Yarn Tarot: For Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers

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YarnTarot For Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers

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For Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers

New York, New York

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An imprint of SOHO Publishing, LLC 104 W 27th St, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10001 Copyright © 2021 by Sixth&Spring Books All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage-and-retrieval systems— without written permission of the publisher. This book is part of the Yarn Tarot for Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers kit (ISBN 978-1-970048-07-0) and is not to be sold separately. Manufactured in China 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 FIRST EDITION www.sixthandspring.com Editor JACOB SEIFERT Illustrator KATIE PONDER Art Director IRENE LEDWITH ____________________ Chief Executive Officer CAROLINE KILMER President ART JOINNIDES Chairman JAY STEIN

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CONTENTS What Is the Tarot?...................................................... 4 Preparing to Read the Tarot..................................... 5 Reading the Tarot...................................................... 8 Spreads........................................................................ 9 One-Card Daily Reading....................................... 9 Past, Present, Future............................................. 10 Clarity.................................................................... 11 The Week Ahead................................................... 12 The Year Ahead..................................................... 14 The Celtic Cross.................................................... 16 The Major Arcana.................................................... 19 The Minor Arcana.................................................... 23

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What Is the Tarot?

While the history of the Tarot is long and somewhat mysterious, it is believed to have originated in fifteenth-century Italy as a simple card game. Throughout the years, layers of religious, mystical, and astrological symbolism and meanings were added to create the cards we know today. .The Tarot is comprised of 78 cards, divided into the major and minor arcana. While there are countless tarot decks with different themes and artwork, each has the same types of cards that represent the same things. When using a Tarot deck, it is more important that you connect with that particular deck than which deck you use. .Some believe the Tarot taps into the spiritual or supernatural to provide a means of enlightenment or even divination. Others see the Tarot simply as a means of self-exploration through contemplation prompted by the symbolism and interpretions of the cards. Regardless of how you view the Tarot, you should come away feeling uplifted. It is up to you how and on what level you connect with it.


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Preparing to Read the Tarot Attuning

The more connected you feel with your deck, the better able you will be to read the cards and offer meaningful and accurate interpretations. To build that connection, do one or more of the following: • Sleep with the cards underneath your pillow. • Hold the cards, close your eyes, and visualize light entering your head and then flowing through your arms and into the cards. • Touch and handle your cards often. • Cleanse your cards by fanning them out and blowing on them and/or placing them in a neat stack and tapping on them. You may also want to smudge them with sage. • Do not allow others to touch your cards unless you are offering a reading.


The more familiar you are with your particular Tarot deck, the better able you will be to discern and express interpretations. Take some time to simply appreciate the artwork and see which details speak to you. Review the general topics and assigned interpretations for each card, recognizing that these are only starting points. As your intuition strengthens, you will learn additional nuances and connections between the cards. Skill will come as you practice and learn to trust your instincts.

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If there is a specific question at hand, think of that as the cards are shuffled and placed. Otherwise, leave your mind open to receive general guidance. Shuffle and either fan out or cut the deck. With your left hand, select and place three cards as shown below. While each card in the spread does represent something specific, you may turn and read the cards in any order you feel is appropriate at the time. 1. Past: Something or someone from the past that has a continuing influence 2. Present: Your current situation 3. Future: How the situation may carry on or resolve





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Shuffle and either fan out or cut the deck. With your left hand, select and place four cards as shown below. Note that the contributing factors appear in no particular order. It is up to the reader to decipher how the cards relate to one other. 1. The particular situation at hand 2– 4. Contributing factors





NOTE If a particular topic needs clarification, the

reader may select a specific card to represent the matter and place it in the 1 position as a signifier. For example, the Lovers may be chosen as a signifier card to clarify a matter of romance. The deck will then be shuffled and the cards for positions 2 through 4 will be selected and placed.

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The Major Arcana

The major arcana is comprised of 22 cards. These deal with major life events and are considered the trump cards. If a major arcana card appears in a spread, it carries more importance than and informs the interpretation of any minor arcana cards.

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beginnings, innocence, risk The Fool is about to begin an exciting adventure. Whatever troubles or rewards may come will come. The Fool cannot be concerned with such things. While some may consider this naivete, others will see it as moving forward in faith. UPRIGHT A new stage of your life is about to begin. Now is the time to take a risk, but be sure to plan for success as best you can. Whether it is a budding romance, a change in your career, someone soon to leave home for the first time, or some other new venture or milestone, maintain an optimistic outlook and an open mind. Commit, plan accordingly, and savor the journey.


The Fool

REVERSED Manage the changes in your life wisely.

Taking risks or a leap of faith often results in great reward, but do not do so blindly or foolishly. Think before you speak. Act with intention. Weigh your options before making a decision or committing to something new. Remain open to new opportunities but proceed with caution. Do not sabotage yourself by making rash decisions.


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I. THE MAGICIAN action, creativity, skill

The Magician, who once traveled as the Fool, now has the tools needed to transform creative impulses into actual results. Bold, full of inspiration, and confident, the Magician uses creative and emotional power to manifest what is truly desired. Broaden your professional and creative horizons by expressing your true desires and working to attain them. Use your natural abilities and talents. Be proud of who you are, what you have accomplished thus far, and what you know you will soon achieve. Now is a good time to be social, settle into your home, explore your romantic desires, and push your career forward.



The Magician

REVERSED Beware of those who may want to deceive or mislead you. Be discerning of others’ actions in order to understand their true motives, which may not be in your best interest. You may feel a slump in creativity. Do not delay in making choices. Consider your options and make an informed decision. Express yourself honestly and directly to avoid any miscommunication.

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The Minor Arcana

The minor arcana is made up of 56 cards divided into four suits of fourteen cards each. These cards are numbered from Ace (1) to 10 and then progress through four character cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These cards represent everyday situations and relationships. Each specific suit relates to a particular element and area of life. Suit





Emotions, Imagination, Relationships



Achievements, Wealth, Work



Decisions, Thought, Intellect



Action, Instinct, Communication

The Pip (numbered) cards represent how situations in your life may unfold. The Court (character) cards either represent particular people in your life or attitudes you or someone else exhibits.

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The Suit of Cups ACE OF CUPS beginnings, love

UPRIGHT A new romance may develop. Existing relationships will strengthen. Make relationships a priority, but don’t let personal, creative, or business endeavors suffer, as those will also enter a new productive era. Good things are coming.

Ace of Cups

REVERSED You may feel overwhelmed or burned out from the demands of work or your existing relationships. A new relationship might wither into disappointment. A moment of self-doubt and insecurity will come, but hold fast to your values and these negative influences will soon pass.


harmony, love, partnership UPRIGHT Love will blossom, either with a new lover or as you venture to the next level with an existing partner. You may enjoy a burst of productivity with a friend who shares your creative interests. Reconciling estranged relationships is imminent.

Two of Cups

REVERSED Things might appear to be fine, but be watchful of trouble bubbling underneath the surface. Unfulfilled love, infidelity, or secrets might lurk where you least expect. Trust your intuition. Don’t let life distract from important relationships. 44

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celebration, loved ones, plenty UPRIGHT Celebrate milestones with loved ones. Welcome the positive influences of family and close friends as a way to heal, whether emotionally or physically. Creative pursuits and new endeavors will reap rewards as you exercise your talents.

Three of Cups

REVERSED You might have gone a step too far with

a flirtation or allowing your emotions to run free. A lack of understanding or difference in priorities may strain a romance. Ego, pigheadedness, or betrayal might mar a friendship. Be sure to address your health concerns.


discontentment, restlessness UPRIGHT Do not allow past failures to sour any romantic or professional opportunities. Relax the high standards you set to protect yourself from disappointment. Let any discontent you feel drive positive change. Open up, breathe, and just be happy.

Four of Cups

REVERSED You feel dissatisfied, but you are not sure why or what may need to change. Identify what you want and then develop a plan to achieve it. Think outside the box. Try something new. Express your true desires to others.

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YarnTarot For Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers

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