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urray! That’s the one reaction that always remains the same in our entire life span when we decide to go on vacation. “We’re jumping with joy”. I mean, who wouldn’t be excited about escaping the daily grind behind for a while? It’s like a breadth of fresh air, a chance to relax and rejuvenate

The thought of traveling makes me picture myself lounging on the sandy beach of Goa, sipping a tropical drink, and soaking up in the sun The sound of waves crashing against the shore is like music to my ears, soothing my soul and washing away any worries and stress. On the other hand, the lush green rainforests of Indonesia and the rustic experience of the rustling wildlife of Madumalai in Karnataka create a sensory experience that is both so calming and invigorating. The Fun frolic rides from Disneyland in Paris to trekking high on the serene hills of Ranikhet in Uttarakhand evoke a sense of so much adventure and exhilaration Not to forget the exotic local cuisines having unique flavors of that place and culture. My favorite spot, however, is exploring the historical monuments, the remnants of the past that tell stories of civilizations long gone

All these thought-provoking experiences not only broaden my outlook but also takes me away from all my worries leaving a calm and serene ME I feel a simple trip can squeeze out so many facets of you buried deep into the rustle of daily life. You enrich yourself by exposing yourself to diversified culture, architecture, food, and people Above all, you get a chance to connect with the real you

A Doorway For Growth And Selfdiscovery

We, humans, are natural-born travel junkies. An insatiable wanderlust drives us to explore every corner of this beautiful planet Restricting to moving around means caging your knowledge and trapping yourselves in your little bubble that gets stagnant with time. We all got the first-hand experience of being caged at home during a pandemic and its psychological impacts on us, especially the kids The personal growth of the children faded away during that time


Whether it's exploring the Mediterranean cuisine of Spain, immersing in the disciplined, simplistic life of Japan, or the vibrant lifestyle of Europe Each new destination offers a chance to get exposed to many different ways of life, traditions, languages, and diversified thinking. While on a trip, you visit famous landmarks, interact with local people, participate in their festivals, enjoy the local cuisines, and even try speaking a few phrases. When you explore all these, you understand the uniqueness of each culture and place and try to imbibe a few as part of your lifestyle This helps you to challenge your preconceived notions and forces you to question your own beliefs.

You’ll learn tolerance and acceptance as you begin to, realize that there is “no one right way to live” or “each way is unique in itself” It was traveling, that changed my preconceived notion that I cannot enjoy seafood Now, I love to add many such local cuisines as part of my daily platter I also highly appreciated the European punctuality concept and the Japanese community efforts and tried to imbibe the same to better myself

TRAVEL IS NEVER A MATTER OF MONEY, BUT OF COURAGE- PAULO COELHOWandering into unknown territories pushes you out of your comfort zones and forces you to adapt to new situations. It builds resilience and selfconfidence within you as you navigate through unfamiliar new cities, communicate with people from different cultures and languages, and overcome unknown challenges on your own

You learn to think outside the box as, when you travel, there will always be bumps in the road as anything can happen- from getting lost or sick to dealing with luggage issues or flight delays You'll need to deal with such problems without getting stressed out with limited options available.

Try traveling Solo to test your capabilities and resilient skills My daughter when fourteen went to Manali from Bangalore. It was her first solo trip and travel to the mountains. Contrary to the comforts of home, she was exposed to conditions like - minusdegree temperatures at night in a tent, jumping from the cliff in a rapid river, and trekking on the narrow muddy patch where one mistake and you fall into the raging waterfall. Initially, she was jittery to go on such a trip alone But once at the campsite, she adapted soon to overcome her discomfort and fear and learned to survive with bare essential things. To date, she recalls the memories of that trip with a smile that gave her a new confident persona


A behavioral intervention I like to make after my return from vacation is to memorize the peaceful moments and understand what was different or missing from my present life Such retrospection is a crucial reminder of what one should do every day For instance, during traveling, I realized the relevance of giving me much time to eat breakfast. I understood how it recharges me for the entire day and incorporated into my daily routine

A winter trip to Kashmir helped me adapt to appreciate simple things I took for granted in life. It is tough life in the mountains-scarcity of food, water, or other essentials for living But the locals had no complaints and expressed with a smile gratitude towards nature that simply won my heart.Many such encounters during my various vacations left a gratifying impact on me Whether it was helping locals of Russia despite the language barrier or the carefree attitude of people in Singapore and Goa that taught me how to live each moment of life. Experiences like these keep on reminding me that the world is full of amazing, kindhearted people and encourages me to adapt to the same

In conclusion, traveling has a profound impact on well-being. It reduces stress, improves mental health, increases happiness, and provides an opportunity for self-reflection So, pack your bags and embark on an adventure that will break the chain of getting stuck in a rut of monotonous daily life and contribute to your overall happiness and well-being. You'll have a treasure of lifelong memories to cherish

Ankur R Gupta - I'm a blogger, an author, and a certified content creator My writings revolve around the simple motto “Write to bring Smile” I believe in understanding behavioral aspects of human life linked with their different phases and then ink my words about them in a simplified way to spin out positivity and purpose associated with them.

A hardcore history enthusiast and traveler I love to read & explore our ancient cultures and civilizations

My reading page is inkmyword -the reader community
