25 minute read



ho does not like to travel? We all have wanderlust in us When you get time, we look forward to traveling to a beautiful place. In this hectic schedule, it has become extremely essential to fly our minds to a place where we can rest our minds and body We get so occupied in our daily activities that we forget that our mind need rest. To unwind, you block a date in the calendar and travel to an enchanting place


It goes without saying that travelling instills a new wave of energy in us. Whether you spend your holiday on a beach or on a hilly region, we all feel relaxed in the lap of nature When you travel to a new place where you have never been before, you learn many things about the place At times, life gives you a chance to learn lessons while you are travelling to a place.

It was the month of August when I was traveling to Ratnagiri by train Ratnagiri is one of the most bewitching states of Maharashtra. In the summer season, you will find mango plantations in many places in Ratnagiri During the monsoon, the same city turns out to be most beautiful and refreshing Plants, flowers, fruits, and veggies all seem to be so fresh.

When I go on a holiday, I usually go with friends or with my parents This time I decided to go on a solo trip I booked a seat in Ratnagiri Express for myself. Although people prefer flights these days to travel to their destinations Traveling by train has a different charm As I stay in Mumbai, I prefer traveling to the nearest places by train. I love enjoying the journey on the train where I can sit near the window and watch the pleasant views outside the window hometown of two little kids is in Ratnagiri. They used to stay with their parents in the small village of Ratnagiri For the last year, the kids have been working on a construction site with their neighborhood uncle. After many months, the kids were returning to their hometown to meet their parents and relatives

In today's selfish world, we are busy making ourselves happy. We are becoming self-centered with each passing day. Fortunately, there are a few people who still exist in this world who think about the happiness of their parents The two little kids who were poor but they earned for their parents. Every month the meager payment they get, they send to their parents through their uncle

From the outside view, I shifted my attention to the kids. The boy was busy eating biscuits and the girl, his elder sister, was busy opening her small bag After a while, the girl opened her old suitcase in which she was carrying gifts for her parents and relatives Her relatives stay with her parents So, she knew it would not look good if she did not get gifts for her relatives.

The little girl was carrying a cotton saree for her mother, a cotton shirt and pajamas for her father, scented soaps and a bottle of oil for herself and her parents, three boxes of sweets for her parents and relatives, toys and chocolates for her cousins, and a few shawls and mufflers for her relatives Although all gifts were of low price, those gifts seemed to be costly for the little girl. She was so excited about the gifts that she was organizing the gifts in the suitcase every now and then

As I was enjoying the views, an eightyear-old girl and a 10-year-old boy sat opposite to my seat They were siblings who work as child labor in Andheri The

Her expression taught us that the price of the gifts is not important. Her love made the gifts valuable. People these days expect and get expensive gifts from parents, friends and relatives, still, they do not value the gifts People are more interested in noticing the price tags than the gifts After organizing the gifts, the little girl removed a wad of notes from her small bag and fanned a wad of notes Passengers in our boogie were smiling at her actions The little girl and her brother were poor They were not from middle-class or upperclass families. For her, fanning a few fivehundred-rupee notes means a lot to her. She wanted to show others that even she has money like all people Hence, no one should degrade her or her brother Her expression was wrong but her intentions were right.

During lunchtime, she tells her uncle you order three plates of vegetarian meals As the food arrived, the little girl fed her brother The view of feeding an elder brother by a younger sister was inexplicable. After lunch, the girl was looking out of the window of the train and was enjoying the view Her brother fell asleep on her lap

Sun was about to set and it was a beautiful view to watch sunset from the train. Ratnagiri Station was about to arrive in an hour The little girl made her brother wake up and she went to the wash basin to wash her face. She changed her clothes in the washroom. Then, she got ready and made her brother ready by washing his face Both, brother and sister applied powder and combed their hair Once again, she opened her suitcase and reorganized gifts and other clothes again. By doing this, she wanted to make sure that all gifts are intact and in place. Every time she used to open the suitcase, her face had a pleasant smile She was happy from within, thinking that she is capable of earning and giving gifts to her dear and near ones. Finally, Ratnagiri Station arrived and we got off the train. For a while, I was standing at the station and looking at the girl whose face was filled with excitement She was elated to meet her family and relatives after a long time She held her brother's hand and walked in a joyful mood with her uncle.

I was amazed to see the girl and her actions throughout the journey The train journey taught me that we can be satisfied even with little things in life. There is no need to chase big things in life when we can get happiness in small things The girl made us learn to be happy with things that may not have value for other people Stop carrying people inside your head. Do things that appease you. Learn to be thankful for the gifts given by your loved ones. Do not weigh gifts on the basis of price, but with love that is showered by your loved ones

In a few words, Aparna defines a woman who beholds high aspirations and firmly believes in expanding her horizon. She holds a Master's degree in English Literature from Mumbai University. By profession, she is an Executive Content Creator. Her poems got published on the Indian Literature website named Facestory. Currently, her stories and poems get published in various anthologies published by the eminent Reflection Magazine and in the renowned digital magazine, Storizen. She has received many certificates in the field of writing. She is bestowed with Indian Global Award 2022 and has been felicited with a medal in the Tagore Literature Festival 2022 by Literoma. Her poem got published in the Romance And Compendium book at the Tagore Literature Festival. In 2022, she is again bestowed with the Women Achiever Award by Literoma. In 2023, she is again conferred with the prestigious award, Tagore Literature Award 2023, where she is bestowed with a trophy and a certificate. Her world revolves around creativity and writing. She wishes to make her mark in the literary world, hoping to leave an indelible imprint on the readers' minds.

Indian Ideas of Freedom by Dennis Dalton Akbar and Birbal by Delshad Karanjia

Dennis Dalton's book "Indian Ideas of Freedom" provides readers with a fascinating look inside the thoughts of notable Indian Thinkers like Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, B R Ambedkar, M N Roy, and Jayaprakash Narayan This big book reveals the junction of their private and political pursuits while exploring their unique viewpoints on freedom The unique features of the book "Indian Ideas of Freedom" are highlighted in Dalton's work It focuses on the essential role that freedom plays in the ideologies of all seven thinkers These ideas, which extend beyond the simple acquisition of political power, range from Gandhi's concept of "swaraj" and his experiments with truth to Vivekananda's practical Vedanta, Tagore's poetic universalism, Ambedkar's involvement with Buddhism, Aurobindo's quest for human ascendance, Roy's radical humanism, and Narayan's communitarian democracy. Dalton explains how these philosophies serve a higher good, encouraging readers to delve deeply into their relevance. The book's 10 clear, reflective, and intellectually rich chapters make it a thorough resource for students or people looking to comprehend Indian political thinking better With researchers like Nirmal Kumar Bose, Mirabehn, and VM Tarkunde, who offer insightful perspectives into the lives and ideologies of visionary thinkers, Dalton's research shows through as he describes these interactions James Tully and Ramachandra Guha, who provide an illuminating preface and an afterword, are the two well-known scholars who have praised this detailed study and endorsed the book for its contents.

This insightful book, "Indian Ideas of Freedom", sheds light on the perspective that significant Indian intellectuals used to see freedom. Vivekananda, Ghose, Gandhi, Tagore, Ambedkar, Roy, and Narayan made substantial contributions to an intellectual heritage that influenced the nationalist movement in India, according to Dalton's view.

Delshad Karanjia's Akbar and Birbal Stories is a delightful collection of folktales that brings to life the legendary duo of Emperor Akbar and his wise advisor Birbal With a perfect blend of humor, wit, and wisdom, this book has enchanted generations of readers

Karanjia's retelling of these classic stories is masterful The book has 39 stories from many stories available on Akbar and Birbal The writing style is engaging, making the tales easily accessible and enjoyable for children and adults. Each story unfolds seamlessly, capturing the imagination and leaving readers eagerly turning the pages to discover Birbal's ingenious solutions to Akbar's challenges. What sets this edition apart is the additional content provided by the author. Karanjia briefly introduces Akbar and Birbal, providing readers with valuable context about these historical figures. Furthermore, a glossary of terms used in the stories helps readers fully appreciate the nuances of the Mughal era This attention to detail enhances the educational value of the book The charm of Akbar and Birbal Stories lies in the timeless interplay between Akbar, the wise and just ruler, and Birbal, the quick-witted and clever advisor The stories entertain and offer insightful commentary on human nature, justice, and diplomacy They provide a window into India's rich culture and history, making them an engaging way to learn about the Mughal period. While the stories are generally wellcrafted, some may find a few of them predictable. Additionally, the book could have been longer to include more tales, as readers will undoubtedly crave more of Akbar and Birbal's escapades.

In conclusion, Akbar and Birbal Stories by Delshad Karanjia is a captivating and entertaining collection of folktales that will charm readers of all ages. The book's well-written narratives, humor, and wisdom make it a joyous read. Whether you're seeking laughter, inspiration, or a deeper understanding of Indian history, this book is a delightful choice.

Awe can mean many things. It's vast, yes. But awe is also more straightforward than we think and accessible to everyone,writes

Author Dacher Keltner,

a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, in his book "Awe: The Transformative Power of

Everyday Wonder " Dacher Keltner, a social psychologist, has reached a significant conclusion in his search to discover the secret to happiness: the answer is in feeling the experience of 'awe,' which comes when wow confronts secrets beyond our comprehension Keltner makes a persuasive case in his book that the advantages of wonder transcend beyond the emotional domain to include physical and mental well-being. He backs up his statements with scientific data, cultural history, and personal anecdotes and recollections. The book's contents are separated into four sections. Each section focuses on a different issue. According to the book, we can live a meaningful and rewarding life by actively pursuing moments of wonder and joy each day. Despite its inherent surprise and enigmatic character, regardless of financial resources, skill, education, or rank, awe may be found everywhere and by anybody Keltner goes on to stress the numerous benefits that come with the sense of wonder According to brain research, when we experience awe-inspiring experiences, our egos and their accompanying excesses, such as selfcriticism, worry, and despair, tend to subside As our sense of self disappears, awe allows us to move from a competitive perspective to see ourselves as important elements of linked networks. This shift in viewpoint will enable us to see ourselves in the context of family, community, and culture. Aweinduced self-transformation is a potent cure for modern society's prevalent diseases of isolation and loneliness.

Overall, it is a fascinating book that makes us think about wonders' significant influence on our lives.

Cyrus Mistry, an accomplished Indian author and playwright, won the 2014 DSC Prize for South Asian Literature for his acclaimed novel, Chronicle of a Corpse Bearer Hailing from Mumbai, Mistry's diverse talents span playwriting, journalism, and short- story writing With his recent literary triumph and recognition, Mistry continues to captivate readers with his powerful narratives and profound insights into the human condition, solidifying his place as a celebrated figure in contemporary Indian literature. This book Doongaji House: Selected Plays, published by Aleph Book Company, showcases the remarkable works of acclaimed playwright Cyrus Mistry, encompassing his most notable plays. The collection features the award-winning play Doongaji House, which received the prestigious Sultan Padamsee Award for Playwriting in 1978. Set within the decaying walls of a Mumbai mansion, the play delves into the trials and tribulations of a Parsi family, navigating the complexities of their existence Another striking addition to the collection is The Legacy of Rage, a searing exploration of an East Indian family grappling with internal strife over their inheritance Against societal transformations that have pushed them to the brink of poverty, Mistry skillfully unravels the dynamics and conflicts within this dysfunctional family. Collectively, these brilliant plays expose the vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and contradictions that lie at the core of Indian middleclass existence. Mistry's writing illuminates the complexities of familial relationships and societal pressures, offering readers an introspective journey into the inner lives of his characters.

This collection is an invaluable addition to contemporary Indian drama, inviting readers to contemplate the intricacies of human existence through the lens of Mistry's exceptional works.

Mrs. K.M. Mathew's Finest Recipes by K.M.


"Mrs K M Mathew's Finest Recipes," released by Penguin Random House in India, is a unique compilation that exhibits the renowned Mrs. K.M. Mathew's culinary talent. This comprehensive collection includes her most cherished and adored recipes, which have thrilled people worldwide. Mrs. Mathew's culinary talent has left an unmistakable impression on the food world. Mrs. KM Mathew, commonly known as Mrs K M Mathew, was a writer who immortalized Kerala's particular culinary history She presented readers with regional dishes that had hitherto been exclusive to Kerala kitchens, such as sticky sweet jackfruit ada, prawn Pappas, and beef pattichu varathathu Mrs Mathew, born in Polavaram, Andhra Pradesh, on March 22, 1922, had a childhood characterized by many relocations within Tamil Nadu due to her father's career. Despite growing up in a Malayali Christian home, her exposure to Tamil culture profoundly impacted her. She got a letter from KM Mathew, a suitor from the prominent Kandathil family, after studying at The American College in Madurai. They married in 1942 and raised their family in Chikmagalur, where KM handled the family coffee farm. Mrs. Mathew's enthusiasm for cooking flourished despite her discouragement throughout their stay in Bombay when she attended culinary lessons and investigated local cafes Mrs Annamma Mathew's food column, launched in a Kerala newspaper in 1953, promoted Kerala's culinary tradition to a larger audience Over the following five decades, she published hundreds of recipes in Malayala Manorama and Vanitha magazine, becoming a recognized recorder of Kerala food. Her dishes are still appreciated and utilized in Malayali homes today, helping to preserve and make Kerala's culinary traditions more accessible.

"Mrs. K.M. Mathew's Finest Recipes" is a worthy monument to Mrs. Mathew's extraordinary contributions to the culinary world and a great resource for anybody looking to go on a delightful journey filled with the original flavors of Kerala.


Greatest Indian Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha

The Greatest Stories Ever Told series by Aleph features some of the greatest short stories from India's regional languages. Aleph Book Company published noteworthy works on regional literature between 2021 and 2023. The translations of Indian regional language stories have received praise throughout the country. In this regard, this July saw the release of a new book named "Greatest Indian Stories Ever Told" by Translator Arunva Sinha and Aleph Book Company.

"The Greatest Indian Stories Ever Told" is a stunning collection of the most extraordinary literary short fiction written by Indian writers throughout the genre's development in the late nineteenth century This collection features the writings of renowned early pioneers, contemporary luminaries, and highly brilliant writers who appeared in the twenty-first century It crosses geographical, linguistic, and literary borders by presenting stories from around India The book contains 50 stories written by great Indian writers who have ruled in their respective languages for decades, both past and present. Readers will discover the astounding workmanship of authors who have garnered unprecedented renown in Indian literature inside the pages of this book. Their cumulative accomplishments attest to their enormous brilliance, as they have received prestigious awards such as the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Jnanpith Award, the Sahitya Akademi Award, and countless state, national, and international honors Each story in this anthology serves as a doorway into an enthralling universe, luring readers into the rich fabric of Indian storytelling This collection shows the multidimensional brilliance of Indian literature, from the profound observations of the genre's early masters to the vivid narratives woven by modern stars and the fresh views given by the burgeoning talents of the twenty-first century

"The Greatest Indian Stories Ever Told" is a literary treasure trove honing Indian storytelling's depth and range. It serves as a portal for readers to explore the considerable reservoir of literary talent India has created.

"The Peacemakers," compiled by Ghazala Wahab and published by Aleph Book Company, is a compelling and moving collection of stories about those who have shown great bravery and devotion to peace in the face of bloodshed and war This book, compiled by diverse authors give optimism in a country riven by communal violence and upheaval The book contains multiple narratives, each focusing on a different period or place in India's history. Rajmohan Gandhi focuses on Mahatma Gandhi's post-independence attempts to reduce violence in Bihar and Bengal. Nandita Haksar, a human rights lawyer, investigates the difficulties of establishing peace in Nagaland, a conflict-torn region. Rahul Bedi looks at the 1984 Delhi Sikh massacre, revealing testimonies of the criminals and the brave individuals who rescued lives The book digs into the aftermath of major events as well Uttam Sengupta investigates how Bihar stayed relatively quiet following the destruction of the Babri Masjid in 1992, while Jyoti Punwani interviews heroic members of civil society who risked their lives during the ensuing communal craziness Teesta Setalvad, a journalist-activist, shares personal stories of the 2002 Gujarat inferno and peacekeeping operations. The stories continue to shed light on different areas of strife and resilience. Sunil Kumar delves into Maoist violence in Chhattisgarh and highlights individuals working for peace and justice in this volatile region. Teresa Rehman's inspiring story follows the work of a non-governmental organization that empowers women in Assam's once-conflictridden areas Ghazala Wahab reflects on the optimistic years of 2005-2008 in Kashmir, documenting the sacrifices and efforts made by individuals seeking a peaceful future

"The Peacemakers" is a topical and essential anthology that provides invaluable insights into achieving peace in a country dealing with its turbulent history. It is a must-read for everyone looking for motivation and reassurance in the transformational power of compassion and resilience.

Trading Flesh in Tokyo: Nine Short Stories and a Play by Rajesh Talwar

Rajesh Talwar's "Trading Flesh in Tokyo: Nine Short Stories and a Play" is an engaging collection that immerses readers in various themes and thought-provoking societal issues Talwar goes on a literary journey that explores the depths of love, poverty, crime, passion, and the complexities of human connections via a combination of nine engrossing short tales and an engaging play This book expertly demonstrates Rajesh Talwar's narrative expertise. The book offers a rich and engaging reading experience by fusing compelling short stories with a reflective drama. This work notably appeals to readers who value different storylines that deeply delve into the complexity of human nature, relationships, and societal dynamics. This book's fantastic collection of stories captivates readers and delves deeply into the nuances of family connections, illuminating societal challenges. This book provides readers with joy and satisfaction while inspiring deep contemplation with its nine captivating stories and gripping drama Intriguing chapter headings in the book include "The Stars Are My Witness," "The Price of Revolution," "The End of an English Friendship," and "Trading Flesh in Tokyo " Each story delves into intriguing and novel topics that fascinate readers right away Whether it's the mysterious scientist who rejects global acclaim in "The Stars Are My Witness," the girlfriend who struggles without her revolutionary partner in "The Price of Revolution," or the delicately portrayed friendship bonds in "The End of an English Friendship," Talwar covers a wide range of emotions and experiences. In addition, "The Magnate's Magnet"'s introspective trip through a Chinese billionaire's recollections adds dimension to the collection The stories are painstakingly written, fusing mystery, suspense, and tender observations

"Trading Flesh In Tokyo" is an exceptional book that blends captivating storytelling with insightful explorations of family dynamics and societal issues.

Yellowface by R. F. Kuang

June Hayward, an aspiring author overshadowed by her cross-genre literary star friend Athena Liu, seizes an opportunity when Athena tragically dies June steals Athena's completed novel, highlighting Chinese labourers' contributions during World War I, and passes it off as her own As she rises to fame under a new identity, Juniper

Song, June finds herself haunted by Athena's legacy and faced with mounting evidence that threatens to expose her deception. Racing to protect her stolen success, June must confront the lengths she is willing to go to maintain what she believes she deserves.

"Yellowface" by Kuang is not an ordinary book; it is a scream that refuses to be forgotten This captivating novel delves into the darkest corners of the publishing industry, taking readers on a haunting journey through a writer's life As the readers embark on this literary adventure, it is better to be unprepared for the storm that Kuang unleashes with her pen, leaving the readers speechless and eager for more Kuang's fiery and bold writing reveals the hidden layers behind the scenes of publication houses and the ruthless world of social media that permeates every aspect of our lives today. With exceptional brilliance, she uncovers the imbalance between thoughtful creativity and the overwhelming influence of today's hyperactive media. Through the eyes of a corrupt writer, the novel provides striking insights into the industry's reality, forcing readers to pause and reflect. "Yellowface" defies easy categorization, for it is neither a novel, a thriller, a comedy, or a horror story It is an amalgamation of all these elements, constantly haunted by a ghostly presence and the dark sarcasm of the deceased writer Athena The resulting narrative is akin to a jumbled thought captured on paper, defying expectations Nevertheless, readers might enjoy this scrambled novel precisely because of its well-crafted intentional plot Kuang's ability to engage readers with her writing style is commendable.

While not without flaws, "Yellowface" is a memorable and thought-provoking novel that commands attention and leaves an indelible impression.

A Lost People's Archive by Rimli Sengupta

"A Lost People's Archive" by Rimli Sengupta is a strange and moving story about two childhood friends, Shishu and Noni, set against the backdrop of pre-independence India, Partition, and refugee-enhanced migration. Shishu and Noni, the two main protagonists, meet in 1922 and form a connection that lasts through the shifting landscape of undivided India. Rimli Sengupta expertly combines history and imagination into a novel that delves into issues of love, friendship, political turbulence, and the tremendous impact of relocation on the lives of Bengali people Author Rimli Sengupta reminds us of the devastation created by partition and its life-altering impact on individuals who lived through it TShishu joined a revolutionary party fighting for India's freedom, while Noni married young Shishu is imprisoned for murder, and Noni has to deal with the difficulties of early marriage and partition They communicate via letters and poems written in a notebook, which serves as a motivational and lifesaving medium for Shishu. This narrative depicts the diverse beliefs that support or oppose British control. These activities effectively foiled the supremacy and its consequences for the established religious and ideological division. The story takes place in Patuakhali, a town in the delta where the Meghna River meets the sea Shishu and Noni create remarkable friendships as youngsters, connected by their love of literature and poetry However, their fates diverge when Shishu joins a revolutionary organization and is imprisoned for seventeen years, and Noni marries at a young age One delight of reading ancient letters is knowing they do not require an answer However, the readers grasp society, lifestyle, emotions, and social fabric in this context. The book is engrossing from the first page.

Because the narrative is a fictitious work based on a true story, this hybrid narrative proves that reading true stories always attracts and entices readers.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change how we live AI presents opportunities to complement and supplement human intelligence and improve people's lives and work by enabling high-level cognitive processes like thinking, perceiving, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making combined with data collection and aggregation advances, analytics, and computer processing power. India, the world's fastest-growing economy with the second-largest population, is interested in the AI revolution. Recognizing AI's potential to revolutionize economies and the necessity for India to strategize its approach, the Hon'ble Finance Minister authorized NITI Aayog to establish the National Programme on AI to drive the study and development of new and emerging technologies in his budget speech for 20182019 In this regard, authors Jayanth N Kolla and Leslie D'Monte provide the globe with a compact and straightforward book named "AI Rising India's Artificial Intelligence Growth Story", which contains practical and realistic AI information The book is organized into three parts, and the information is separated into chapters With the Central Government focused on the development of AI in our nation, the book's second chapter - Artificial Intelligence in India - is one of the most fascinating and unique to read. The chapter is divided into smaller sections that discuss India's viewpoint and the Future of AI in the country in a way that will aid the country's prosperity. Indian firms are quickly catching up when integrating artificial intelligence (AI). According to a recent poll, more than half of the top 1000 Indian enterprises are moving beyond pilot and test projects and implementing AI on a broader scale The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has emerged as a major changer in India's digital payment ecosystem The digital revolution in India is explained in one of the chapters UPI has transformed how individuals trade by enabling smooth and rapid money transfers, making digital payments available to millions of Indians.

Reading biography and autobiography can be thought of as an investment in self-knowledge. An investment in knowledge pays a high dividend. Also, reading an autobiography or biography provides insight into great individuals' real-life experiences and motivates us to pursue our goals in the real world. A good biography also informs us about the milieu in which that individual lived As a result, reading a biography is essential for us to gain various practical lessons A great person's life is often so loaded with rich details and interesting facts that it appears exciting and educational Furthermore, reading about the real-life experiences of a successful or renowned person has a favorable impact on our motivations

Autobiographies are a category that I love reading since they give deep insights into successful people's lives while teaching significant lessons. "Diamonds Are Forever, So Are Morals" is Sir Govind Dholakia's autobiography, a gripping narrative related by Mr. Dhokakia and skilfully crafted by Arun Tiwari & Kamlesh Yagnik. The book follows Mr. Dholakia's incredible journey from modest origins in a tiny hamlet in Gujarat to his ascension as a compelling motivational leader and one of the most successful personalities in the diamond business Despite coming from an agricultural background and being a dropout, his success story is inspirational and spiritually enlightening "Diamonds Are Forever, So Are Morals" has a powerful narrative style that keeps readers interested from start to finish Each chapter opens with a Bhagavad Gita shloka that captures the spirit of the chapter and Mr. Dholakia's vision.

"Diamonds Are Forever So Are Morals" offers invaluable lessons from a remarkable individual, guiding and inspiring those seeking a fulfilling and accomplished journey.

"AI Rising India's Artificial Intelligence Growth Story" showcases Leslie D'Monte's distinct method of deciphering complex deep tech topics.

(Reviewed by Swapna Peri)

Awaken Your Genius by Ozan Varol

In a world where defying convention with unconventional careers, mindsets, and perspectives is a reality for many, it's common to feel isolated and feel like the odd one out When we no longer fit into neat boxes, the number of people we can relate to and share our unique experiences with diminishes

"Awaken Your Genius" - Amarvel hardbound book that provokes thought and inspires action, urging readers to break free from the constraints of conformity and unleash their true potential. The author emphasizes the importance of embracing our individual abilities and creative instincts to lead extraordinary lives. The book is divided into three main sections, each dedicated to a crucial aspect of personal growth and transformation: Escape Conformity: This section delves into the perils of surrendering to societal norms and expectations It encourages readers to remain authentic and forge their own identities Ignite Creativity: Readers are introduced to proven strategies, including engaging in creative exercises, practicing mindfulness, and embracing failure as a valuable learning opportunity. Become Extraordinary: The final section of the book focuses on transforming our lives into something remarkable. "Awaken Your Genius" is a captivating read that challenges readers to push beyond conventional boundaries and surpass their limits. This is a practical book for impractical people. There are many practical pieces of advice and inspiring anecdotes that are a valuable roadmap for individuals aspiring to tap into their inner genius and lead a more fulfilling and extraordinary life

This transformative guide combines Ozan's exceptional talent for absorbing wisdom from the vast ocean of overwhelming information with his brilliant ability to distill and organize knowledge, akin to a whale absorbing plankton and a rocket scientist streamlining complex concepts.

Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself and Building Healthy Relationships

"Set Boundaries, Find Peace" by Nedra Tawwab is a powerful and insightful guide that explores the importance of establishing healthy boundaries and how doing so can lead to personal growth, improved well-being, and more fulfilling connections with others. Throughout the book, Tawwab draws upon her experience as a licensed therapist and her expertise in helping individuals navigate the complex terrain of boundaries She presents a comprehensive framework that empowers readers to recognize, set, and maintain boundaries that align with their values and needs Tawwab’s writing is empathetic, compassionate, and accessible, making complex psychological concepts easy to understand and apply in real-life situations One of the book's strengths is its emphasis on self-reflection Tawwab prompts readers to examine their past experiences, childhood influences, and belief systems that may have hindered their ability to establish healthy boundaries. She provides relatable examples and anecdotes to illustrate how boundary violations can negatively impact emotional well-being and hinder personal growth. Tawwab offers practical strategies and tools that readers can use to navigate various relationship dynamics, whether it's with partners, family, friends, or colleagues From setting limits on time and energy to expressing needs and asserting oneself, she provides step-by-step guidance on how to communicate effectively and enforce boundaries without guilt or fear If there is one minor criticism, it is that some readers might find the content repetitive at times However, this repetition can be beneficial for reinforcing key concepts and ensuring their practical application.

"Set Boundaries, Find Peace" is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to establish healthy boundaries in their relationships and reclaim their personal autonomy.

(Reviewed by Kiran Adharapuram)


This month you are very ambitious and focused on your work. You are very action oriented and ready to fulfil your dreams You are very determined to make things happen. Don’t be impulsive otherwise you may fell down


This month, Taurus, you might be very creative It also indicates acting on your goals which will help you to be financially successful. It is the right month to pamper yourself with self-care It is the good month for planning a baby.


This month, Gemini you are disappointed as things are not moving as per your wishes Also, some might have a heartbreak or emotional breakdown. This is just a phase, and it shall pass soon Just release the pain and move on


This month, Cancer, you might be thinking and revisiting your childhood memories and relieving them. Also, some might meet a childhood lover or a friend and spend joyful and happy moments together It also indicates a harmonious and joyful relationship with your partner


This month, Leo, you might receive an important opportunity at your doorstep that will help you to grow financially. It also indicates, to start something new It is the week of prosperity


This month, Virgo, you might be thinking about long term goals. Also, some might be frustrated as despite hard work, you are not getting success Just have patience and continue doing your hard work, things will give result


This month, Libra you are working hard to improve your skills and are focused to achieve success. It also indicates you are learning and studying more about your skills to get master in it.


This month Scorpio, you are very emotional and joyful spending time with your family It also indicates, new creative opportunity will soon knock on your door which you were waiting for since long


This month, Sagittarians, you need financial assistance as you are facing hard times Don’t feel isolated or alone Just reach out to your near ones for help.


This month, you are facing competition in your workplace, which is not letting you to pursue your goals. so you need to work hard to get appreciated It also indicates fights and disagreement on certain matters. You need to be grounded and listen to their point


This month, Aquarians, you are self-confident and Independent. It also indicates, enjoying the luxuries of life that you have earned by yourself Some might be in leadership role in their workplace.


This month, Pisces,you need courage to face all the challenges in your life. People might try to pull you down but never give up and continue to fulfil your goals. It also indicates you might hurt in the past and still the wounds are there which is not letting you to move Just come out of the situation and move on.

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers I have read and reviewed numerous books so far I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here.

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