Term Times – Summer 2019 (Senior & Sixth Form)

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A Bright Future PAGE 2




Visit from New York Times best-selling Author


Year 8s Go Solar

Employers’ Networking Breakfast


A Show of Sporting Spirit!

St Edward’s Senior & Sixth Form, Cirencester Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 8EY T:01242 388555 E:reception@stedwards.co.uk

I am extremely pleased to see the huge number of opportunities there have been to inspire our students this term. Whether it has been by offering experiences which take students out of their comfort zone, or simply by enabling them to be inspired by the stories of others and their life journeys. We have been blessed by the visits of a number of inspirational people who have come to deliver talks and workshops to our students. For example, meeting the New York Times Best-selling Author, G.P Taylor, enabled our Key Stage 3 pupils to see just how far creativity can take you as they learnt how he harnessed his talents to create some extraordinary works of fiction (S3). Our Year 10s gained confidence knowing that they have the skills they need to manage their financial futures when they took part in a workshop to test their financial acumen (S4).

DATES FOR THE DIARY Autumn Term 2019 Term Starts: Thursday 5th September Open Morning/Enrichment Morning: Saturday 5th October Half Term: Monday 21st October – Friday 1st November Term Ends: Wednesday 18th December, 12pm

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Similarly, opportunities to go out of the classroom and be inspired by the world around them, such as the Art Trip to St Briavels (S5) and the residential trip to Spain (S7), have enabled our students to see that inspiration is everywhere if you look at things with fresh eyes and an open mind. Within School too, providing new experiences and challenges helps to keep our students on their toes. Year 8 thoroughly embraced a STEM challenge to create a solar powered vehicle (S6) and our Year 12s had the fantastic opportunity to talk to representatives from over 20 local employers and learn about career paths at the Employers’ Networking Breakfast (S7).

For all the very latest from the Senior School & Sixth Form please follow us on Twitter: • @StEdwards_Chelt • @SportStEds – for news of our sporting activities You can also like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ StEdwardsSchoolCheltenham

The importance of practical experiences cannot be underestimated and the opportunities we provide here at St Edward’s are an essential element of our students’ education, running alongside their academic lessons. I hope that when they have forged their own successful futures they will want to come back to School to help inspire future generations of St Edward’s students to follow their dreams and achieve their goals. Mrs Pat Clayfield Headmistress

A Bright Future The whole school community came together on the final day of term to recognise the many and varied achievements of all our students, celebrating the end of another highly successful academic year at a thoroughly enjoyable Speech Day.

The Headmistress, Mrs Pat Clayfield, began proceedings with a review of the year and the huge amount of activities completed, and accomplishments achieved, since September. She also paid tribute to the students, parents and staff, acknowledging that it is the people that make St Edward’s what it is and that the future of the School is very bright. Head Boy, Alexander L, and Head Girl, Monica A, gave an excellent joint speech reflecting on their time at St Edward’s and their hopes for the future.


Our guest speaker for the day was Rachel Joyce, author of “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry”,

which was long-listed for The Man Booker Prize and published in over 30 languages, “Perfect”, “The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy” and “The Music Shop”. She delivered a very witty address to the students and their parents focussing on the joy and importance of being creative. Following prize-giving, staff, students and their families all enjoyed a delicious lunch in the sunshine on the front lawn. The event was a lovely occasion, and a fitting way to celebrate everything our students have achieved this year, whilst looking ahead and appreciating all that is to come.

Visit from New York Times Best-selling Author Key Stage 3 pupils took part in creative writing workshops in June when they were joined for a day by New York Times best-selling author, G.P. Taylor.

CCF TASTER EXPERIENCE In May pupils from Year 7 and 8 had the opportunity to take part in a Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Taster Afternoon. After a short briefing from SSgt Keylock, the students jumped straight into a range of different activities including an inflatable assault course, a VR flight simulator experience and an opportunity to see the equipment used when conducting ‘Skill at Arms’ training.


Graham’s first book, “Shadowmancer”, was a phenomenal success and has been translated into over 50 languages, for readers all across the globe. He has since written an array of best-selling novels, and has recently been writing for the screen. Graham has lived a remarkably varied life as a writer, journalist, poet, police officer, an undercover operative, bodyguard, vicar and exorcist!

Students were then treated to an analysis of their personality and temperament from Graham’s skills as a cold reader: assessing people’s characteristics from their body language and facial expressions. The students had a go at creating detailed character profiles of their classmates, learning how important it is that we make the characters in our stories as believable and realistic as possible.

Through true stories of gothic horror from his time as Vicar of Whitby, Graham gave interactive lessons on description, characterisation, and plot. The library was full of held-breath and loud screams as we were taken on a terrifying journey through the dark, misty ginnels of Whitby, joining Bram Stoker in hearing a legend of the cursed, black dog, the Barghest.

Finally, Graham delivered a presentation to all of our Year 7 students about how reading at school changed his life for the better, with some dastardly amusing anecdotes of his time at school. It was a wonderful, jam-packed day full of jump-scares and laughter!

House Day 2019 During the last week of term our students had a fantastic time celebrating House Day, with various competitions taking place throughout the day and market stalls at lunchtime raising money for charity. The day started with Key Stage 3 pupils split into groups to take part in a ‘Big Colourful Art Quiz’ and ‘Astronaut Training’, where their observation and reflexes were tested with points awarded to the best-performing teams. Key Stage 4 pupils took part in ‘It’s a Knockout’ and a business orientated ‘Trading Game’. Alongside that, teams representing each House played inflatable table football on the top field. At lunchtime, Year 9s hosted charity stalls with various activities including an ice cream and milkshake stand, fair-based games such as knocking down cans and popping balloons, along with the very popular ‘soak the teacher’. In the afternoon a number of Year group InterHouse games were contested including ‘Giant

Jenga’, ‘Giant Connect Four’, ‘Virtual Reality Table Tennis’, Catchpoint’ and ‘Articulate’, all presented by our new Head Boy and Head Girl. There was a great spirit and comradery to the day’s proceedings, with students from all Year groups working well together to compete for their respective Houses and working hard to raise money for charities.

In June, a group of A Level and GCSE artists travelled to London for the day to visit the London School of Drawings Foundation Exhibition. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to gain an insight into life at Art College and see a range of artwork being produced by a group of exciting young artists. It certainly gave our students lots of new ideas to incorporate into their own future pieces.

SANDWICH SURPRISES Following the conclusion of internal exams, Year 8 students took part in the annual ‘Sandwich Surprises’ competition, which challenges them to test their culinary creativity, whilst developing their French language skills. The final took place in July and the top three sandwiches were all separated by one point each. Jonathan C won with his ‘lardon omelette baguette’, narrowly edging out Jackson F’s four-layered chocolate creation and Eliza F’s ‘Nutella et banane’ sandwich.

GOING FOR GOLD A large number of St Edward’s pupils participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, with an increasing number of students achieving their Gold Awards. DofE is all about going the extra mile – gaining new skills, pushing yourself physically, helping others and exploring new territories. This Term, Eve Q and Milly T (both Year 13) were invited to officially receive their Gold Awards at a Reception in the gardens of Buckingham Palace, hosted by the Earl and Countess of Wessex.


TALKING SCIENCE Throughout the Summer Term, Year 9 pupils worked in groups to research a scientific question and then present their findings in a 2-3 minute talk. Their presentations were judged by Ms O’Sullivan, the Educational Outreach Officer from Oxford University’s Chemistry Department, and Mrs Hemming. All finalists presented really well, however, congratulations go to Toby M who won the competition with his informative and entertaining presentation on Black Holes.

A Test of Financial Acumen One Tuesday morning in May, Year 10 were joined by Jordan and Celia from St James’s Place Wealth Management, who came to the Senior School to lead a session focussing on teaching our pupils about the value of money, differentiating between items that are ‘needed’, ‘wanted’ and what represents ‘value for money’.

FOCUS ON ART In June, we welcomed 30 Year 5 pupils to St Edward’s to spend the day with our specialist Art staff. Using a range of media, including charcoal, oil pastels, watercolours and acrylic paint with polyprint, they created some unique pieces of art. The day was themed around the concept that the children were beings from a distant universe who had been sent to Earth to explore, find out about the Earth’s plants and wildlife, and represent their findings through art.

TIME FOR A PICNIC Our Year 7s invited the Headmistress, Mrs Clayfield, along with Senior Deputy Head, Mr Lewis, to a picnic on the Front Lawn in the last week of term. The tempting menu consisted of fruit skewers, cookies and sweet and savoury scones, all made by the pupils during their D&T lessons. The delicious food prepared by the Year group was very much enjoyed in the summer sunshine!

PEOPLE WHO INSPIRE This term Year 8 pupils took part in the annual Headmistress’s Award for Independent Research Project. As we approached the Summer break six finalists were selected to present the research they had carried out in response to the brief, ‘People who inspire you’. Congratulations to Georgia R who was selected as the winner of the Award for delivering an excellent presentation on the actor and activist, Emma Watson.


The workshop started with the pupils being asked to list the things that they buy with their money, and work out whether these products are necessities or just something that is desired and not necessarily essential.

where they had to put themselves in the shoes of someone starting an apprenticeship as a landscape gardener, organising the cost of equipment, uniform, travel and lunch using a pre-determined budget.

A short mental arithmetic task followed, where the students had to decide which deals were best value for money with regards to buying everyday items in bulk or more of a lower cost item.

The session was an extremely useful way for the group to test out their financial acumen and certainly highlighted the importance of budgeting, giving our students plenty to think about as they look to the future.

The final part of the morning with St James’s Place saw our pupils work through a scenario

Celebrating Languages Day Languages Day took place in June, marking the end of a week of language-linked cultural activities which included singing in a foreign language in Music, word derivations in English and RS, and a salsa dance class! On the day itself, students were invited to come to School dressed either in a representative costume or in the colours of a country of their choice. There was a ‘best-dressed’ competition and the winners were Tom D, Alice G and Jakob C, who were representing France, Norway and the United Arab Emirates respectively. In class, there were lessons in Italian, German and Polish for certain Year 7, 8 and 10 sets, and at break time, there was a delicious cake sale. At lunchtime a Year 7 Treasure Hunt, was jointly won by a group of four – Jack P, Johnnie H, Jacob R and Angus W. Well done also to 9P who won the Form Cultural Quiz! This year the game of Pétanque was introduced as a competitive inter-House activity and, despite the unremitting rain, it was well attended by students in Years 8-10. Fisher won the Year 8 matches, Newman won for Year 9 and More triumphed in Year 10!

As well as raising awareness of languages, the day also served as an excellent fundraising opportunity for a local charity, ‘Mindsong’. Selected by our Sixth Form students, Mindsong is a Gloucestershire-based organisation working to provide a range of services for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

FAREWELL UPPER SIXTH In late May, our Year 13s said an official goodbye to their time at St Edward’s, giving them the opportunity to reminisce about their time at School. A gathering in the Sixth Form Lounge included presentations from the Headmistress, Head of Sixth Form and some pupils. There was also time for a staff versus Sixth Form football match on the top field that ended in a thrilling 2-2 draw.


St Briavels Art Trip A group of Year 10 and 12 Art students travelled to the Forest of Dean in May to take part in an Art residential weekend at St Briavels. Built in the early 12th century, St Briavels was an important royal castle on the frontier with Wales. Staying in a location with such a rich history provided the perfect backdrop for our young artists to immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings. During their residential, our students used their creative skills to produce a number of pieces of work. On the first day they worked with charcoal as they produced studies at Tintern Abbey. On Saturday the group travelled to Lydney Docks and Symonds Yat where they used water colour, fine liner and oil pastels. On Sunday their destination was Aust beach, where they were carried out an ink study under

the Severn Bridge, before they headed off to Cardiff Art Gallery to study the work of other artists. The final destination of the weekend was Goodrich Castle where the students created artwork using mixed media and collage. This annual trip has become a tradition in the St Edward’s calendar for GCSE and A Level Art pupils, introducing students to amazing locations, techniques and intriguing discussions.

Our CCF Experience EOD In early June, our CCF contingent visited the local Ashchurch Camp to take part in various exercises with the Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Search Unit. This was a rare and unique opportunity to experience some of the procedures and equipment the Regiment uses during their day-to-day operations and see how they react to a call-out situation.

There were three activities that our CCF members took part in throughout the day. The first saw cadets trying on a bomb disposal suit, weighing a hefty 47kg, along with a respirator and a suit used when dealing with hazardous materials.

Finally, and arguably most interestingly, St Edward’s pupils were able to use a ‘Dragon Runner’ bomb disposal robot, taking part in a time trial to pick up a ball and place it in brass container against the clock.

Following that, our cadets were treated to a very intriguing talk about the history of ballistics and munitions, with visual proof of how they have developed and modernised through the decades, and also centuries!

Special thanks go to Capt Mayes, a former St Edward’s pupil, who organised the day for our CCF and provided them with this unique chance to experience the activities and handle the equipment.

Some very brave pupils took part in an experimental taste test with our School Caterers, Holroyd Howe, shortly before term concluded. Our Catering Manager, Tony, used crickets and bugs as the base for some unusual tasting ‘treats’. The menu consisted of cheese and chive bugs and Belgian chocolate coated crickets, that definitely had some mixed results when it came to the judgement from the pupils!

ENGINEERS OF THE FUTURE This academic year a group of Sixth Form students have participated in a six-month Engineering Education Scheme (EES) run by EDT, a nationwide educational charity engaging young people through STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Since October, the St Edward’s Team of Jakub K, Theo A, James S, Tom D and Ben R, along with their Mentor, Tom Price from Ultra Electronics PCS, have been working on the brief to ‘create a functional prototype system to harvest and convert wasted energy into electrical energy that can be integrated onto a soldier’. The idea being that the system would allow a soldier to charge batteries whilst on mission. In June, the Team travelled to Bath University for their assessment day where they presented their project to a panel of Engineers. They were competing against teams from 15 other schools from the Southwest region and, although they didn’t win an award, they were the only team to be awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in the ‘Contribution to Business Award’. Their tremendous dedication to the project also saw them gain their Gold Industrial Cadets Award.


MEETING OF THE STRIDE-DARNLEY SOCIETY In May, three pupils, from Year 7 and 8, presented on subjects that they felt passionately about at the latest meeting of the Stride-Darnley Society. Max H chose to speak about Dubai and everything it has to offer tourists, Theo P delivered a presentation about his pet Royal Python ‘Sid’, and Henry S gave a brief history of Antigua, a place he visited in October last year. The regular meetings of the Stride-Darnley Society provide an excellent opportunity for our pupils to develop their self-confidence in public speaking and presenting their ideas to a group – skills which will prove invaluable to them throughout their lives.

EUROPEAN LUNCH COMPETITION The annual Languages Department European Lunch Competition took place in The Canopy in the second half of term. Year 9 pupils were tasked with representing a country and recreating their local delicacies. England, represented by Esme B, Libby R, Shaniqua M, Zoe G, Olivia B and Pati L, won the overall prize, with Molly A, Alessia C, Mackenzie J and Akari B winning the Background Award as Greece. The other two prizes for Food and Presentation were won by Rachel S, Tallulah T, Sam G and Mack J (Cyprus) and Alex J, Charlie S and Ollie W (Germany) respectively.

PROSECCO & CANAPÉS We were delighted to welcome Trustees, parents and staff, from both the Prep and Senior Schools, to our annual Prosecco & Canapés evening in early July. The event serves as an enjoyable, informal opportunity for the St Edward’s community to come together and enjoy a relaxed drink along with some delicious treats, prepared by our school Caterers, Holroyd Howe. It was a beautifully sunny evening and the musical accompaniment, provided by talented musician and former St Edward’s pupil Sam Strachan, ensured that all who attended had a lovely evening.


Year 8s Go Solar! Pupils were tasked with designing, making and racing solar powered cars one day in late June as part of a Year 8 STEM Challenge Day. Teams were given a budget and costings sheet to record any materials they ‘purchased’ from the ‘onsite shop’ to both create and decorate their solar powered creations. Members from each group took on the responsibility for design, marketing and also creating the circuits to generate the car’s power. The Teams were judged on their ‘presentation stand and marketing’, ‘design of the car’, ‘test results’ and ‘teamwork’, with scores out of 10. There was also an award for the best budget car, which was decided by measuring the combination of the car’s speed on the test track, along with its manufacturing cost. During the morning session the groups concentrated on the design and creations of their vehicles, along

with preparing their marketing campaigns. They also had to do some investigations into how solar power works, what safety features would be needed and research into how renewable energy sources work in vehicles. The afternoon was when each team put all of their hard work to the test, racing their cars against each other in a drag race. After some charging underneath the bright lamps, the races were underway! Although the cars may have lacked serious speed, the competitiveness and innovative design created some close races and great excitement amongst the Year 8s.

An Exhibition of Creativity The Main School Hall was transformed into a Gallery in June when it became the home of our GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition. The exhibition featured a range of pieces, encompassing a variety of skills and techniques including painting, sketching, photography and design. The impressive display was a true showcase of the breadth of artistic talent that exists within our school community. The range of techniques used and media employed created a really vibrant and interesting display of the students’ work. It was a fantastic way to end what has been yet another hugely creative academic year at St Edward’s.






Laura McIsaac-Bailey Librarian

What is your role within the School? I encourage everyone who walks through my door to read! I am abundantly passionate and enthusiastic about books, reading, and research, and I support all of our students starting their learning journey with the Library. What did you do before working at St Edward’s? I was a Librarian at a boarding school. I have taught undergraduate linguistics, medieval literary culture, and Old English language. I have also worked for the Department of Education and Professional Studies at King’s College London. What would you say is the most interesting part of your day-to-day work? Finding out what our students have been reading, and what they want to read next! Making sure we have the right kinds of books, both fiction and non-fiction, is an absolute joy. What activities do you enjoy in your spare time? I love books, reading, comics, storytelling, choral singing, board games, and computer games. I am also a very passionate LARPer, and spend a lot of the summer holidays dressed up in medieval garb, running around a forest with (safe!) swords. Who, or what, would you say has most inspired you in life? There is a very odd story about Cadfael, hermits, monks, libraries and wolverines, but it’s far too long to include here. Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell are currently doing some really excellent work in supporting libraries and reading, and are a huge inspiration to school librarians everywhere; I’d highly recommend reading some of their books! What is on your ‘Bucket List’? One day I will actually finish reading “Finnegan’s Wake” by James Joyce. I may also try to publish a translation of “Beowulf”. More realistically, I’d like to go to Carcassonne so I can play the board game Carcassonne whilst in Carcassonne. Finally, the best thing about working at St Edward’s is... The reading culture. St Edward’s really encourages reading for pleasure, with the English Department having library lessons for reading once a week for the younger years, reading in Form time across the School, World Book Day, and other Library events. We have an excellent approach to reading just for the love of it, and that makes me a very happy librarian indeed!

A Taste of Spain During the Easter holidays, 27 pupils from Year 7 to 9, accompanied by four teachers, set off on a five-day residential trip to Barcelona, where they were able to learn more about Spanish culture and enjoy visits to a number of famous landmarks.

The group began their tour round the city visiting landmarks including Barcelona’s Camp Nou, where even the non-football fans were appreciative of the scale of the stadium and success of its football team. They then travelled to Parc Guell, where they were lucky enough to walk about in the Spanish sunshine, admiring the beautiful Gaudi buildings. A whistle-stop tour of the Sagrada Familia followed, before a walk along Las Ramblas, the central most boulevard which cuts through the heart of the city centre.

The next day saw a visit to the Gaudi Museum in Figueres, before a return to the hotel for a cookery demonstration which included making Tortilla de Patatas followed by Paella and then Creme Catalana. In the evening the group travelled to the nearby town of Lloret de Mar where they enjoyed games of mini-golf and bowling. The final full day was spent at Port Aventura Theme Park where good fun was had by all as they tried out the various rides on offer. The trip was a resounding success, with all those who attended thoroughly enjoying their taste of Spain.

Employers’ Networking Breakfast Representatives from 20 local businesses joined our Year 12 students to take part in a Networking Breakfast in late June. The event provided Year 12 with the chance to learn more about the opportunities on offer to them after Sixth Form, and the different career routes they might wish to take. The Breakfast included a presentation on ‘The importance of STEM and employability’ by Josh Allen from Spirax Sarco Engineering plc. Josh spoke about how STEM is about more than just Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is about the ‘analytical mindset’ that can be developed through the study of the subjects, which can prove to be invaluable in a whole range of different jobs. He talked about routes into STEM based careers, covering both degrees and Apprenticeships, opening our students’ eyes to the wealth of opportunities on offer to them after school.

Mrs Prew, Careers Lead at St Edward’s, said “I am very pleased that so many employers were able to join us for the Breakfast. We are very fortunate to have established strong links with local businesses and events like this are invaluable to our students in terms of helping them to enhance and develop their employability skills.”

Following the presentation there was time for our students to network with the employers, providing them with a useful opportunity to explore the variety of career paths that they could potentially pursue, and hearing about them from employers themselves. S7

ROUNDERS TOUR 15 Key Stage 3 pupils travelled to Devon in June to take part in the annual Rounders Tour. Their first fixture was against South Dartmoor Community College and, with thirty balls per innings, the team felt they could take risks and put pressure on the opposition. Points were gained and St Edward’s won comfortably 11-7. The second match was at Kingsbridge Community School and was much more of a challenge. The team played well making field changes to keep the opposition’s scoring possibilities low, but Kingsbridge won 21 -18. It was a fantastic tour enjoyed by the whole group who, as well as playing rounders, also enjoyed the chance to have a go at paddle-boarding and visit a local water park!

A Show of Sporting Spirit! Our Senior Sports Day took place in June. The annual event, held at the Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham, saw our athletes compete in a variety of disciplines, breaking school records and gaining priceless points for their respective Houses. Events contested included Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Javelin and various track distances, giving all our students the chance to take part. With over 110 events to fit in before the end of the day, everyone needed to make sure that their energy levels were high! This year’s record breakers included: Harrison B (Year 8 Boys 300m 50.57secs), Hannah L (Year 8 Girls Javelin 37.98m), Emma H (Year 10 Girls 300m 43.32secs), Sam S (Year 10 Boys Long Jump 5.62m) and Olivia I (Senior Girls 1500m 6mins 56secs). The quality of competition remained at an exceptionally high level throughout, even those

competing in ISA National Athletics the next day were still keen to get involved and take part for their House. Director of Sport, Ms Kenyon, said “Sports Day is always a great occasion where pupils are given the opportunity to compete to the best of their ability, with the added bonus of the support of family and friends to push them on.” In the end it was Newman House who came out on top with a total of 713 points. The battle for second place was hotly contested with More just pipping Fisher to the post with 705 points to 703.

SWIMMING NEWS Early in the Summer Term our Swimming teams (Y7-Y10) took part in the Cheltenham and District Swimming Championships. All our swimmers swam with great determination in both the individual and team events. When all the scores were taken into account the Girls’ Team ended in a respectable 5th place, with the Boys in a well-deserved 2nd place overall.

YEAR 8 CRICKET TOUR In June, a group of Year 8 boys went on a Cricket Tour to Devon, taking part in various activities and enjoying some great matches. With a competitive spirit the boys’ played hard in their matches against Trinity School and Exeter Cathedral School, with a win against Exeter rounding off a very successful and enjoyable experience!

Elite Athletics Senior & Sixth Form pupils celebrated great success at the ISA National Athletics, held at the Alexander Stadium in Walsall in mid-June.

SUMMER TERM INTER-HOUSE COMPETITIONS • Year 8 House Cricket: 1st Fisher, 2nd More, 3rd Newman • Year 7 House Rounders: 1st Newman, 2nd Fisher, 3rd More • U14 House Rounders: 1st More, 2nd Fisher, 3rd Newman • U15 House Rounders: 1st Newman, 2nd More, 3rd Fisher


Our exceptional athletes competed for the Midlands Team in a range of different track and field events including Javelin, 800m, High Jump, 1500m and the 4x100m relay. They all performed competitively on the day putting in a fantastic amount of effort. The stand out St Edward’s performers on the day were Hannah L and Emma H. Hannah, who is ranked number five in the UK at U15 level in Javelin, despite only being in Year 8, stormed to victory throwing over 37m on her way to clinching gold. The girls’ 800m event was won by Emma (Year 10), who gave another excellent performance, following on from her dominant display at the St Edward’s Sports Day just the day before.

We are fortunate to have a thriving PE Department, offering every pupil the opportunity to excel in a wide range of sports and enabling them to perform to the best of their capabilities. Many congratulations to all who took part in the ISA competition and we look forward to sharing in your further successes next year!

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