Shaping Our Future: Next Steps Brochure

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Continuing to support inclusivity and partnership


Cover illustrations by Jesse Brown OP (1988-93)
SHAPING OUR FUTURE: NEXT STEPS 01 Contents How we deliver public benefit 02 High Master’s Introduction: A direction for 04 the mid-term Widening Access: Funding opportunities 06–11 St Paul’s in Partnership: Funding opportunities 12–19 Achieving our ambition 20–21 – The funding we need 22–23 – Our financial status 24–25 – How you can help 26–29 Recognition and stewardship 30

How we deliver public benefit


(To be known as the Founder’s Awards going forward)

Our bursary programme enables the brightest young people to attend St Paul’s, regardless of their family’s financial position. Since the inception of the Shaping Our Future campaign in 2019, the programme has already supported over 200 families, with one in 11 pupils in our school currently in receipt of a bursary award. In the last five years, 39 recipients have gained places at Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL and Ivy League institutions in the US. The degree courses pursued by these students encompass a diverse range, spanning Aeronautical Engineering, Chemistry, English, Theatre Studies, History and Medicine to Zoology.


The school has a Deputy Head responsible for partnerships and public benefit who manages a growing Partnership Team. Their responsibilities include developing academic and co-curricular partnerships, promoting the use of school facilities within the local community, and managing community relations. We collaborate with partner state schools to share teaching and learning opportunities locally and nationally. Our aim is to facilitate curriculum development and expansion through continuous professional development, shared resources, and St Paul’s School teacher access. Through this work, we directly reach over 3,000 young people each year. Please see pages 12-19 for more detailed information.

Shaping Our Future: Next Steps Campaign

Our bursary and partnership work is made possible through the generous support of the St Paul’s community, which includes parents, former parents, pupils, Old Paulines, local philanthropists, trusts, and company donors. Their voluntary donations are critical to the success of our work, and without their help, none of it would be possible. Since 2018, we have raised £19.46m to continue this important work.

£19.46m has been raised since 2018



(St Paul’s Charity Committee)

Pauls4All represents student-led initiatives for the greater good. The St Paul’s Charity Committee (made up of staff, parents and pupils) alongside the Pauls4All Lower Eighth committee and their equivalent at St Paul’s Juniors have worked hard to raise funds and awareness for local charities. For the year 2023/24, we have selected City Harvest, Friends of Barnes Common, London Sports Trust, Man and Boy and the Castelnau Centre Project as our chosen charities. Our International Charity is Beyond Ourselves. We are delighted to share that pupils at St Paul’s School and St Paul’s Juniors raised approximately £20,000 in support of our partner charities during the last academic year.


We strive to offer our pupils a diverse range of opportunities to volunteer and give back to the community. These opportunities are typically provided by our partner schools or charities. Additionally, in the senior school, we have introduced an online volunteering programme called Colet Mentoring – using a mobile app, developed in partnership with two Old Paulines, Phil and Dom Kwok. This peer-to-peer learning app allows pupil volunteers to offer academic support and guidance to their peers who may be facing challenges in their studies. We believe that volunteering not only benefits the community, but also helps our pupils develop important skills and values, such as empathy, leadership, and teamwork.

When I look at inspiration for change-making, I look at models like this. Schools like St Paul’s working with other organisations to address issues that impact upon our communities. I recently took part in a meeting with the Heads of St Paul’s, Hammersmith Academy, Fulham Boys’ School, Verulam School and St Mary’s Ukrainian School combining their experience to benefit young people. It was hard in this setting not to feel excited about the future and what can be achieved collaboratively.”


High Master’s Introduction

Shaping Our Future: Next Steps A direction for the mid-term

When I accepted the role of High Master of St Paul’s in 2019, the school’s clear and compelling vision and opportunity for social impact was a significant factor in my decision. The vision included a commitment to raise funds to ensure that able boys from all backgrounds could attend the school, as well as a determination to work in partnership with other organisations.

Over the last five years, the community has raised significant sums of money to accomplish this and to ensure that success at St Paul’s is based on ability rather than privilege. Going forward, the strategic focus over the next two years will be the continuation of this work, along with the accelerated growth of our public benefit mission.

With our Governors and Senior Leadership Team, I share a passion and deep commitment to the distinctive value of our offer, not only for our pupils but also for our community. St Paul’s is a unique and special place with a responsibility to look beyond its own walls. From a bursary perspective, we firmly believe that any pupil who displays academic curiosity, motivation, industry, and independence, and would benefit from a challenging and fast-paced curriculum, should have access to the quality education we offer. We aim to inspire young minds to strive for excellence in their studies while encouraging them to broaden their horizons beyond the

assessed curriculum to develop resilience and emotional maturity and to cultivate their passions and interests. Our ultimate aim is for them to lead purposeful, joyful lives beyond their school years. Over the years, a place at St Paul’s has had a transformative impact on generations of pupils and their families.

We strongly believe that access to our learning model should not be limited to a few. However, providing open access depends on raising funds for bright pupils who cannot afford the fees. Since 2018, our school community has been working hard to increase the number of bursaries based on Dean Colet’s original provision. We are humbled by the generosity of Old Paulines, parents, staff, and pupils, as well as external trusts and foundations, who have confirmed their support for this strategic ambition.


Our bursary scheme aims to ensure that any pupil who passes the entry assessment and would benefit from our unique education can attend the school. If their parents can pay the fees, then they do so. If their parents cannot, then we find the means to help.

In addition to this, we have drastically increased our impact within the local community and beyond through partnership work and voluntary service. Our pupils and staff benefit significantly from such relationships and educational opportunities, whilst making a positive impact beyond our own school through meaningful two-way relationships. Working closer with other school leaders, we have been focused on meeting genuine need and having maximum impact. Over the last year, we have increased our investment in partnership work by 145%. We aim to continue to embed this work further and ensure that it is sustainable in the upcoming period.

We strongly believe that St Paul’s partnerships with state schools and other organisations can lead to genuine collaboration, resulting in improved aspirations and attainment for a wider

range of children, including those at our own school. This can lead to better access to skills and qualifications, which can improve employability and, for some, increase access to higher and further education. Ultimately, this benefits individuals both at St Paul’s and in the wider community by providing more opportunities for personal and academic growth.

The scale of participation remains the most essential characteristic of our work, as it was during the initial launch of Shaping Our Future. We are delighted to share that 63% of current parents and almost 10% of our alumni community have come forward to support our ambition. We hope that, in this next phase, almost everyone in the Pauline community will feel able to give at a level that suits them.

As the proud leader of this exceptional school, I invite you to learn more about the next phase of our philanthropic ambition, which will enable us to contribute even more positively to our community and society.


Shaping Our Future: Next Steps

Widening Access


St Paul’s School was founded in 1509 by John Colet, the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, with the intention of educating capable boys to serve society, regardless of their race, creed, or social background. This vision continues to guide the school’s present day practices.

St Paul’s is the top-performing academic boys’ school in the United Kingdom. We encourage our pupils to study the courses that are right for them. Notably, among those who directly entered university, 34% secured spots in the top 10 and 52% in the top 20 according to the 2022 QS World University Rankings. Additionally, over a quarter of UK-bound pupils furthered their education at Oxford and Cambridge, with 98% attending Russell Group universities. Furthermore, 28 students have chosen top American universities, including notable institutions such as the University of Chicago, Columbia, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Brown, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford. But we aspire to do much more than prepare boys for top-flight universities. We want the Pauline education to go well beyond the assessed curriculum.


St Paul’s School has a long-term vision of being the first academically selective school in the UK with a level playing field of access for suitable pupils, in terms of financial assistance. (Timeframe 2059 –550th anniversary of the school).

Unlike many schools that benefit from an endowment, St Paul’s School is dependent on philanthropic support. The next stage of our journey is going to take time and the full support of our community.

Financial barriers should not deter bright pupils from applying to St Paul’s. We aim to attract those who can afford full fees, partial fees, or no fees at all. Middleincome families have been the backbone of schools like ours for generations, however, there is a danger of becoming out of reach for these households. We do not wish to become a school that caters only to the very rich or those requiring 100% fee assistance. Instead, we want to welcome talented pupils from diverse backgrounds who represent the world in which St Paul’s exists. In support of this drive, the governing body has agreed that all bursaries of 50% or below will be funded from the school’s income.

We make no apology for wishing to attract the most talented boys to St Paul’s. We know the education we offer is fast-paced, wide-reaching and ambitious. It can be life-changing for pupils and can equip them to make a positive contribution to society. Education is said to be the most powerful weapon with which to change the world. For the right child, a St Paul’s education will do just that.


Bursary funding



Fundraising target

As the next step in our commitment to this goal, we have set a target of maintaining 10% of the school cohort (151 pupils) on bursaries annually. To achieve this, we have set ourselves a fundraising target of £3.25m in 2024/25 and £3.6m in 2025/26. This task is ambitious, however, with your generous help we can achieve our target.


Support staff

We require additional staffing to support bursary families from point of application and throughout their time at the school as well as helping our Finance Team in making assessments.


pupils on bursaries per year (10% of the school cohort)



Bursary recipients by borough (2023-2024)

Greater London and the surrounding areas

We are all facing an unprecedented number of potential financial challenges in the next few years from the threat of VAT on school fees to the loss of charitable business rates relief; rising costs on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and other inflationary cost pressures. If we are to realise our ambitions of having 10% of pupils on bursaries at the school and more meaningful partnerships all parts of the school community will need to work together.”


Different types of Founder’s Awards (St

Paul’s Bursaries)


to give to within the £6.85m campaign target

Founder’s Awards

This is the name that we have introduced for the overall St Paul’s bursary programme to reposition the scheme and allow recipients to feel confident about their part in the school community. Any donations to the Founder’s Awards will be unrestricted within the general bursary fund.

Colet Foundation Bursary

The USA Colet Foundation bursary, which falls under the Founder’s Awards, was established in 2020. It provides a meaningful and affordable way for our American community, the largest constituency of Old Paulines outside London, to have its own tailored way of supporting our ambition to grow our bursary programme at St Paul’s. Please visit for more information for US donors.

Thomas Gresham Bursary

Founded in 2017 by four of our Upper Eighth students, the Thomas Gresham Award is a wholly pupil-led Founder’s Award, fundraising to provide a 100% bursary for the highest performing boy at 11+ who is in need of financial support.

Oliver Sacks Bursary

Created in tribute to one of our most esteemed Old Paulines, renowned neuroscientist Dr Oliver Sacks OP (1946-51). This Founder’s Award is awarded to a boy who shows outstanding academic excellence.

If you would like to direct your giving to the Colet Foundation, Thomas Gresham or Oliver Sacks Bursary Awards, please make sure to register your preference when making your gift.

Named Bursaries

Whilst all boys applying for a bursary are assessed on academic merit, over the years we have introduced several named bursaries, thanks to the generous benefaction of individuals and trusts within our community. These are awarded either for specific areas of excellence that the donors wish to see amplified, or to highlight and attract pupils across the broad range of the curriculum at St Paul’s. Two good examples of this are given below. Any donor who wishes to set up a similar scheme is invited to contact Ellie Sleeman at

Gissing Family Founder’s Award

Established thanks to the incredible generosity of The Gissing Family, this bursary supports academically bright and ambitious boys who qualify for a 75-100% bursary award and who display sporting excellence and passion.

South Square Trust Bursary

Based on a long-standing and hugely supportive relationship with the school, The South Square Trust bursary supports a pupil for their Eighth form studies who shows promise in the Arts.

We have ambition in the longer term to set up bursaries that encourage pupils to apply to St Paul’s who have specific interest areas such as the Humanities and History.


Shaping Our Future: Next Steps

St Paul’s in Partnership

In 2018/19, we launched a new partnership model as part of the campaign Shaping Our Future, which aimed to make our school a more integrated part of our London community.

We noticed a genuine desire among pupils and staff to participate in more volunteering and partnership work. To achieve this, we expanded the scope and reach of our existing programme. We collaborated with St Paul’s Girls’ School to consolidate relationships and build new ones with other local primary and secondary schools, both state and independent. Our goal was to create a Learning Partnership group to share expertise and best practices across all member schools, and from this ambition, the West London Partnership (WLP) was formed.

We have successfully financed and implemented the following initiatives:



Increased community service opportunities for Paulines, with a four-fold increase in the number of pupils regularly volunteering in the local community, especially in state primary schools on both sides of the river.



As well as the collaboration within the WLP, we now offer a wider range of programmes on-site, from sports tournaments for primary schools to academic courses at weekends for pupils from state schools (both primary and secondary) run by staff and pupils. We also support with applications for universities for students who don’t have the same level of support as Paulines. We have doubled the number


of STEM holiday courses, with the residential summer schools picking up a national award. We also work closely with St Mary’s Ukrainian School with weekly volunteering and holiday courses at St Paul’s.


St Paul’s has been a seedbed for entrepreneurs, making us well-suited to spearhead a programme that inspires the next generation of entrepreneurs, both within St Paul’s and in West London as a whole. We founded the West London Schools’ Entrepreneurs Partnership in 2018 to impart knowledge, mentorship, and meaningful opportunities to young people to become the next wave of entrepreneurs. This is now fully embedded within the West London Partnership as the ‘Start-it’ Sustainable Entrepreneurship programme which has been used as a case study by both Young Enterprise and the LSE.


We raise awareness of our bursary offer through a series of initiatives, including our partnerships with schools, which are designed to reach those boys for whom a St Paul’s education would be the right fit. We have also extended our support to the Barnes Literary Festival’s schools programme, which has reached over 15,000 pupils.


Now we want to build on this: Partnership funding opportunities (2024-2026)

Sports Partnerships

From the St Paul’s School Primary World Cup Football Day run by our staff and pupils, to inter-school sport within the West London Partnership, this funding can help us maximise the impact of our facilities and allow our boys to build links with the local community through sport, in collaboration with school and charity partners. Our ultimate aim would be for each major sport to have a partnership element, using our space and pupils to maximise local impact.

Music and Drama Partnerships

Music and Drama provision is under threat in the state sector. Through partnership with St Paul’s Girls’ School and the Jupiter project as well as the Barnes Music Festival and local theatres, we are perfectly placed to offer a local programme. We would also like to bring in primary sessions (e.g. drumming) as part of the St Paul’s Lower Eighth volunteering programme.

STEM Partnerships

(Science, Maths, Engineering, Computer Studies)

An area of strength for Partnerships. Help us build on our awardwinning summer schools and impactful regular programmes. Within this area, we would like to increase capacity in the Engineering department to grow various projects, including Lego League and Firefly Racing, for our own pupils and those at state schools.

*(various independent projects within – including mobile planetarium)

Humanities Partnerships

From Philosophy for Children at Primary School to our Sixth Form West London Partnership annual conference and planned 2025 summer school, help us balance the focus on STEM. The current geopolitical environment emphasises the importance of the liberal arts and we would like to play our part in supporting that agenda.






Higher Education Preparation

St Paul’s is one of the leading UK schools for supporting pathways to top global universities. Help us collaborate within the West London Partnership and beyond, to ensure disadvantaged students have equal access and the support to succeed at the most competitive universities. As an example, over 80 students attended our Year 12 Oxbridge Day in June and we supported with interview preparation in the Autumn Term, resulting in 23 offers for pupils.

We are also looking to partner with the Brilliant Club to take PHD-level learning to our partner schools and there are opportunities to support this work.

Entrepreneurship and Careers Programmes

As we enter what some call the fourth industrial revolution, teaching and developing generic soft skills – including the specific skills of enterprise – will be central to young people’s future success.

In 2018/19, Start It, the West London Partnership’s Sustainable Entrepreneurship Programme was founded to provide teaching, mentoring and meaningful opportunities for young people to become the next generation of social entrepreneurs. Please help us build on this success by using this model to facilitate more regional partnership groups between independent and state schools.

£15k £50k


Languages/Classics Partnerships

For over a decade, our weekly GCSE Latin programme has allowed state school pupils to study a subject that is not available in their schools. Help us expand this programme to maximise its impact on both ancient and modern languages. We would also like to introduce more language conferences where we could invite participation from state school partners.

Primary Partnerships

Help us to continue supporting our primary school partners through joint initiatives including our Primary Professors Saturday programme, regular volunteering, and our sponsorship of the Barnes Children’s Literature Festival Schools Programme, which benefits over 6,000 pupils across London.

Conservation Work and Sustainability

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Winnie the Pooh and our links with the book through the illustrator and Old Pauline, EH Shepherd, we would like to use this moment to improve our forest school facilities. Our hope is to create an inspiring setting that can be used by pupils and partner schools. We are also looking to build sustainability more into our school community, both through the taught curriculum and wider action.

St Mary’s Ukrainian School Support

Since spring 2022, we have been working closely with St Mary’s Ukrainian School in London to help Ukrainian refugees access education. Please help us fund further camps, revision classes and potentially taking Colet Mentoring into Ukraine.






Sharing teaching, learning and management expertise

In 2023, more than ten teachers from St Paul’s have been working in local schools each week. As well as developing their own practice, they have supported the development of curriculum and teaching and learning strategies.

In 2025, St Paul’s School plans to establish an Initial Teacher Training hub in West London for Maths and Physics, expanding to other subjects in the following years to increase our long-term impact on teaching and learning.

We are also exploring seconding senior staff to local state school partners as a regular placement/exchange, bringing mutual CPD benefits in turn back to St Paul’s.

*(number of discrete opportunities within this area)

St Paul’s Online, Colet Mentoring, and national links with Multi Academy Trusts

During the pandemic, we partnered with Tech start-up Easy A to launch Colet Mentoring, a peer-learning app that has enabled Paulines to provide circa 5,000 tutoring-type sessions to a range of pupils from UK primary schools to teenagers in South Sudan.

Building on this success, St Paul’s now wants to offer the best of what our teachers offer in classrooms via an online platform, St Paul’s Online: a series of courses that would stretch and challenge pupils in our unique way.

Alongside our residential summer schools, this will help us to support education beyond West London, building on links with several Multi-Academy Trusts.



These opportunities are not exhaustive. If you would like to discuss funding other partnership opportunities, please contact Ellie Sleeman, Director of Development and Engagement.


Selected School



(state school pupil numbers shown in circles where available)

First MasterclassMedics Students applying to study medicine Primary Latin Weekly enrichment Year12 Exponentials Physics Two-week Saturday ProgrammeYear12Biology Threeweek Saturday ProgrammeChemistry–Year10 FourweekSaturdayProgrammeResidentialMaterialScienceSchool InPartnershipwithIMO3ResidentialParticlePhysicsSchool InpartnershipwithQueenMary’sUniversity

Humanities ConferenceOctober 2022 Year 10 Physics

Links withSt Mary’s London Ukraine School Holiday campsand exam support Start-It entrepreneurship Years 5 to 12 Colet Mentoring Year 5 to 11 digital peer support 20 21 25 27 30 32 40 42 66 78 80 80 95 200 200 290 8 18 A C A D EMIC PARTNERSHIPS
Two-week course: How to Build a Universe Latin cohorts preparing for GCSE Years 9, 10 and 11 MercersSTEMcatchupandinspiration FourdaysEasterholidaysEconomicsTradingDay February2023 OxbridgepreparationForYear12and13PrimaryProfessorsYear5Saturday enrichment

St Paul’s Juniors sport Football/pentathlon with local primaries

Capsize Drills for local rowing clubs

Four clubs, over 120 participants

Westside Basketball Club Across West London

LowtherSchoolweekly swimming 50pupilseveryweek(termtime)CampwithFulhamReach SupportingHolidayHungerWorldCupDayFootball
June2023BarnesChildren’sLiteraryFestival(BCLF) RegularSaturdaybookclub
Regularsportfixtures WithFulhamBoysandotherWLPschools LowerEighthvolunteeringprogramme 200+Paulinesinvolved BCLFprimaryschoolprogramme OutreachacrossLondon 50 + 96 100 100 120 + 200 300 400 + 500 + 60 SHAPING OUR FUTURE: NEXT STEPS 19 COMMUNITY/ SPORTS P A R T N E R S SPIH

Shaping Our Future: Next Steps Achieving our ambition

A long tradition of charitable support

St Paul’s has a rich history of philanthropy, starting with John Colet’s generous endowment that founded the school. Since then, additional philanthropic contributions have supported St Paul’s for generations.

Throughout the years, various campaigns have been launched to raise funds for different projects at the school. One such campaign in 1968 raised enough funds to relocate the school to Barnes, while another one in 1989, helped finance the construction of a new technology, art and

English block. Additionally, the central court was enclosed to create an atrium. More recently, the Renewal Campaign raised an impressive £65 million, which was used to provide our pupils with the best facilities possible. Generous donations to the Junior Sports Pavilion also helped to ensure that our pupils can enjoy state-of-the-art sports amenities. The £20 million raised during the Shaping Our Future campaign has allowed us to take our bursary programme to the next level and to pilot many of our partnership projects.


These transformational results have helped us to attract and retain the very best pupils and teachers and to provide an inspirational environment of world-class teaching and learning.

In this next phase, we aim to further develop our bursary provision and significantly expand our partnership efforts – ensuring our impact beyond the confines of our own school. However, we cannot achieve these goals without the support of our

community. Your individual and collective generosity can make a tremendous difference. We invite you to join us in supporting the Shaping our Future: Next Steps campaign, and together, we can use the gift of education to transform the lives of many young people.

Old Paulines of all ages tell me that bursary provision and

partnership with

state schools would have been part of John Colet’s vision in the 21st Century.”


Widening Access – Excellence without Exclusivity


To deliver on widening access and supporting inclusivity we look to invest an additional £8.5 million over the next two years. £8.5m total over the next two years

Working in Partnership £7m
Widening Access: 2024/25 £3.25m Widening Access: 2025/26 £3.6m Widening Access: total £6.85m Additional staffing to support bursary families £150k Higher Education Preparation £15,000 Humanities Partnerships £20,000 Languages/Classics Partnerships £20,000 Conservation Work and Sustainability £35,000 Entrepreneurship and Careers Programmes £50,000 Music/Drama Partnerships £50,000 Sports Partnerships £50,000 St Mary’s Ukrainian School Support £50,000 Primary Partnerships £60,000 STEM Partnerships £200,000 St Paul’s Online, Colet Mentoring, links with MATs £300,000 Sharing teaching and learning and management expertise £650,000

Our financial status


In 2022/23 school fees accounted for 87.4% of the school’s total income (£41.2m). Fundraising contributed £3.5m (7.4% of total income) following the continued success of the final year of the Shaping Our Future campaign. The school’s investments, including unrealised gains of £0.3m, earned £2.3m (4.9% of total income).


Staff, operating, trading, finance, fundraising costs and depreciation account for 87% of the total annual costs. £0.6m was paid by the school out of income to fund bursaries and other fee remissions, with a further £3.1m being provided from restricted fundraised bursary funds. Retained surpluses will be used to fund future capital expenditure and significant refurbishment of the school estate together with providing additional bursary and partnership support as required.

The next phase of the building renewal programme is now well underway, utilising the remainder of the £50m of long-term debt funding secured. The focus is now on the rebuilding of St Paul’s Juniors, which is scheduled to be completed during the 2025/26 academic year. This will deliver world-class school facilities for our community for the next 50 years and beyond.



The school has a strong balance sheet but much of that is represented by capitalised buildings and other assets that cannot be realised. The original Colet endowment –the John Colet Foundation – is run by the Mercers’ Company and acts primarily as the freeholder to St Paul’s and St Paul’s Girls School. It generously supports some bursaries and redevelopment work, but not enough to meet the needs of both schools. The school does not currently benefit from large endowed bursary funds, but we hope to continue to build on this during the course of the next fundraising campaign in order to provide income to fund future bursaries. It remains critical that our fundraising continues to be successful and sustainable if we are to be able to support our future bursary and partnership ambitions. We will also continue to develop additional income streams through the school’s trading subsidiary company, St Paul’s School Enterprises Limited, including the hiring of the school’s facilities, the sale of merchandise and commercialising the school’s intellectual property. Expenditure

2022/23: £47.2m Staff Costs 55.1% Other Operating Costs 20.5% Bursaries & Other Awards 7.9% Depreciation 7.4% Retained Surplus 5.1% Trading & Finance 3.3% Fundraising 0.7% Income
£47.2m Fees and Extras 87.4% Fundraising 7.4% Investments 4.9% Trading 0.3% SHAPING OUR FUTURE: NEXT STEPS 25

How you can help

Please find below the different options available for supporting our campaign. Our aim is to encourage everyone to contribute at a level that they feel is appropriate for them, to demonstrate our collective support for the school’s vision.

We hope that you can find an option below that is suitable for you. For more information about the campaign, you can email

Regular Giving

By making a regular contribution to the school, you are helping us to lay a strong foundation and plan for the long term. Regular donations can be made through direct debit or standing order on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

The 1509 Society is named after St Paul’s School’s founding year. It encourages regular gifts that amount to over £500 and up to £5,000 per year to the Widening Access bursary campaign. You can donate any amount of your choice or relate it to our founding year, such as £1.59, £15.09, £150.90, or £1,509. Currently, the group has 1,392 members made up of pupils,

parents, Old Paulines and staff. The 1509 Society has been championed since 2016 by two Old Paulines who successfully encouraged OPs to give at the £50 level in groups to raise an annual bursary. If 58 OPs contribute £50 per month, it raises £35,000 a year, which is 110% funding for one pupil’s fees and extras. These pioneers saw groups built around old friendships, professional groups, year groups, and sports.

The pupil-led Thomas Gresham Committee will be encouraging leavers to sign up to the £1.59 level as a sign of their commitment to the school’s values.

Supporters who donate £5,000 or more per annum to any campaign element or make a one-off gift of £5,000 or above are offered membership to the Erasmus, High Master’s, and Founder’s Circles. The full recognition model is available on the website

We are hoping to secure a substantial match fund to enable us to maximise the impact of Old Pauline regular giving and increase the number of alumni getting involved.


One-off Gifts

All your donations, no matter what size, are invaluable. Remember that our desire is to get the whole community involved at the level that is right for you. One-off donations can be set up either online at or by post or bank transfer.

For those wishing to send a cheque please make it payable to ‘St Paul’s School’ and post to: The Development Office, St Paul’s School, Lonsdale Road, London SW13 9JT.

Gift Aid

When you gift aid your contribution to St Paul’s, we can reclaim an additional 25p in every £1 for UK tax payers. This means that your gift will be worth even more to us, without any extra cost to you. So, if you qualify, please make sure you tick the ‘Gift Aid’ box.

Gifts of Assets, Shares and Securities

Donations of any kind are valuable to St Paul’s, including gifts of assets, shares, and securities. This type of giving can also be beneficial to donors from a tax perspective. For further details on how your donation can benefit the school, please visit our website.


per month is the equivalent of 0.5 percent of a year’s school fees

Gift in Wills

For many, making a legacy donation represents the most significant gift they will give in their lifetime. Such a gift to St Paul’s leaves a lasting impact, enriching the lives of countless future Paulines through the invaluable gift of education. The Colet Society was established in 2019 as a way of expressing gratitude to those who intend to leave a gift in their will for St Paul’s School. The society is always pleased to welcome new members.

As a member of the Colet Society, you and your family will receive invitations to special school events throughout the year, such as the school’s Carol Service. You will also have the opportunity to visit the school during term time to see the modern school and staff in action. Additionally, members of the society will have their name recognised in the Annual Philanthropy Report and receive a Colet Society tie or pin badge.

Aside from the impact such gifts have on the school, any sum you bequeath to St Paul’s is not only free of tax, but it may also reduce the overall tax liability due on your estate.


Endowed Bursary*

An endowed gift of just over £1 million will fund a bursary†. We will work with you and your family to ensure your intentions are captured through a set of detailed Terms of Gift. Additionally, you will receive an annual report on the impact of your support.

Funded Place*

You can provide immediate and vital support by sponsoring a pupil (or helping as a group to sponsor a pupil) all the way through the school, or in the Eighth Form (Years 12 & 13). It costs approximately £174,000 to fund a five-year (Day) place through the senior school (which can be broken into an annual payment of £34,751); £169,229 for the six years at St Paul’s Juniors.

Five entry points:

7+ entry – 11 years = £376,702

8+ entry – 10 years = £340,330

11+ entry – 7 years = £237,447

13+ entry – 5 years = £173,756

16+ entry – 2 years = £66,437

US Giving

Since the beginning of 2024 the Colet Foundation has moved from a private foundation to a public charity and will continue to play a significant part in allowing our USA taxpaying communities to support the aims and ambitions of the school. In 2020, the Colet Foundation Bursary was established to provide a meaningful and affordable way for our American community, the largest constituency of Old Paulines outside London, to have its own tailored way of supporting the bursary element of the Shaping Our Future vision. More information on how to donate either to bursaries or partnerships in this way can be found online at supportus or by emailing development@

Naming Rights

Opportunities are available to recognise your family’s contribution to the future of St Paul’s. For further details, please call Ellie Sleeman on 020 8746 5343 or email

For further details and to make your donation, please visit the ‘Ways of Giving’ page on our campaign website:

†This assumes an average investment return of 3.5% above fee increases. *The above calculations are based on 2024-25 fee rates, including a 3% fee increase year on year and 10% for ‘extras’ such as educational trips, uniform, public exam fees, music lessons and travel costs.


It is an honour for me to serve as Chair of Governors at a time when the school is continuing to build its scholastic and sporting success and actively working to spread educational excellence as broadly as possible through our partnership work and our bursary provision. This campaign will keep us focused in the right direction for the future. It is right in these times when the very foundations of what makes a good education is being questioned, that we continue to do what we know to be right. On behalf of the Governing Body, I am delighted to endorse this plan.”


Recognition and Stewardship

At St Paul’s, we wish to show our appreciation for the generous support we receive that helps us make such a great difference. We have established several recognition groups that bring like-minded individuals together at bespoke events and activities throughout the year, to make donating to St Paul’s a positive experience, and should you wish it, a sociable one.

There are several ways in which we show our gratitude, from naming elements of the projects and programmes after our donors to displaying donor names on supporter boards. We also recognise all our donors in our Annual Philanthropy Report and invite them to thank-you receptions hosted by the Senior Leadership Team of the school.

Those who plan to leave St Paul’s School a legacy will receive specific invitations to meet with other members of the Colet Society. In addition, those giving at Erasmus, High Master, Founder or Leadership level will be invited to a special dinner hosted by the High Master and Governors, as well as other invitations throughout the year.

Those donors who have regular gifts set up from the Shaping our Future campaign will automatically be recognised in the Next Steps campaign. Those who have given one-off gifts will be invited to generously consider coming on board once again.

Philanthropic Circles

1509 Society Gifts £500 – £5,000

Erasmus Circle Gifts £5,000 – £25,000

High Master’s Circle Gifts £25,000 – £99,000

Founder’s Circle Gifts £100,000 – £499,000

Leadership Circle Gifts over £500,000

Colet Society

Those intending to leave a gift to St Paul’s in their will

We will discuss with each donor their individual preferences for reporting and recognition. Donors can remain anonymous if they choose to.


Looking back to two years ago, I could have never thought I would be at a place like this. It is undeniable that attending this institution has been nothing short of an honour, made possible only by the bursary I receive. Thanks to your contributions, gifted pupils in far-reaching parts of this country will find their miracle, and continue to elevate this school community.”

Why is my contribution important?

We want to demonstrate the strength of our community’s feelings in this area. Our aim is to show our pupils that we believe in all of them and that socioeconomic diversity in the school benefits us all. Additionally, we want our partner schools to know how highly we value this work. Our goal is to set a record in terms of the number of people in our community supporting Shaping Our Future. We understand that many families may face financial challenges, which is why we are grateful for donations at all levels. The 1509 Society welcomes donations from just £1.59 per month. Our aim is to have a significant percentage of our community support our aspirations.

St Paul’s School was founded on the philanthropy of John Colet, and thousands of pupils have since upheld that tradition and duty. Each generation of Paulines has benefited from the generosity and altruism of those who came before them.


Philanthropy, the ‘desire to promote the welfare of others’, has always been at the heart of St Paul’s. From John Colet’s original gift in founding the school to the present day, each generation of pupils has benefitted from the extraordinary generosity of those before them. We want to ensure that our next steps towards shaping our future continue in this vein. With your generous help we will achieve our target.”

To find more information about the campaign and ways in which you can support, please visit the website at or get in touch with:

T: 020 8746 5343


32 supportus Shaping Our Future St Paul’s School Development St Paul’s School Lonsdale Road London SW13 9JT 020 8746 5343 © St Paul’s School, 2024. Registered Charity Number 1119619
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