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To Mask or not to Mask, that is the question

Masking 101: To Mask or not to Mask, that is the question

After July 1, the only place on campus requiring masks is Health Services


On July 1, the University of Guelph dropped its mask mandate, and people on campus were able to make their own decision on whether or not to continue wearing their face covering.

This came shortly after the Ontario government announced on June 11 that masks would no longer be mandatory in most public spaces including: public transportation, large social gathering spaces, public event spaces, places of worship and public fitness spaces.

Some are choosing to go mask free, while others are choosing to keep wearing their face coverings. There may be differing opinions on whether to continue masking, but there is one thing we can all agree on–it’s nobody else’s business.

Choosing to wear a mask

If you are choosing to continue wearing your mask, ensure that it fits properly and covers your nose and mouth. Even if you don’t have COVID-19, wearing a mask can help stop transmission and help guard against other illnesses like the common cold or flu.

You may also choose to continue social distancing as well, although it may be hard in some public spaces.

Some may choose to wear masks if they’re immunocompromised or have someone at home who is immunocompromised. Some may choose to wear a mask because they have a special event coming up and don’t want to get sick. Others may just want to wear one to protect others.

Either way, that is completely okay. Be comfortable knowing that you’re making the best choice for you and your loved ones.

Going mask-free

If you’re over mask-wearing, let your skin breathe! We’ve been through two years of smelling our bad coffee breath and dealing with mask acne. However, it’s still important to be conscious of others’ health, face covering or not.

Remembering the hand hygiene we learned at the onset of the pandemic and keeping it part of your regular routine is a great way to prevent the spread of germs. Remembering to cover your mouth with your elbow if you cough or sneeze is also important. Be mindful of others and don’t go out if you’re feeling under the weather or displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.

At the end of the day, we all have a part to play in ensuring that the University of Guelph is a safe space for everyone. That includes being a good community member and respecting somebody’s right to wear a mask or go mask-free.

It’s up to you to make your own decisions! Just remember to be safe and mindful of others.

Note: According to the U of G COVID-19 news webpage, masks will be required in some crowded spaces. Students will need to carry a mask with them at all times on campus.

Whether you choose to wear a face covering, or go mask-free, it’s important to remain respectful of others’ decisions. CREDIT: UNSPLASH

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