorations. The book's final part introduces readers to other remarkable places, including Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. Talwar's storytelling takes a thematic approach, with each essay exploring different aspects of his travels. Readers can dip into the book and explore various Asian countries without a linear narrative. One of the book's strengths lies in its ability to provide authentic insights into the cultures, people, and experiences encountered by the author. Talwar engages in conversations with locals, sharing their thoughts, political ideas, and responses to various situations. This approach offers readers a genuine glimpse into the culture and mindset of each country, making the book stand out among travelogues. Thus, it can be seen that here, author Talwar has given Authentic Perspectives. The author's honesty about certain aspects, such as infrastructure and challenges faced during his travels, adds a realistic dimension to 32 |


the book. While some may consider the writing style slow-paced, it allows readers to immerse themselves in the author's experiences fully. However, the slower pace might require patience from readers who prefer a faster narrative. This is my 8th book from Author Talwar, and I must admit he aces fiction and non-fiction equally! The book's cover design is praiseworthy, with its vibrant color scheme and cultural elements reflecting the essence of Asian culture. "Where Elephants Danced and Dragons Flew" is an enchanting and immersive read, providing a unique perspective on Asian countries and their cultures. It's an excellent choice for those who enjoy travel literature and want to embark on a virtual journey through the eyes of a passionate traveler and writer. I would recommend this book to others as it offers a captivating blend of memoir and travelogue, providing valuable insights into Asia's diverse cultures and landscapes.



"Rat, Rabbit, Rock" is a poignant and sensitive narrative that revolves around the captivating journey of 10year-old Meera. Within the pages of this book, author Papaadi adeptly intertwines the emotional tribulations that young Meera confronts, grappling with a myriad of challenges. As readers delve into the story, they often find themselves profoundly moved, especially as Meera navigates her path to self-discovery and attempts to carve out her place in the world. Meera's transformation from a timid 10-year-old to a determined young individual resonates profoundly with the reader's experiences. With a background in Palliative care, the author appreciates the skilful exploration of the theme of 'death' within the narrative. The portrayal of Supriya's impending death and her pursuit of life's meaning evokes a range of emotions. Jeena skillfully addresses the issues that impact the lives of young individuals, including bullying, the societal stigma associated with cancer, economic disparities, the quest for purpose, coping with loss, and the journey of self-discovery, all handled with a remarkable degree of sensitivity. This book is a perfect roller coaster of emotions. It sometimes brings tears, evokes palpitations and fear, mirroring the protagonist's experiences, and restores some faith in humanity. It delves into contemporary and pertinent issues that should be brought to the forefront, such as bullying, cancer, the associated taboo, and mental health. Further, the story masterfully captures life and death from the perspective of a ten-year-old girl in a touching yet engaging manner. The character arcs are welldeveloped, leaving no loose ends. The author finds themselves rooting for the young girl to navigate this complex world, and the author could see themselves in her at various points. The author is confident many readers will relate to her thought processes and justifications. Author Papaadi's comparison of life to the dynamics of a rat, a rabbit, and a rock is genuinely fascinating. Life is depicted as a constant cycle of scrambling to escape, occasionally attacking, and sometimes standing resolute and facing whatever challenges come your way. The readers NOVEMBER 2023

could see aspects of themselves in Meera at various points in the story. Jeena's keen observations of life and her creation of diverse characters are remarkable. This book is delightful for anyone who appreciates well-narrated fiction in simple yet beautiful language. Readers will thoroughly enjoy this book, connecting deeply with one's relatable thoughts, fears, and dreams. Meera's story strikes a chord with many readers eagerly anticipating Jeena's next literary offering. "Rat, Rabbit, Rock" is a brilliantly crafted book, and the author, Jeena Papaadi, is entirely worth the applause. It takes readers on a beautiful, emotional journey, allowing them to deeply connect with Meera's emotions and bringing tears to their eyes on numerous occasions. The book is captivating and engaging, with a simple yet powerful plot and a smooth, fast-paced narration. The author has used vivid descriptions and dialogues to bring the characters and settings to life and has also woven in humour and suspense to keep the readers hooked. The book also explores important themes such as friendship, family, loss, grief, bullying, peer pressure, and social issues. The book suits readers of all ages, especially children and young adults, who can relate to Meera's experiences and learn from her mistakes and achievements. The book is a celebration of the human spirit and the power of hope and a reminder that no matter how hard life gets, there is always a way to overcome it. “Rat, Rabbit, Rock!” is a mustread for anyone who loves a good story with a strong and memorable protagonist. Overall, it's a gripping and touching read. (Reviewed by Swapna Peri)





In Upgrade, Khanna and Alasdair Ross, with more than fifty years of experience between them, deliver a mix of tools, methods and exercises that extend across professions to guide your next essential career moves. Structured in four parts, each aimed at strengthening the key habits, mindsets and actions that mark highly successful corporate performers, the book provides readily applicable skills to bring out the best in people. Whether you are pushing for the next level want to excel at the top, or are simply curious about the methods the best leaders in the world rely on, Upgrade is the book for you. With umpteen books available in the market, UPGRADE (The Not-So-Subtle Art of Moving Up in Life and Career) is a definite stand-out, especially for those who wish to seek professional advancement. In a four-part divided book, author(s) provided with multi-dimensional sutras blended with use-cases, paradigms, synopsis, strides and so on curated with the real-time examples commingled with their experiences for amicable results to the seekers. Being an IT professional. Priyesh- the author of the book, supplied ample tricks and methodologies that emphasize the growth and development of the individual plus career upscale. Every chapter is equipped with the key elements that bring a positive impact and a deeper understanding of influential aspects for professional amelioration. My favorite chapter in this book is "Delivery: Managing Projects", where the author(s) discussed profound and global practices like Agile, PMP, Prince2, etc. In this section, the author explains a "five-key-step" project module that helps to deliver an error-free project adaption. Being an IT Professional, this book is a must-have for seekers like me abiding by leadership concepts, emotional balance, project management, client management, customer/client relationships, networking, and human relationships. I recommend this book to work professionally as a path-seekers guide that not only provides personalized principles




but also challenges yourself with positive career and leadership accomplishments, not to miss to mention the "The Not-so-Subtle Steps" at the end of every chapter that serves as a holistic compendium. (This book is reviewed by Kiran K Adharapuram)


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Storizen Magazine October 2023

Books we are loving this month

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Kintsugi... by Madhumathi H.

Today I choose to feel life Hugging moments, that look like a child Sobbing at its broken doll, inconsolable Gently pick the pieces, and whisper to them: ''Kintsugi'' Today, I choose to feel life Holding my blessings as bouquets Smiling, smelling fragrances of joy, laughter, ecstasy Upon every petal, that carry the stories of my Spring Today I choose to live, rain or shine Now, THIS moment is all I have Inhaling hope, exhaling fear, my scars as tattoos Let me walk the ramp of life, head held high Today I choose to live, to be someone's lantern My darkest moments churned the light within What if my battle was loneliest? Let me slay a tired heart's loneliness! Guilt engulfs to experience comfort While victims of war go through agony, nightmares... I may not end the ruthless game of power But I CAN lend a kind shoulder, to a desolate soul Kindness doesn't have a size, or an instruction manual A warm reassuring hug, can unburden a survivor Being an anchor, a safe space, is Being someone's home, and hope... Life holds a bowl of chits, smirking We know it's a trap, a trick, yet pick curiously ''ENDURE'' is what every chit reads Let's ensure to ''Live'' gratefully, despite the aches...





Think of all the flowers in the world They mentor us to gently unfold To accept the scorching sun, and the storm alike Spread the beauty of living gracefully, leaving quietly Oh it hurts! It strangles, life's overwhelming challenges, yet It heals within, when we choose empathy We nourish ourselves by serving hope Choosing to live, living to give Uncertain is life, but certain is love... We can make a cup of tea, buy a cotton candy To cheer someone, or wipe a tear doesn't require grandeur Choosing to love, is choosing to live.

A bilingual poet-writer(Tamil, English), Madhumathi. H is an ardent lover of Nature, Poetry, Photography, and Music. Her poems are published in Anthologies of The Poetry Society(India), CPC- Chennai Poetry Circle's EFFLORESCENCE, IPC's(India Poetry Circle) Madras Hues Myriad Views, Confluence, Amaravati Poetic Prism 2015, and in e-zines UGC approved Muse India, Storizen, OPA – Our Poetry Archives, IWJ - International Writers Journal, Positive Vibes, Science Shore. e-Anthologies Monsoon moods - Muse India, Green Awakenings - On Environment, by KavyaAdisakrit. Ignite Poetry, Breathe Poetry, Dream Poetry, and Soul Shores have 10 of her poems published, Soul Serenade, Soul Songs, Shades of Love-AIFEST, Special Jury Mention’ and secured 'A Grade’ in the International Poetry Writing Competition(published Anthology) conducted by All India Forum for English Students, Scholars, and Trainers (AIFEST) in March-April 2023 in connection with International Women’s Day celebrations, Arising from the dust, Painting Dreams, Shards of unsung Poesies, are some of the Anthologies her poems, and write-ups are part of. Besides Poetry, Madhumathi writes on Mental health, takes part in related activities to create awareness, break the stigma, and believes in the therapeutic, transformational power of words.






The Sadhaka by Vidya Shankar

In the vastness of nowhere with just a dark earth and a starry sky for company I embark on a journey that life has thrown at me. I don’t know if I am required to seek something and the journey offers me only one path— an unmapped one. Questions I have in plenty but I walk on. I don’t saunter though I am in no hurry. This is no excursion but there are flowers along the way for me to smell. Every now and then, it pours. My walking is disrupted and I have to take shelter in caves. These isolations, I soon learn are not breaks from the journey but well within its framework. The heavier the rain, the greater the uncertainty… But patience pays.

Vidya Shankar, Associate Editor with Triveni Haikai India, a widely published, award-winning poet and writer, author of two poetry books, and editor of four anthologies of free verse poetry, is an English language teacher in Chennai. She loves writing poetry on the move, often letting her verses fly free into the Universe instead of settling on paper. A ‘book’ in the Human Library, she has been featured in a unique coffee table book on inspiring women of Chennai. She finds meaning in her life through yoga and mandalas.

Halfway up a hill the flames of the small fire I have lit to keep myself warm dance in the summer breeze. Where there used to be ghosts there are none now. Soon, I dance too through the summer night. 38




We are Sure You got a brilliant idea for a story Let us know when you write it and publish it. We'll help you spread the good word.


ARIES MOON SIGN: DEATH This Month, Aries there will be sudden transformation in your life. You might leave certain things or situation which is not serving any purpose for you. Also, some might receive unexpected news in their life.


TAURUS MOON SIGN: 8 OF SWORDS This Month, Taurus you might be trapped in Situation where you are feeling helpless and unable to think of any solutions. You are overthinking negative situations. It is the time to let go of negative thoughts and peacefully think of the solutions.

VIRGO MOON SIGN: THE EMPRESS This month, you will be financially secure and successful. It is the month which will help you to grow in your career. If you are looking for job change, go ahead. Females who are trying for baby this is the right month to conceive.

GEMINI MOON SIGN: THE MOON This month, Gemini You might be having unconscious fears which is stopping you to move forward towards your goals. It might be due to past failures in your life. Just learn from it and move on. Don’t take any impulsive decisions this month.

CANCER MOON SIGN: 5 OF SWORDS This month, Cancer you need to be silent and stay away from arguments as there might be difference of opinions and if you argue, you might hurt someone which cannot be changed. So this month better to be silent.


This Month, Leo you will be emotional and take decisions from the heart. At the same time, you will be compassionate and caring towards your colleagues and loved ones.


LIBRA MOON SIGN: THE LOVERS This Month, you might spend quality time with your partner. Expressing your love to him/her. Also, if you are struggling in a relationship, just sit together and sort out your differences. Singles might receive their soulmate.

SCORPIO MOON SIGN: KNIGHT OF WANDS This month, Scorpio you are very courageous and ambitious to follow your dreams. You have a clear vision and going ahead to reach your goals. You will be working very hard towards your targets with passion and dedication.




SAGITTARIUS MOON SIGN: QUEEN OF SWORDS This month, Sagittarians you, are focused in your work with clear thoughts. You will be taking unbiased decisions in your workplace. You have the mental clarity about your life purpose and you are independently moving towards it.

CAPRICORN MOON SIGN: JUDGEMENT This Month, Capricorns you will realize your true purpose in life and will be working towards it. You will be taking important decisions in life based on your intuition and inner guidance.

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers. I have read and reviewed numerous books so far. I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here.

AQUARIUS MOON SIGN: JUSTICE This Month. Aquarians you will be paid for your deeds. If you had done good deeds, you will be rewarded. Also, if someone is fighting for some court case, will get the justice this month. Also singles might get married in court.

PISCES MOON SIGN: 8 OF CUPS This month, you might be emotional and moving out from certain things in life which is not serving any purpose to you. Some might be running away from certain emotional problematic situation which is causing pain in their life.





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